Saturday, August 18, 2012

Jason Alexander In A Nickelback Video

I encourage you to mute the sound because I would not want you to have to listen to a Nickelback song, but you should watch the video. Not sure why Jason Alexander said yes, but he did.


  1. I'm surprised it's not the Jason Alexander who married Britney.

  2. I like Nickleback. I dont think this video tho.

  3. Ohhhh George. Bald is better!! Stop hiding, you and John Travolta.

  4. For me, the first thing that pops into my head upon seeing Jason Alexander isn't George's that scene in Shallow Hal, where he shows off his "tail."

    Something about his spine being too long? Maybe I'm the only one who subject themselves to that gawdawful movie...

    But still. Tail, wiggling back and forth. That's all I see.

  5. @smashbox~ Don't forget Jeremy Piven.

  6. My friend was born with a tail like that..he had it removed during high school. I never asked if it wagged or not.

  7. Jay Greenspan aka "Jason Alexander" is a jerk. He went to my high school, 2 years ahead of me. He was involved, of course, in all the plays and was doing some professional work by his senior year. A friend who was also in plays and in band and who knew him asked him to sign her yearbook. He refused on the grounds of "When I'm famous I don't want you to have my autograph".
    I think his bio says he grew up in NYC, but he actually grew up and went to HS in Northern NJ

  8. I always heard that about Jay Greenspan...UGH

  9. Not a fan of Howard Stern's wife

  10. I'd give him the benefit of the doubt. He was a teenager with a swelled head.

  11. Enty not sure why he would do this? Let me help you out. 1) He needs the money. 2) He needs the attention. And #2 takes precedent over #1. And he is a #2.

  12. I like Nickleback and Jason. Brooke is amazing as usual.
    Thanks for posting.

  13. Ugh... Nickleback, where they play the same guitar riff in different time to create new songs.

  14. @Cornbread
    Shallow Hal is AMAZEBALLS. I watch it every time I see it on TV. True story.

  15. Ingrid gets a gold star AND a cookie for that comment!

  16. I didn't watch it, but had to share, (b/c I thought I was the only anti-nicback human) BUT a few summers ago, my first year as a swim team mom, another mom came up to me and was like, "I was in a Nickelback video." Oooh' kay. Being as everyone who lives here, had lived here just about their whole lives, making me an outsider, especially then.....I just smiled. But thought to myself, who the hell would be bragging about that!

    To each their own I guess.

  17. He needs to stick to second-banana comedy roles like Seinfeld, Shallow Hal, etc. Did anyone see his guest-starring appearance as the bad guy on Criminal Minds? It was laughable, and not in a good way. He cannot act. Not even a little. It was painful and distracting how badly he was doing in a dramatic/sinister role. Oy.

  18. Had to watch it. Yeeeesh. Its bad.

  19. Anonymous5:20 PM

    JA should continue to do what makes him happy. Haters are gonna hate, thats what they do.......

  20. @Omama ... LMAO "I was in a Nickelback video" ! Did she just blurt it out with no context or anything? I think I might've laughed out loud if someone said that to me.

  21. I remember him in Brad Paisley video. He did not seem to take himself seriously.
    I remember him when he played that slimeball in Pretty Woman. He played that part well.
    As for high school, I knew a few swell headed jerks who grew up to be swell eggs. I won't judge unless I meet him personally.

  22. I remember him in Brad Paisley video. He did not seem to take himself seriously.
    I remember him when he played that slimeball in Pretty Woman. He played that part well.
    As for high school, I knew a few swell headed jerks who grew up to be swell eggs. I won't judge unless I meet him personally.

  23. @chopchop....YES! That was the weird thing. In hindsight, it probably was b/c I wasn't from enigma of sorts.

    And the stranger part yet....she never said another thing to me, ever (which probably was b/c I just smiled, and didn't show that I was impressed, as I really wasn't).

  24. I like the song, the video tho reminds me of a Youtube fan vid.
