Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Jean-Claude Van Damme Cheated On His New Wife With Kylie Minogue

Back in 1992, Jean Claude Van Damme cheated on his then wife with Darcy LaPier. He married Darcy in 1994 and then went to shoot Street Fighter in Thailand and cheated on her with Kylie Minogue. I had forgotten Kylie was in that movie. That was one of the first video game movies. It was truly awful. I think everyone should forget everything about that movie and move on. Apparently Jean Claude is pretty proud of himself for being married and sleeping with Kylie because he is the one who brought it up in a recent interview. Kylie has never said anything and probably will never say anything because she looks bad too. Not only for actually having sex with him, but he was married, everyone knew it and it didn't stop Kylie who had a really goody goody image back then.


  1. Go Jean Claude! Who'd have thought the muscles from Brussels was a player?

  2. Any truth to the rumor that just won't go away that he's HIV possitive ?

  3. That must have been before he started dabbling in trannie escorts.

  4. Not all that surprising really. I think it's fairly well established that Kylie isn't as innocent as she liked people to think.

  5. I LOVE JCVD! Proof? I've seen Street Fighter way too many times. Timecop is also a classic. And the movie where he plays twins? Best movie ever.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. When he hit on her, do you think he said, "Do the locomotion with me"?

    *ba-dum-bum-PSH* Thank you! I'll be here all night. Try the veal and don't forget to tip your waitress.

  8. He's definitely a pig, and has lost any of the charm he used to have. But there was a time he was pretty hot. Remember when he guest-starred on Friends?

  9. Jean Claude Gosh Darn needs to sit down.

  10. Is that opening statement accurate, with regards to the dates? Or am I reading it wrong...cheated on wife in 1992,married and cheated in 1994.

  11. she hasn't really aged since then. as far as he's concerned, zzzzzzzzzzz.

  12. Patty, he switched the dates by accident. Street Fighter was filmed in 1994. I'm guessing JCVD married his wife in 1992 though I haven't googled it to confirm.

  13. I swear RVD and JCVD look so much alike it's ridiculous. When i was young i had a crush on JCVD. Now not so much he seems like a douchebag But RVD has the best looking ass on a guy I have ever seen.

  14. I don't care about either of these two, but this is some juicy gossip.

  15. This is his way of trying to stand out during press for The Expendables 2 so he can be relevant. Somebody should explain to him he stopped being relevant years ago and just should be grateful Stallon even offered him a part after he turned down a role in the first film.

  16. Trey, Jean may have divorced one in 92 and married another in 94 if I recall correctly what I read somewhere else. There was a pretty small window between two marriages, with Kylie all up in there.
    This is very unsurprising to me. Kylie wasn't really 80s/90s Meg Ryan. Now HER affair surprised me.

  17. @Vicki- Rob Van Dam. He is a wrestler on TNA now(I have an obsessed son and I agree to watch so I can oogle at the eyecandy). I went to a WWE event once and was mesmerized. Although he does wear a tye dyed thing, I have to say it accentuates his assets(no pun intended).

  18. My brother favorite wrestler is RVD,I'm wondering if he picked that name because he looks so much like JCVD? Or is it just a crazy cowinky dink that they have the same name?

  19. Ha! Bobbi, I knew who you were talking about when you said RVD. I am an admitted wrestling fan. lol

    The best body in wrestling (currently) goes to Randy Orton, though. He is the most perfectly symmetrical man I've ever seen. He's a butter face like RVD, but, man... that bod.

    Also, the movie JCVD is awesome and I highly recommend it.

    1. Sorry, I gve to disagree.
      CM Punk has just a touch of soft that Orton doesn't. Much better IMO. :-)

  20. I just watched Time Cop again on saturday. Yeah he could get it back then. And Mia Sara was a hot piece too.

  21. @disco- oooh don't get me started on Randy Orton. He has the best looking legs I've ever seen on a man. Most lifters and body builders neglect the legs but his? If given the chance I would throw a paper bag over his head and well you get the picture. And I don't know why, but I have a thing for Jeff Hardy. Last year for my b-day my husbands friend who wrestles for TNA got us tix for their big pay-per-view and arranged for us to go to the after-party so I could meet him. You have no idea how upset I was when the girl with us got an entire beer spilled on her head and refused to go to the party. We had to go home instead.

    @rejectcb-he picked the name cause he was always told they look alike from my understanding.

  22. Thanks bobbi! I used to watch wrestling (we had one tv growing up) with my brother. My favorite was Gold Dust and the HBK himself..Shawn Michaels! My brothers name is Rob, so his xbox handle is something related to RVD.

  23. He looks so horrible now. Gross looking.

  24. If by sleeping with Kylie you mean having his ass pounded while Kylie played on the radio then .. ok.

  25. Gold dust is still around occasionally. His younger brother wrestles now. His name is Cody(?) Rhoades. I grew up in love with Sting and Buff Bagwell(don't laugh I was 16). I even named my dog Buff the Stuff.
    My son watches everything wrestling and can tell you who has wrestled each other at wrestle mania from 10yrs ago. It's hilarious, he will come out in his boxer briefs and wrestles with a huge stuffed bean bag animal. When he was 3-4 he spit water all over my dad copying Triple H. He said once he realized what he was doing he looked over at my son and he had his head back, arms out, and it was too late to stop him.

  26. Anonymous7:36 AM

    I look at his face and imagine his penis is just as leathery and pointy. He's gross.

  27. You are correct, Bobbi. Cody Rhodes is wrestling now. Mostly on Smackdown but occasionally on Raw. I call him "the date rapist" because he has some seriously creepy eyes, not because he's actually been involved in a rape scandal or anything. I loved his dad when I was a kid and Cody is actually a pretty decent wrestler.

    RCB - I loooooooooooove HBK!! The guys I watch wrestling with always laugh because I completely dork out to his music when he comes out. He's a sexy boy, but he's not your boy toy!!

  28. Disco- HBK was probably the first famous person I ever had a crush on. I first saw him and i was like woah..that dude is fione. Granted, i was around 6 or 7 when i started watching wrestling but he made a lasting impression on me.

    I loved Gold Dust because he made everyone so uncomfortable, i remember him always trying to lift Rowdy Roddy Pipers (thats a name right?) kilt. Hilarious. There was always a PPV event in February, so my brother and I would pool our birthday money together so we could get it!

  29. OMG - Pro Wrestling!!! I started watching when I was 9 years old and now I'm...much older...and I still watch Raw, Impact and Smackdown every week. Yeah - not much of a life here! (But I also don't spend my time watching reality/talent/dating shows - so there!)

    Still love HBK - even when he was taking a beating by Brock Lesnar last night. (God, I hate the way Paul Heyman stresses his name!) Love RVD too - still a great body!

    Bobbi - Good thing I'm not drinking now or I would've done an HHH all over my screen! Your son sounds like a riot!

  30. What surprises me most about all this is not the fact that he cheated but that he kept it secret for so long. Even I, a gay male, would be shouting in the streets if I ever got the chance to bone Kylie.

  31. Really? Who cares? As for the wife, if he cheated with her and then he married her, that makes her as guilty as anyone in this non-story. Seriously, I want more Mulder/Scully gossip. Yawn.

  32. he had an open marriage with darcy Lapier who had an open marriage when she met JCVD

  33. Doesn't he have about three or four ex-wives? It was probably a one-night stand with Kylie.

  34. @rejectedcarebare, that movie was called Double Impact. And it also had one of my favorite kung fu character actors, Bolo Yeung. He's the really muscular Asian guy who in every single movie he's in rips his shirt off to expose his chest before delivering a beat down. I wish all guys would rip their shirts off when they got into an argument. It would make life so much more interesting.

  35. I thought he was the hottest thing at one time - the scene where he does the splits on two countertops gave my vajayjay shivers - but I wouldn't touch that with a 10ft pole now. Just gross.

  36. She was so pretty back then. Now she's a plastic surgery mess.

  37. He's a pig for sure. But he was hot back in the day...

  38. Long time lurker, recent commenter. I have to say @amber, you are freaking hilarious. I swear. I love reading the comments on this blog, wayyy more then the posts lmao.

  39. Well I hope she don't get the HIV. Guess they used a condom

  40. Okay, I'll go along with that CanadianMiss. I do love Punk. He's also got far superior skills on the microphone and a sharper wit. I'd let him pick me up in a bar (yes, he goes to them even though he straight-edge) before I'd let Orton pick me up.

  41. Yep - I'm in agreement with CanadianMiss and discoflux. CM Punk is my fave of the active guys. I like that he's being more of an individual now, but I hate that the powers-that-be are trying to make it seem like he's this horrible superheel. I really like him more as an anti-hero-actually seems he's more comfortable that way. And his pipebombs really crack me up. (And where are those WWE Superstar Ice Cream Bars BTW????)

    1. Um, yeah, I'd lick that! (ice cream bar)
      My husband and I get a laugh at his newest spiels. We prefer him as the anti-hero as well.
      Now, if I could have alone time with Punk and ColIn Farrell... Well, hubs understands:)
      Yes I have a type, oddly enough, my husband is the exact opposite.

  42. I forgot how cute Kylie was back in the day.

    I can definitely see that CM Punk would be attractive but his dress style bothers me. Orton is a good looking dude but CM Punk would probably be nicer. And I TOTALLY agree Cody Rhodes has rape eyes. Poor kid.

  43. Can I just say that I am so happy to have had a wrestling discussion today?

    We need to start doing Monday Night Raw reviews on tuesdays!

  44. My friend was a nurse at St Vincent's Hospital back in the day. One night there was a call to emergency, down she went and who was it? Kylie Minogue. She was out clubbing with Michael Hutchence, took some esctasy (it was her first time) and started to lose it. He brought her in to have her stomach pumped. He made some calls, the reporters disappeared, they left via the basement car park.

  45. @disco- that would be awesome. And I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks Punk is hot too. Who I really miss is Edge though. He was hot and could work the mic. I teared up when he announced he was leaving.

  46. He was very funny when he made a guest appearance on Friends eons ago.

    Twice the Van Damage!
