Friday, August 24, 2012

Kathie Lee Gifford Confirms Taylor Swift Crashed Kennedy Wedding

For two days I have been trying to ignore this story. I honestly don't care if Taylor Swift crashed a wedding or not, but apparently the Kennedy family cares. From what I understand the bride and groom didn't care and loved having Taylor show up. It was not like her boyfriend was not invited. He just chose to not RSVP until an hour before he showed up. It was a buffet wasn't it, so it is not like he had to choose fish or chicken six weeks ahead of time. I was fine with the story going away, but Kathie Lee Gifford decided she could get some publicity from it. Kathie Lee can never have enough publicity. She would also like everyone to know that she knows the Kennedys and knows them so well she got invited to the wedding. Kathie says that Taylor crashed. Of course she is going with the mom's version of events because she was invited by mom and also wants to make sure she keeps getting those Kennedy Christmas cards because she is only about five years away from being able to cover an entire wall with them she can show people when they come to visit.


  1. If it comes from a horses must be true.

  2. Whole thing so tacky, from brides mother bitching in public, and now,"lok at me! Look at me! " kathie lee chiming in. Stfu all of u! Day has come and gone, ur 5 mins are up. And dont even get me started on kathie lee, drunken skank!

  3. In all fairness to Kathie, she is the bride's step-grandmother so I am guessing that's why she attended the wedding, not for the press of being invited to a Kennedy wedding.

    1. She is still a drunken skank, don't get me wrong. She and her step-daughter should have used a little class and tact and shut there mouths in public about the entire situation.

  4. I still can't get over the Kathie Lee Kennedy connection! Grandpa Gifford's granddaughter got married, which means Kathie Lee will be a step-great-grandma any day! Ha Ha!

  5. She needs to mind her own business and worry about keeping her man's dick in his pants.

  6. It is true. My cousin "is associated" with the Copley Plaza in Boston and was there. He said Vicki (Mrs. Ted) was so livid that her face turned "flaming red". He also said that Taylor was beyond weird .

    OT: breaking news NYC shooting(s) outside Empire State Building.

  7. @FSP
    I don't thing Grandpa Frank can find his dick anymore! Have you seen that geezer whenever she dusts him off on the all day Today Show? That's some scary stuff.

  8. From what I've read, the Kennedys want to publicly humiliate Swift to get rid of her. They are not too pleased with Conor hanging out with her.

  9. Can't stand Kathy Lee and can't stand the Kennedys. However, I can't blame a bride (and her mother) for wanting the day to be about her and not about a visiting celebrity.

    1. Bride had no problem with it. The mob did.

  10. Henriette
    Yep, real classy and mature way to go about it.
    Not a real fan of puss face and think she is stalkery, but she is a 22 year old girl. These are the Kennedy's; I guess that doesn't say much, but you'd think they would take the high road.

  11. If I were the bride, I wouldn't want an international superstar to show up as a +1. This comes off as a frantic social-climbing, dick move on Taylor's part. She was so focused on herself she forgot how overshadowing the bride at a wedding is beyond rudeness.

    Whether you think it's justified or not, HOW MANY tarts over the years have tried to elbow their way into the Kennedy family? Taylor doesn't realize they can see her game from two towns over.

  12. Several people shot down at the Empire State building...

  13. Not a fan of Kathy Lee, but she is the step-grandmother of the bride and the step-mother of the bride's mom. She more than just "knows" these people, she is very close family. I'm sure it was for publicity that she said these things, but to be fair, she WAS in a position to know.

  14. If I were the bride, I'd be disappointed too, but what's done is done, so the family really should have just taken the gracious route with things. That way, even if Kathy Lee opened her big drunk mouth about it, they would still come off as classy.

  15. goes in circles--if you combine Taylor's behavior with the fact that she latched herself onto their high-school relative who JUST lost his mother to suicide---You'd probably doubt his judgment, and wish to protect him from any woman who might be taking advantage of him right now.

    Agent---HOW 'weird'? Details, prease!!!!

  16. *and yes, I realize the irony of me, a Cathy, mis-spelling Kathie Lee's name.

  17. I just don't see the appeal of dating an 18 year old. Taylor Swift is weird there i said it lol!

  18. Etiquette-wise, Conor should have RSVP'd and not shown up when he was asked not to attend.

    Also etiquette-wise, if a person is part of a couple, no matter how much the bride's mother doesn't want someone to steal attention from her daughter, that person MUST be invited with their significant other. It doesn't matter if the relationship is two weeks or ten years long if they are officially a couple.

    I'm not excusing Taylor Swift AT ALL, but the bride's family was rude first for not inviting her as Conor's guest.

    1. Exactly, who is to say she even wanted to go? If I started dating someone right before a wedding I would probably drag them along whether I +1 or not. Let's face it, of course she was "weird" she probably hardly knew anyone there.

  19. Anonymous6:57 AM

    I think between this and buying the house next door, Taylor seems like a creepy little stalker. And, it is rude to not RSVP to an event where there has been a lot of planning and money spent, and then show up +1. Maybe Connor at 18 is too young to have manners, but Taylor should know -- but she probably wanted attention and to star-fuck some Kennedys.

  20. Of course, ITA with libby.

    Happy Friday, all! I'm off to CNN to see what's going on in NYC.

  21. Yeah, it's douchetastic on everyone's part, but look at the wedding Swift crashed. Does anyone remember the story of WHY Kathie Lee's stepdaughter divorced the Kennedy? He was screwing the baby sitter! There are a bunch of dysfunctional people at that wedding. JFK jr was the best and is gone.

  22. Kathie Lee is a yenta cunt. NO wonder her husbsnd fucks around on her. Can yiu imagine facing that drunken crusty cunted bitch in your bed every night. She is tv pus; a used scumbag in the road.

    1. Idk why, but im somehow getting the impression you dont care for blabby lee, lol

  23. @karen - keep in mind, the invitations were probably sent out two months ago, at which point Connor hadn't even met Taylor!

  24. Libby area is on lockdown. 4 shot. The gunman is dead. He was an employee of Empire State Body. Busiest area in NYC.

  25. @Cathy, I thought that they'd been dating since June? I think that they didn't go public until he turned 18.

    Anyway, the only reason why TS drew so much attention is because the Kennedys brought it to her. She still shouldn't have gone and I'm seriously revising my opinion of her, but, as someone said above, the Kennedys should have been gracious publicly and fumed privately.

  26. It's possible Connor didn't tell Taylor he had not RSVP'ed, and when he realized he was missing out on a good time with cousins, decided to attend and invited her as his date. Taylor may not have realized the situation until an angry Bride Mom got upset, and she may have just frozen in place, mortified, while the bride smoothed over things. Kathy probably won't make her step-daughter or the Kennedys happy by talking about it on TV and making things worse. Moms get stressed out on wedding days - lot of social pressure in that crowd, I'd think. She probably regrets having made a fuss over it, and now Kathy Lee stirs it nationally.

    1. Anonymous7:15 AM

      @Anna, the bride's mom said that "Conor and Taylor" texted her an hour before the wedding to RSVP. She wrote back "Please do not come," and they showed up anyway.

    2. Still doesn't prove it was Taylor - I agree that she's a weirdo but it seems more likely in this situation she didn't know the whole story.

      If she's trying to get into the family, anyone with 1/2 a brain and all the information wouldn't have gone along... I lay the blame with him. His family, he's been raised in the environment, he should know better.

  27. No, apparently she wanted to be the center of attention, Not cool if you're not the bride.

  28. @Agent, was a motive given?? I work not to far from there, I was wondering what the issue was.

  29. Not quite accurate or fair the way it's categorized in this story - yes, Kathie Lee did address this yesterday on her show but she did it very quickly and then moved on. Her husband's daughter is the mother of the bride. Conor was invited but never rsvp'd - not a huge deal, but it was a formal sit-down dinner and when he called several hours prior to, or the night before, the wedding, this was explained to him. She also specifically asked him not to bring Taylor Swift because of the distraction it would cause and also because it would distract from her daughter's big day. They showed up anyway and when the mother spoke to them at the door, Swift looked past her and didn't even acknowledge her, and they walked in anyway.
    My daughter knows people who went to school with Taylor Swift, and she was a class-A stuck up bitch; when she sings about being an "outsider" in school, it's because no one liked her.

    1. They came for cocktails, left for dinner and came bsck for dancing. I really think it was a guy saying - oh don't worry my aunt won't mind and if she does we just won't stay for dinner. It seems like something that would happen in any family.

      Staying after being asked to leave though... That's not ok.

  30. Agent---I wasn't talking about NYC; I have the news on all day, every day (it's a problem)....i was talking about details about how 'weird' Taylor was acting at the seemed to have an 'in' there?

  31. @karen - even if they did know each other at the time the invites are sent out, it still would have been too new to invite her. maybe it's just my family, but unless people are in serious relationships (read: not some middle-school style "we're so in love after a week of knowing each other thing), or would not know other people at the wedding, they don't get a +1. This is especially true for close family, since whoever they bring as a date will be in the photos forever.

  32. I read somewhere that reports of her buying the house near the Kennedys' were false.

  33. @libby
    oh, I totally understand why they might want her out of his life. I want her out of mine.
    I just dont think that Kathie and Victoria should have spoken about the wedding incident in print or on television. That's just tacky. why not sit down with the boy and his dad and talk to him about it?

  34. Who knows, 'goes'? maybe a public shaming is what they think she needs to stop? I mean, they were there, maybe she's really off the rails. Would NOT surprise me.

  35. Wow now I'm getting my local news on CDAN. People shot??? Good thing I am too hungover to have left my apt yet. I remain un-shot. :/

  36. I was confused about the relationships at first but I finally figured it out. There are two Victoria Kennedys. The Victoria that was married to Ted Kennedy and this Victoria (Gifford) Kennedy who was married to Michael Kennedy who was killed in that skiing accident about 15 years ago. He was at the time accused of sleeping with the babysitter. Since Kathie Lee is married to Frank Gifford (Victoria's father) this makes the bride her step-granddaughter.

  37. I know Taylor Swift is a bit "stalky" and wedding etiquette was violated here (gasp and horrors!) but is it just me or is anyone else sick of people treating their wedding like a small scale Broadway production? I get so sick of bridezillas (and in some cases groomzillas) and all of the entitlement that seems to be de riguer for weddings these days. I got married a few years ago and it was a very nice but low key affair. Guess I am misguided but I thought it was a day to celebrate getting arried to the love of my life and sharing it with the people we love.

    And besides, honestly why would the Kennedys get their nose out of joint because a celebrity shows up? Not like anyone is going to forget about them any time soon.

  38. Sorry that should be *married" ;>

  39. My husband's aunt didn't RSVP to our wedding and then showed up with 4 people. Our food was short to begin with (another story) and this did cause a problem. What we didn't do is complain about it to anyone but close family and not even to my husband's family.

    The kid was rude by not RSVP'ing to the wedding but his mother just died and wasn't there to teach the 18-year-old etiquette. It is more rude for the family to call them out on their rudeness and to announce it to the press.

    Why are we still interested in the Kennedy's?

  40. One of the reasons I love this site - thanks for the heads up on the NYC shooting. I hadn't seen it yet. Also, On topic, Taylor Swift is a very talented musician, but is also an unbelievably immature young girl.

  41. Lurky Loo, I have to go to a bridezilla wedding this weekend and I'm not looking forward too it!

  42. Just greet her with," wow! It must hv been a tough week! You look exhausted!". Lol. That shld knock wind out of her sails!

  43. In Taylor's defense, If my boyfriend asked me to go to a wedding, I'd probably think he'd been invited with a plus one. Can you imagine showing up and having some harridan in your face telling you to leave? I'd be like "um, what? Where's my date?". The Kennedy's could have handled this alot better.

  44. I think Kathy Lee is related to the mother of the bride by marriage, so it's not weird that she was at the wedding.

    I think Taylor Swift was incredibly rude/tacky here. Of course the bride and groom told her it was OK- they have something called CLASS and MANNERS, which Swift obviously lacks.

    What bride wants to be upstaged by a famous celebrity on her wedding day?

  45. yes re the Empire STate bldg- a disgruntlled male worker shot and killed his co worker, and wounded 7 others, then was shot in cop shootout. This is why I try to keep ANYONE who works for me completely gruntled at all times.

  46. Ok, she IS really weird.

  47. No. Victoria, Kathie's sister is married to a Kennedy...and it was Vitoria's daughter who got married. Conor never RSVP'd and only RSVP'd a couple of hours before the wedding, saying he was coming and bringing Taylor. Victoria was pissed and said don't come. Conor showed up anyway with Taylor. Victoria is the only one who is making a big deal out of it. Taylor didn't crash...Conor crashed. It was Conor's responsibility to RSVP, not Taylor's. Taylor was Conor's guest.

    I hate people.

  48. Anonymous9:30 AM

    I would believe the Swift camp if they hadn't used the word profusely but since they did, it's obvious she crashed and the bride was at most just being polite. This is a perfect opportunity to get Swifty stalker away from a boy who's deeply vulnerable right now so the story may be around for another few days to make sure she and the public know that she's not welcome, period.

  49. All I know is that Conor Kennedy is a hot piece who looks SO MUCH like his dearly departed cousin John John did at that age. I'm no fan of Taylor Swift, but being a woman, I totally understand locking that shit up while he's still young and malleable.

    1. Thank you! This has been what I was thinking to! Get him good and whipped now, lock him down in his 20s and bam make a baby. He is a good looking guy and will only get better with age.

  50. This sounds like a typical family drama that plays out at holidays or events through out America -- uninvited guests show up; a mother throws a hissy fit; children behave badly; a know-it-all grabs the spotlight -- the only difference is that it involves celebrities.

  51. To be fair to Taylor, maybe she ignored the woman because she expected her date (who is family) to handle and resolve it.

  52. The most shocking aspect of this whole story is that the kardashians and the kennesdys are connectes via a gifford.

  53. isn't KLG the mom's (of the bride) stepmother???

  54. I wouldn't be surprised if some Today Show producer nudged KL to comment on it for a ratings boost. I watched a video clip - as chatty as she gets, she didn't seem eager to linger on it.

    And I'm team MotB - who is hosting the event & responsible for making it go smoothly. A 1hour text from the kids left her little (no) time to make sure the hotel could staff up security to keep the paparazzi & superfans out. I wouldn't want to have that worry on a special occasion. Weren't the kids pap'd while visiting his mother's grave? A wedding reception in a place w/ public access certainly would NOT have been off limits.

    Wonder what kind of song we'll get out of all of this?

  55. No Crila
    Kathie is married to the bride's grandfather.
    Victoria is Frank Gifford's daughter.

  56. KLG is a dick. publicity and wanting everyone to know she knows the Kennedys...exactly

  57. its gross that the kennedys made it public. poor conor just lost his mother when she hung herself a few months ago. you'd think that they would cut him some slack.

    I don't think its at all weird for an 18 year old who has no mother to guide him to do that at a wedding. he was invited, he just didn't rsvp and he brought his girlfriend. big deal.

    however, it is weird that taylor bought the house across the street from the kennedy compound. that is something to be concerned about. not the wedding.

  58. Okay Enty, Kathie Lee Gifford is the step-mom of the Mother of the Bride, who asked Conor and Taylor not to come. Does everyone forget that Taylor shot to fame because her own big day in the sun was shat all over by Kanye? Honest to God. Taylor doesn't fart fairy dust. It was a crappy thing to do, deliberately upstage the bride, and Enty is going by Taylor's spin, gross, just gross

  59. I'm sorry, but it is downright rude to show up to a wedding when you are specifically told not to.

    What 18 year old kid wants to go to a wedding? He was probably invited months ago, since those invites are sent out about eight weeks in advance.

    The Kennedy mother was a little classless for harping on it, but Taylor looks the worst.

  60. "Victoria, Kathie's sister is married to a Kennedy...and it was Vitoria's daughter who got married."

    No, no, no. As others have pointed out repeatedly, Frank Gifford is the grandfather of the bride; his daughter, Victoria, was married to the Kennedy.

    Kathie Lee has one sister named Michelle and a brother who is a pastor, IIRC. No one named Victoria amongst her siblings.

  61. I don't know these people, and they all sound like as*h*les, frankly. However, I would like to point out, that wedding invites usually go out 6-8 weeks in advance with the rsvps due 2-4 weeks - mostly depending on whether its pre-ordered or buffet. So many are calling the Connor kid rude for not rsvp'g to a FAMILY wedding, when even WE all know that his mom was hanging herself, when the invites were being dispatched, and he was likely at a funeral and grieving during the rsvp period. Sounds to me like more is going on here - like someone heads-up'd Connor to let his aunt know, like maybe she commented a "thank God they aren't coming," to someone aware they were - hence the 1hr advance text. And, how likely is it that a M-o-B is checking their phone an hour beforehand?! I've never seen that happen. They are usually too crazed to be dealing w/ phones / texts. That all said, if Taylor looked beyond the MOB and didn't leave, when requested by the host, that's rude, no matter what. I would have high-tailed it.

  62. I love the picture of Taylor Swift that Enty used. She looks very evil and calculating, which fits in very well with this whole Kennedy situation.

  63. is there a reason that taylor would know who the mother of the bride is? imagine that some random woman comes up to you, at a wedding you were told you were invited to, and says "please leave". no way the kid told taylor "she says not to come". and taylor, i'm sure use to having freaks approach her, ignores her.

  64. I think the Mother of the Bride is crass for spreading this story and the same goes for KLG. A person of good breeding and class, oh heck, let's just say that a decent human being wouldn't behave like this.

  65. correction: it WAS a sit down dinner.

    my take: boytoy was not planning on going but kennedy stalker insisted because she wants to attend a formal kennedy event before boytoy goes back to boarding school. boytoy obliges because he knows being a kennedy is why she is with him in the first place.

  66. I couldn't name you a Taylor Swift song, what I know about this gal is from Enty and you guys. The thing about Taylor is that from the first moment I saw her up close, the look in her eyes she gave me a strong feeling she is bat shit crazy. Don't know why, I've actually never shared these thoughts before. I'm far from a psychic; she just gives me a really negative vibe.

  67. Any Kennedy disapproval will only fuel her infatuation with this boy, watch. I tell you, she is a creeper with a 12yo's perspective on love. Blech.

    P.S. He is going to be a *junior* at Deerfield?! Hmmm.

  68. I made sure I had PLENTY of food at my reception. And although I had RSVP cards and envelopes in the invitations, the invitations included wording about everyone/anyone who knew us and wished to come being invited whether or not they RSVP and whether or not I've mentioned a guest. I would not purposefully exclude anyone who wished to celebrate with us on our "big day." "Today is a day that celebrates Love and Togetherness. And you'll have NO part of it." How much sense does that make?

    But that's just me. I've spent my life overlooked and excluded, and I do my best not to do that to others.

    Bottom line, the family could have treated it like a surprise or an intrusion. They made the choice that will tarnish the memory of the day instead of enhance it. Bad call.

  69. She didn't buy the house, y'all.

    And back on topic, sure Conor was 'rude' for not RSVP'd first. But like one said, the RSVP period could be during the time when he was mourning. And the time when Taylor acted like a 'ghost', well, maybe the M.o.B was rude too when told them to leave. There's just way too many possibilities on it. I just think that it's a wrong way for Kathie & Victoria to handle this situation. Rich people don't tell public. Everyone is asshat here.
