Sunday, August 05, 2012

John Travolta Says He Didn't Sexually Assault A Cruise Ship Worker

Apparently John Travolta and Fabian Zanzi could not work out a settlement agreement so John Travolta has filed documents in court claiming that Fabian made up the whole thing and that John Travolta would never sexually assault another human being, let alone a man. Travolta admits being on the cruise ship but does not remember any neck massage or exposing himself to Zanzi while getting the neck massage or offering Zanzi $12,000 for sex. I wonder how much Zanzi wanted to make everything go away. Everyone else seems to have gone quietly into that good night. It's amazing what a big checkbook can make go away. Hopefully Travolta has just hired someone permanently who is a member of COS to take care of his needs and if that person gets out of line, John can have him transferred to some distant country and kept under 24 hour guard.


  1. who cares, we all know he's gay and has been caring on for years...

  2. There's probably a group of poor grunts from Sea Org that are being ordered to service him. :(

  3. Well hopefully this guy is doing this for the right reasons, to expose a sexual molester, and not just for the money.

  4. That's an interesting photo of John, Enty. It's an in between shot, showing him transform from mega fine to FRUG. I sometimes wonder "when did such a transformation happen???" This photo is that missing link for me.

  5. after hearing the horror stories of a friend who had her boss come into her office expose himself and start jerking off saying no one will believe you over me. And other male coworkers try to sexually harass her like it was a game to them. Filed a complaint was then transferred to another office by HR and a month later the managing partner then fired her saying she wasn't learning fast enough. He was just pissed he couldnt get to her anymore in a diffrent office.

    I believe all of it now. I dont' believe it is a money grab, there are easier ways to make money. It's about not being a victim and getting closure for being abused.

    My friend now has a great new job and is very happy.

    1. Good for ur friend! I worked in big business, i never had problem- but the shit that goes on is unbelievable!! Men with wives and babies getting blow jobs in parking lot cos thats not cheating, rating system for women in bldg, amassing points if one were to approach her, etc. and these men were MARRIED!!!!!!!

  6. Travolta will be the new verb for sexually harassing someone aggressively.

  7. Timebob I'm sorry that happened to your friend. Her old boss sounds like a fucking pig. Glad she's doing ok now. This shit happens all over and its a damn shame.

  8. @nolachickee - Was wondering the same thing! He was SO good looking back in the day. Is that what self-loathing and self-hatred does to a person? Turns them into a FRUG? Really sad. Johnny, just come out. You will be so much happier. And your checkbook is only so big.

    @timebob - ITA. It's about the victims getting closure. Thanks for sharing your friend's story. Glad she's OK now.

  9. He used to be one of the most beautiful creatures in the world.

    12,000$ for sex? That's an odd number. And very large too!

  10. Village Voice, Co$ Sunday Funnies
    This is very funny.

  11. Sometimes of course people are in it to get some cash. But if you are the victim of a wealthy person and suing is your only viable recourse, you want it to sting. Which means a lot of money in the eyes of the perpetrator, not just the victim.

  12. Why doesnt travolta pay this guy off and make it go away? And realize we all know he at the very least swings both ways- and we dont care!

  13. His exact words were, "I did not have sexual relations with that man"

  14. Most people who physically assault others deny it. Going to any court house on any day of the week to see that.

  15. @timebob
    I hope your friend went to the EEOC and sued them! I went for less and sued. It does take time, but is well worth it.

  16. by the way enty, I read the scientology pieces last sat. or sunday in the village voice that you linked to. fascinating. one guy was in it for 30 years, the last few decades in the sea org. he just up and left and it was a great story. I wouldn't have seen it otherwise, so thanks enty!

  17. @Lalaay: "I got a new job but then the boss was totally Travolting me, so I had to quit."

    That works for me!

  18. I hope he doesn't plan to use the line, 'I don't remember having or asking for a neck massage or making a sexual request.' If I heard someone say 'I don't remember' to something so outrageous as the possibility of having made offensive and unelcone sexual advances I'd have no problem finding for the plaintiff.

  19. Sometimes it is not about the money. If this guy felt violated and felt that his employer did nothing to protect him, I can see someone going ahead with the case no matter how much money was thrown at him. Oh, I am sure Travolta's people are going to make it sound like this guy is nothing but a blackmailer and was asking for an outrageous sum of money, when the truth might be something as simple as him saying "no" to each offer of cash. If that is indeed the case, then good for him for standing on principle.

  20. @Hennriette she was going to sue but got a new job quickly after she was fired, and she works in one kind of industry so by suing she would be effectively black balling herself from the only industry she knows.

    It's sometimes a hard decision to make but and she did file a complaint with HR but they just told her to keep her mouth shut and transferred her. The men harassing her were the big dogs and nothing was ever done to them in a disciplanary way.

  21. Because Travolta is in the closet, some feel this is an issue regarding his sexuality It is not. That's HIS business. This is about whether or not he has sexually assaulted/harassed someone. Neither gender or orientation has anything to do with it. He should have just found a low-key boyfriend happy to keep quiet in exchange for being kept.

  22. I have a feeling that JT has been doing this throughout his career. I think in the past, he was able to get away with it. He was young, good looking, and financially profitable to a lot of people. As he got older, it got more difficult. I think he doesn't realize his old tricks don't work any more. He's not the young stud he once was and people are not going to cover it up or give him a pass any more.

  23. @timebob
    That's sad because it means those guys are still doing that.

  24. The rumors of him hitting on male masseuses have been around for decades. I think hes pretty much always done it. No one did anything about it because, well, hes John Travolta. That and there was no internet at the beginning. I think he was successful enough of the time to make it worth it.
    I wonder if as he got older, people started to feel more threatened by his behavior. If it went from a backhanded compliment, cant blame a guy for trying to creepy and gross.

  25. What's a "Frug"?
