Sunday, August 05, 2012

Kristen Stewart Accused Of Sleeping With Another Producer

Apparently it is not being in Twilight that gets Kristen Stewart work, but her willingness to sleep with producers. At least that is what Robert Pattinson is saying after he discovered that Kristen is staying with another former producer of her movie Welcome To The Rileys. This is where Kristen went after she left the home she shared with Rob. According to Radar, Robert called over there the other night and accused the producer, Giovanni Agnelli of having sex with Kristen. It is an odd choice of finding a place to stay. You would think she would pick a place at Chateau Marmont or something like that. She does not have any girlfriends at all really and none of the other actresses from Twilight invited her to stay with them because they don't really like Kristen, so maybe it was stay alone or stay with some guy who gave you a role before and can do so in the future.


  1. Woah. Just keeps getting worse for KStew. None of this is unheard of but usually kept much quieter.

  2. Since the relationship is fake, was this the way they were going to break-up?

  3. I'm sorry but this guy is better looking to me then Rob.

  4. Would she really be so stupid to stay with another guy she slept with?? I don't necessarily like her, but I don't think so. Except I guess it IS stupid since anyone with a brain would figure this rumor was going to surface.

  5. Isn't this a fake couple or if it's real, RP has also cheated on KS?

  6. i hate the is makes me excited for the last twilight movie just for the awkaward red carpet global events.

    Maye the kristen and rob relationship started as a a pr stunt but either they really did fall in love or he is just pissed for making him look like a cuckold and it will hurt his career options also.

    1. I hate it too, but I'm with you

  7. Young good looking actress sleeps w/ young good looking producer News at 11....give me a break.

  8. I thought he was gay. I always run back to my gay "husbands" after a break up. It's the safest place to be if you don't have a trusted female BFF.

  9. Jesus fuck, like she's the first actress to get put on the casting couch?

    This floppy haired dope is throwing PRODUCERS under the bus for using the casting couch when he's nailed every girl he's ever been in a movie with?

    Dude, I know you've got an axe to grind and it sucks to lose your girlfriend, but honestly, this is gonna come back on him in an ugly way.

  10. I wouldn't put it past her. I have it on good authority that cheating runs in her family (not talking about any famous family members but a cousin who has the same disregard for wives and children of the men she wants to sleep with )

  11. He's totally making "Blue Steel" at the camera. I'm starting to think that she is powerless against creepy odd guys who trigger gaydar while not having any of the handsomeness you would usually look for in a gay guy.

  12. Enty your own blind reveal says that RP is the biggest cheater of all...

  13. Ohhhh. Thanks Enty. This explains his twitter rant this morning. I wondered who this random individual was. He must be friends with a Janie Godley. They both were carrying on about this whole mess on twitter. Lots and lots to say.

    1. What twitter account did you see this on? All the RP ones are ages old..?

  14. I think that every move these two have made has been calculated, including all this post break up douchery. That's why none of this is being kept quiet. Both Rob and Kristen have most likely been hitting anything they've wanted during their publicity stunt "relationship". Have to admit, they were successful in their endeavor.

  15. All of this makes sense as a PR strategy to end the relationship only if she really is lesbian and the studios and KStew really want her to appear straight. Otherwise, it doesn't make sense as a PR stunt to end a fake relationship, because what actress would find it better for image to be portrayed as friendless whore who jumps the bones of every producer to get jobs rather than an actress who likes women?

  16. What MrWolf said--granted, this guy seems to be a fairly small-scale indie producer, but getting a reputation for being willing to talk trash about producers in general won't exactly help his career. Also, we don't know that she really did sleep w/the guy, just that he's claiming she did, and if he's half the horndog he's accused of being, then he's being one hell of a hypocrite. (Seems to me that someone ought to drag some of his adventures out into the light--fair play and all that, you know. What she did was wrong, but if he's been screwing around all over the place, well...)

  17. I'm not sure cheating is genetic, especially when a cousin is the proof.

    1. I wasn't being literal. But it is an interesting coincidence.

  18. I dont understand why she is being thrown under the bus for the whole "casting couch" approach. Isn't that the way things are done in hollywood??? She probably wouldn't have been able to get a job otherwise. I don't get it, the couch is the way its been done for ever so why is she being singled out!!!???? And what about the skanky producers???

  19. It's a bit odd that RP would say 2 peeps about infidelity considering his track record, I don't understand. maybe to take the heat off his indiscretions?

  20. Barton, no one is as handsome as you! ;) I think GA has pretty eyes even if he is a creepy odd gaydar triggerer. He is definitely better looking and cleaner than RPatz.

    Maybe GA is trying to work up his fame angle too. Did anyone know who he was before this?

  21. This producer is really cute! Maybe Kstew is a guy's girl and has a hard time befriending women. Either way I'm tired of both of them...

  22. Okay, well...Radaronline isn't exactly--you know--reliable. Then again, you have to take most gossip sites with a grain of salt. Who the hell knows where either of them is. For all we know, they're having a backyard barbecue after a clandestine wedding in Big Sur, for which Natalie Portman camouflaged, saying it was HER wedding.

    Hey, it could happen.

  23. It's just hard to figure out what's real and what's not, I feel like I'm being played but I can't figure out what the advantages would be. There is probably going to be some kind of epic reuniting right before the movie or something.

  24. Brenda - HAHAHA wouldn't THAT be something!

  25. Also this is Radar so I'm not sure that RP called him at all.

  26. @Brenda L, that's EXACTLY how I feel. I know I'm getting played somehow, but how?

  27. @Brenda - Of course there will be! A giant reconciliation with lots of tears and photos and talk of weddings. Movie premiers to lots of fanfare and final break up will happen 6 months later.

    Drama! We must have more drama to sell more tickets!

    I will be very happy when the Twilight BS is over. I only watched the first one and swore I wouldn't see another.

  28. OMG he is hot, hot, hot. Look at those eyes! Hel-LO.

    I've decided not to believe anything regarding KStew & RPatz unless I see it with my own eyes. No plans to go to LA anytime soon, so that's probably not going to happen. Who knows what the deal is with those two unless you're one of their friends?

    @timebob, I wanna see the red carpet for the same exact reason.

  29. I know she's supposedly not very pleasant, and cheating is certainly wrong, but Kristen S. seems to have turned into the scapegoat for every cheating spouse / S.O. in history.

  30. I read that Jodie Foster has been in touch with her. (Not literally, folks).

  31. I'm annoyed that she is being flayed alive for this. Shit, she's so young - who didn't make tons of really ignorant mistakes at her age (hello, first marriage and drug addiction...). I think she's just a really easy target since she's not really fighting back. She already apologized. What's next, a public flogging?

  32. @Em - Those lips too! Didn't want to be too trashy before noon.

    AND - watched Thor again yesterday and realized you chose a kitty with a red Thor cape. Maybe I'm just reaching....but you never know with that tricky subconscious mind.

  33. Hey, if Charlize says she's awesome, she's awesome, mmmmkay? ;)

    Anyway, I call SHENANIGANS!!!!!!!!! with this whole deal. I don't know what's what, but it stinks like a dead rat.

    Anybody remember Bnl? She was an insider that said she knew people from the Twilight set and they said they ALL hit each other, that Rob was def not gay and that Kristen and Rob def hooked up with each other. The thing was she explained how in HW it's different when you sleep with others in a relationship. I tend to believe that explanation.
    Miss you Bnl, btw!

  34. The pix of her canoodling ( UK Mail) were really odd, strange. It looked like they were both aware that a camera was there.

  35. None of this stuff has been confirmed. Radaronline tweeted the guy asking if she was staying with him AFTER they ran the story, so I'm giving this entire fiasco the stink eye. I'm ashamed I even know this much. :(

    I think it's time to leave the kid alone. The tabloids are starting to make up stuff at this point if this entire thing hasn't been a complete sham from the beginning, that is. She didn't even look that into it in the pics. And I'm guessing this isn't the first time Sanders has strayed while married, but our culture will never blame the man as much as the woman in these things (ie; The Jolie).

  36. Both Sanders and this producer guy are a lot hotter than RPatz. He may be a nice guy, but he always looks 3 sheets to the wind ala pot or drink. I believe Enty's blind that Patz first love is alcohol.

  37. Hot, Italian, young wealthy film producer...hmmm.. and she is terrible because why?

    This all sounds like a bunch of made-up drama. Who knows? Who cares? But that guy is seriously yummy looking.

  38. What Moonmaid and MrWolf said.

  39. Doesn't she have her own money to get a place?

  40. Can I just say how shocked I am that she was caught with a MAN?! I can only see this being staged if some lesbian lover of hers was threatening to expose her. Then it would make sense.

  41. @dia - his mouth, yes! And who knows about the Thor thing - you could be right - my ridiculous crush hasn't wavered. I've watched Thor so many times now, I put it on for background noise and I know exactly when to turn my attention to the screen (the good parts!). I've never had such a crush on someone I didn't know. If I saw him in person, I would probably faint. It's so silly, but then again, I don't mind. I just don't TELL anyone about it other than you guys and The Short One, who teases me.

  42. After some of the blinds I've seen about Rob lately I'd say he's got a lot of nerve getting mad at her. Good for the goose, eh?

  43. she's so "nothing". i am really having a hard time believing even what she has admitted to. she comes off as so cold and unemotional, 3 men want her and SHE wanted them??? at the same time!! nope, sorry, can't buy it.

  44. PS: Giovanni Agnelli looks stoned off his gourd in this photo. Munchies, anyone?

  45. Oh please....someone is making up some great fiction to keep this story in the headlines. This has got to be the worst break up ever! And why is Kristen getting all the blame?

  46. I don't think I believe any of this story except that she was w/the snow white director.

    if it was a staged relationship, why would rp care?

    if it wasn't a staged relationship and he was cheating on her, why would rp be so indignant?

    I'm just tired of this and won't read any more about it. though I do have to say, it is very very sexist. no man would be raked over the coals like she has been. the director guy has already gotten off scot free and he was the one who cheated on his wife and kids, not her. this 'scandal' will not effect the director's career at all, may even give it a boost. gross.

  47. Kristin Stewart is young, beautiful and wears no ring on her left ring finger. She can sleep with anybody she wants. This shouldn't be news.

  48. So much for the rumors she's asexual.

  49. She's... twi-sexual.......(not original)

  50. Trampire!! (obviously, not original)

  51. look at that face - the waxed brows, sucked in cheeks(look skinny girl) and that perfect stubble are pinging my Gaydar big time. That said - I'd run to him over Rpats any day...@ barton fink - LMAO at Blue Steel

  52. Oh please.....any tabloid can say anything without proof. I call BS on this....

  53. LOL @Em. Can we start the not-so-secret Thor lover society? I know the girls started Tommy's Girls, but we really need a Thor club too. Em and I can't be the only ones. Although if we are, then more for us!

  54. I'm with the others who wonder why it is KS getting thrown under the bus over this. Female "stars" sleep with married men all the time either for a career boost, or because of on-location attractions. This is not news so why is KS all of a sudden getting the scarlet letter treatment? It's not fair, and I don't even like her.

    So how long before Oprah offers her an interview?

  55. I wonder (if the relationship is not fake), if RP talks about being a one-woman kind of man because he stopped cheating after they moved in together. Maybe he doesn't consider it cheating if you are just dating? Total bullshit, but you'll remember Bill Clinton's denial about sex with Lewinsky because his penis never actually made the trip - lol

  56. Ooh, he's cute. That's all I have to say about any of this. ;)

  57. @N9NA: I didn't scroll through all the comments on here to see if anyone read it or not. Anyway, check for Janey Godley on twitter and look at her August 4th tweets.

  58. oh @dia & @EmEyeKay - you girls aren't the only ones with Thor love!! I'll join your club!!

  59. I also feel very sorry for her. Shes being crucified for something everyone in Hollywood does. If it had been RP who had been caught canoodling, it would have been forgotten by now. Women have come a long way but we still have a long way to go.
    Its so strange, I looked at the pictures and just couldn't believe them. I dont get it.

  60. @snoopy

    "penis never actually made the trip" - My 3rd grade brain finds this hillarious!!!

    Apparently, BJs don't count. Boys is that so? Enty. Time for another Your Turn, but on a Friday after cocktails.

  61. With everything she's got going on, you'd think she would smile once in a while.

  62. If y'all haven't seen it, find the YouTube video: Kristen Stewart Explains Cheating. It's hilarious!

  63. can we just say k. stewart sleeps with everyone and call it a day? other than the twilight hype, i don't understand how she continues to get work. she's not interesting, she always seems to have a stick up her butt, and she's not that great of an actress. snow white and the huntsmen was good, and it definitely wan't cause of her. but thats just me *shrug*

    they're really playing this whole cheating scandal up, and i feel like its not as big of a story as ppl intended to make it. i feel like its already being forgotten. and plus, if you guys are like me and are loyal readers of this site, then you know based on the blinds that rob p. and k. stewart has an arrangement, an open relationship. if anything, this is supposed to be a career booster for them, and the only one really hurt my this is Liberty Ross and her children. its just sad.

  64. I hope this Pattison guy has some nudes of her to leak on the net.

  65. Well now this is more like it. This guy is hawt. She's obviously not ready to settle down and better RPatz found out about it now rather than later. She just needsta close her legs ta married men.
