Monday, August 27, 2012

Jake Gyllenhaal Blows Off Fans At Meet And Greet

Part of the deal of being an actor on Broadway is meeting all the people who wait for you after the show. On Friday night was the first preview of a show Jake is performing on Broadway and fans who had seen the show then waited patiently in the meet and greet area for over two hours waiting for Jake. When he emerged he signed one autograph and said he was too busy to sign any more and left all of the fans hanging. This is the same guy who has not had a hit movie in years and the only popular thing he has been part of is being the subject of a Taylor Swift song. The guy could probably use some fan support. Instead he blows them off. Performing on Broadway is supposed to bring you closer to the fans and give them a chance to be up close to you.


  1. Maybe he had to poop?

  2. He seems to be all looks, no substance. Loved him in Donnie Darko but his other movies have been blah. Anyone else read that Reese is doing a movie called The Beard, I AC giggled when I saw that headline.

  3. Maybe someone should make him watch 'Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time'. That should bring him back down to earth.

  4. @IDo - ha! That's what I always think, too.

    Fun fact - hubby used to let people off of speeding tickets if that was their excuse for hauling ass. Remember that the next time you get pulled over :-)!

  5. Awww, that makes me think of Toothy and Ted C. I'll miss all those crazy monikers!

  6. @Frufa I always think that bahahaha. That's weird you say that because I sped by a cop last night and told my hubby if he pulls me over, I'm just gonna tell him I have diarrhea. If he doesn't believe me, I'll poop in my pants just to show him hahaha. Of course, I wasn't serious but my husband dared me. Thankfully I did not get pulled over!

  7. @Reno
    Me too.

    Good to know it can work cuz that's the excuse I am always prepared to use if I ever get tagged for speeding. :)

  8. @IDo - ha! Glad you didn't have to take the dare - sounds like something we'd say! I always tell people, that's the one word you can use to get out of anything without being asked any more questions - DIARRHEA. It shuts even the most nosy co-worker or boss down. It's the ultimate ace in the hole, in my opinion.

  9. And, IDo, I meant to say, congrats on the pregnancy - possible twins is awesome in a crazy way! Glad you have an older child, so you're not a newbie mom faced with the possibility of two bambinos!

  10. Doesn't Toothy have a baby / toddler with his boyfriend to attend to?

  11. @Frufa, ITA about diarrhea. It's my go-to! LOL!

    And thank you so much! :D I will find out Sept 10 if there's twins on the way. Piper turned 1 in June, so it's gonna be busy around here but I agree I'm glad I'm not a new mommy to twins!

  12. Was He performing in the Broadway adaption of the movie "Brokeback Mountain"? I can see why that would leave him drained.

  13. Frufra, and all: as a person with Crohn's Disease, I thoroughly RESENT your stealing MY ace-in-the-hole (no pun intended).
    KIDDING! Since I've been off work, I've been fine...but I told my bosses about the Crohn's specifically to preempt any shade over my call-offs. It DOES work, y'all are correct.

  14. IDTRobot: I for one hope it's twins, and I hope they're identical. They fascinate me. I always wanted them so I could closely observe their sames & differents. Plus, two kids with only one pregnancy---BONUS.

  15. Anonymous6:58 AM

    The play is OFF broadway and if he came out 2hrs after the show ended, maybe he hadn't planned on leaving so late.

    He has a new movie coming out in a few weeks.

  16. Louise Smithy said...
    Maybe someone should make him watch 'Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time'. That should bring him back down to earth.

    HA HA! So true! That was a god-awful movie.

  17. SEAN---maybe he waited two hours because he's socially phobic as well...I don't hate him for it. Just because he can act on-screen, doesn't make him automatically a glad-hander. (Is that a word?)
    Anyway, I SUCK at making small-talk with people, and the nutcase factor only goes up when you're talking about those who wait in NYC outside a stage door.

    The best person I ever met at a stage door was Lou Diamond Phillips, when he was in "The King and I" on Broadway, early 90's. Don't laugh---he was shockingly AWESOME. LDP also came out and shook hands and chit-chatted with ALL comers (even the homeless-looking types) for probably 45 minutes. He needed fans, for his career and all, but he was also really good at shooting the breeze with strangers.
    Donna Murphy was in the same show, and came out LAST, super-late, and said, "Oh, I thought you'd all be gone by now." She's a diva.

  18. @libs - geez, Crohn's disease sucks. Like I have to tell you that. I'm sorry to hear you have to deal with that. Glad it's been behaving for you, though.

    My mom has IBS, so I have witnessed a lifetime of emergency bathroom trips. Not something anyone should have to deal with, truly. Knock on wood, I don't seem to have inherited the problem. Yet.

    And I like LDP - always felt badly for him, too, since his wife left him for Melissa Ethridge. That was him, right? That Melissa is some kind of playa - she burns through the wives.

    Wasn't Donna Murphy Rapunzel's mother in Tangled? Love that movie, btw.

  19. Something seems off about him recently. He usually looks miserable and tired in photos, whether event photos or pap photos (where looking miserable would be more expected) whereas previously I didn't get this vibe. I've also seen him in person and he seemed genial.

  20. I have IBS and one day my son had a party at school. Well, I had a flare up and couldn't go but my hubby was off work so he went. He said my son proceeded to tell everyone there that his dad came cause mommy was at home with diarrhea. Gotta love kids.

  21. Oh, Bobbi, that made me laugh! You've got to have a sense of humor to survive, amirite? Hope your flare-ups are few and far between.

  22. Oh yes, he really is bad with fans, these pics must be photo-shopped (one of the accounts from a lucky viewer but there are more around

    Sorry but where you even there? just wondering.

  23. Really? New York City fans are this needy? I've never heard this about Broadway.

  24. I think diarrhea is kind of like getting your period...people are all, "LALALALALALALALA...just go ahead, ma'am."

    Unless he had one of the above, there's no excuse for being a dickwad.

  25. Amy--I think most Broadway stage-door stalkers are tourists & non-Manhattan dwellers. All the NYC types who I ever saw waiting were smelly, probably homeless. LDP actually seemed to 'know' one guy (probably came every night), and gave him a few minutes (a real weirdo, but harmless). I've always been in NYC during the Summer, 'high' tourist season though, so my experience is limited that way.

    So no, I don't think Manhattan-ites are needy, but Broadway is supported by a lot of us bumpkins as well.

  26. I wish at 15 I could have know that meeting this man could have changed both of our lives. His parents donated a large chunck to a small theater in Chilmark, Mass. Martha's Vineyard.

    They were having a benefit with everyone there, I went home early and didn't get to go to the play. (at such a young age a vacation like that is just Meeh, now I would love it!)

  27. Joseph Gordon Levitt (or Dicaprio) avoids to sign autograph,take pics with fans or meet the fans also according to many Batman or Inception fans in premiere

  28. At Louise Smithy, I tried to watch Prince of Persia. I got about 30 minutes into it before I turned it off. It was somehow both boring and headache-inducing at the same time.

  29. Anonymous9:44 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. @IDo- Congrats on your pregnancy. How exciting!!! I also have a daughter named Piper. She just tuned 6.

  31. Maybe he had a TOOTH-ache?

  32. His last movie Source Code was a hit, 91% on RT and made 147 million WW on a 32 million budget.

  33. Prince of Persia sucked balls! What accent did Jakey Poo have? British? I'm so glad that did not become a franchise. Also, how come it's O.K. to make fun of Persians/Iranians?

  34. Thanks @Crystal and @Libby!

    @Crystal, that's awesome! It's such a good name. What's her middle name? Ours is Piper Camille.

    @Libby, oh man I am so sorry you have Crohn's. I'm glad to hear it's been treating you good as of late. I hope it continues.

    @Frufa, maybe we are siblings bc it seems I inherited it from your Mom. Gahhhh. No fun.

  35. Maybe his sister's snotty attitude is rubbing off on him. Isn't she equally dismissive of the little people?

  36. Just wanted to let you know that not all tourists wait at the stage door. Hubby and I are too busy going for food. When we went and saw Fences with Denzel Washington, it seemed like we were the only people who didn't wait. We were very lucky though, asked for the two best seats, didn't need to sit next to each other, got a front row and a third row. I got the front but hubby got the better seat in the third row. He had a better view and Denzel seemed to be his side of the stage (we were at opposite ends of the theatre). We then spent dinner discussing who was better, I thought Viola Davis was magnificent and as great as everyone else was wiped the floor with them, hubby argued Denzel, but he is a big fan and was thrilled he got to see him.

  37. Nothing like biting the hands that feed you. I can't wait until this a-hole is bankrupt.

  38. @Phillip Themholes said...
    "Nothing like biting the hands that feed you. I can't wait until this a-hole is bankrupt."

    Just don't hold your breath.
