Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Good Morning America Fails It's Robert Pattinson Test

Can I ask the people over at Good Morning America or any other news organization a question? If you had a dictator on in the 7am hour, right before the cooking segment and right after pet grooming tips and this dictator had just killed 10,000 people by shooting them all, do you think you would ask this dictator about the killings or would you say and do what George Stephanopoulos did this morning and give the dictator a box of cereal and ask then if they want to address the elephant in the room. Of course Robert Pattinson is not going to address it if you don't ask him a question. I don't understand why you would ask a question of anyone other than a celebrity, but when it comes to celebrities they are off limits. Do you really think publicists are going to keep celebrities off the number one ranked morning show in America if you ask a question? At least ask the question and if he says he does not want to talk about it, then move on. I don't understand this fear of publicists, but you don't fear someone who has killed thousands of people.


  1. I'm confused. Did Robert Pattinson kill thousands of people? I thought those vampire rumors were just fiction.

  2. If I were to win the $100 million lottery, I swear to thebabyjesus that I would devote $99 million of it to a public education campaign teaching that possessive "its" does not have an apostrophe.

    1. Make sure some of that money gets directed to the programmers at autocorrect. I'm with you on this but even the best of us can get tripped up by our iPhones.

  3. @figgy, I noticed that right away, too, but then I got confused about the genocide reference.

  4. Wow, I thought he just got dumped by his fake girlfriend, I had no idea he did the heinous things this is about!

  5. Oh, and regarding the contents of this post...what the huh??

    Please tell me that Enty has not hired the recently jobless Ted C to ghostwrite...

  6. GMA is still on the air? Who knew?

  7. Why watch GMA when I can come to CDAN for the goods? Keep spilling it Enty!!!

  8. They are all just playing the game Ent. Same as always and it'll never change. Move along.

  9. Not a valid comparison, Enty. This is NOT a dictator who killed 10,000 people. This is young adults breaking up. Yes, it's cheating, juicy, and they are in the top franchise - but that's it. it's not a politician on his political views or a dictator killing thousands. Good grief

  10. And he's not the one that came out publicly and confessed to cheating on his girlfriend with a married partner. What's to interrogate him about? Get HER ass in front of an interviewer and see if she answers any questions.

  11. I REALLY don't want to work today. Beer all day to anyone willing to stage a rescue op.

  12. My god, enty, power down. M. They dont ask because everyone already knows the answer: he feels like shit, like a fool, betrayed in the most public way imaginable. Maybe they dont care. Who knows? Let it go man!!!!

  13. Wait. So is Enty comparing a dictator that has slaughtered people in mass genocide to rich and famous actors that got caught in a tabloid sex scandal? For real, like, what the fuck?

  14. I also want to point out that between them being a couple in real life and in a huge franchise, their huge fanbase, as well as Stewart's bizarre public confession - this whole situation is awkward. Like on a level rarely seen. Probably is weird for the journalists too.

  15. The question is, is it REALLY that serious that we need to ask him questions about Kristen Stewart and her cheating, and how it makes him feel. I think we all can ASSUME how he feels about the situation, considering alot of people have been cheated on before, but someone who kills other people, yes everyone would probably want to know why someone KILLED other people, assuming that NOT everyone has killed someone/ people before. For murderers there are different stories for their motives for killing people. The killing of people is a way more serious situation, the victims and the families of victims do deserve those answers.

  16. This has been extremely awkward. I wonder how much of that is Kristin's apparent lack of social graces and how much is her underlying desire for something crazy to happen to her.
    Idk, I remember cheating on a guy around that age because I wanted it to end. We were on again off again and I wanted to end it forever, and I lacked the maturity to just say that to him. Somehow it seemed like a better idea to make sure he caught me cheating. (I KNOW).
    That was really awful of me, even if that particular guy deserved it.

  17. Do you want blood from the guy??? Your comments on all of his interview appointments are ridiculous. He's in the business to make movies, not display his personal life, as has always been his way.

  18. figgy, may I buy you your lottery ticket?

  19. Hey Pattinson,

    Just say you and Kristin were not exclusive and the questions are over...........
    After all it's true you've been screwing around on her the entire "relationship" man up.

  20. Not sure why Enty is so venomous about Rob Pattison, but it seems clear his point in this post isn't to compare the guy to a dictator. He's just saying that GMA is so useless no matter who their guest was, they'd ask inane questions no one cares about.

  21. Sheesh, people, have some coffee and wake up before commenting. He's not comparing Rob to a dictator. He's saying: These types of shows don't hesitate to ask the tough questions to political figures and even dictators. Why won't they ask celebs the tough questions? That's all he's saying, and it's a valid point.

    As to celebs having personal lives... Rob and Kristen put their relationship on display for publicity. Kristen issued a public (and very strange) apology. So now journalists can't ask them about it?

  22. I really am getting annoyed with these recent posts. This, the JA post from yesterday, the Vanessa and Johnny post. WTF? I liked this site because we didn't hop on the bandwagon like all the other gossip sites. This is beginning to sound like a Perez site and bitching because celebrities won't disclose what you think they should disclose.

  23. They should ask Rob about how often HE cheated. That would have been more interesting.

  24. EmEye, with you on that one. He's playing the victim really well.

  25. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Thank you to the people pointing out the incorrect apostrophe in the possessive "its." The grammar on this site drives me crazy sometimes, but that is a particular peeve of mine.

  26. @WW actually they did not put their relationship on display, but went through a lot of trouble to keep it private. If you recall, their coupledom was speculated on for about 2 years before they made any attempt to confirm.
    Sorry but being a celebrity doesn't automatically give the public the right to personal information, especially something that is as private as a relationship.
    While I am willing to lap up any and all celeb gossip put in front of me, I do not become upset if someone is not as forthcoming as my appetite for their information might be.
    @EmEyeKay my thoughts exactly! How is it that she is painted the whore of Babylon but he remains unscathed from his indiscretions?

  27. This is a fraternal twin post to the Daily Show one yesterday. Lazy.

  28. Really?! What the hell was that about?

  29. I'm not American but isn't it supposed to be "its" not "it's" in the title?

  30. Stephanopoulos gave him a box of cereal? Is he trying to one-up Jon Stewart?

  31. If Rob did indeed cheat, dude was smart enough to not get caught like Kristen who very openly did. Oh, and if they did ask him those questions, do you honestly think he would have dissed Kristen, most likely no. Honesty this is just a no brainer.

  32. So my first response was: you're comparing Sadam, Osama, and Hitler with Robert Pattenson?
    Glad I am not the only one who thought that was a bit repugnant.
    Who cares if they don't ask; it isn't like he's going to talk about it if they do.

  33. George did ask about it...Rob deflected the question completely and just babbled and changed the subject...but seriously, this is NOT a man who hurt anybody...the place for the jugular would be if KRISTEN appeared on the show...acknowledging that this all may be bullshit of course but I think an actor who is going through a breakup is not exactly hard nosed breaking journalism...I will say this though, he was adorable and gracious and a professional. Whoever is advising him (unlike Stewart's idiot team) is guiding him right to a better box office for this movie, which I will likely never bother to see.

  34. I'm with figgy, Amber, and Redheat especially. I seem to agree with you, Redheat, a lot. Are you a red-haired dude in my area, 'cause that's TOTALLY my dream dude. Love a ginger man!

    BitterBlondin---I know you haven't seen the above comments, and I feel obligated to answer a possible non-native English speaker---yes, Enty is wrong, and you're correct.

  35. I'm an adjunct English professor and it drives me crazy but not as much as the poor grammar in national commercials done by the top advertising companies (check out Dove and Crest). I'm glad you're all calling this out-Enty needs to hire an editor!

  36. When it comes to its vs. it's, I always tell myself "the possessive does not [possess an apostrophe]" - helps keep things straight.

  37. @hunter, I just break it down to "it is". If it doesn't read right, there's no apostrophe.

    To wit, or e.g., or i.e. (I can never get those straight):

    "Good Morning America Fails It Is Robert Pattinson Test."

  38. "It's Robert Pattinson!" Sounds like a cheesy 70's talk show.

  39. ratings honey. dictators just don't put butts in the seats like rp dies. dictator fans just don't go for the impulse buy like his fans do. just sayin'

  40. It's a bad comparison but I see your point. But my question is, what is it about this guy that everyone seems to want to feed him? Does he make TV appearances for free food? That's maybe not a bad plan.

  41. Sometimes I feel sorry for an interviewer facing a sticky situation with a guest. Damned if you damned if you don't.

    Robert needs to be a guest on Kathy Griffin's show.

    All I can say is he must not be that heartbroken. Shouldn't he be under the covers with a bottle of booze? Maybe it's just me.

  42. This is a lame post. Time to switch to a better brand of coffee - or stronger than what you're drinking. Maybe no posting before the first slice of bacon in the future. Save us all!


  43. This is VERY simple - GMA, Today and all the other chat shows NEED celebrities to bring their viewers. Therefore, they NEED to play nice or they wont get booked.

    They do NOT need politicians or dictators for viewership. Politicos need the shows to get their message across. So, they will get asked the tough questions (although I imagine they are all known ahead of time for prepared responses - look what happened when Couric asked Palin the most basic questions and she couldn't even handle those! ha).

    Why are you trying to make this a big deal? Enty, you know how this works.

  44. dear @figgy and @Topper Madison -- IMHO, the advent of desktop publishing revolutionized publishing in both negative and positive ways. One of the negatives is this issue of the "Possessive Its" and the fact that grammar has been thrown out the window, even by newspapers and professional publishers who I believe are now too cheap to employ professional proofreaders. One of my other pet peeves is the decline in proper typography, best illustrated by the use of foot and inch marks (also illustrated in the headline) instead of proper apostrophes and quotation marks. As a dear friend of mine (and hoarder of handbags) used to exclaim -- the world has gone to hell in a handbag!!

  45. You can't count on spellcheck either. When I use it on documents, it gets it's and its confused and also for some reason, really screws up grammar at times. For instance, sometimes when I type the phrase "It is 11:00 am" spellcheck wants to change "is" to "am". It does that consistantly. I have no idea why. I'll kick in $10.00 to figgy's campaign.

  46. *looks around because I am scared to post due to my bad grammar*

  47. What a brain-dead comparison. Almost as brain-dead as comparing him to a politician yesterday. He does not kill people. He does not influence policies that affect millions of people. He is an actor. An actor promoting a movie. A little perspective here, please.

  48. It's because his dickmatized the whole world with his sparkly vampness,British charm, and perfect bone structure....

    Jump on the Pattinson train Enty, resistance is futile.

  49. Enty, please assign a better writer.

  50. There is also the possibility that his agent or manager (he claims to have no publicist)said he would appear on the show just to push "Cosmopolis" but the first mention of the KS relationship and he walks. They need guests (and ones who bring in a large audience), he's the man of the hour and truly he's just there to promote a movie. End of story. And wasn't George Steph and good journalist at one time? I mean come on, GMA is not a hard hitting show like "60 Minutes".

    Sarah, I'm off today..Where do you live. I'll bring some beer too..;))

  51. I don't think Enty was comparing RPat to a dictator or showing any negative feeling towards him. I think he was pointing out that if an interviewer has a chance to talk to someone who is currently in the news, then the interviewer should do his job and ask about that. I totally agree.

  52. Why is he promoting his movie on a morning talk show? Cosmopolis is an art house flick that sounds a lot like the plot of James Joyce's Ulysses. A guys spending a long day in the back of a limo dealing with his existential demons. How many morning talk show viewers have read Ulysses? And how many of those who did try reading it were thoroughly baffled by the language? He needs to be selling it on Bravo, IFC or PBS/NPR.

  53. My goodness he isn't comparing to a dictator but juding GMA for not having the guts to ask an actor about his cheating "girlfriend" but they wouldn't hesitate to ask tough questions a politician or a dictator.

    By the way English grammer is so easy yet the native speakers seem to have such a problem with their own language.

  54. "How is it that she is painted the whore of Babylon but he remains unscathed from his indiscretions?" She's admitted her indiscretions, he hasn't. And his haven't been proven (not saying they didn't happen...)

    I'm on the "All for Publicity" train with these two so I don't get why there even needs to be questions.

    I used to have George Stephanopoulos crush way back when. Didn't he work for Bill Clinton as his Press Secretary or something?

  55. Enty, have you been huffing lighter fluid again?

  56. Enty, you are Mr Cranky Pants today--it's just Twilight, get a grip.

    I have such trouble with its and it's. It gives me pause every time.

  57. If you know anything at all about the news media, you know that if they did indeed have a genocidal dictator on the show, they certainly would not ask him a tough question.

    When was the last time ANYONE asked anything but a softball to any political candidate in either party?

  58. "It's" is the contraction for "it is." The word should be ITS ITS ITS ITS ITS ITS

    Drives me nuts!!

  59. Sherry- too late or beer now, I'll open the vodka!

  60. As others have already pointed out, Enty, you fail your apostrophe test! (I don't mean to be snarky...I just hate the incorrect use of apostrophes.)

  61. JoElla -same here! Never posted before now.
    Why would Pattinson talk about cheating on someone he hasn't admitted to being in a monogamous relationship with?
    Has he? I do think he's adorable. ENTY isn't charmed.
