Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Jeff Probst Way Back In The Day

It is not as good as Mike Rowe on QVC, but an almost mullet wearing Jeff Probst once hosted a show on FX called Backchat.


  1. That was aweful.

    Mike Rowe is beyond hysterical.

  2. I love it when people look better older than they did younger. Jeff is one of those people.

  3. @smashbash, Mike Rowe on QVC late night was absolutely hilarious. When I couldn't sleep, I would tune him in.OMG,I had forgotten that.Thanks for the memory reminder.


  4. I love Mike Rowe, and Jeff does look better older.
    Mike is one of my secret crushes.

  5. "That guy" is Jonny Lee Miller. God. He's still so hot to me.

  6. You had me at "Mike Rowe".

  7. Wow that was bad.. And the mullet was horrid!

  8. I loved fX - in the apartment with all the hosts and stuff milling about. The whole concept of the station was pretty awesome for the mid-90's. I'd stay up late to watch Backchat. My 14 year old self had a huge crush on Jeff Probst. He and Rowe (whom I also watched on QVC) both look so much better with age! Anyone remember Sound fX with Orlando Jones, Karyn Bryant and Matt Ostrom?
