Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Kanye West Calls Kim Kardashian His Perfect B**ch

Apparently when it comes to any kind of self respect, Kim Kardashian has thrown that out the window a long time ago. When it comes to any respect for women, Kanye West showed a long time ago that he has none, so I guess it should not surprise me to hear that one of the new tracks on Kanye's new record is called My Perfect Bi**h, only he does not put in the ** and just calls Kim that. I guess he calls her that because she does not expect anything of him that a woman would normally like from a guy, including respect. So, if you see Kim in the street go ahead and call her a b**ch. Apparently she likes it and is ok with it. I mean she is dating a guy who supposedly knows her so well and he would never call her a b**ch if it was not ok with her. On his phone he probably has that on it instead of her name. Can Mason talk? If he can, I think he should start calling his aunt b**ch. If Kim does not say anything, and she won't because she loves that Kanye is introducing her to people she has only looked at in magazines. I would say read about, but, I think we can all agree that is a stretch.


  1. Kanye West is so gay! What a shomance.

  2. He respects the fact that she ignores his on the side romances, with dudes.

  3. Yea pretty sure she lost all self-respect when she released a sex tape of a dude pissing on her...

  4. Is "bitch" a euphemism for "beard"?

  5. Anyone else notice we haven't heard a peep out of Humphries lately?

  6. Don't jinx us Amber.

  7. I absolutely HATE the b-word. I'll say just about any fucking curse word out there, but not the b-word or the c-word. Talk about no respect for women; ladies gotta rise up!

    This gal here is a perfect case in point - no self-respect. Pathetic. Laughable.

    Also doesn't help that I heard my holier-than-thou, judgmental father hurl that word at my mother on a regular basis when I was a child. Shudder. I know, I know, I have issues :-). Rant over/maybe.

  8. i have to agree with entys comments in this post. i dislike when guys get their girlfiend or wifes attention with "woman." it is derogatory. they have a name, say it.

  9. OT:

    Marvin Hamlisch, RIP.

  10. @Agent - oh no! Wow - is this how it's going to be from here on out - one great talent after another passing? Geez - I really feel middle-aged :-(.


  11. Was just going to post that Agent. RIP Marvin..the sting is one of my most favorite movies.

  12. He was only 68, what a prolific career.

    Here's Billboard's obit:


  13. Oh, don't hate the word "b****." It's just a fun and cute way of saying "prostitute, but especially one who specializes in demeaning or foul submissive behavior." In this case, it's entirely appropriate.

  14. He also wrote "A Chorus Line". Which I saw 8x on Broadway. It was so good that my vendors knew if they scored a ticket, I'd go.

    Kind of funny to have his name here, in this thread, when the -ians are wealthy for absolutely nothing but shameful things. Pause for thought?

  15. Oh Barton, when you put it that way... :-).

  16. @Agent - thanks for the obit link. I wonder what illness struck him down so suddenly?

    I think I may download some of his songs today. Reading the list of his most famous works started a medley in my head. He's definitely a part of the soundtrack of my life.

  17. No, Kanye is Chris Brown's b**ch.

  18. I hate it when people use bitch as a term of endearment; something about it just seems so juvenile to me. But if someone is acting selfish or whatever, then I'm more than fine with saying something along the lines of, "stop being such a bitch." But yeah, the c-word is never okay in my mind.

  19. Bitch yes, perfect......NONONONONO

  20. Doesn't Kayne like fishsticks?

    She asked and she did receive. And you Kris told her, "Oh honey! I call Bruce that all the time."

  21. Oh Kanye, your straight orientation would be more believable if you ever made a passing attempt to pretend you even LIKED women.

  22. Anonymous7:35 AM

    She was born without self-respect.

  23. BUT HE'S GAY!!!!! She's nothing but a beard for him. This is the biggest joke of a relationship. The only reason Beyonce and JayZ are putting up with her, is because they know she's trying to hook Kanye up and helping him to try abd fool the world into thinking he's straight with the worlds biggest whore.

  24. Song should've been called My Perfect Beard!

  25. A few days ago I was reading enty's old Kim storys. hahaha you guys need to go read the story under the tag "people who are the scum of the earth", its about her and its great. Also going back, I think she is one of the hookers from the two hookers blinds. In her early entries, Enty pretty much confirms she has sex with anyone who will give her something. I can't wait until Kris wins the annulment

  26. I remember when she and Parisite were friends they greeted each other with "Hey Bitch."

  27. Anonymous8:41 AM

    While reading these posts about Kims pathetic behaviors, I can't help but put a lot of the blame on Kris Jenner. I read somewhere that Kris was behind the release of the sex tape to generate publicity. Courtney Stoddens mom and Lindsay Lohans mom failed to instill dignity and self worth in their daughters also.

  28. Kayne, stop trying so hard.

  29. That whole bitch thing, with gangsta crap is a culture i cld never embrace. Jesus, kim, take a look at yourself! U r becoming a joke!! Her mother is an idiot.

    1. And they must be hvng some sort of sex, i dont think shes the type to go without.

  30. I call friends 'bitches' all the time. And occasionally 'cunt'.

    Back in the day the word 'queer' used to be used as a slur towards the LGBTQQI community. Then the community decided to expand the study of their history and culture and called it 'queer studies'. Queer became something commonplace and the slur or derogatory aspect of the word has faded a lot since then. Im not saying using the word bitch or cunt is exactly the same BUT I choose to think as a woman I can help take the word back, so to speak.

    I think there is a power in a strong intelligent woman using a word like bitch or cunt and not being afraid of the connotation behind it.

    Watch Eve Ensler's Vagina Monologues and you'll get where Im coming from :)

  31. Cum Dumpster is awfully hard to rhyme with, everyone. Dust Buster is a good start, but that takes talent, that rhyming thing. Besides, it's not an insult if it's true, right?

  32. I think Kanye prefers men, but I'm pretty sure he will have sex with anything. If he left Kim alone too long she'd be the new wide receiver for the Raiders.

  33. @Jasmine - I hear where you're coming from, sister. Those words just make me cringe because of my personal history with them. I get that you're owning them. I just can't go there.

  34. I don't think Women's History or Feminism will be redefined as "C**t" studies in the near future. Unless it is a blog by a horny 13 year old male:)

  35. Word, Agent. Reading Founding Mothers by Cokie Roberts right now. Have you read the Gail Collins books? She is my favorite Women's History author.

  36. Nope. You cannot "reclaim" words that are, by DEFINITION, misogynist. Not "slut", not "bitch", not "cunt". No. That is some pomo fun-fem BS. Degrading women (including yourself) is not "empowering". It is degrading, no matter how much you want to repeat that you're "owning" it. Misogynist men LOVE women who degrade themselves- it saves them some of the effort. IBTP.

  37. Anonymous1:01 PM

    I would always get mad when my ex would call me 'bitch'. One time I kicked him in the nuts when he called me his bitch. Never did it again.

  38. Ok so I'm kind of disappointed I'm admitting this and I hate the show, but I saw part of the Kardashian show last night. It was so weird; the mother Kris was visiting her mother, but not once did she ever call her 'mom'. Only her name, 'MJ'. When talking to her kids about her, she didn't say 'grandma'. Only 'MJ'. Something was just weird about it, this seeming lack of comfort and closeness with her own mother who had just survived 2 different cancers. The way she basically prostitutes her daughters, it's crazy. What is really going on in this family?!

  39. @frufra Yep. I was just thinking to myself that if whomever I was with was stupid enough to call me that, they'd wake up sans testicles and with a lovely gash as a souvenir.

  40. I have no doubt that Kim Kardashian is a bitch. I question whether she's perfect at it.
