Sunday, August 19, 2012

Grant Show Gets Married After One Month Engagement And Some Random Movie News

A one month engagement? Apparently that is all Grant Show and Katherine LaNasa needed to finalize everything. I just watched The campaign last night which Katherine is in. She was really good, and I have no complaints about her acting, I just wish they had brought back the wife from Talladega Nights. You know, for a Dear Baby Jesus 2 sequel. Grant, who was on the original Melrose Place back in the day is in that new Possession movie which seems like something I should not watch after an artery clogging meal. Speaking of movies, the first preview I saw for that Clint Eastwood, Amy Adams baseball movie conveniently left off Justin Timberlake. A two minute trailer in front of Dark Knight and no Justin. I could not wait to see it. The trailer in front of The Campaign has him in it. Less excited to see it now, but really pumped to see the Ben Affleck/Bryan Cranston movie that had Ben looking like a 70's porn star for most of the spring. Looks really good.


  1. she seems to have quite a marriage resume, Dennis Hopper she is the mother of Henry Hopper and French Stewart.

    They seem happy good luck to them.

  2. Hey, he's 50 and she's 45. They're old enough to know better, so congrats. And, I have to say, he's still hot as hell.

  3. She's the mother of French Stewart?

    He is still hot and I like how she's working the purse even through PDA.

  4. if she's the mother of french stewart then that is really amazing b/c he's 48

  5. lol califblondy, typo I meant she was married to French Stewart also.

  6. @Califblondy- She was married to French Stewart :) Now I wonder who his mother is though.

  7. She was married to French Stewart?? He's straight????

    There's no way I can see the Clint Eastwood movie because the trailer made me cry but I don't get the hate for Justin Timberlake. He's not a bad actor and has good comedic timing.

  8. She has a rather broad range of husband choices. Hope third time's the charm!

  9. This sounds like some dumbass thing that I would do! Best of luck to these lovebirds

  10. Sunny, I literally laughed out loud - love you!

    1. And I love yout too Frufa! I was laughing at your joke footnote in the LeAnne thread. We are the same person

  11. Her stance looks like she is dying to go to the bathroom. What up with ladies standing that way? Yeah, I know it supposedly makes them look better.

  12. I guess they have known each other for a while and had a 1 month engagement before marrying? That might make sense.

  13. I don't know what trailer you saw for Clint's new movie cause the one that they released online had Justin in it. The Timberlake hate is old.

  14. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Justin Timberlake is a good actor? Speak to an editor or director of any one of his movies off the record.

  15. @Diana - What do you know? We want deets!

  16. The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world Timberlake could act....

    That's how the line goes, I'm pretty sure.

  17. Timberlake is not talentless, but he's not a great actor either. The reason I hate him is he always comes across as being in love with himself. Not a fan of that type of person.

  18. I said he's not a bad actor, I didn't say he was good or great. I always found him entertaining on SNL. I don't really care what a director or editor has to say about him.

    As for the cross-legged stance, I wear heels a lot and find myself standing like that a lot. It takes a lot of pressure off my feet and is less weird feeling than standing with my feet straight. And I do it without realizing it.

  19. He filmed a tv movie once near us. My aunt was an extra in it. We were so excited to see it, but boy did he ever do a HORRIBLE acting job. Beyond laughably bad. We never see him in anything anymore.
