Friday, August 17, 2012

Hope Solo Says Maksim Slapped Her So Hard It Left A Mark All Day

There have been so many contestants on Dancing With The Stars, that sometimes you can forget that someone was actually on the show. They all kind of blur together after awhile into one big D lister. Hope Solo is one of those people in my mind. She slipped it. I had forgotten that she was on the show until her book came out and in it says that once Maksim slapped her on the stomach so hard during rehearsals that it left a mark all day. Then, I slapped my own face, and after tasting the bacon grease on my hand, totally remembered she was on there. She says that after the incident happened, ABC offered to replace him with another partner.

Yesterday afternoon, Maksim responded to the claim by Hope by Tweeting that he has always hated hypocrites and liars and and an opportunist all at the same time. So, is that Hope? Do you think Maksim could have slapped her? I say for sure he could have. Do I think he is an abuser? No. Hope says it was during practice. You should never slap someone or punch someone, and you should not be yelling at someone constantly either and I think that is pretty much standard practice for the pros on the show to do to the celebrities.

Hope also says that whenever Maksim yells at the judges or does something controversial, it is all planned to help him stay in another week because the viewers want to see what happens next so vote for him to stay.


  1. He mustve told her that he loved her and she responded with "I know"

    Sorry for the Star Wars humor but I had to! I dunno who to believe, its a he said she said situation. If someone slapped my belly, I'd slap right back.

  2. She needs to go away.

  3. For some reason, Hope Solo annoys the living daylights out of me.

    Why do I get the feeling this is a ridiculous exaggeration of what actually happened? I've been getting the vibe during this whole Olympic season that all she cares about is coming off as a victim.

    I mean, she has practically hired a little-old-Russian-lady-in-rags-playing-a-melancholy-tune-on-a-violin-whilst-someone-sprinkles-baby-powder-on-her-head to stand in the background and play every single time she does an interview lately.

    Your life sucks. We get it. You're not the only one. You have a gold medal. Quit whining Hope.

  4. There's something about her that I find so unlikable.

    Do I think Maksim yelled at her? Probably. Do I think he hit her? Unlikely (I'd like to think that if he had abused her, physically, in any way, they would have gotten rid of him).

    Now that she has put it in print for all to see, if this isn't true, I hope (ha ha) he goes after her legally.

  5. lmao! @Bondgirl's comment. Gahd, I need to laugh today. Hope: STFU. No one gives a rat's ass. No one.

  6. Wow. Two people who have both made it abundantly clear that they will always play the victim. They're both full of crap.

  7. Oh puh-lease. Dancing is so physical between the two partners, mistaken slaps, bumps, bruises, etc., probably happen all the freakin time. I quite like Maks' passion, intensity and douchebaggery. I feel for the guy that he's never won the tacky trophy. He is an amazing dancer. All of the pros on DWTS are amazing. He should have left it alone though and not done the whole Tweet thing. I live in the wrong decade, I think.

  8. Didn't he slap Brandi on the ass to get her butt moving during rehersals? Everbody went insane over that.

  9. I'd let him smack my ass any day. Friggin guy is sexy as hell.

  10. Dont like Maxsim at all at all at all

  11. I can't stand either of them and thought they were perfect together. She's no delicate flower - she should have slapped him back.

  12. Agree with you all. She is so unlikable. He probably did slap her during rehearsal, but I don't think he meant to cause a mark or hurt her per se. Dancing is very physical. All the dancers end up with bruises and scratches.

  13. Wasn't she the one born in prison or something?

    Too bad they didn't match her up with Urkel.

  14. @Henriette -- No. Leighton Meester was the one actually born in prison. Hope was merely conceived in prison.

    Hope WISHES she would have been able to pull the whole Born-In-Prison sympathy card...

  15. Not surprised, Maks is disgusting.

  16. Slap me on the ass and talk to me while you do it! Heehee its friday and I'm feeling a bit frisky.

  17. I feel like she put all kinds of crazy claims in her book to help sell more copies. She also claimed her former coach of the National team shoved her. She thinks way to highly of herself.

  18. I believe about zero percent of anything she says, ever. She brought shame upon her sport, her nation, her family, her team and herself at the Olympics. (Okay, I'm exaggerating, but still...)

  19. Please~ she's accused so many people of so many things it's hard to keep up. She whined about being called out by Brandi Chastain but it doesn't stop her from pointing a finger at everyone else for things real or imagined.

  20. Ugh this chick is so annoying! She always has this smug look on her face

  21. Every time that woman opens her mouth, it makes me wish Briana Scurry would come out of retirement. Primadonna, this one.

  22. LOL AuntJess! Frisky Friday indeed :)

  23. She's an attention whore, he's a skeez, did I miss anything? Nope, that covers it.

  24. Aren't the rehearsals filmed?

  25. I felt sorry for Maks that he got stuck with her. She would have been gone the second week if she'd been with another dancer.

    Do we think she's one of the several contestants he slept with?

  26. @Barton agree with you. Can't stand her and she's a POS. Famewhore narcissist and a liar. She's a disgrace to Soccer and her fellow athletes.

  27. @Comma Chaser....the last time Brianna Scurry sniffed a goalbox she let up 4 goals against Brasil. All you couch-critics seem to have a double standard when the man that is inappropriately physical with a woman is "passionate" and good-looking. You make excuses for Maks (just like the white-trash abuse victims do), when he is clearly a hot-tempered mysogynist that enjoys intimidating and domineering his partners and critics, ala Chris Brown. Where is the same rage for his bullying? Or have all your middle-aged spank fantasies fueled by 50 Shades warped your view on this loser?

    1. Are you serious? A smack on the ass and a left hook to the face is totally different! He maybe a bit hot tempered but a woman beater?! Sorry but I'm not middle aged or a cave woman... The comparison you spewed is ridiculous!


  28. Wow.

    First, Hope Solo is a superb goalkeeper. She demonstrated that at several points in the 2012 Olympics but perhaps best in a thrilling save in the final.

    Goalkeepers are, by nature, a breed apart. I speak as a former keeper and coach for almost 40 years. They wear a different color uniform from the rest of the team and it evidences an attitude. Another player can make 10 mistakes in a match and little may be said. A keeper cannot make any mistakes. A fearless - even arrogant - attitude is necessary. Her criticism of Brianna Scurry and the USWNT coach was unfortunate - but completely accurate.

    So I take Hope for what she is. An arrogant, accomplished, elite athlete. She has had a tougher life than many. And she has brought home victories for the US national team.

    And she's hot.

  29. Does Maks have a temper--obviously.

    Does he stage temper-tantrums for ratings? Probably.

    Did he deck her.....I sort of doubt it. He is a bit of a bully with his partners but every other person he's worked with seems to have very positive feelings about him after being on the show.

    Hope definitely has some personal issues --I saw her on Dr Phil promoting her book in which she seems to be positioning herself as a victim who has triumphed over adversity--so maybe that's just how she reads things.

    Did he slap her on the butt or something else physical during the heat of training and rehearsals? Maybe but I just don't think he hit her in the face in anger. I don't think he is that kind of person.

  30. There is no excuse for hitting her.

  31. If it lasted all day, then surely she must have take 30 seconds to get a picture of her face with the mark. Otherwise, the camera that tapes rehearsals must have gotten the slap in film.

    Any footage found?

  32. She's a toad. I can't imagine anyone that has so many problems with so many people is truly the victim all the time. She'll likely burn every bridge in her life and fade into obscurity.

    And the comments regarding Brianna and the Brazil/USA game...put a sock in it. NO goalie is invincible and will have really crappy sheets at some point; that's the way it goes. At the end of the day, she's been atop the same podium that Hope has and doesn't have anything to be ashamed of; she's had a great career and should be respected and not demonized, talk less of by a fellow American/teammate.

  33. i love those pants she is wearing! no idea where i would ever wear them, but i want a pair. when they put the dancers in them and they twirl its so cute.

  34. I hated her on DWTS (I'm not a big Maks fan by any stretch). She came off as whiny, bitchy and entitled. The way she's still coming off.

  35. I've never watched DWTS and so can't comment on Maksim and whether/why he slapped her, but Hope Solo is an incredibly unpleasant person, waaaaay up her own ass.
