Sunday, August 19, 2012

Jay Leno Wants You To Think He Is Saint Conan

Remember when Conan O'Brien saved all of the staffers on his show by taking a huge cut in pay. Apparently Jay Leno also has taken a cut in pay but there are still 20-25 people being laid off at The Tonight Show. Hmmm. Jay makes almost $30M a year. Let's say that each staffer makes $100K a year. He could pay the salary for about 300 people. He already says he puts his entire Tonight Show salary in the bank and doesn't touch it so it isn't like he needs it. I think he could have saved everyone if he wanted. How much money does the guy need? He just wants everyone to think he is this wonderful caring guy, and he really isn't. He is out for himself at all times.


  1. I don't like him at all. Or his chin.

  2. The older he gets the greedier he gets. He easily could have given up an additional $2-3m on the contingency that nobody be laid off. Asshat......

  3. We all know better, he is no saint and he sure as hell is not funny like Conan.

    1. In what world is conan remotely funny?

  4. He looks worse and worse as he ages. The chin growing behind The Chin only makes The Chin look more hideous. And how much fucking cash, cars and bikes does this assclown need to hoard???

  5. it's not like he took the cut to save the jobs. Comcast made him take a pay cut and they cut jobs. It was going to happen no matter what.

    Jay is a douche and should of let Conan have the job and moved on. He could of toured doing corporate gigs for years and been fine. He ruined the legacy for late night.

    1. Be fair- no one like conan at 1130. He just diesnt have mass appeal

    2. Comcast made the producers take a cut to save jobs, not him. If he'd given up more the 20-25 people that were laid off would have had jobs for a couple more seasons.

    3. Conan is more original and way funnier then Jay can ever hope to be. All jay does is steal bits for his show from Howard Stern anyways.

  6. I had always heard he was really kind. That could be very wrong, but I just don't get all the Leno hate. Well, I probably do just have a soft spot for him because I met him one time in B Dalton in the Reno mall. He was really nice. I don't really partake in the late night shows, so what do I know.

    1. He's a super nice guy, but doesn't like to be parted with his money at all.

  7. I have never liked him. He has always been out for himself, i.e. Conan AND Letterman with Tonight Show. He is not funny on his own and doesn't make me laugh.

    I'm sure he could "get by" on $10m a year and saved a helluva lot of jobs.

  8. Why save a few jobs when there are vintage cars that need a home.

  9. He has previously stated that he "banks" his entire Tonight Show salary and"lives" off his touring gigs.

  10. Does Leno really make $30 mil a year? Really? Yikes... That seems a mite -- excessive!

  11. The thing is...were those people really needed? Does the ratings of that show justify such a huge staff? While I think Jay is a talentless douchebag, is it his responsibility to pay people for little to no work? Network TV ratings aren't what they were when Jay took over 20 yrs ago. I would imagine he only has 1/4 of the viewers he had then. Or less. I would imagine only old people without premium cable watch him now.

  12. Sorry, but if Conan had been bringing in the ratings he wouldn't have lost The Tonight Show to Leno. Jay's not funny any more but Conan's schtick has gotten real old also. I'm really tired of Conan's self pity. Read "The War for Late Night" by Bill Carter if you want the real story. It's well researched and seems to be fair to both sides. It was management's fault.

  13. I guess he figures that as he's been outed as a scheming ruthless a-hole who only cares about his money and career, he can just make the emptiest of gestures and maybe someone somewhere (probably in his over-60 audience) will be duped into thinking he's still a "nice guy."

  14. They cut his salary also...they should just replace him

  15. This is all part of GE, isn't it? Why should Leno take any cut and let those fat cats get another dime! Isnt this the company that hasn't paid taxes in years and receives billions in subsidies and write offs? I don't think Leno is the problem here. More like immoral corporations.

    1. Ita. And its none of our business what he does with his money.

  16. I work near NBC in NY and I am always hearing grumblings about the company. Nothing specific that anyone will cop to but I definitely sense a lot of unease and frustration. I doubt that the blame for the staff cuts rests on Leno.

  17. This is kind of like asking all CEOs to pay the salary of those lesser employees about to be laid off due to corporate cut backs. At what point do you say enough? If you honestly think that Conan would pay the annual salaries of 20 - 25 people the net work wanted to lay off--guess again. David Letterman wouldn't either. Don't set standards for one then call him a douche for failing to meet your expectations. Yeah--Jay should have retired a while ago, but put the blame on NBC for their bad judgement.

  18. We always heard the Jay was such a nice guy. Actions speak louder than words, my friends....

    ITA with @whocares and @timebob. He should have just retired and ended on a high note. Jay and Lady O have something in common there....

  19. lets not forget that who was Conan's lead in before the news JAY LENO. Who tanked in the 10pm time slot. The news tanked also from Jay and affiliates were having a tantrum over it.

    Also, Jay had years, years to build an audience and only beat Dave after the Hugh Grant interview.

    Conan had 8 months, not exactly fair.

    I do agree it was managments handling of everything, Zucker Ben Silverman who had no business running a network and was just using to relive his child hood fantasies with awful Knight Rider and Bionic Woman reboots.

    But Conan is having the last laugh $$ wise he makes more than all of them.

  20. Well, I do know all the comics HATE Jay Leno- he steals jokes from other comedians and backstabs like no one else. I guess you have to do that in the industry.

    NBC is a clustermuck with an F. I can't believe people there can even function, let alone run a dang network.

  21. I don't know if he's a nice guy or not. I do like him better than Dave or Conan, maybe it's an east coast west coast thing. My sense of humor is not always bi-coastal.

    I'd guess the cuts were coming whether Jay did anything or not including his pay cut. I heard he got bigger money when he did the earlier show and it was never reduced when he took back the Tonight show. Now it has been.

  22. Check out the AFL CIO CEO pay database. Use google. My iPhone won't cut and paste. You can see the more successful corporations have less of a gap. Compare SW airlines to others.

  23. Conan is NOT FUNNY, he is annoying! If conan could bring in the ratings he wouldnt have been dismissed, he was given a chance and blew it.
    Why are you all up in Jay's ass ENTY, so if the company decides to let go some more jay should take another cut, and if they let go some more, another cut, and if...
    Jay deserves every cent he gets, go balk at the wall street bigwigs and the govt, if things were well there, we wouldnt have so much hopelessness if you lost a job, cause you could get another much easier back in the day.

  24. JMO - have never found Jay funny. I have however, been quite openly in love with David Letterman for more than 20 years. Do with that information what you will :-).

    Not a Conan fan, either. Don't get him. My cousin thinks he hung the moon, but I just find him annoying.

    Remember Letterman paying people out of his own pocket during this latest strike? That's a class act, folks.

    1. Letterman is a nasty mean man who thinks its funny to make fools of people.

  25. GE sold NBC to Comcast and Comcast is cutting EVERYTHING. Network TV is not bringing in the moola like it once was.

    I think Jay is a douche and LOVE the way Howard Stern disses him. Stern states Jay has always been a conniving dick. Even during his stand-up days. I also love the fact they are both on the same network now. I wonder if they ever run into each other. Awkward.

  26. Must be a west coast, east coast thing like ppl are saying bcs Dave and Connan are just not funny to me. Jay i've meet him several times at the grove hes always nice to ppl take pics n sign autographs n even carried a lady's baby so she could dig out her cellphone for a pic true story. As far as his collection of cars is concerned he writes a montly colum in popular mechanics n hes written tht when he dies tht cars will go to museums for everyone to enjoy. He can do with his millions what he wants.

  27. Didn't Conan do the same thing to George Lopez that he says Leno did to him? Not that I'm a fan of Lopez, but it seems like he did the same thing.

    Conan is a good write but a terrible performer. I've watched him make a joke that doesn't even make me smile, but I'll read it the next day and laugh out loud. He should stick to his talent - writing.

    @ _+_=_ (sorry if I did that wrong) you're exactly right!

  28. Enty said, "How much money does this guy need?" Apply that to everyone in show business - how much money do they need? How much money do lawyers need, Enty? My sister is still paying off her divorce lawyer's fee years after her divorce. BTW, can't stand that smug, wife-cheating, intern loving, Republican-hating Letterman.

  29. And if u get laid off, try going to the ceo of Your company to see if they will pay u out if their salary. Think Bain Capital- they wldnt give u the steam off their piss. So i entys logic is faulty. Im thinking when Leno goes, that may be end of tonight show. Unles they mmy fallon in that spot.

    1. Unless they put jimmy fallon in that spot.

  30. Ive always liked Jay Leno and found him funny. I loved when they had the fruitcake lady segment years ago.

    I like Conan too, but haven't watched him since he went to tbs.

  31. I know my Dave isn't without flaws, but he's my pretend tv husband - actually, I used to have this elaborate daydream about being his sidekick, like with my own little desk by his and everything. It would be me, Dave, and Paul yukking it up weeknights. Call me, Dave :-)!

  32. No business is going to keep people on salary if it isn't profitable. Jay is expensive and the Tonight Show is probably expensive too.

    I suspect the days of Tonight being a huge draw in ratings and advertising are over --There is a lot of competition for the late night money and if they are not bringing it profits the company starts to cut costs. He took a hit, and his staffing took a hit. I think the comparison to Conan isn't valid. Jay has had a show and has given people jobs for many years and this is not his decision.

    Conan moved his people out to California, really made big decisions that impacted their lives and when he got fired did a fantastic thing, but this is not really the same situation.

    I am totally not a Jay fan but I don't see how this comparison is the same. Is he supposed to pay them some kind of pension because the company tightened their belts? Comcast is the boss--and if they feel Tonight is too expensive, they make changes...its business--Jay doesn't own the show.

  33. Oh I can't wait to never see or hear Jay Leno ever again.

  34. 100k salary for staffers? Dang, I'm in the wrong industry.

  35. I like Jay too. I don't watch his show anymore but I also met him at the U.of Iowa when he did a show there. He is quite funny in person.

  36. So, Leno took a "cut" from $30 million to $25 million? Boo-freaking-hoo. I've never liked the guy anyway.

  37. auntliddy (12:17) - We make fun of people making fools of themselves here every day.

  38. So he's supposed to be paid nothing for his work on the show, and Comcast gets off the hook entirely as the bad guy for laying off all those workers.

  39. @SusanB - It's been stated by Lopez & Conan that Lopez called Conan and specifically asked him to join TBS and assured him he had no problem with him taking the time slot. When Lopez was eventually canceled, Conan was visibly upset on air.

    I can't stand Leno - he's always come across as the biggest dick. It's well known that others in the industry (both late night and comedy) don't like him.

    I used to like Conan, but the whole NBC debacle changed him and he doesn't seem as funny anymore.

    Me? I love Craig Ferguson. If you ever have a chance to see his stand-up, GO! Both my husband and I were laughing so hard we were crying for most of the show.

  40. Fergy Ferg is good too.

  41. No one has said he should be paid nothing. They're saying that he could almost definitely easily afford a bigger pay cut to save more jobs and won't because he is a flaming dickbag.

    I wonder how long the laid off workers have been on staff.

    It'll be interesting to see how bad Comcast wants Leno out the door (he and the show cost a lot to make/trying to refresh the brand with JF who has improved a lot) vs how desperate Leno is to keep going (past evidence indicates: VERY.) This could get really undignified and messy, in my opinion.

  42. HalleGoLightly - LENO is the dirty old man? No, it's Letterman FTW.

  43. How is it fair to expect him to work without being paid? He doesnt own the tonite show, he works for them.

  44. So, Leno was getting $30M, now a little less. Matt Lauer earns $25M. I think Comcast should maybe consider reducing those salaries instead of laying off people who make considerably less than $100K a year.

  45. I watched a clip of Leno interviewing someone a couple months ago. He started looking really uncomfortable as soon as his guest got a little animated. It made me uncomfortable. He's not a good interviewer at all and I'm surprised he's been around this long.

    It's sad to see people at the bottom rung of the ladder get let go while the guy at the top is paid insane amounts of money, plus bonuses to boot.

  46. He should have to take a pay cut, for sure. He's the draw of the show and if he can't pull in the audience, he shouldn't be financially rewarded for failing. It's a shame that other people have to go, too. But unlike corporate America - where CEO's can bankrupt a company and still walk away with multi-million bonuses while the normal folks lose their jobs - at least the cuts are across the board.

  47. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Jay...conan...dave. They all have their strengths and wraknesses, but, IMO all are entertaining and good enterviewers

  48. Leno may be a "nice guy" but he SUCKS as a late night host. Cannot stand him, never could. Shitty interviewer. Conan is just as bad.
    Fallon & Ferguson are the future (I hope!)

  49. I only watch Craig Ferguson. He is quite possibly the only comedian that has made me pee my pants from laughing so hard. Sorry, TMI.

    Also, "Balls" and "That sounded creepy!"


  50. I read in another article that Comcast made the decision to cut some of the Tonight Show's employees and Leno took a pay cut to avoid even more lay offs.

    The article also said the Tonight Show's budget was higher than any other late night show and hadn't been adjusted since Leno was moved back to late night. (Apparently, it costs more to produce for prime time?)

  51. I don't like him either. He has so much money that he's made through the years. The man could literally work for free for the rest of his life, and still be a multi-millionaire.

    It's true much money does 1 person need?

  52. I have nothing against Leno personally, but he is truly the unfunniest man getting paid for being funny. I find his humor absolutely abysmal. I like Conan more but LETTERMAN AND FALLON are by far the funniest people on late night. I can't wait til Fallon takes over the Tonight Show. If you don't watch him now, do it. His show is hysterical. He just has fun and does whatever he wants.

  53. He does a great deal of charity work for someone only concerned with himself.

    How much charity work does enty do? I'd say pro-bono, but he's not a real lawyer.

    This weekend, alone, Jay raised $300K at a car auction, and another $60k at a car show.

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. the majority of his staff is NOT making 100k.

    not even close.

  56. Not a shocker at all.

    I still adore Conan. His staff seem to feel the same way about him. Just because you state you don't think Conan isn't funny doesn't make it true. Different strokes, folks! :)
