Monday, August 27, 2012

Jennifer Aniston's Mom Says Jennifer Is Pregnant

Nancy Dow lives off the support she receives from her daughter, Jennifer Aniston. The pair didn't speak to each other forever because Nancy was selling personal info to the tabloids and now she is at it again. Jennifer's mom told The Enquirer that Jennifer is pregnant and that Jen and Justin Theroux will be getting married in Mexico very soon because Jennifer does not want to be showing too much when they get married. Uh huh. She went on to say the couple will get married by the end of the year. That is still four months away. I would think that even if Jennifer is just four weeks pregnant right now that at five months she would be showing. And that is if she is just four weeks pregnant. Saying the end of the year does not really coincide with the first part of the story.


  1. And she's a reliable source

  2. No she is not. All the cigarettes she smokes would kill the fetus.

  3. No wonder she has issues with her mother.

  4. her mother sounds like a nightmare.

  5. IF Nancy only just got back in Jen's good graces, why would she risk it by blabbing this? EVERY week for the last decade, that woman has been pregnant.

  6. I feel for her if this is true.

  7. Jon Voight needs to talk to this lady.

  8. I doubt she would share with her gabby mother any important details of her life knowing she would be on the phone with the tabloids selling her out.

    1. Right!! And why cant her mother stfu????? Live your own life and stop using jen's to get attention! Ugh!

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  11. And yet if Jennifer cuts her off, everyone will be bashing her for doing it. It seems obvious her mother has issues if she would risk her relationship with her daughter again to see her name in print or make a quick buck. I can't imagine the pay off was even that great since this is the same story every mag prints, just citing 'a friend'. Perhaps this was the person Jennifer was referring to when saying she felt friends were selling stories.

    Sometimes, when you continue to bite the hand that feeds you, it might be time for said hand to do the healthy thing and cut the purse strings.

  12. If I were her, I'd test her by telling her something like thy. And she'd fail miserably.

  13. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Maybe this is one of those lies Jen told her "friends" to see who would blab to the tabloids. Interesting that it would be her mother who failed the test.

  14. A person should always be able to trust their mother if no one else. That is terrible!

  15. I wouldn't immediately assume Jennifer didn't give her mother the okay to plant the story, true or not. Aniton's been known to know her way around how to keep publicity focused on her (i.e. manipulate the media machine when she wants to).

  16. @Amy---you basically just described every single celebrity, so what's your point?

  17. My point is it sounds to me like a story planted with Jen's approval and probably by her design.

  18. But go ahead and pretend like until this point in the thread everyone wasn't assuming Jen had nothing to do with the story leaking.

  19. National enquirer says Aniston is pregnant (it's different)

  20. ^The National Enquirer ALWAYS says Aniston is pregnant!

  21. if jen doesn't talk to her mother, then she must have gotten the info from another relative or friend? in the end, why am I even spending time on this. and she doesn't look pregnant, and if one is 4 weeks preg., and 43, then she should be sitting on eggshells and not blabbing it until many more months along.

  22. What's really sad is if Jen was testing her mother with false information to see if she would sell it. If that's the case, no wonder Jen has so many issues.

  23. I hope this relationship is real and that they are very happy. That's all I got. ;-)

  24. Her mom had a major stroke this year, perhaps we can give her a break? There is a good chance that she has lost some of her mental capacity.

  25. JA is ALWAYS pregnant! She is pregnant 365 days a year if one reads the tabloids.

  26. I think she quit smoking, strongerthancoffee.

    Sounds like her mom is going to be missing from wedding #2, too. I hope that she at least has a good relationship with her dad. It's hard when one parent is a total and complete f up.

  27. Well, it does say "by the end of the year", enty.
    That doesn't necessarily mean 4 months from now. it could mean 4 weeks or 4 days or tomorrow.
    Assuming this is true, which I am doubting.

    watched "American Psycho" again the other Justin in it. kinda gives me the says that he would be interested in someone like Jen.

  28. If she is pregnant, it would make sense that she's using a body double for this latest movie when in the past her physique has always been showcased one way or another.

  29. @Amy, for real. Jen's been manipulating the media forever. Yeah all celebs do it but I don't know why anyone would be surprised that that includes Jennifer Aniston.

    Her and her mother both sound totally neurotic IMO, I don't think one is the good guy and one is the bad guy, especially.

  30. I hate to say it but I could not trust my own mother and it was very damaging and sad . But now I make sure my children know I"m their biggest cheerleader for life

  31. I'm having kind of a derp moment - Isn't Jennifer Aniston like 45? That seems a little old to be having kids?

  32. Seems to me this is just another Jennier is pregnant story. I don't think she will ever have children because I don't think she wants to have children. There is nothing wrong with that. She seems a little to self-absorbed to be a great mother, anyway.

    But if your mother is spilling it, get her out of your life, Jen.

  33. Having a shitty mother can lead you to being conflicted about having kids of your own.

  34. She's 43. Not too old to become pregnant, but possibly too old to find herself unexpectedly pregnant. New gossip mag weekly headline: Jen Cries: I Waited Too Long!

  35. @WUWT? - Thanks, yah, 43 seems a little old to be "knocked up and shotgun wedding".

    I call bullshit - The only way she's unexpectedly pregnant if Justin Therioux has been spiking her drinks with Kate Gosselin powder to lock her in as his meal ticket for the next 18 years.

  36. 43 isn't too old to be accidentally pregnant. My mom was 44 when she had me, and she sure thought her child bearing years were over!

  37. She's not too old to have kids, but I don't think she ever wanted any.

    If she really is pregnant, she is would keep that under wraps until her first trimester is over.

    By the way, after teenagers, the over 40 set has the most accidental pregnancies. That's how I got pregnant. I stopped taking birth control after my 40th birthday. A lot of women are like me and do that.

  38. I have a mom like this. And I'm not even famous. Ad. But I know there are a lot more people
    Out there like me that don't get along with their moms

  39. Doesn't anyone remember something about Jennifer becoming increasingly paranoid about people in her life, and how she's spreading false rumors to find out whose blabbing? Looks like momma Anniston got caught red handed!! I'm sure Jennifer will put her on the outs all over again!

  40. I'm still predicting that Justin bails before marrying her. She has way too much baggage and even with that great body doesn't seem to be able to satisfy a man sexually. Keep in mind that Justin has only been with 2 women in the last 14 years IF he was faithful to her ex. My guess is he decided to find out what sexual satisfaction he has been missing.

  41. count me in- the alienated mom's club.
