Monday, August 27, 2012

Kelsey Grammer Talks Smack About Camille

Just when you thought that maybe Kelsey Grammer and Camille were getting along or are getting along or have some hope in the future of getting along, Kelsey kind of blew all that out of the water. I don't understand why Oprah has not been plugging the interview with Kelsey like she did Rihanna and Gabby Douglas. Rihanna said the same things she has always said. The only thing shocking was that she didn't have a photo of Chris Brown that she keeps with her at all times or that Chris didn't make an appearance. Kelsey had some gossip. He said that threats were made and that extremely unacceptable behavior took place in front of the children which makes impossible to pretend they can be civil. Ohhhhh. What did Camille do? Do you think the kids caught her having sex? Is Kelsey just mad because she ratted him out about the size of his Frasier? That he likes wearing women's clothes? Kelsey also says that whatever Camille says about her relationship with Kelsey is all lies and that Camille is probably saying things about him to the kids which are not true.


  1. That he likes wearing women's clothes? - reveal?

  2. Doesn't every ex wife trash her husband by saying he was lacking in the pants? But anyway, she can act all haughty now all she wants, we all know she started out as a gold digger, and probably a "dancer" (stripper? Call girl?). She just spent so much time being Mrs. grammer she forgot what floor she got on the elevator at...was it L, B or P1?

  3. No, FSP, that's been mentioned many times.

  4. Kelsey's TASTE in women could be an issue he seriously ignores in himself.
    Poor guy. He has gone through so much with all those terrible deaths in his family....I'm surprised he has held his career together this long.
    Is he off the booze and/or drugs? Anyone know? He seems a bit better since Camille.

  5. @libby, I agree ! He does have a tragic personal history. He has been living smack in the limelight and I don't detect any drugs, alcohol issues. (What do I know). His new wife seems.. normal.. ?

  6. @FSP No a reveal. Camille alluded to him wearing women's clothes on Howard Stern and the logs (including Enty) picked it up

  7. Agent--I'm pretty sure he was badly on coke when he did Cheers, then it was mostly booze? He had some bad episodes as I remember. He seems different now. Maybe someone else can remember this stuff, it's a bit fuzzy for me.
    I MIGHT only associate Cheers with coke use because of memory is shit.

  8. I think he used to have major alcohol/coke issues but has straightened out. Yeah, his new wife does seem "normal". And who knows what he could say about Camille that he's decent enough not to say? I've always felt there's a lot going on with that trick we just don't know about. And agree, Camille talks about him like every bitter exwife I've ever known.

  9. Libby- I think you're right.It was Cheers and post Cheers years for a few years (try saying that a few times!) Cocaine, ecstasy, valium and alcohol. He's talked about it many times. Appears OK for awhile. Still love Fraiser. I have to give him credit as well for the character he has developed for 'Boss'. Fascinating (to me).

  10. @SusanB, for some reason when I first read your post, I thought it said "chocoholic." I thought, "He's addicted to chocolate?!"

  11. Thanks Agent.
    Gee, back when Kirsty was a coke-head she was SO skinny. Does a bad coke habit mess up your metabolism for life? Just curious.

    Kelsey is SO talented (I love Sideshow Bob), but I could live without him being interviewed. His 'real self' makes my skin crawl, for some reason. Maybe it's his sadness, maybe it's the addict, I dunno.

  12. @g.strathmore - no, that would be ME addicted to chocolate!

    @agent*it - survive the storm ok?

  13. Fer chrissakes that presenters voice is like a dentists drill. How the hell do you get a job on TV with that voice? Shriek!

    Meanwhile, Oprah looked like she was just told that she was going on the lettuce diet. Forever.

  14. I have absolutely no respect or sympathy for him since the custody battle when he wanted to take the son to live with him and didn't want anything to do with the daughter. He is a pig.

  15. O Enty, Oprah isn't plugging the Kelsey interview because the only people who care about him are fans of gossip and Bravo TV. Camille's rise to fame lifted his stock a lot, but outside of her fan base, no one really cares about him marrying a barista or whatever nonsense he was up to.

  16. @libby - I think in Kirstie's case, it was more a case of replacing one addiction with another. I don't think coke really messes your metabolism up, it's just that you don't really eat much while you're on it.

  17. Maja--- You're right, of course, about illegal addictions being transferred to food.
    The reason I wondered if not eating for long periods messes you up for life, because of my personal history with gastrointestinal issues. I have gone MONTHS without properly eating, maybe 1 bowl of cereal or a few cheese-sticks per day for months---then when my issues clear up and I can eat again, my metabolism is WACKED (of course).

    My experiences are from not eating for just a few months at a time, so if it were for YEARS--I just wondered what that would do to your metabolism, KWIM?

    1. Ah, libby, my sympathies!! I too have digestive issues that cause to eat unhealthy like for weeks at a time. I hv ibs, plus something called mesenteric panniculitius - which is super rare- but when flares up makes life miserable!! Any tips?

  18. Libby- you should really kick start you metabolism ( I should have become a nutritionist). Start by walking briskly .25 mile then bump it up to .50 mile, then 1 mile.
    After two or three weeks start jogging with the same progression up to 1.50 mile. Then run starting with the .25 mile working up to 1 or 2 miles, according to soreness. Do the walking everyday, jogging everyother day and running every third day until you can go everyother day.

    As I have mentioned paleo diet worked for me and I lost 30 pounds without gaining it back when I had a bad
    ankle injury. I still walk and eat mostly healthy, but I do skip meals if I am not hungry and just have some fruit or a piece of meat With a handful of nuts (almonds, walnuts something high in good fats. :)

    Just my two cents.

  19. Just another sexually bent Republican.

  20. smashbash, I'm 5'7" and range from 100 to 140 pounds---which is a huge yo-yo for a woman, I think. It sucks because when I'm all model-skinny, I feel like shit.

    You're right about exercise, of course, but it's hard to stay in the habit when you flare energy + physical pain= loss of motivation. I kind of walk on eggshells every day as far as food goes. I'm seeing a new GI doc next week though, and surely getting all new tests. So we'll see if my feeling delicate can be smoothed out.
    Thanks for the detailed advice though. We'll see.

  21. Sorry for the OT, all. I am TMI to the core.

    1. Libby- I hope all goes well with your doctor. I have known several people with crohn's and it is a hard road to walk. Hopefully your doctor can find a good diet for you.

      I do know simple carbs, proteins and days break down better in the GI tract then complex carbs and such.

      I was once a chef, now I just love talking about food and diet.

      My boyfriend hated running and eating well, but my system has shocked his body and now he loves running everyother day. :) which is great for his ass. Hehehe

  22. Yep, Kelsey's has coke/alcohol problems off-and-on for a long time, from what I've heard him say in interviews. Given his tragic past, I can't say I wouldn't do the same. Wow.

    However, when it comes to the Kelsey-Camille story, I truly don't know WHO to believe. Nor do I really care THAT much, truth be told.

    I thought Kirstie has stated that her coke problems happened before she was really famous, like before the Star Trek movie. Back when she was still an interior decorator even. And that CoS is what got her clean. Right?

  23. Kelsey was passing his pregnant girlfriend off as his wife in NY while Camille was at home in LA. He's a pig.

  24. @SusanB . yes, you ?

    So he's a pig and she's a ho. Doesn't much affect my life. I thought the custody issue of son turned out to be a "media driven event"?

  25. Best part of the video is 0:54. I chuckled at that.

    As a mega fan of Cheers and Frasier, it sorta makes me wince to hear this. I lump this one in with the other nasty breakups, Burt and Loni, Alec and Kim, et cetera. I don't even care who is ultimately in the wrong anymore. Their collective white noise just gives me a headache.

  26. Kelsey Grammer has always given me the creeps.

  27. Kelsey is a dick. He moved his mistress into the apartment he owned with his wife during their marriage.

    Sorry, I don't get any justifications for his shit behavior. I see everything he does now as a means of making Camille appear to have deserved that.

  28. I don't think either of them acted like saints during their marriage or divorce so they are both guilty in my eyes. I'm lukewarm when it comes to her, but I do love him or at least, I love Frasier and Sideshow Bob. I don't think he should get a pass because of the horrible things that have happened in his past, but he does seem to genuinely want to love and be loved and to be part of a close family unit.

    I could be wrong. I don't know him personally. It's just the impression I get.

  29. What is the Big O wearing?! She looks she made an outfit out of her peach drapes. It was hard for me to focus on Kelsey with the Big O wearing that mess.

  30. @Agent*it - lots of palm fronds down and the roads out of our subdivision are flooded. Could have been worse. Praying for NOLA.

  31. @SusanB, oh yea, I went through Wilma and Andrew. This storm was nothing (thank you Jesus.. or not) Getting a heavy band now with sharp lightning. Take care , terrible driving out there, I'm staying inside.

  32. Love Kelsey Grammer, in just about everything he's done so making the bias obvious up front. He does have terrible taste in women but, then, he's a Recovering Everything. This Camille should take her (thanks to Kelsey) vast fortune and STFU. To those who say well he obviously cheated on her with Another Woman I would say that no one knows who checked out of that relationship first and we have no way of knowing. If he checked out first, why would he be so very obvious? It's odds on, given her background, that Camille knew very well going in that Kelsey was a little kinky and she was willing to put up with that in order to get close The Money. After a certain point, she just cashed out.

  33. Amartel - what he did to Camille was well publicized, was shown on RHOBH and was fodder for Enty for a long time. He doesn't deny it, no need for you to defend him on the pregnant girlfriend front.

  34. I love Kelsey cos I think he is very talented. Loved him on Fraiser and love him on his new show boss. Camille is not a saint or close to for that matter and she needs to get over herself, cos in my opinion she is just a bitter ex wife. I think Kelsey has now married a normal girl, but then again I might be very wrong.

  35. OT, but
    Thanks smash, I struggle with my weight always, and Mr. Be and I have started replacing one meal a day with something from the new juicer. The way you broke it down about adding the exercise seems totally doable, and I am all in.

  36. I have Crohns disease so I have been there on the eating and pain. I can't run - my feet and knees are so beat up after 33 years if tennis playing it can't take the impact. I am in PT for my feet now because it hurts to walk half the time. My pain pills do double duty for my feet and gut.

    I watched this interview. I tend to believe Kelsey vs Camille. Even though neither are a saint. I like his new wife too

  37. I've seen an episode of Camille's Housewives show and she was kissing some other guy and flirting and dancing around like a stripper. I think she and Kelsey are cheaters. One's probably as bad as the other. I think he most likely has appalling taste in women and this new one he's with will show her true colours soon enough. They should try to get along for the children's sake.
