Thursday, August 23, 2012

Kristin Davis & Aaron Sorkin Split

In Touch says that Aaron Sorkin and Kristin Davis have split. I'm not sure there are that many people that know the couple were even going out. I think when Kristin Davis adopted her baby girl that she suddenly also decided she needed a baby daddy and that Aaron Sorkin was feeling the pressure and when he starts feeling pressure then bad things can start happening to him so it was probably a good thing they split. You know, Kristin Davis has had a kind of crazy life. She has enjoyed being a celebrity and has had her crazy moments. She has had the naked photos splashed all over the internet and partied and been on a hit show and dated some really big stars and has lots and lots of stories to share. But, at the end of the day it always seems like she has been alone. Nothing with her lasts very long.


  1. Is that a reveal about her wanting to return the baby?

  2. Is that a reveal about her wanting to return the baby?

  3. Is that a reveal about her wanting to return the baby?

  4. Seems like multiple reveals here!

  5. Looks like he is holding an imaginary cup.

  6. This definitely feels like multiple reveals. I'm off work today and have nothing better to do, so I'm on it.

  7. IIRC, the blind was to get a baby to test drive first. I read a post on xojane 2 weeks back about an nypost reporter that went on dates with him and inspired a character on his new show. I got the impression he was a casual dater and this thing with Kristin wasn't serious. Pls he seems like a jerk

  8. @beguessin - i think you're confusing the twitter blind about an actress who wanted to return her adopted baby with a recent blind about a reality star who wanted to get a baby to test drive before adopting.

  9. There was also a blind (I don't remember if it was actually Enty's, or just National Enquirer) about a new couple where the man is an alcoholic and the woman (who was presumed to also be a recovering alcoholic) was doing all that she could to help him from relapsing (staying very close at events, etc.).

  10. Dying to know the blind reveals. Always loved her as Charlotte.

    His lectures on The Newsroom totally grate on my nerves, but I am trying to stick with the show for the long haul.

    1. Are you kidding? That is one of the most refreshing shows on Television. I LOVE it! AND I ESPECIALLY LOVE THOSE LECTURES!

  11. enty it seems you are implying that something is wrong with kristen davis. seriously, can you blame her for breaking up w/that pompous ass aaron sorkin? I can barely listen to an interview with him, because he grates on me so badly.

    women no longer have to get married. she's had a bunch of men interested in her, and she's chosen to be single. yes, being single for a woman can be a choice.

    she's still good friends with sjp and cynthia nixon, so lets not make it seem like she is odd or something.

  12. I really hope that Kristin doesnt fall off the wagon because of the split. Always been a fan of hers.

  13. So this seems like a reveal for the actress dating the super famous guy and she goes to all of his events to keep him from drinking. That was last week, wasn't it?

  14. 'Test-driving' a baby sounds awful, but at least she was trying to be honest? And not keep a child in home where's he's not wanted?

    I know, I know....If she's not sure, she shouldn't dabble with kid's lives. SIGH.

  15. Okay. This blind:

    was obviously Kristin and Aaron and it was the popular guess.

    Still looking for something else that could be her though.

  16. I know that this is a bad comparison, but the rescue that I adopted my dogs from has a two week foster-to-adopt period. That way, if the people realized they weren't capable of taking care of the dog (or if the rescue felt that they weren't doing a good job), then the dog wouldn't be stuck in a bad situation. It really results in much more successful adoptions. Not saying that it would be good to implement with kids, but it does make you think.

    That being said, the "test drive" celeb was a reality star, so it was not Kristin Davis.

  17. I always thought she was the blind from a few months ago where she wanted to return her adopted baby

  18. Wow. I worked with Kristen on SATC one time. She's absolutely stunning in person. Her face...gorgeous and flawless. TV doesn't do her any justice. TV does her justice, becuase in as far and fast away as you can before you turn to stone.

  19. that "nothing with her lasts long"
    sounds like language from an older blind

  20. I've always been surprised that she's still single, and that she hasn't become a bigger star after SATC. She's definitely a girl crush for me. Is she a recovering alcoholic??

  21. I can see where two recovering alcoholics would have a hard time making a go of it, especially when one of them is a fairly new mother and the other has a new show that is being eviscerated by the critics.

    You can also tell just by the writing in Newsroom that Sorkin completely has his head up his ass about women. He writes women like they are helpless idiots waiting to be rescued by an interesting if not tortured man.

  22. Awww I love Charlotte...hope she finds happiness.

  23. What really big stars has Kristin dated??

  24. It's almost impossible for two bad alcoholics to stay together when one stops.

    This happened to me with the SO that left me for Angelina Jolie(actually Jolie-Laide horseface haha).

    I stopped drinking cold turkey pretty much, so if I went up to the bar and had a pop, it was pretty lame. Plus, when both of you are drinking, you make excuses for each other and turn a blind eye to the flirting etc. that goes on. When only one of you is drinking, you notice everything, and fighting and hurt feelings happen almost immediately.

  25. At least she doesn't appear to be desperate (side eye to JLH). If she can't prop him up anymore then good for her. She seems quite capable on her own.

  26. Anonymous11:10 AM

    I hope The Newsroom survives all of the crappy reviews and the like. All of my friend and I love the show.

  27. @Crila16

    I totally agree!! I met Kristin in Atlantic City, getting off an elevator - just at the height of her Melrose Place success. I could NOT believe how gorgeous she was in person - beautiful green eyes and flawless skin. TV does not do her justice, she is beautiful in real life and just average on TV.

  28. Sorkin is a pompus ass who writes shows/movies designed to impress dumb people. Anyone this stupid and this successful has got to be a nightmare to spend time with.

  29. Melrose Place, baby. I think her father (or was it husband?) was played by Perry King.

  30. Love both Sorkin and Davis. She was the only character that wasn't annoying as hell on sex and the city.

  31. Sorkin is only tolerable when he's working with a partner to temper his OTT tendencies. When he's the only one really holding the reins, avoid him like the plague.

  32. Wondering if their split has anything to do with Kristin working with John Stamos right now?

  33. I like Kirsten Davis but I bugged me when she named her new baby my daughters exact name, first and middle. It was original, somewhat, dammit!
