Sunday, August 19, 2012

Katie Holmes Victoria Beckham War Hots New Levels

Did you know Victoria Beckham and Katie Holmes hate each other? They do. No love at all for the pair. It is one of the reasons, other than the timeshare type sales pitch Tom would give David Beckham about Scientology that the two couples stopped hanging out. Well, Victoria Beckham has had her day and her venue for New York Fashion week picked for months and months. She is having her show at the New York Library. Katie Holmes could have picked any day to have her debut fashion show and picked the day and time that Victoria's show is. Why? She knows the press will want photos of her, and will skip Victoria.


  1. Hm...wonder why????

  2. Why do they hate each other? Is it because Victoria has been out dressed and out diva-ed by Suri? I think it's awesome that Katie has rejoined the living and has spiced it up by battling Victoria. Ok, that was lame.

  3. Bitch! But I totally love it. You know damn well Victoria would do the exact same thing if the tables were turned.

  4. Well, as usual, I'm with Katie Holmes on this one. Also, why are they seen as peers? Isn't there a 30 year age difference going on here?

  5. Now this is a girl fight I can get behind!

    Team Vicki or Team Katie? Wagers anyone?

  6. I don't have sides on this one, I just think it's funny. Who knew Katie had it in her? And who knew they didn't get along? Now that I think about it, does Victoria have girlfriends? The Spice Girls don't like her much either so now I'm wondering. Does Posh view every female as a potential rival? Did she get all haughty and is Katie getting payback? Pretty funny all around.

  7. victoria is pretty immersed in the fashion industry, i don't see anyone skipping her show for katie's.

  8. Katie, thats not a sure thing ....

  9. Katie's fashion line sucks balls and Victoria's is quite nice so yeah, kinda a dumb move.

  10. I actually like both of them but I'll be team Katie on this since I adore the backbone she has grown in the last 2 months.

    (Katie's line thus far has been shit...I don't think VB needs to worry)

  11. Ooooh, that's deliciously bitchay!

  12. Yeah truth is the fashion people would go to Victoria's and the paps might go to Katie's. It's just funny since it's so different from the robotic Katie we've seen that calls everything "amazing". Good for her to show some fighting spirit even if it's something so minor.

  13. You know, this is masterminded by Suri!

  14. Does this answer any blinds?

    Victoria can win this one way and one way only... She must wear the WORLD'S BIGGEST SUNGLASSES. They will be heavier than she but it's the only way. Katie will be forced to admit defeat.

  15. Team Victoria on this one.

  16. @djphob - I love it, and I want to see the photos when Vicki breaks the record.

    P.S. - tell your tiger I said hi, and Happy Sunday!

  17. When Katie first married Tom, she was very stylish, with short hair and couture. That didn't last long. She was supposedly "mentored" by Beckham.

    I'm betting there's plenty of photogs to go around.

  18. No one in the industry will be at Katies show.
    Everyone will be at VB.
    Paparazzi- maybe more at Katies show.
    Not actual fashion people. no way.

  19. Meh, still not interested in Katie.

  20. Katie Holmes has one song on her iPhone, I'm Coming Out by Diana Ross. She plays it every time she has a decision to make. ;)

    I agree, the paps will go to Katie's show, the Fashionistas will go to Posh's show. We all win.

  21. I was never a Spice Girl fan and don't particularly like Victoria's sourpuss karma, but i LOVE her clothes.

    When VB started, he line was basically a ripoff of Roland Mouret, who is one of my favorite designers, but she's taken things to the next level in a way that RM has not. The cut, the color, the imagination - she or whomever is doing her work for her is very, very good.

    Without any inside knowledge, I can only assume that Holmes & Yang is 99% Yang, plus a little bit of Holmes for name recognition value. I feel bad for Yang, since I assume she is doing all the heavy lifting, but the clothes line is a non-starter. Someone with tabloid smarts arranged for this scheduling "conflict", because there is no other reason to go and see the Holmes & Yang show.

    I believe that Jeanne Yang was once Tom Cruise's stylist. Apparently she also styles Andrew Garfield, Christian Bale, Mark Walberg and Dustin Hoffman, according to the Hollywood Reporter. Maybe she should stick to men's clothes.


  23. From what I've seen Katie wear, I would go to VB's fashion show instead.

  24. Dia- i think, if true, thus makes women look small and petty. Dont like it, and slight exge to victoria fir her and husband's taking care of their family. And that baby!! Too cute!!!

    1. Edge- and i was gonna make fun of " typo enty"!! Lol

  25. @frufra Happy Sunday to you as well! :)

    You know, this is really setting Suri up to have an epic Romeo and Juliet romance with ROMEO Beckham. Tabloids of the future!

  26. P.S., dj - is that a young Fred Rogers I spy over there? I love it!

  27. I hope they both do well!

  28. why oh why must we live in the day and age of these celebrity "designers"? UGH.

  29. makes me tired. can't we just go on with our happiness and be, you know, like not freaks?

  30. Maybe they no longer get along because Kate stole some secrets from Victoria's line to create hers.

    1. So she stole Victoria's Secrets? Lol, it had to be said!

  31. Victoria sounds like she was a really awful "friend" to Katie. I remember when they were first hanging out, right after the Beckhams came to the USA, there were all kinds of tabloid stories about how Victoria would bully Katie into dieting. They'd go out and Vicky would order plain fish and salad for both of them and insist they split one Coke. I can just see her saying all sorts of condesending shit to Katie like "Ooh, honey, you should have the salad, we don't want to look fat when we have our picture taken, now do weeee?" That was right around the time Katie got scary skinny.

    I bet Katie hasn't forgotten any of this and she probably hates Victoria and delights in stealing her thunder. I agree with the poster who said that while celebs will go to Vicky's show, the paps will be at Katie's. Victoria probably knows this too and I bet she is furious.

  32. Just an observer opinion:
    Katie married into a contract marriage and had a little girl of questionable parentage solely for the $ and hope of career advancement.

    Victoria is married to a very hot athlete yet has weathered the storm of his cheating and raised some adorable and obviously loved,treasured and valued children. All the while avoiding CO$.

    Team Posh

    (And no Barton, there is 10 years between them, if that. Your catty tail is showing)

  33. Yes @auntliddy. It makes the ladies look petty. I guess I'm just ready for a new girl fight to focus on. I'm tired of Jen vs Angie, Brandi vs LeAnn, Madonna vs Elton.

    Wait... I'm not tired of Madonna vs Elton. That will never get old.

    PS - left you a link to an interesting article called My Brain Made Me Do It in the first post from yesterday.

  34. I'll post it again here. There was another one about addiction too.

    My Brain Made Me Do It

  35. FYI Barton
    Victoria was born in '74, Katie '78.

    I think both are sell outs, but for different reasons.

  36. The people who matter will be at VB's show.

  37. Thanks, ABlake. I guess it's just that she looks thirty years older.

  38. Still don't really like katie! Vic is a diva and catty but i would support her show over katie. I have never seen katie in anything i like!

  39. @frufra Yup! And he's flipping you off! Haha.

  40. Team Posh!

    Yes, Katie has gotten better since ditching Tom but we all knew that had to happen. And the timing everyone is so impressed with? I'm sure that came from lawyers advice, not from her. She's gaining points, but...

    Not only are Vicki's clothes WAY better than Katie's (as is her individual style) but she has maintained her image through every storm that has been thrown at her. Yeah, she diets to a point where she is skinnier than the average twig but she doesn't deny it. Yes, her pics are all sour face, but don't you love the image? Plus, in interviews she's funny and self depreciating.

    To be fair, I've been on team Posh for a while :)

    1. The reason she doesnt smile is because she hates her smile! And it does look weird, but i think thats because we never see her smile! I think shes cute, and not mean at all. HoPe im right, lol

  41. @dj - I'm sure it's just him singing "Where is Pointer" or some other little finger play song - former kinder teacher here! I used to threaten to stop singing the song if they kept freaking out about the "bad finger" - yes, it was definitely an issue to giggle about. But a stern talk about "a finger is just a finger" bores them into submission every time :-).

  42. Katie better watch out. She has all kinds of good will right now, but we know how fast that can change. She needs to not be publicly bitchy.

  43. I can't imagine seeing Diane Kruger ever wearing Holmes and Yang.

  44. Despite all the good will I have for Katie at the moment if I got to choose which show I would go to it'd definitely be VB - far more likely to run into someone like Andre Leon Talley wearing a cape.

    Also, aesthetically, Victoria's clothes are far superior.

    There might be more paps at Katie's show but as far as I'm aware there's not really a pap shortage - plenty to go around.

  45. You gotta be kidding. People in the fashion industry adores Victoria. No way they're gonna skip it for Katie.

  46. They hate each other soooo much they were hanging out a couple of weeks before Katie left Tom.

    C'mon, get it together. You've been far more miss than you've been hit for a couple of months now.

  47. Katie dresses horribly. I never understood why she would be considered a fashion icon of any sort. Victoria, on the other hand....

  48. Sounds like bullshit to me.

  49. The British newspapers had Victoria as the confidante who recommended divorcing Cruise, now that I think about it.

  50. You'd think they would bond considering their husbands have sex together. Go figure.

  51. Lol!!!

    Wasn't this a BV? Why do they hate each other?

  52. Not ringing true -- is it possible this is Scientology spin against Katie? Breaking up their friendship as a result of Katie's divorce, etc.?

  53. Anonymous8:35 AM

    I refuse to believe anything bad being said about Victoria. Just how I refuse to believe anything bad said about Selena Quintanilla...did anyone watch the Univision special on her yesterday? I wanted to punch the tv so bad.

    Anyways...Victoria ftw. The important people will show up to HER show. Let Katie take the paps. It shows who has the real talent.

  54. @Frufra, you reached into the depths of my memory bank with the "Thumbkin" song. I have to sing that to my 18-month old! Thx!

    @Auntliddy - you forgot to add "I was great, you had a good time!" ;)


  55. "Tru Leigh said...
    You'd think they would bond considering their husbands have sex together. Go figure. "

    hahaha! as funny as that is to hear, after i laughed i remembered that i lived that. no, not so funny at the time. maybe in the future they can be buddies, like denise and brooke. (but that DID make me laugh).

  56. stupid move from Katie. All of the fashion folks a media will go to VB's show. Wintour was there last time for god's sake.
    silly silly move, well see if her PR people make her change the date
