Thursday, August 16, 2012

Kim Zolciak Wins Worst Baby Name Of The Week

Kim Zolciak had her second son yesterday,. She announced to the world that she was naming her son Kash Kade. Do you really think Kroy had anything to do with the naming of the child? I would not be shocked if Kim had said she named the child after some product that began with a K like Kozy Shack. Someone is going to have to pay the bills going forward and if you are going to exploit your child by selling their photos, I think you should just take it to the next level and sell their naming rights. Why not? The kid can always come up with a nickname to be called later and in the meantime the parents can spend all the money they were given and tell the kid they are out of luck when it comes time to pay for college. Mom needed some new wigs. Do you know how much they cost, and Big Poppa doesn't pay as well as he used to back when you were born. Do you think Kim has called Big Poppa or do you think she is making enough money? I don't think she is making as much money as she needs to get by on the lifestyle she wants.


  1. Can somebody please slap the wig off this bitch?

  2. I know of someone who is naming their son Cash. I also know of two people who named their children Cage (one is a boy, ones a girl) seeing as the dads name is Kroy! It doesn't seem too weird to name the kid Kash.

  3. @ Vicki Cupper

    that's funny as hell!!!

  4. I am thankful that we were not subjected to a "Don't Be Tardy to the Baby" show.

    Can't you imagine it? She'd be getting wheeled in to her scheduled delivery while wearing some fugly, spangled out, bell-bottomed, maternity wear jumpsuit while pretending it was an unscheduled emergency. Her mom would be kicked out of the hospital, everybody would cry. We dodged a bullet, folks.

  5. Who is going to buy the baby photos? Who wants to see them? Is it because it is the first baby born to a man? That must be it.

  6. LOL, what kind of drug induced fuckery is that name? Just awful

  7. The only K K I should ever have to deal with is Krispy Kreme.

  8. She is the personification of extra.

  9. Sorry but it reminds me too much of the dishwashing liquid Caskade

  10. Sounds like Cash Cow. I think the name Cash can be a good name for certain people, not ones who use it just to get attention by misspelling, rhyming, or having all the same initials.

  11. Her husband seems like a doofus, but he actually seems like a nice guy. Not to mention he's 26 and she's allegedly 34. I have no doubt she removed his ginger balls long ago.

  12. Great, a new group of famewhore K's.

  13. I don't know why she has to live so high off the hog. If I had her money I wouldn't have to ask for help from the outside and I'd still have savings. Some people just don't have the life skills I guess.

  14. Lmao- allegedly 34! Yeah freaking right..she's 34 and I'm the second coming of LRon

  15. Kash Kade. Cascade. Hoo boy. But the dad's name is Kroy so what do you expect?

  16. Can someone tell me what a Kroy is? Is it as simple as Troy with a K? I've never heard this name before.

  17. I love the name Cash. In honor of J.R., natch. And his daughter Rosanne.

    Kash, I'm a looking at a bit askance, but if the mommy's and daddy's names start with "K," I get it. I think? I've heard much worse.

  18. I've heard worse. If your family name is "Head," please don't name your child Richard. Period.

  19. It's sounds like Sean Connery saying the word 'cascade'. The messed up spelling irks me. Always does...

  20. --Amber said...
    "Can someone tell me what a Kroy is? Is it as simple as Troy with a K? I've never heard this name before."

    Isn't it the tiny shrimp that whales eat?

  21. Xenia, I have a friend that named her daughter "Katy" but spells it Kaede. Irks me every fucking time.

  22. Come with me to the elementary school, and you will witness some name craziness. All the rules are off the table now. Traditional spellings? No way - spell those names any way you want. Boys' names for boys and girls' names for girls? Forget about it - name those poor kids anything. Sometimes it's not even a real word.

    It's a brave new world out there for names, folks. Just be sure and have a box on your forms so parents can indicate the kid's sex, because there is no telling otherwise.

  23. On behalf of future children everywhere, I'm begging you, prospective parents - consider Joe or Susan. Michael, Mary, Thomas, Jane. Please - give you kid one less thing he or she has to explain to every person they meet in life!

  24. I'm with y'allzes on the dumb spelling. Seriously, what's with the Ks and the weirdness?

    On a related note, I once worked briefly in a personnel dept. and while interviewing a woman, she turned to yell at her kids in the waiting room. The boy was named Dijon and the girl L'Oreal. So, there are worse things than Ks!

  25. IDIOCRACY is happening, people. Right before our very eyes.

  26. OMG, Barton, that's hilarious.

    Personally, I like the new baby's name, but I watch her show so it's probably just me.

  27. Congratulations on spawning the first baby ever that is already a douchebag when he comes out.

  28. Why not just name him Kash Kow or KashMoney?

  29. Thanks for the comments. I haven't laughed in weeks and this was coffee spitting funny. She is a plastic, gold digger who thinks she is "special". I say in 5 yrs. he will find someone closer to his own age.

  30. I got some good news, I get my granddaughter back for the weekend today. My niece (Capt. in the Army) had a little talk with my son in-law. I don't think it was a pleasant conversation.

  31. So THIS is why my boyfriend wants to name our future children normal names like Todd or Beth. Seriously people. I have a friend with a baby Kayden or Kaiden (I don't know) and another one with a nephew named Jaiden. Not terrible names. Just not normal either.

  32. @old;ady
    I just got teary! I'm so happy for you, and your niece is my hero xo

  33. I was told by my dad to think of your child as a CEO or doctor. And how idiot like they would sound with a goofy name. Xx

  34. Yay old ;ady! Fantastic news! Have a wonderful weekend with your precious granddaughter.

  35. Good for you, old ;ady!

    If she's 34, I'm the frickin' queen of England.

  36. could have been worse. she could have had the baby sponsored by Kotex.

  37. LMAO, I can picture Sean Connery saying, "I use Kash Kade to wash my dishes; they come out sparkling every time!"

    My friend worked with a lady named "Aquanette". Like the hair spray. And I knew a guy who named his daughter, "Chandelier". Sounded fancy to them I guess, lol. At least they didn't name her Candelabra.

  38. Maybe she thought E! would confuse her child for a KardASHian and just give him his own reality show for million$?

    I might be going nuts, but I really like that dress she's wearing. Not slutty like she usually does and the colors are great on her.

  39. Vicki: That would be krill, them tiny scrimps.
    Old;ady: How wonderful!!! Kiss that baby as much as you can.

    Here is the most unusual name I have ever, ever heard...Listening to an urban music station years back and they are at some show doing a live remote. DJ is doing man on the street and talking to the crowd where he encounters Shaniqua. "Oh, Shaniqua's in the house!" Then he asks her who she is with and he says, "My Mama." "Shaniqua, (I swear that was her name) What is your mama's name?" And she says, "Vagelita"..He had to cut to commercial immediately.

    I swear on my husbands life (and I worship that man)that that is a true story.

    1. Hahaha! Atleat it's better then vageteria.

  40. Should've named him Korky ... his dad is a dead ringer for that dude from Life Goes On.

  41. My bestie's baby boy is named Cash.
    His dad is a musician and often plays with Johnny Cash's former bass player.

  42. Kroy is her husband's first name, I get it with the K's, it could be worse. I liked Kim's show and I liked how she calls out the b*tches on RHOA, lol.

  43. Hi ol;lady, so relieved to hear that you will be able to get your grandbaby back for a visit, even if it's just a weekend to start.

  44. Dr office I used to work at had triplets that came in and were named Applesia, Banasia, and Pearasia.
    And another set of twins were both named Cory(boy), the girls was spelled Kori. Drove me nuts pulling charts I always got them mixed up

  45. old;lady, I'm so glad that you get to love on your grandbaby again! Here's hoping that you can continue to do so.

    Sherry, I almost spit out my beer.

  46. She popped those 2 kiddies out like someone with a loudly ticking time clock or someone on a mission- wow.
    Not a fan of the name.

  47. @Vicki Cupper
    "Xenia, I have a friend that named her daughter "Katy" but spells it Kaede. Irks me every fucking time."

    Kaede is a legit Japanese name, what irks *me* is anyone advocating violence to women like you did in the OP.
