Sunday, August 05, 2012

Jennifer Lopez And Casper Smart Are Taking A Break

If you were hoping that Jennifer Lopez and Casper Smart would be together long enough to make Gigli 2, then I'm sorry to have to disappoint you. It looks like the couple is taking a break. You don't suppose the break has anything to do with Casper's obsession with peep shows do you? Has anyone ever been inside a peep show? I'm not sure what the fascination with them is. I guess it is a place for you to meet like minded people and not have to take care of things yourself because unless that is what you are getting out of it, you might as well just stay home or in your hotel and watch spank-o-vision. Or, considering you just started dating someone within the past few months, hopefully you are still getting enough sex to make you happy, unless of course, you need something more than Jennifer can offer, or any female for that matter. So, how does this affect the tour? Casper was such a valuable employee. I know. I just made myself laugh too.


MISCH said...

They should never have begun...

strawberrygirl said...

I hope he saved his allowance.

timebob said...

if a 24 year old man and a 42 year old woman can't make it work, who can I say?

I wonder if he gets to keep the gifts.

nolachickee said...

Damn, I was so rooting for these two.

He looks like Mr. Magoo in those glasses. Not a good look for you, dude. Especially now that you have to score yourself another suga momma.

Lalaay said...

Maybe she reads CDAN and knows she needs to upgrade her arm candy...her next boy toy should be really really really ridicously good looking!

Lalaay said...


Anonymous said...

Oops, someone's 15 minutes are over.

chopchop said...

At least she didn't marry this one.

Serena Skye said...

Hahahaha he was driving her Bentley & living in her house like it was his & all...I just got a mental picture of him packing up a small cardboard box being like "Jenny are u sure u want to take a break?" & then slowly walking down the long driveway while the gate closes behind him..... sorry ur 15 min are up, back to obscurity u go...u know it was those peep show pics that did him first he tried to say he was in the sex shop buying her a gift, then it was the barber shop next door but too many people saw him go in to the peep show & JLo will not tolerate looking like a fool in the press.

RenoBlondee said...

You made me giggle Enty! Too funny.

hunter said...

I really don't understand why he didn't just say he was using the ATM, there was a huge ATM sign in the peep show pic.


PugsterMom said...

Well now my day just blows. ;)

EmEyeKay said...

@hunter - he did. That's the official response, that he went in to use the ATM.

auntliddy said...

Gee, they had so much in common too. Not! Jen, pick someone ur own age, drama free, who will support u and enjoy ur children- if u ever see them- this talentless turd wasnt the answer.

Jemtastic said...

"just got a mental picture of him packing up a small cardboard box being like "Jenny are u sure u want to take a break?" & then slowly walking down the long driveway while the gate closes behind him..... "

This is probably how it really played out which makes it even funnier.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Agent**It said...

That's at least... 4 recent Blinds?

nettalovesrobin said...

Hopefully the next one will be hot but he doesnt have to be the same age as her. She can date whomever she wants why not date younger!

Jenn719 said...

@Serena Skye, that is perfect. I imagine that happen with Beyonce's "To the left" playing.

supapimp said...

Remember when men wanted JLO?

Henriette said...

Darn! I owe some people money. I bet they would be married by 2013. I had him pegged at husband number four or is it husband five? I can't keep track of JBlow's exes.

Moonmaid said...

Maybe she should grab one of those cute young swimmers. They have more free time now that the Olympics are done for them.

This guy is a complete moron. He really blew his meal ticket.

Frufra said...

@strawberry girl - you win - best comment on the thread!

(but you're all very funny - we're all winners here)

Henriette said...

I don't mind Casper's age. I think JBlow could have at least found an attractive male.

Besides being fugly, he's arrogant and dumb! He is just not a winning combo of any sort.

lambkin said...

He DID say he was just using the ATM, or rather had the barber next door say that for him, but the ATM was not upstairs which is where he went. JLo must be the only one on the planet that doesn't know he prefers the Popsicle and glitter crowd.

Unknown said...

They broke up because he's gay.

time and everything fits!

Anonymous said...

If they are "taking a break" she must have someone else waiting in the wings. Because this is an insecure woman who can't be alone for one minute. She has to have a man in her life to feel complete.

White lilly said...

She should take some lessons from Sharon Stone and get herself a real boy toy... I really belive she must be a pain in the butt with all her diva attitude... ugh!

GladysKravitz said...

But JLo hates being alone. Who wants to discuss how long it will be before she finds someone else to keep her company? I'm saying three weeks? Anyone?

dia papaya said...

JLo, if you're still reading CDaN look to the Queen for guidance. Follow the Sharon Stone plan and get yourself a hot harem of boy toys to chose from. That I could respect!

*great minds, white lilly*

All about Eve said...

I'm down with the harem of young boys! Sounds fun!

djphob said...

I like to imagine this picture was taken right before she backhanded him.

Brenda L said...

It was an exceptionally dumb move on his part.

AuntJess said...

Gladys I'm thinking there's one waiting in the wings. Her assistant is probably at the home office going "ok NEXT!"

__-__=__ said...

I vote for the SS harem too.

smash said...

If I had a man like SS. I would make him walk around shirtless all time and let my friends rub his abs too!!

dia papaya said...

Smash, when are you starting the harem? ;-)

csproat said...


Anotheramy said...

I wish I could have one. She needs to screen them better though.

Marie said...

He may have told us all he was using the ATM, but considering it was prob her account she could double check that fact...

Way to blow your meal ticket, loser.

Sandy said...

I think this "break" has much more to do with the "boys frolic in their undies" pics leaked online a couple of weeks ago than of the "Casper the Friendly Heterosexual Goes to a Peepshow" photos.

I think Lopez learned the hard way that gigolos must be properly vetted before you start parading them around town.

Jihane-Fatim said...

so here's my theory. after leaving mark, j.lo needed a rebound to show that she was still young, hot, and wanted. so she picked someone close to her, probably knowing that he was gay, but didn't mind cause she just needed some arm candy while dealing with her impending divorce. casper should have been a little bit more smart (pun intended) about things he would be doing and places he would be going, now that he was with j.lo. she probably told his ass to be careful or she would have to give him the boot. so i believe now they're downplaying it, but they're totally broken up. if not now, there will be a reconciliation for a small time, but they're definitely gonna be or are already broken up.

if the blinds are true, he's becoming too much of a liability and is getting very big headed. maybe next time he decides to be someone's kept man, he'll play by their rules.

Sarah said...

Now Casper gets to be Broke Bear again, or is it Brokeback Bear?

1Jazzimom said...

like reynolds, it's a wrap- wow


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