Monday, August 20, 2012

Kneepads Wants You To Know Tom Cruise Is The Greatest Guy Ever

I love how Kneepads is perfectly willing to take Tom Cruise's side about things and chooses to ignore anything to do with Scientology. It is like there is nothing bad that can come into the little cocoon that People has created for itself and it is all unicorns and naked David Beckham photos in their offices. Katie Holmes went to Ohio last week. Raise your hands if you ever saw Katie Holmes go to Ohio the entire time she was married to Tom. Yeah, except for the Scientologist in the corner I don't see any hands. I'm pretty sure you could go back and document almost everyday of the couple's marriage with photos and I know no one was photographed in Ohio or mentioned Ohio or even said the word Ohio. It sure wasn't Katie saying it because all she ever said in any interview was the word amazing.

Anyway, Tom got his 4 foot self really really upset about people saying Katie had never been while they were married. Look at this quote that a "source" gave to Kneepads about Ohio and Katie.

"Katie visited Ohio with Suri many times. To say Tom prevented anything is a gross lie. He not only didn't prevent [Suri having a relationship with Holmes' family] but encouraged it and paid for it!" I really like the exclamation point, and thanks for paying for your kid to see her grandparents. That is really generous of you. How about also paying for some reimbursements for all those people Scientology screwed over. "The first several birthday parties Katie and Tom threw for Suri had the family and cousins come to town – all expenses were paid for by Tom." So, still no actual going to Ohio. Oh, and notice this was the first several parties. What about the last three?

"Holidays were always a family affair for the couple, the source says, no matter where their filming schedules took them. Holmes and Suri spent one Thanksgiving in Toledo with Cruise's teenage children, Bella, 19, and Connor, 17, while the actor was in Austria shooting Knight & Day and couldn't make it home in time to join the family." So, if he could have made it in time there would have been no Ohio. Wow, the guy protests a lot. I can see him shouting at people and spit flying from his mouth as he jumped up and down in his lifts while screaming, "I paid for those people from Ohio to come here. You tell them I did."


  1. FREE TOM!! And where's Shelly? (That's all)

  2. Where's Shelly?? I wonder how long it'll be before the trolls come marching in...

  3. At first when I saw this headline, I thought it said that "Tom Cruise is the greatest gay ever."

  4. Love the "Tom and his 4 foot self"! I actually snorted out loud in the middle of a meeting reading that. Yeah, I'm totally going for employee of the month..CDAN during Monday meetings and all that ;)

  5. lmfao i saw that on their website and it was a "source" from "katie's side" *eye roll* tom's side is more like it

  6. Very funny. I like the line "Yeah, except for the Scientologist in the corner I don't see any hands." EXACTLY.

    He doth protest too much.

  7. It's nice that they're focused on how much Tom has paid for. Okay, so MAYBE Tom flew the family out - still a situation of which he's in control. Ugh. His visitation should be supervised.

  8. Let me speak for my state--we don't want Tom. It's really fine.

  9. Does anyone really read People anymore? Everyone knows its just a shill for celebs.

  10. crila - Shelly Miscavige. She's the wife of David Miscavige - the big guy at CO$ - and she's missing. No one has seen her for a long time, and thinks she got sent to the Hole.

  11. Has anyone in Ohio seen Tom around? There have got to be witnesses.

  12. I've never seen him here...thank Xenu!! I'm also 17 feet taller than him, so maybe I didn't recognize him way down there with the little people :)

  13. I'm pretty sure any pro-Scientology source is coming from Karen Pouw, the head PR mouthpiece for the Cult of Greed. She must be getting tired of fending off all of the "Scientiolgy front Narconon kills yet another rehab patient" rumors and is taking a breather by doing something easier: anti-Katie / pro-GMD rumors.

  14. "Tom got his 4 foot self..."

    Aww, fuck. That just reminded me of the preview I saw this weekend for the Jack Reacher Parody movie. It's got to be a parody, right? No one with even the tiniest shred of sanity would ever cast Tom GMD Cruise to play the giant Reacher, right? Fuck Hollywood.

  15. Free Tom! Where's Shelly!! Good post Enty, thanks for the morning snort!

  16. Where's Shelly?
    This is a really interesting and very sad interview at the V.V. with a woman who born into Scientology:

  17. Moosh-WHY does hollywood have to ruin things on us?! I always thought of JR as Liam Neeson in his Rob Roy heyday. Built like a brick shit house and armed for bear. I'd give Tom props if he did something more like Magnolia. He was great in that.

  18. This is an obvious counterbalance information "leak" to the stories about Katie taking Suri to visit her cousins for the first time.

    The posts above are hilarious!

  19. I was watching NeverEnding Story last night and looked up some of the actors. I was really sad to read that the kid that plays Bastian did a few movies and was off to SeaOrg. Random internet commenter claimed that the school he attended as a kid (Apple School) was a "gateway to Scientology" at the time. And I'm off down this Google rabbit hole...

  20. Help me, Tommy Girls! I was just reading a story about Tony Scott's death, and it included a smokin hot pic of LRC in his race car driver's jumpsuit from Days of Thunder.

    I will read Agent's links re CO$ and remain strong, damnit. Why did you have to screw up your hotness, TOM??? WHY??

    1. Shout to all my Tommy girls! Yes he is an asshole, we all get it. Doesn't mean we can't look? I would ball gag and chain him up, it would be good timez. :)

  21. Where IS Shelly !!????!!!!!
    !!!!!! ! ! ! !
    ! ! ! !!! !!!

  22. I guess if you have enough money to be the producer you can cast yourself in anything. Character is African American..Tom Cruise can overcome that one galring detail. Character is Asian..Make up!!
    This is why H'wd sux and people will make this a "blockbuster"and crap like this continues.

    And I think we're safe from CO$ lurkers now..

  23. And he "even paid for it!"???
    Whatta guy/gay :D

  24. This is an odd and desperate big of spin. Katie's family is not subject to any gag orders agreed to in the divorce settlement. They can talk all they like, subject to whatever discretion Katie asks of them.

    By planting this reverse-spin Tom & Co. are practically inviting the tabs to go asking for confirm-or-deny quotes from Katie's family. Typically arrogant-stupid move by Tom's COS handlers.

  25. Tom is a bit a a reach for Jack Reacher indeed. 6 foot five with ice coloured eyes.....

    "Reacher's size in the books is a metaphor for an unstoppable force, which Cruise portrays in his own way," Child said (after he was given a very large cheque)

  26. Astrogirl, if he had complained about the casting, he could've been sued. Check out the mess that went on with Clive Cussler and 'Sahara.' Last I heard, the lawsuits were still going on.

  27. Mooshki it's a shame the writers rarely get any input regarding casting decisions.

  28. Before TC was cast as Reacher, I had no doubt I'd see any film based on one of the books. Well, guess my stolid little reality-based imagination wasn't up to what H'wood could come up w/casting solutions.

    5'4" plays 6'5"? Where do you get lifts like that? And stretch his torso so it doesn't look like legs for miles? Cast everyone else in the film w/little people? Oh right, TC is such a force of nature that we'll all see him as larger than life in this film.

  29. I live in Toledo and there were MANY reports/sighting of Katie and Suri this past week or so...before that, the whole time they were married I can't think of ANY news of them visiting if they did, they hid well.
