Katherine Jackson managed to convince a judge yesterday that she should be the co-guardian of Michael Jakcson's kids. She will share the duties with TJ Jackson. That is the right way to go. Katherine loves the kids but anyone who believes people when they say the doctor ordered a trip to Arizona and that the doctor does not want her to use any communication devices should not be fully in charge of kids. I still can't quite figure out what Michael's siblings thought was going to happen. The only thing I can think of is they were trying to get their hands on money that is coming in now because even if this will was thrown out they still wouldn't get anything. I'm just glad the kids are ok and have stopped with the Tweets that made it sound like they were scared for their lives.
Stopped, or been stopped? I hope it's the former
ReplyDeleteI think shared guardianship definitely seems like the safer option. Do the kids ever have contact with their mothers?
ReplyDeleteOn an unrelated note, Paris looks very like Diane Farr in this picture.
The Jacksons are beyond dysfunctional. I'm glad that Paris has a mind of her own and doesn't seem to be buying into their bullshit and manipulation..maybe she will still have a chance.
ReplyDeleteShe didn't even know she was going to Arizona! She wanted to drive to New Mexico, then was coerced into flying, and was flown to AZ all the while thinking she was going to NM.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry, but I don't think she should have any say in the matter of the kids. I know it's not her fault that happened, but who's to say those fuckers won't do something else like that, or worse, to her later on?
Wow, just wow. Do the lies and deception ever end with this family? These kids are going to have a hard time trusting anyone after this. If it wasn't for social media, who knows what might have happened? The spotlight on this situation is the best thing that could have happened. I noticed the Jackson family trolls on another site disappeared when this news of Katherine's flip-flop broke last night. Like cockroaches, they scuttled back into the woodwork.
ReplyDeleteWhile I've never been an MJ fan, I am so, so glad he managed to instill a sense of distrust of his siblings within his kids. Plus, I've always been critical of famous people who feel they have to go broke to support all of their relatives and friends and entourage. Good for him for cutting his money-grubbing relatives out of his will.
ReplyDeleteIs there any way these kids could have a court-appointed co-guardian or something? Just someone who doesn't have any financial interest in them to oversee their wellbeing and stop the rest of the Clan McCrazy rifling through their pockets for spare change.
ReplyDeleteOk who else thought it was creepy when the kids tweeted that their dad warned them of certain people in their family? I never thought MJ would look like the so-called normal one.
ReplyDelete@seaward Off topic but just want to say I love your name. That Lucille moment is one of my favourites.
ReplyDelete@ThatLady THANK YOU! It is hands down my favorite AD moment ever.
DeleteOf course I messed up the quote in my profile because I'm an idiot, but oh well.
Of course this is all about money. As long as Katherine is getting her $70,000 a month (which she is), she can dole out money to her children, and most likely Joe, as the estate is paying for the upkeep of her house, which includes, food, a chef, nannies and security. So all that money is hers to with as she wishes. It's not technically for the care of the children, as the estate pays out separate money for them.
ReplyDelete*to do with
ReplyDeleteMunch, they have a court-appointed guardian ad litem who acts as both an independent "observer" and as the kids' own lawyer. It's fairly common during custody issues to have one appointed (my kids had one appointed by the courts while my ex-husband and I were in the middle of our divorce.)
ReplyDeleteIn the Jackson kids' case, the guardian ad litem actually supported the kids' wish to have TJ appointed as their legal guardian.
There is nothing that pack of viper can do about the will, you should know that Enty. The time to contest it is long gone....
ReplyDeleteAnd yes Katherine is weak she always has been, but the kids love her and she loves them.
The aunts and uncles will just have to go to work....
@Mary - thanks for that, I didn't realise they had someone looking out for them. They seem to be all alone in this.
ReplyDelete@seaward I have too many favourite AD moments and quotes. There are so many amazing characters. Jason Bateman's reactions alone make some of his moments stand out.
ReplyDeleteThese kids will definitely write a tell all book. Its already playing out on twitter. Its gonna be juicy!!!!
ReplyDeleteAuntJess - Michael also wrote a letter to TJ's mother: "Dee Dee, please read this article about child molestation and please read it to Tay, Tj, Tarryl.
ReplyDelete"It brings out how even your own relatives can be molesters of children,or even uncles or aunts molesting nephews or nieces. Please read, love MJ."
TJ's the nephew of Michael who is now sharing custody of the kids with Katherine. He's also the nephew who was the subject of an erotic photo shoot organized by Michael when TJ was a minor. As the shoot progressed, Michael removed more articles of TJ's clothing, eventually exposing his pubic hair. A collection of photos from the shoot was found in Michael's extensive photo collection - along with numerous nude shots of young boys - during the search of Neverland prior to his trial on molestation charges.
One of Michael's former employees had walked in and found him nude in the shower with a young boy. It came up during the 1993 investigation and again during his molestation trial. But his PR machine had worked for years to convince people he was just an innocent unworldly overgrown kid himself, so everyone attacked the accuser and disbelieved his story. I couldn't stop thinking about that as the news of the Penn State scandal came out. How did Sandusky get away with it for so many years? By having so many other people cover for him, and deny what he was doing. Same as they did for Michael Jackson
She is too old to manage teenagers. Those kids have such a warped sense of reality. Could you imagine spending the day as Paris?
ReplyDeleteI wonder who donor parents are? What did they receive in exchange? Debbie Rowe looks nothing like them. Will this ever be revealed?
does anyone know when the kids get access to the money? Maybe the Jacksons are getting worried because Prince is getting close to 18 and his cut will be given to him and no longer up for grabs by the greedy ones
ReplyDeleteJust a thought.
Hey Squeezebox thanks but I don't need a MJ schooling. Btw I didn't appreciate the non-link you put at the end. Silly me I thought you were linking to back up your shit. But no I click on it and Billy Jean via Slacker Radio starts blaring from my blackberry. In the middle of my office. With 5 other people trying to work and conduct meetings all around me :/ one last thing-I dont need anyone schooling me on Sandusky either.
ReplyDeleteI was coming here to see if there are still people chastising the kids for taking it to tweeter.. I see someone is still trying... After Katherine's clarification today, it seems to me the only thing they could have done during this sort of 'golpe'..
ReplyDeleteI hope the new co-guardianship works out better.. And I hope those kids are safe. I was reading on Dlisted that TJ is the sole heir should something happen to the three siblings...
I hope you dont think I am one of the people chastising the kids for twittering. Far from it. I just hope that their silence now is because they are happy, not because they have been forced to be.
ReplyDeleteI read somewhere they gain full access to the money at 30, Michael was no fool.
ReplyDeleteBut I imagine as they come of age they get very big allowances...and they get away from all things Jackson pronto.
Terri, that was my thought too, Prince is almost 18 and can declare independence.
ReplyDeleteMischa - 30? Huh. MJ did have a good head on his shoulders after all. Altho I think the brain becomes fully developed at 25. Anyway I agree that the kids probably get more when they turn 18.
Can Prince declare guardianship at 18?
Obviously the kids love their Grandmother very much.
I have enjoyed reading Paris' tweets. She sounds like a sweet, down to earth, normal teenager. Said she was in Twitter Jail... which she then clarified as being allowed to use Twitter but being blocked from all the other stuff, which I assumed to mean gossip sites, news, internet. She says they can't silence her.
ReplyDeleteOK, it's probably just me, because I woke up with a hideous summer cold and my head feels like it's stuffed with cotton, but I do not understand Squeezebox's post. So Michael wrote a letter to a sister-in-law warning her about the dangers of child molesters, and then later took erotic photos of her son when he was a minor? Huh?
ReplyDeleteIn a small defense of Kathryn Jackson, some older people, especially the uneducated, tend to believe anything said by someone they believe has an MD behind their name. I've seen it happen.
ReplyDeleteI always wondered who TJ was. Now I know.
ReplyDelete@msgirl You can't just declare guardianship; you have to petition the Court and the Court has to approve it. It is not automatic and, especially in this case, it may be reviewed thoroughly before even given a provisional grant. IMO, no sane judge would award Prince Michael guardianship of his younger siblings just because he turned 18.
ReplyDeleteIt's not uncommon for large estates to limit heirs' access to the trust at ages 25 or 30. The kids will likely start getting limited distributions or access to the estate starting at 18 or 21.
@lisa "twitter jail" means that user tweeted too frequently within a given time frame, which Twitter detects as spamming and then temporarily disables the user from sending out any tweets. It does not prevent the user from viewing other tweets and certainly wouldn't bar access to external sites.
Has that youngest child ever smiled? I worry about him....
ReplyDeleteI still think they wanted to grab the kids (to stop them communicating with the world) AND get Katherine's checkbook from the house. That way they could get her to sign checks to them whenever they wanted -- maybe even forge her signature on checks after she returned home. They'd need to continue the court case to cover themselves for the inevitable day when she passes and someone sensible gets custody of the bank accounts.