Monday, August 20, 2012

Hunger Games Honest Movie Trailer

If you have never spent an hour watching all of the honest movie trailers, The Hunger Games one they produced is a great way to start. You will then find yourself clicking on every other one as you gleefully spend your day at work doing absolutely nothing but laughing until your co-workers come over and you tell them and then the whole office is laughing and the boss thinks they have created the happiest workplace on earth.


  1. Lol. Didnt want to see the movie before. Def don't want to now.

  2. I saw it. It's not bad. Still haven't read the books, though.

  3. OMG. I love Honest Trailers! "I'm not gay, but I would totally *bleep* Liam's *bleep*!"

    My BF hated, I mean HATED this film. I dragged him to it, bc I thought it would be amazing. He didn't get it bc they left out all that important stuff!

  4. I guess I didn't miss the important stuff because I read all of the books before seeing it, so I knew all of it. Weird

  5. I tried to watch the trailer again and ended up watching something called PSY - Gangnam Style. It sounds like he's saying Hey Sexy Lady, Condom Style and they're doing the horsey dance the whole time. LOVE IT!

  6. "Seriously, they all look well fed".


  7. this is awesome. I've never heard of Honest Trailers...

    Titty Sprinkles...

  8. That is hilarious!! Vicki - first book is great, second book is very good, third book SUCKED BALLS and ruined the trilogy for me.

  9. Hunter - I only read the first book. So I should read the second and stop. That's what you're saying...

  10. Do Katniss and Liam ever hook up? That's really the only thing that matters here. I mean Gale. Damn those Australian Hemsworth brothers for being so fine. Makes me want to move to Australia all the more.

  11. Awesome! I'm not gay but....I totally would too.

  12. Anonymous12:55 PM

    @dia papaya,
    Don't want to spoil anything, but read the books. You can read the whole trilogy in 4-5 days in your free time.
    I liked the movie overall, but hate the changes they made and stuff they omitted. Walking in I knew that as long as they got the Rue stuff right I would like it. Plus, Jennifer Lawrence is amazing. She doesn't show a lot of emotion because in the book Katniss doesn't show any emotion. She is constantly referred to as cold and aloof.

  13. hahahha, this trailer is EXACTLY how I felt about THG movie... thanks for posting, Enty!

  14. I saw the movie and I enjoyed it...and now I kind of want to read the book.

  15. I enjoyed the movie and all three books. Jennifer is amazing in the role.

  16. First, I saw Hunger Games. I didn't expect to like it but I did. Here's why.

    1) You cannot fault Jennifer Lawrence for her 'unemotional' delivery - That's retarded. All the girl does is emote. They picked three lines she had in conversations, but the rest of the movie she's sobbing and trembling.

    2) The lack of chemistry between Katniss and Peeta? Tehy're not supposed to have chemistry. She's supposed to have chemistry with Gale.. who she does have chemistry with! That's the whole fricking concept of a love triangle - The guy who's the 'good guy' and the guy who's the 'bad guy' but who the girl has more chemistry with. That's a feature of every love triangle in the history of love and of triangles.

    3) The shaky cam criticism is entirely fair. The movie looks like it was shot by an epileptic. That being said, that's a feature of every action film and actiony sequence - I hate it but that's the industry.

    4) The actors look to fed? Fuck you. I'm tired bashing Jennifer Lawrence for not being a waif. Anne Hathaway too. As a straight man, I actually enjoy some fucking curves. Please let Jennifer eat the occassional meal and go watch Keira Knightly moves.

  17. BWAHAHAHAHAHA! I have to admit, my chief complaint about the movie was that NO ONE EVER ATE. Hi, it's the freaking Hunger Games. Aren't you supposed to be starving?! In the books, there were pages devoted just to the fact that the characters were stuffing themselves with all the rare and sumptuous foodstuffs, and in the movie, Katass barely even snacked! Bugged me so much.

  18. Here is my handle here is my spout lmao glad i saw it before i saw this and i loved the movie too,

  19. These are awesome! For once, you didn't oversell the video, Enty. ;)

  20. Transformers: "...and robot fights that are wrapped around random hot girls Michael Bay was trying to pork."

  21. @Mooshki - I love that line too. I get belly laughs everytime I watch one of their trailers, esp bc I was thinking the same darn thing when I watched the movie.


  22. This was funny, but the Twilight one was way better.

  23. Hilarious. I loved the books/movie, but I admit at being a little underwhelmed by the fire dress.

    The part with Peeta camouflaging himself made me snort.
