Friday, August 31, 2012

If Lindsay Lohan Had $1B Would She Still Steal

There is always a lot of joking about Lindsay Lohan and her ability to always give herself a five finger discount, but wonder if she does because she has to or because she thinks she is entitled or just because she has an addiction to theft and it gives her a high. Yesterday CNN reported that on the set of Liz & Dick the producers had rented a trailer that had been especially built for Elizabeth Taylor for the filming of Cleopatra. At the time it was built it cost $75,000 which works out to about $500K now. Instead of just recreating the trailer, the producers rented the actual one for filming. You know, because the viewers of made for tv movies on Lifetime really clamor for that authenticity. As with most things involved in Lindsay's life the trailer got trashed and suffered about $100K worth of damage. of course Lindsay denied she had anything to do with it although she and her friends were the only ones to have access to it overnight. Yes, the producers let Lindsay in there 24/7. Cigarette burns were everywhere, mirrors broken, furniture destroyed. Hmmm, who smokes like a chimney 24/7? Yeah. The one thing the owner of the trailer really cared about too were the three items that were stolen. A theft? From somewhere Lindsay had access to 24/7? How strange. A rocking chair that Taylor used every night was taken and the personal hair brush of Elizabeth Taylor and a French phone. Lindsay pleads ignorance.


  1. The phrase "she has issues" doesn't begin to cover it for this one. Truly sad. I'm afraid the criminal justice system is her ultimate destination.

  2. No wonder she fled to NYC, reason #126.

    can we start a pool on when the extradition proceedings will start?

  3. Wtf.
    I don't understand why anyone would associate with or hire this bitch for anything.

  4. The owner just purchased it and as part of the purchase agreement had to rent/loan it to the production company. The previous owner had already made that commitment. She spent 50K on the trailer, which CNN reported was her life savings. CNN also reports that the production company is not returning her calls regarding this issue. Nice.

    What was the point of trashing the trailer? Because you can?? Why does this whore/loser still get jobs. Can we just stop with her and she will eventually disappear.

  5. Well, the producers are idiots for trusting her but HOLY SHIT! That trailer has been saved for decades and is Hollywood memorabilia and she does this? She really is not going to get hired for anything soon enough because why in the hell would you? What a piece of shit she is. No respect or responsibility.

  6. Well I can't feel sorry for the producers. It's not like the world doesn't know what a liability Lindsey is, and it's not like they hadn't been warned. When everyone is calling her a thief, a mooch, a drug addict, unreliable, doesn't pay her bills, trashes room...what did they think would happen? Seriously?

  7. I am so tired of hearing about this person. Please lock her up. Please.

  8. I just don't understand why her people don't use ashtrays. Every time there is a story about LL trashing a place, "cigarette burns" are always a part of it. Seriously, isn't she afraid of something getting caught on fire? It's a silly, simple thing, but it perplexes me. How did her parents live for her to learn this sort of behavior?

  9. The producers thought they had dodged most of the bullets from hiring this chick when filming finished. Now they're dealing with the Chateau Marmont AND this trailer too.
    The woman is a walking grift, and a disaster.

  10. Liz Taylor is spinning in her grave if she hasn't been already. Just casting Lindsay to play la Liz was an insult.

  11. the producers are getting exactly what they want free publicity. I never would of known the movie will be on November 3 hadn't been for lindsay's insane behavior.

    1. omg they're airing it nov 3? that's my birthday nooooo!!!!!

  12. Well, I'm blaming the producers who had to know about Lindsey's past crimes and her current mental state. Who allows someone like that 24/7 access to anything of value?

    I feel for the new owner of the trailer. The producers better return the trailer in the same shape they got it. Oh, wait, I guess that's impossible now. Wonder how much the owner could sue the production company for?

  13. I saw all three of those for sale on eBay today. The person selling them goes by the name of MeanGirlCady.

  14. Classic- "viewers of made for TV Lifetime movies really clamor for authenticity" that made me AC giggle

  15. I can't deal with this trick anymore. She needs a good ass kicking and then jail. Lots of it. She and Amanda Bynes are wastes of good air.

  16. @ lazyday - wow, how blatant of them to sell the items on e-bay! What idiots.

  17. I believe Lindsay when she claims "ignorance", because she truly is ignorant!

  18. Did y'all hear about Gaga's tweet to Linnocent, in response to the photos of Lindsay's 'jewels'? Gaga asked 'Are those MY earrings?'
    I didn't hear if Gaga was joking, but it's pretty believable that she wasn't.

  19. When will this bitch be gone.......what's this the 50th second chance.
    Wise up, she's not worth it.

  20. God this trick. She's an absolute uncouth pig. Ashtray? What's an ashtray when you're a nodding junky and there's a floor. I don't feel sorry for those Lifetime people. They should have known not to trust her.

    BTW When is that mess of a movie gonna air. Must make sure to avoid it.

  21. I feel for the owner of the trailer and their losses, but seriously. Why did they leave all those valuable Liz mementos in the trailer? They knew the Hot Mess of the Century would have access to the trailer, and that she's a known thief. I would say they should've nailed everything down but I don't think that would stop a LiLo bent on thievery. Just write off the losses and be thankful LiLo didn't burn the thing down or drive a Porsche through it.

  22. Oh yeah, that Gaga tweet was priceless. Something like "hey sweetie are those my earrings... awkward" and then she deleted it so I suspect it was real.

    So glad Enty covered this story, I tried to mail it into Michael K yesterday, haven't been to DListed yet this morning but will pop over soon.

    I WANT TO PUNCH LINDSAY IN THE FACE!!! God what a piece of trash.

  23. Sherry - are you kidding me? I'm going to WATCH THE SHIT out of that Lifetime movie. Can't wait, bitch can't even act anymore. It'll be like watching a slo-mo trainwreck.

  24. This just makes me want to cry. I feel so bad for the owner. She used her life savings to purchase the trailer. This is one of the dickhole moves I wish life would stop throwing at people.

  25. Does anyone know what companies are buying commercial time for this movie premier? They're the people I'm going to email and point out that I refuse to buy the products of anyone who enables this piece of trash. Make a statement with your money folks! Email the advertisers!

  26. Seriously, the only thing that annoys me more than this trainwreck slipping out of all these messes that she creates is that when she dies young (which we all know she will), people will talk about all that lost talent, rather than the bottomfeeder she really is.

  27. Was it insured? Did the production company sign any kind of liability agreement? If they aren't returning her calls, she should sue.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Winona Ryder did it 😃

  30. To add insult to injury, the woman who bought it used her life savings to buy it $50,000. Part of the deal to buy it she had to send it to the movie set as it was a clause in the contract it had already been rented out before the sale. So the seller gets the rental money not the new buyer.

    She only had the trailer for a few days. Her goal was to turn it into a museum to earn income from it.

    Good luck getting a penny out of the producers to fix it. It will cost more to sue than she will ever recoup at this point. And you can't replace irreplaceable items like the phone.

  31. @SusanB - good job! Let's do that. I'm on board with that.

    I've grown to really dislike Lindsay. I don't say 'hate' because I have a hard time with that. But I really do wish she could be held accountable. I know that if I walked out of work and left my area a mess and destroyed I'd be held liable.

    Lifetime gets what they deserve. MeanGirlCady - let's all just go spam that account on Ebay.

  32. I wish Enty had included the 3rd picture, a poster of Elizabeth with cigarette burns all over the face. I can't even imagine what all those struggling actresses in Hollywood are thinking when they hear this stuff. The ones that would give their soul for a chance at a movie like this and would be nothing but kind and respectful of the property. Sad.

  33. @Crila, abs agree w/you.

  34. Apparently a few missed the joke. "MeanGirlCady" = Cady was Linsday's name in the movie Mean Girls. I'm sure the person that posted that was joking.

  35. guys, lazyday was making a joke. a damn funny one too!

  36. Aw man... I totally missed that. lol. Good job @Lazyday


  37. And libby, don't forget about the car accident she got into while filming the movie. The hired car and driver was right behind her when she smashed into their rig.

    I tend to think that the producers hired her just for the attention she would bring to the film, and boy, they got it in spades.

    Like someone said yesterday, anyone who chooses to deal with her, for whatever reason, deserves what they get.

  38. I usually skip over any article on Lindsay or Karcrashians, but was curious to see what the photos were. Thought they were Marmont, or her own living space (house?apt.?mansion?what does she live in?)
    Humanity is doomed when beings like this get good paying jobs and no consequences for their f*ed up actions...

  39. Preach on Cathy! You are so right! I have never seen a bigger pathological sociopath in my life!

  40. Preach on Cathy! You are so right! I have never seen a bigger pathological sociopath in my life!

  41. I am very hopeful about the Lifetime movie. In that they don't seem to want to use any clips to advertise it...Usually means it's very very bad.

  42. Yep.....still hate this bitch.....carry on...

  43. she is ignorant_ ignorant of the ways in which normal humans conduct themselves, thanks to those all star parents she has. But you know what? She is grown now, she can look around and see others dont act like this. She does it cause she has zero interest in improving herself one iota. She is useless.

  44. I'm scratching my head over the need to use Liz's actual trailer. What was the point?

    I thought this movie was on a tight budget and producers were already exceedingly concerned about the extra costs to insure Lohan but they could afford something as frivolous as this?

    Ugh. Just .. ugh.

  45. What an example of the results of Dina's exemplary parenting.

    This girl needs to go to jail immediately. Do not pass go, do not collect $200.

  46. The necklace, the car crashes, the drunken brawls, the five seconds of jail time, the jewelry, the hotel bill, blaming anyone and everyone for all of it...

    She says she wasn't the one in the trailer? Really? So who else was using it?

    Someone called her a sociopath earlier in the comments and I completely agree. Someone also said they thought the producers hired her for the controversy. I agree with that, too.

  47. Would there not be DNA on that water bottle right there on the floor??

  48. And the cigarette butts?

  49. LOL @lazydays and @libby!

    I hate her now! There is no excuse for this at all. I feel horrible for the owner who spent her life savings and the studio won't return her calls. She's screwed. And LiLo and her trash friends just get to skate on by as usual. Would you walk in an art museum and destroy a Picasso? I wouldn't but LiLo and Trash would. She has no self respect. No respect for anyone.

    JAIL for LiLo! JAIL for LiLo! JAIL for LiLo!!!

    Can you tell I'm really f'ng angry about this!?!

  50. WHAT. THE. FUCK. What a disrespectful piece of shit. No class. Lock her up and throw away the fucking key and be done with it.

  51. You are kidding right? Have you ever met a billionaire? They are all thieves, all the time.

  52. Hi dia!
    As a collector of vintage items---This IS a tragedy! Some things can't be replaced or re-created. The trailer had clearly been perfectly preserved, and the owner should get double her money back on this!

  53. And....

    I don't give a rats ass that she had hardships growing up or had crazy patents! A lot of us on CDaN have been through that and more and we're not running around like famewhore assholes. So Lynds, go away. Get your shit together. I think American prison isn't good enough for her. She needs a good long term in a Thai prison! That's what I wish for you. Hard labor in a Thai prison or North Korean prison. Smack her around a bit.

  54. Sorry for the rant. I'm feeling very angry about this.


    Is it too early for adult beverages???

    1. No--it's never too early
      --it's Happy Hour somewhere in the world!!!

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. Where to put the blame? Brain damage from drug use, and the number one reason, those fucked up parents who enabled her from day one.

    Enabling makes me sick. People who take advantage of enablers need only ONE to keep their shit going. They then say to the people who refuse, see, I have no to reason change. You're the ones who are fucked up.

    Lock this twit up already. Useless waste of oxygen.

  58. Of COURSE she claims she had NOTHING to do with the destruction.

    I DETEST this cockroach. LL is the absolute worst.

  59. Anonymous8:58 AM

    What a beautiful trailer. I would have loved to have seen it before. Not now, though. It likely smells of cigarettes, sweat, pork rinds, dried cum, and failure.

    We can ALL agree, Lindsay is beyond hope.

  60. Anonymous9:05 AM

    A lot of people make excuses for this trick because of how horrible her parents are. But you know what? Many people have shitty parents. They don't all grow up to be slutty, thieving, disgusting, irresponsible assholes like LiHo. Adults deal with their shit and move on. They don't live their entire lives dominated by their ids, like her. Personally, I think she will either OD, die in a car crash, or pass out with a lit ciggy sooner rather than later. If she only hurt herself with her behavior, that would be one thing. But she is a train wreck who takes everyone else along with her. I do believe that she has been whoring out at least her sister, and probably her brother, too. I don't feel one bit sorry for her.

  61. @Hunter: NOOOOO! don't do it. It only encourages people to hire her.

  62. Lindsay is just an entitled, useless,twat. She just needs to go live in a real trailer and see how other people live, then maybe she will realize what a useless life she really is living. I hope this poor lady gets reimbursed.

  63. Anonymous9:30 AM

    I used to LOVE Lindsay. Just last week I popped in my Mean Girls DVD and watched it twice.

    Now, this excuse for a WOMAN, needs to go to Jail or preferably prison and disappear. Give the spotlight to someone that deserves it, like my friend. (I mean good spotlight, not bad.)

    Next time she gets arrested or caught with something, she needs a judge that is competent enough to realize that she is just doing more damage to herself and other people.

    I agree that the lady should sue the production company. Who just lets a known thief into a room filled with invaluable treasures.

  64. I agree with dia papaya, she just makes me SO ANGRY!!! Arrrghghghghhhh.

    Also w/ Texshan - exactly - lots of people have rotten parents and turn out to be stellar human beings.

    I'm assuming Sherry doesn't want me to watch the show, but would be fine with me punching Lindsay in the face. :)

  65. As the mother of an 18 yr old son, I am horrified by that mess. Honestly, my sons dorm is much cleaner and he barely cleans up after himself, but he does have respect for things.

    This is appalling. She seriously needs some sort of therapy.

  66. How are the producers NOT liable for this damage (as far as the contract with the owner goes)??? What a bottom-feeder this bitch is.

  67. Anonymous10:08 AM

    I read about this incident yesterday and officially decided then to quit defending Lindsay on the grounds her parents and handlers messed her up. She has had too many chances and handups, and to disrespect someones legacy ( a true legend's legacy that could have been enjoyed for generations) and, most importantly, to destroy someone else's future livelihood, to do so without remorse or aim for restitution, my money and breathe will no longer be wasted on someone who not only destroys herself but also countless others.While I still believe everybody has a chance to change, Lilo clearly doesn't want to. And she better not get a legal pass for this.

  68. Your headline should be:

    "Trailer Trash Trashes Trailer"

  69. @ozzyinch - the producers are responsible for the trailer, as each and every vehicle they bring on that lot has to have insurance cert, which is issued by the Transpo Dept. on the film and signed off on by the producers.

    The thing is, I'm wondering if the "movie" will bring in enough money to cover all her mayhem (cars, hotel bills, ambulance rides and now this trailer).

    I wonder if there is a line item in their budget: Lyndsey Mayhem - $500,000.

  70. Oh yes Hunter..I don't normally condone violence but if you happend to be near her and then stretched and then, OOPS punched her, then that would be fine. Please carry on.

  71. LOL - Well I AM in New York and I hear she's around so I'll keep an eye out.

  72. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Also, where would the money for damages go? The owner bought the trailer, but the contract was with the seller.

  73. I go clubbing at the hot spots too so there's a very real chance of that. God that would make me so happy. Maybe I could get her to throw a drink on me!

    1. I'd be happy to take a drink in the face after telling her what garbage she is!

  74. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Here is what Linds did to a Liz poster: snuffed out her ciggys on it! Just nasty! Scroll down to see it.

  75. God, she is such a turd.

  76. Every hotel/rental home should release photos. She's a pig.

  77. I predict that in the near future she'll be sitting before a judge again. Such a trainwreck, all this recent bad attention and criminal activity certainly couldn't be helping her career.

  78. Ahunter, she's been hanging out with former Yankees ...

  79. I've been pondering why I have so much more sympathy for Mccaulay Culkin's possible drug abuse and so little for Lilo's complete and utter wreck of a life and I think Michelle hit it with "While I still believe everybody has a chance to change, Lilo clearly doesn't want to." I'm done with her.

    1. If McCaulay does have a drug problem, we have seen he appears to be a sweet and mostly private person. Lilo is a spoiled brat who has been given a ton of chances, yet does not want them. She most likely enjoys the attention and would be an interesting subject for anyone versed in psychology.

  80. Wow this Liz&Dick is gonna be such a trainwreck. It almost makes me want to see it.

    Bad Britta, bad bad Britta. Now i must shower.

  81. she's an addict. this is what addicts do until they are in recovery, and SOMETIMES they still do it in recovery. Lifetime hired LL because they wanted ALL THE ATTENTION they're getting - when else has anyone talked this much about a Lifetime movie? They knew what they were getting into, and hoped and prayed it would go down this way. I bet they just didn't expect it cost more than LL's paycheck.

  82. Oh, look White Oprah has put her youngest child to work by taking a page out of CO$'s Spam Playbook. ^

  83. I can see her being in a drunken stupor and carelessly leaving a cigarette burning on a bed, couch, etc., but the damage to the painting was so deliberate and fucking disrespectful. What an ungrateful bitch.

  84. I totally agree, Texshan. I generally do when it comes to your posts. I didn't read all of the mess that was yesterday, but I was really glad to see you here today.

    Hunter- You had better hide your purse if this trick is on the loose in NYC. Seriously.

  85. oh for fuck's sake revel148, are you kidding? Or are you Ali?

    1. Well said Paris!

      It was too coherent to be Dina or Lindsey..

  86. LOL I almost feel bad for Lifetime. Except they knew what a mess they were getting into and did it anyway. They better hope this movies has record ratings for them as it will be the only way to recoup the likely now high cost of the film due to the Lohan 1000% surcharge. I can't understand why anyone in Hollywood would be willing to work with her. People pay attention for the train wreck, not because they think she has good taste and does good projects. It just can't be worth it.

  87. Oh, and lets be frank about the trailer. That is no way to make a living, using all u r savings to buy some cleopatra trailer, then letting it out to lohan, who has bad rep. Im sorry it git ruined, and either linds or lifetime should totally reimburse this woman, but this was not stellar money making idea from jump street.

  88. Hahahaha @revel148! I'm all for having different opinions but you can not explain away all of Lindsays rotten behavior! She is what she is! Good try though!

  89. Oh and ITA with @Texshan

  90. Anonymous2:32 PM

    OMG, people agree with me! It's practically a first! Now, if only I could confine my comments to talking smack about LiHo ...

    Thanks, Popcorn, for your lovely words. I appreciate them. I also LOVE your photo!

  91. Lindsay isn't bad! And Tom isn't gay! and neither is Travolta! And Tara Reid is not drunk, she's just pretending so people will think she's cool! Gah you judgmental peoples! Everyone knows you should never EVER believe facts.

  92. Oh yeah and don't forget...Charlie Sheen is not coked up to his eyeballs and Ryan Fucking O'Neal is a GOOD DAMN PERSON.

  93. Haha Brenda by the end of that you almost had me cheering "Team Fuckhead!" I hope Team Linocent shows up again.

  94. @hunter - You be safe now on those NYC streets. LiLo may have access to an automobile. I wouldn't want you to get hurt!

    Have a great weekend!!!

  95. This is beyond sad, the vandalism was pointless and thoughtless, especially coming from a supposed 'fan'.

  96. This makes me sick to my stomach. Who does this? There's no excuse for this kind of behavior. :(

  97. Rewrite:

    Trailer Trash Trashes Taylor's Trailer.

  98. This girl is a skank. She'll end up dead in a 3rd rate hotel in Vegas someday, most likely with the needle still stuck in her track-riddled arm.

  99. Does anyone know the Vegas odds on her? Odds being she is dead or alive in 5 years?

  100. @revell48, say hi to your friend steppy *eye roll*

  101. Anyone else notice the mirrow previously hung on the wall in the beforempic is flat on the floor in the after? Why would that be??

    Lindsay is a hateful piece of cat sh8.

  102. This just looks like a newly deserted crackhouse.

  103. I wonder if Revell48 is typing this from the laptop that was "borrowed" from the Chateau Marmont?

  104. Long time lurker, first time poster. Initially I thought I would no consider watching movie but SusanB is right. Contact advertisers and tell them you're done with them. OT but immediately after that I will be returning my one (BAD) LeeAnn Rimes song download to iTunes. BOTH these crazies need to go to jail (and rehab) TOGETHER!!!

  105. Tru Leigh: Very clever.

  106. Ummm is that a DOG TURD on the step in the second picture?!?!?!?!?

  107. She's gotten to the point in her ungrateful, self-entitled delusional brain where the only thing that can fix her is prison- Hard Time, for a long time.

    She has to learn from the ground up how to appreciate the basics, like bread & water, 6 hours sleep on a concrete slab with no blanket, and having to ask nicely for every single thing she needs, like toilet paper and a tooth brush.

    It is the only way she will ever stand a chance to be anything but a scourge to society.

  108. Dia papaya has the solution. Lindsay is way beyond help. She has no conscience or sense of right or wrong. Just a sense of entitlement. People have tried to help her and it is not working. Oh hell, she is a travesty! She wants to milk the money train, and so do her her (disgusting) parents. Wish I could feel sorry for her, but I don't. And yeah, sexual, emotional and physical abuse for 12 years, but I don't do things like that.

  109. Amongst other things that Miss Lohan has to do are, one: Get treated for her kleptomania and two: Leave her drinking, but especially, drug friends behind.
