Thursday, August 09, 2012

Gillian Anderson's Kids Might Be David Duchovny's Kids

I had a blind a couple of years ago now which said that Gillian Anderson and David Duchonvny were living together and that Tea and David have been divorced for awhile. Well, now it seems like Gillian is kind of also working up the courage to start explaining some things. Not only did she publicly announce the split between herself and her partner, but in a Sunday Times article she hints at the fact that her kids might not be the children of her no former partner. So, who do they belong to? How about David Duchovny? The ages would match the times he was going through rough patches with Tea and definitely the youngest who was born about the time Tea and David officially called it quits. Oh, and did you notice that Gillian called it quits with her partner on David's birthday? Why does David Duchovny have full custody of his kids with Tea Leoni?


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    1. Your french, madame, is perfect.

  2. I want to believe.

  3. The truth is out there...get it Enty!

  4. Years and years ago before any confirmation i heard GA was a freak in the sheets, that she was bi and that one of the kids is david's, nothing about her would shock me now.

  5. He has full custody of the kids? Wow, I didn't expect that. Anyone know what the story is?

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  9. wow, this is like old Hollywood, except we should be finding out about it 50 years later.

  10. I didn't know he had full custody either. O_o

  11. I wouldn't be surprised if the kids were David's but what I really want to know is why David has full custody of his kids with Tea? Is she really a Britney during her Bat sh*t crazy period in disguise?

  12. Wow David has custody instead of Tea...thats bizarre

  13. I imagine Tea Leoni is exactly like her character in that Adam Sandler movie where he's married to her and she's a total psycho wench, and he falls in love with their maid and she has that super cute daughter.

    I have no idea why I think she's actually like that, but I just do.

    1. Spanglish and because she seemed to play ocd crazy control freak like she was being filmed candidly! I thought the same damn thing. Btw, you Amber are hilarious!

  14. yes, enty, you had this one called months and months ago, at least the 'together' part, not the kids.

    and, why does he have full custody of his kids w/tea? we don't know, but you do, so please tell us.

  15. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Also want to know why he has Full custody of the children ~ drugs ?

    Alcohol ? Child Abuse ?

    Come on, inquiring minds need to know Enty !!!

  16. Anonymous7:15 AM

    It says a lot of the father has full custody. CPS will do anything to make sure the mom has at least partial custody. That speaks volumes about Tea.

  17. Cute couple - hope they live happily ever after.

  18. Anonymous7:26 AM

    I just wish they'd just gotten together in the early '90s and been open about it. There was obvious chemistry, even then. They could have saved years, and the various spouses / partners they've been through. Plus, DD is looking pretty rough now, and she could have enjoyed the years when he was hot (she still looks amazing).

    1. I think they enjoyed the angst and the cat and mouse. Different strokes.

  19. Hah. Thanks, Letch. :)BTW cute pic! I've been dying to get a cut like that for a few years and am terrified that I'll wake up the next day realizing my hair doesn't grow out when I will it to. i.e. the time I cut bangs myself because I thought they'd look cute with my outfit. Still haven't grown back out.

  20. Is "Coke Mom" Tea?! (I don't even know if the blinds match up, it was just my first thought.)

    This is shaping up like the Clark Gable/Loretta Young secret love child (Judy Lewis).

  21. I know of a few men who have full custody of their children, most times its because the mother has drug, alcohol or mental issues. Not saying Tea has any of those.

  22. Oooh, you might have something there @NomNom83.

    These two make a hot couple, and are probably well aware of each other's kinks, so why not?

    I agree that this definitely sounds like an Old Hollywood scandal!

  23. Didn't Tea run off with Billy Bob Thornton?

    1. If she did, trust me tea, thats not the answer!!

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  25. They aren't exactly A list anymore, why hide it? The paparazzi aren't going to hunt them down.

  26. I'm not convinced.

  27. Anonymous7:42 AM

    I'm confused. Sense when does he have full custody? His kids are seen out equally with tea and him most of the time. They seem to switch back forth often. Most recently they were all in LA together. And Tea was in Philly a few months ago with her daughter. I assumed they had joint custody.

    Not that I'm calling enty a liar. I love enty. Whatever the truth is....kudos to enty for posting all of this so we can chat about it. David's reps have allegedly 'denied' that he's with Gillian through MSN. (haha) MSN says they are just 'friends.'

    Deny everything. trust no one. ;)

    1. Calling kneePads! Calling kneepads!!!! Sob/love/ lust story needs a pretty face!

  28. Although I wouldn't mind. ;-) DD's rep denied it, though. Not that means much.

  29. Anonymous7:45 AM

    @B. Profane,
    I'm not anti-dad. If anything that is CPS, not me. My statement is based on my experience (my mom worked with CPS while I was growing up). It's not a statement of how it should be, but how it is. I'm sorry if my statement made you mad, but it's the way things are. I see how my husband is with my children, and even as a stay at home mom, I would never argue that he is any less necessary for my children than I am.

  30. It is interesting that David and Tea first announced their split on October 15 2008 - the same day Felix was born :)

  31. My guess is it's more along the lines of him having primary physical custody with a pretty open visitation agreement.

    And, yeah, they aren't exactly a-list anymore but having at least a modicum of class about flaunting a new relationship that was obviously active during the marriage is probably the reasoning behind not going public yet.

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  33. "It says a lot of the father has full custody. CPS will do anything to make sure the mom has at least partial custody."

    God, the anti-daddy prejudice here gets so bad sometimes....

    CPS takes kids away (if justified), and they're completely agnostic as to the gender of the parent.

    It is the family courts, specifically guardian ad litems, custody evaluators, etc., who make the judgements about keeping kids with their parents, and they are also (supposedly, and should be) agnostic as to parent gender.

    (Seriously, it's time to enter the 21st century, moms. Ever fully thought through the implications of gay marriage re. your "primary parent" gender prejudices? How do you pick the "automatic" parent when both have vaginas? I knew a lesbian couple where the kids were clearly "primarily" bonded to the non-child-bearing "mom" than the whelper. Knew them well, their kids were in daycare with mine for years. The womb-mom snapped and snarled at her kids way more than I ever did mine. Guess what? She was a CPS case worker!)

    Remember, CDAN has had an occasionally awful track about getting legal details correct. Either Duchovny has "primary" custody (which, under CA law, could be just a tax distinction) or the blog actually has a huge scoop re. the Duchovny/Leoni marriage. The former is highly more likely.

    (But...maybe this is, finally, a reveal about Coke Mom, prompted by the news re. Gillian's divorce.)

  34. Oh, Bitter - awesome sleuthing work there!

  35. Anonymous7:55 AM

    See above comment B. Profane.

  36. It's weird how some commenters feel the need to talk down to everyone else. Unnecessary and kind of spoils the fun a bit.

    My X-files loving heart is a bit sad this didn't happen publicly years ago, when DD didn't look such a mess.

  37. Deep breath, B.

    Lots of us mommas here know and value the crucial role that dads play. I am the stay at home parent, but my husband has been the genius behind many of our parenting decisions - I certainly wouldn't be half the parent that I am without him by my side. And my own dear brother is a full time dad and most certainly the primary caregiver to his two kids.

    Every family is unique, and all the good people I know who work in the family law system strive to evaluate each case on its individual merits.

    Keep being a wonderful dad to your daughters, B. As you know, a loving dad is crucial to a girl's image of herself and her future relationships. No pressure, dude :-).

  38. AND THERE IT IS! The bullshit! David and Tea NEVER divorced. Not even to this day are hey divorced. He does NOZt have custody of any children, and the ONLY children he has are his 10 and 13 year old which Tea was pregnant with. Gillian's children are actually the children of their fathers. JEEBUS, it beyonds sickens me that you think it's okay to spread buullshit about kids (and that people buy into it). Fine, create your stories about the grown ups (75% are purely made up which provides humor) but for the love of god stop with he bullshit that involves children. It's tacky, and far more disgusting than the stories you make up.

  39. In California it's either joint-with-one-primary (with "primary" meaning anything), or sole-physical-with-visitation. Unfortunately, because of the way the CA leg. has hacked up the CA Family Code, the law--and even the court paperwork--still refers to custody by the "secondary" joint-custody parent as "visitation," even though it isn't.

    Back to the gossip aspect, it seems very odd that Leoni would be willing to put up with Duchovny having a whole second family with Gillian Anderson unless, well....

  40. @ B. - Coke Mom?

  41. B. Profane- odd, because she's not, nor did sheever have to put up with anything This story is actually complete bullshit, and what pisses me off is that it involves innocent children.

  42. My x files heart will always have them together.

  43. Look at yesterdays comments for the GA/DD post. Someone knew something in those comments, i feel like a fool for believing a random internet poster, but i also believe in ghosts so call me a fool.
    Regardless- for anyone who doesn't wanna look, someone basically confirmed DD's been divorced since 2009 and both of her little boys are his chilren.

  44. Frufra, I'm not embittered. My daughters love me and identify with me way more than their mom.

    I just wish I could go back in time and confront Sheila Kuehl--who I liked and admired as a legislator--and confront her with the real consequences of lesbian parentage and how that's destroyed the myth of gender exceptionalism in parenting roles. Sheila's been awesome but history has proved her to be a fucking idiot for carrying NOW's water and ghettoizing fathers.

  45. I read the article, I think a lot is being read into it. Gillian wasn't painted in a very positive light, at all. I got the impression she didn't get on well with the interviewer.

  46. @Frufra--I'd sure like to look over the BI clues about Coke Mom to see if Leoni fits.

    @whocaresnow12--You talk a good game about working in the biz, except when you don't. I've picked out more than a few holes in your claims to be someone with Hollywood crew experience, both on-set and in post. So...denials without details ain't cutting it for me.

  47. @rejectedcarebear
    Blindgossip even had a blind they revealed saying he got divorced in 2009.

  48. Interesting, and what do you do for a living?

    I'll make sure I let people know that you don't believe I don't work in the entertainment industry, but you believe a poorly written 75% bullshit blog. That's far more credibility than I can offer.

  49. Coke Mom was 'dying to get into movies.' Tea was in "Spanglish" as stated above.

    B, glad you are happy with your daughters, but please don't piss over other peoples' family types. Love comes in a lot of different packages, as I hope you are teaching your girls.

  50. This dish isn't believable just because "Damocles" showed up out of the blue yesterday to confirm it. It's believable because:

    --Anderson has had a rather vague, dubious romantic life for years.

    --Duchovny has been known to be a wayward horndog for years. (Although, to be fair, hindsight may now be proving that the "sex addict" slam was sleaze from Leoni.)

    --Multiple sources have dished that Anderson & Duchovny had some sort of liason.

  51. @ B. - just reread some Coke Mom blinds, and think we might have a winner. The one where she leaves the kid/s in the car for hours sounds more like someone with two or more kids, and kids that are a bit older than our previous primary suspect, DM 's, child.

    @Nutty - I agree, she has been in movies for sure, but has never made it to 'movie star' status. I actually loved Flirting with Disaster, the movie she did with B. Stiller in the '90's.

  52. @B. Profane I was always surprised that Leoni never seemed to get flack for cheating on David during their marriage, and that he ended up with the label instead.

  53. IIRC, years ago TedC or Page 6 had a blind about an actress that was seriously abusing alcohol. Tea was the most popular guess given the clues (which I don't remember). I'll see if I can find it but it was more than six years ago, before she and David even separated.

  54. Also, B., haven't heard the phrase 'carrying ______'s water' in one hundred years. I'll have to read up on Sheila.

  55. David wasn't a sex addict. He's addicted to porn, not the act of sex. If he wasn't in LA filming or participating in the Malibu Triathon, he was with his family. He and Tea are NOT divorced, they are still just separated but actively co-parenting their kids. While he is state side it's rare that Gillian leaves England (with the exception of work).

  56. B., I think that first part might be for Nutty, not me - although I respect both of you and want y'all to get along, please :-). We all love kids and respect parents of all forms and fashions, I believe. Anyone who is willing to parent, and gives it their best shot, is a-ok in my book.

  57. Isn't a divorce a matter of public record? It should be in whatever county's vital records. Many are published online. If not, easy for a motivated pap to go look up I would think. Or are some divorces sealed?

  58. Didn't Handler recently post something about Gillian visiting David on set? Like really recently. Of course, they could just be friends. I've visited people at work and I wasn't sleeping with them.

  59. Sheila Kuehl. Just trying to mitigate a somewhat OT rant with some sorta-real gossip.

    I'd like to believe that Duchovny is more good daddy than horndog, speaking as a guy who admits to being both. I've always slightly identified with the guy, having a similar background. We may have even passed each other in the Yale gym back in the day for all I know.

  60. Wow. Things are getting tense.

    @carebear - It was Damocles yesterday. Where is s/he today to provide further insight? Maybe @whocares is right on the money. At least she's here today.

    @whocares - I thought TL and DD were still together. Never heard about the "secret" divorce til yesterday. Do you have more info?

  61. Wow, very interesting comments so early in the morning...

    Word of the day..."Ghettoizing"

    I just want to add that IF David has full custody it doesn't necessarily make Tea a drunk, druggie, gambler, whatever, maybe she didn't want full custody? Not every Mother HAS to be the custodial parent and there's nothing wrong with that.

    Tea was a gorgeous woman at one time and also very funny and I've loved David since the Red Shoes Diaries. If I remember right they hadn't known each other long when they got married.

    I was never a big X Files' fan and Gillian always acted too smug for my taste, but honestly, I kinda hope all this crapola is true. Like someone said it's like Clark Gable's love child.

    I love the juicy stuff... isn't that what we're here for?

  62. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Gillian leaves England often. Just throwing it out there. She stated herself in an interview that she was going away for 6/8 weeks on vacation to different places and has been in America countless times this year for random events and such. I'm not saying that proves anything. But, if her and David wanted to have an affair of sorts, I'm fairly certain that they could find time to do it. She has spent the majority of the summer traveling.

  63. "Or are some divorces sealed?"

    In California, for anyone who bothers to file for it, the divorce records are sealed. The fact of a divorce or a legal separation cannot be hidden, but the details can be.

  64. I never really "got" Tea Leoni. She seemed completely average, but she had several good breaks with both series and tv movies without much success. Most people don't get so many chances.

    It almost seemed as if there was someone behind the scenes who really wanted to make her happen. Maybe she simply had a really amazing agent. Or incriminating photos of someone.

  65. the web of intruigue is irresistible!!!!

  66. Ok, here's my line of thinking: it makes sense to me that this scoop MAY be tied to other BI's like Coke Mom. Enty, whomever he may be, isn't omniscient, but rather a person with industry connections that, by definition, are somewhat limited. He can't know everything about everyone in the biz, but rather, have the 411 on folks within his realm of influence/connections.

    In other words, hypothetically speaking, maybe Ent knows Tea's nanny, or hairdresser, or agent, and has been getting the gossip on her for years and years. Kind of like the ongoing sagas that my mom keeps me up to date on - I know many years of drama about people thanks to her daily phone calls!

    Anywhoo, just food for thought. I love to think about things being connected, although many times they aren't. Gotta love a good conspiracy theory!

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  68. @califblondy - well said!

  69. She cheated on 'David the sex addict' with Billy Bob who is my all time favorite nutcase:)

    OT: I enjoyed the book Billy Bob wrote with Kinky Friedman "The Billy Bob Tapes: A Cave Full of Ghosts".

    1. Agent - BB is my favorite nutso too. Haven't read his book yet. Need to add it to the list.

  70. It seems like I've seen Tea and David together with their kids recently.

    Normally CPS doesn't get involved in divorce/ custody proceedings unless there are accusations of abuse, neglect, etc.

    My parents divorced when I was four and my dad got custody of us kids. My mom was wonderful, but was an alcoholic and coke mom.
    We had a guardian ad litem. Twice CPS had to come to our visits at our mom's to see what the environment was like. They report to the judge who ultimately awarded my dad primary and legal custody with ev other weekend at mom's.

  71. here's the full interview...

  72. By the way, I can't believe that it is a coincidence that she announced her divorce on his birthday.

  73. @is- they separated again in the summer of 2012, but they still very much get along. To me it seems that he's working on his issues and addiction in hopes of reconciling, but only they know.

  74. MONDAY, JANUARY 02, 2012
    Blind Items Revealed
    October 14, 2011
    #1 & #2 - This relationship never happened for fans, but it is happening in real life. Despite being married, this C+ actress with one huge role has been basically living with this B list actor who has now had a couple of hit shows and is also still married. Kind of.

    David Duchovny & Gillian Anderson

  75. Anonymous9:37 AM

    I do think it's odd this whole thing blew up on his birthday of all dates.

    I have no idea what is true or what isn't I just like reading about it. But, I'm hesitant to believe something just because PR says it. Yawn. How many times have we heard PR flat out lie from all the other celebs? Why would his be any different?

    I am interested as to why Gillian's have commented on it. I know some PR like to take the 'ignore it and it will go away' angle...but it was Gillian's story that started all of this. I would have figured her camp would be the one doing the damage control.

    It's also HER birthday today, by the way. For what it's worth.

  76. B.- you can call bullshit all you want, but your credibility goes down the toilet as one that believes gossip blogs. I hardly believe that you know anything, nor do I need to justify my carrer for some bitter gossip blog hound. You might want to think about taking up a hobby that's not analyzing other posters on a site.

    I have to go do my fictions job on a fictitious show now. The writers are going to love this story.

  77. Thanks for the update @whocares.

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  79. @Stephy, I agree. the first time I saw Tea Leoni was in Bad Boys, where she was cast as the "sexy" female lead. I remember thinking, "What?" She was so skinny and pointy and walked as if she had a sunken chest. I could not figure out why on earth they cast her.

  80. Dia- I meant 2011 sorry about the mistake

  81. @Agent**it
    I'm on a phone so I can't post the link, but there's a blind on blindgossip from yesterday that is definitely referring to them. It's called a new real life couple, I think.

  82. Calling GA C+ is a little unkind.

    Under CA law (and, I think, in most states), a firm legal separation (especially with a pre-nup) is almost the same as a divorce, so to a lawyer or for second-hand gossip it's plausible to refer to a sep. as a "divorce."

  83. @strawberrygirl - double high 5 to you !!

  84. Sometimes when the kids are old enough they have voice in who the custodial parent is. Their kids are def 10+ yrs old. I know I'd choose hot dad vs. OCD controlling mom.

  85. New Real Couple Alert

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  87. "The writers are going to love this story."

    Give them my love. I have more in common with them, professionally, than you do. I suspect that, at best, you're editing wedding videos at some third-rate post shop.

    The thing about concocting lies for a living--and writing scripts is the most demanding form of fictional narrative--is that you learn how to ruthlessly break down any personal narrative for internal consistency. Because if you don't, the audience will, and that destroys the "willing suspension of disbelief" without which performed narrative cannot exist. Plus for a project I did a ton of research into how intelligence agencies root out moles via narrative analysis.

    So don't get pissy with me for pointing out how you're misrepresenting yourself as an industry insider.

  88. @strawberrygirl, you're welcome. I had just finished reading your comments from yesterday !

  89. What's that? Oh, just the sound of a million X-Phile heads exploding.

  90. @ B. Profane - what did you think of Damocles yesterday?

    I'm ambivalent about what I read here. It's fun, though, when things do come out as true and you get that moment of "HAH! I knew that sooooooooooooo long ago!"

  91. I don't know who to believe!?!

    The truth seems not quite out there. Argh!

    If only Damocles would come back. Then I would believe it. Right now not so sure.

  92. @Agent**It -- Tea and Billy Bob--seriously? Ew. Just ew.

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  94. I really want to believe this but I just wonder if her aloofness is because they were separated and she did not want to formally announce in that venue that they (her and Mark) weren't still together.

  95. @Amber--Damocles was notably short on offering any degree of corroborating details. It's the fact that he/she piped up yesterday, taken in the whole context of all the hints that CDAN and others have offered over time that adds up to a plausible scenario.

    Hey, whocaresnow12, ask your pal David this one: why would a jogger think of Enrico Fermi when running laps at Yale? He'd have to think about it for a minute, but he'd figure out the riddle.

  96. Sorry, "running laps in winter at Yale."

  97. @Stephy, I know.I understand:)

  98. whocaresnow12 is my new favorite commenter. You rock!

  99. maybe Tea is Coke Mom after all, I really couldn't see Debra Messing as Coke Mom at all. Sorry, I know most of you were convinced it was DM. Tea makes sense to me, whereas DM never did. Tea took up with BBT and THAT was freaky strange IMO so I don't look at her in the same light anymore.

  100. The KStew-RPatt stuff was a mildly fun diversion, but this "old school" gossip is still the real good shit.

  101. This is so juicy.

    I love y'all but sometimes the bickering gets a little cray cray and ruins the fun of a good gossip.

    Maybe we'll get a Coke Mom update this week! That would be major.

  102. If this is true the DD/GA celeb sex tape would be the only one I would ever watch (if they had one). Mulder and Scully doin it.

  103. Wow this takes me years back!I want to believe!Yeah...Anyhoo if it's true that's insane.All those years...and the kids being his...dunno.Someone somewhere posted a denial from Anderson's official site too.But why all this sudden coverage?Just because GA broke up with Griffiths?

  104. So if Tea is CM, who is her friend? Enjoying this post today.

    Enjoyed whelper and rooting out miles. Going off to read about rooting out moles now.

  105. Don't know how much I believe these stories (don't, at all, but as an XF fan I think my heart would still explode if any of this turned out to be true) but goddamn, I hope they don't go away any time soon, GA/DD stories are better than extra strong martinis with shots of tequila on the side.

  106. Well , I'll take those "extra strong martinis with shots of tequila on the side" for you !

  107. Martinis? Are we going to happy hour?!

  108. Amber, almost .. there ..

  109. Anonymous12:45 PM

    There are people in all levels of entertainment who visit this and other similar sites who may or may not choose to comment and/or reveal their connections (and at what level) when they comment. The only thing that annoys me is when a person will immediately deny or invalidate not a piece of gossip but something that has actually happened multiple times and is corroborated by a variety of sources (and I don't mean on this site but in real life as in I can get them all on the phone) simply b/c their individual and possibly singular experience involving the same person(s) wasn't the same.

    Working directly or just being connected to the industry in any kind of real and regular fashion will educate a you very quickly that one personal limited experience is not descriptive of a person's entire reputation or usual behavior which is why some posters keep coming off not as insiders but as PR flack (maybe they are) b/c of their immediate denials and protective statements. I've had good experiences with people who are well known assholes most of the time and not so nice experiences with people who were obviously just having a bad day like any other 'civilian.' Doesn't mean that the former has finally seen the light and started treating people like humans or that the latter is an asshole period, no ifs, ands or buts, however, you wouldn't know it from people's personal and limited (likely singular) experiences that get reported here and elsewhere on the internet and media.

    I've seen blatant lies expressed on gossip sites like this one and real industry trade sites by people who claim to have insider connections or stories on people who are not acquaintances but personal friends of mine or projects that I've been directly involved in at a very high level but b/c of my loyalty and professional status I've kept my mouth shut b/c I didn't want to add fuel to what were deliberately created fires. I'll just leave you all with that.

  110. ^^^. But we want to believe :)

  111. This. Is. Awesome. My little fangirl heart just squeed.

    And LOL at whocaresnow. U mad?

  112. whocaresnow are you Tea or do you work for her/her BFF? Because otherwise I don't get your investment in this or your vehemence and certainty in your position here, unless you are with these people 24/7, regardless of what job you may have, there really isn't anyway to say it for sure isn't going on. I'm not saying I believe this, in fact when it was revealed originally I honestly thought it was fanwank bullshit, but there have been enough weird things since then (the dates of these announcements for example) that have to lead any person to wonder.

    And partially agreed- I would definitely watch a Mulder/Scully sex tape, and normally I would never do so, sex tapes aren't my bag. But not a present day DD/GA tape. Both are worse for the wear these days (DD so much more so).

    B. Profane- you were @ Yale at the same time DD was doing post-grad and Edward Norton was undergrad... I'm officially very jealous.

  113. "B. Profane- you were @ Yale at the same time DD was doing post-grad and Edward Norton was undergrad... I'm officially very jealous."

    And close enough in time to hang out with Jodie Foster's dyke friends and, it was strongly hinted, former lover.

    I didn't know that Norton was there then. Yale's bigger than you probably realize. But given that DD is a swimmer, I may well have shared a lane with him in the Yale rec. pool. I was swimming a lot in those days.

  114. Anonymous1:46 PM

    B. may have shared a lane with him? Be still my beating heart ;)

    I have no doubt that a pretty good amount of stories released on gossip sites are BS, exaggerations, opinions, lies...ect. It's like whisper down the lane half of the time. For instance, a lot of other gossip sites just took Enty's original blind about david and gillian living together (reveal was oct. 2011) and used it as their own story. They changed it up, but the whole 'them living together' thing is not new. I think it exploded right now because she announced her break up and the sites realized that all the comments mentioned David.

    I have and have always called BS on the blind. At least the part about them living together for obvious reasons, but, all this gossip must stem from somewhere. There has been gossip about them since the x-files. If they weren't 'hating each other' they were "sleeping together" and I would find it hard to be believe that it is all completely false.

    That being said, I also know how the PR machine works and don't just blindly believe what they say because they aren't in business to tell the truth. They are in business to keep their clients images in tact.

    I like coming to this site because while it may spread rumors, it also gives me an outlet to discuss it because I am not the type to just believe what Knee Pads (insert your own PR magazine here) is selling.

  115. @B.Propane,a Skull and Bones gent?

  116. @B-I'm jealous for the sheer fact you got to go to Yale! (State schooled am I) an X-Phile for the first several seasons...I so so hope this is true...

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  118. I used to walk by the Skull & Bones mausoleum all the time. But no, I didn't attend Yale or any Ivy as an undergrad. That would have been slumming.

    I was a member of an exclusive and notorious club at the somewhat-famous institution where I ground out my BA, but we were sadists, not masturbatory masochists like those seersucker twits of the Yale secret societies.

  119. OT but @B. Profane so if Yale is slumming you're either Harvard, Oxford, or Cambridge? Coming from an attendee of a lesser Ivy (I'm a realist). the only other place I can think of that is known for exclusive/notorious clubs at the undergrad level is UVa and if Yale is slumming then UVa despite being a great school must be beyond slumming! And also good for you for (at least it seems based on your comments) escaping the corporate machine that most of us are trapped in and doing something creative and rewarding.

    Yeah Norton overlapped w DD for maybe a year when he was a freshman. One of my friends was on his hall. He did crew.

  120. @B.Profane, I can always count on your wonderful clarifications.

  121. Felix. Xfile. That's all the evidence I need. There is no way I would name my son like that unless I wanted to be tricky. The kind of tricky that announces a separation on the day of someone's birthday.

  122. That's a pretty intense conspiracy theory.

    Time for me to whistle the theme music.

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    1. I'm really enjoying your comments! Lol

  124. I always thought it was very odd when GA announced her separation from Ozanne in April 2006 after little more than a year of marriage and then a few weeks later she announced she was pregnant. That was the child Oscar born 11-1-2006.

    There are too many "coincidences" in this story:

    Her child Felix conceived during filming of the second xfiles movie;

    The name Felix itself rearranged spells xfile;

    DD announces his first separation from Tea on the day of Felix's birth;

    And GA announces her split from longtime boyfriend on DD's birthday.

    This whole clusterfuck reads more like an episode of xfiles-hollywood style. They are giving us the clues to put together.

    Besides the attention they are getting now if they are a couple and they "come out" as a couple sometime down the road their fans will go absolutely bat shit crazy, including myself. They will be THE most famous and anticipated couple on the planet - Brangelina who?

    Then add a couple of (their) children?? OMG! Timing is everything my friend and the longer they can draw this out before actually "coming out" publicly the bigger the payday for them.

    I think this is brilliant on their part! One heck of an xfile episode. Tune in next week, same xfile time same xfile channel.

  125. Skinman had the larger flashlight..

  126. It's all brilliantly spun PR. Just like that Twat Couple. They will end up having a four-some. And make even more money as Twatfiles. You'll see:)

  127. If David is the father of Gillian's kids becuz she announced her break-up then David must be the father of Halle Berry' daughter. They did a movie together & Nahla was born the same month David & tea separated. they didn't announce the split til later that year.
    Quick call the press.....

  128. I don't think Tea can be coke mom. The blind states she is a tv actress wanting to get into movies. Tea is mainly movies and her imdb page shows other than an x file cameo her last tv gig was in 1998 I believe the original blind was from 2009 it just doesn't fit. I do think something's fishy here but I guess time will tell if Damocles is right

  129. @VintageFeedsacks

    I love your conspiracies, especially the anagram for Felix. BIG X-ophile here.

    As far as Coke Mom is concerned, what do people make of the fact that she is supposedly on a show now (or at least, was doing press for one before its debut), the timing of which coincided with the premiere of SMASH? Is Tea doing any TV now? not convinced TL = CM.

  130. P.S. GA is quite fertile.

  131. You guys do realize that "felix" is Latin for "lucky," right? No anagram conspiracy needed to explain it.

  132. @B. I'm just having fun. As I said, Big X-ophile here, so, I WANT to believe. : )

  133. @newborn that's two clues that don't fit for Tea I'm sure she's not Coke Mom

  134. Conspiracies was what the xfiles was all about....

  135. Felix is also the name of my favourite magical cat

    @B Profane I know the anagram is probably accidental, but then again her kids are called Oscar and Felix, so one can at least assume she has a sense of humour.

    @Agent**it you called him B Propane in one of your posts. Was that a typo or Freudian slip perhaps? Made me chuckle either way.

  136. @astrogirl. now I can't stop laughing, I plead unintentional !

  137. Well, the author of the CDL piece is JEANNE ADAMS who writes "thrilling romance suspense books". I think that sums it up. She has also authored a piece today about Brangelina getting married this weekend in France. Wonder how much money she makes...

  138. Today is Gillian's bday, so I guess this is all coming out!

    Yeah, X-Files Forever!

  139. Felix is actually SPANISH and translates to HAPPY.

  140. Felix — "fortunate or lucky". Feidhlim (FELL-em).
    In Gaelic, I think?

  141. Agent**It. Don't knock Jeanne, she's a romance bandit, it says so on her web page.

  142. Did you not want to die laughing? I want to know how much she gets for spinning this stuff, maybe we can all get a piece of the pie.

  143. @Agent
    What's the CDL piece? I thought I read all the comments today, but clearly I'm missing something. Lots going on today in the "community"

  144. Alright, I'm just a die hard X-files fan who happened to go to a few Comic Cons and saw GA and DD. I have no "insider" knowledge, just a human observing others.

    The first Comic Con I went to, when X-Files was at it's height, back in 1998 and the stars were polite, but not too into each other. Chris Carter was the nicest. David D acted like it was a waste of his time. GA just kept giggling.

    It was a TOTALLY different story in 2008 for the last X-Files movie. David D and GA kept giggling with each other and basically flirting. I remember telling my friend: "do you think...? Nah..."

    Also, I remember when David D first married Tea Leoni and GA made some weird comments about David D and not getting romantic with him. I wish I could find that article, but it was in a magazine.

    Anyway, Ted C was saying this stuff for YEARS after the second X-Files movie and this is all coming out on their birthdays.

    I figured all these rumors would come out when I was really old and my kids were making fun of my X-Files collection.

    I want to believe.

  145. Oh, how come no one mentions how David D was stalking Jennifer Beales while at Yale? I always found that story pretty interesting.

  146. In a world where Fifty Shades of Grey makes mega millions anything is possible Agent**It. With our respective time zones we could theoretically work 24 hours a day. Just send the manuscript back and forth. We will be rolling in it in no time. ;)

  147. @ MonstersInc Thank you I knew somebody would pull through:)

    @sunny see

    @astrogirl, himmmm. Gives you
    pause for thought, doesn't it?

    I'll sleep on that one:)


  149. These comments take me back to the X-Philes email list I used to belong to which would analyze every episode including the clock on the nightstand that read "10:13".

    And, by that I mean I love it!

    While I think it would be awesome for this to be real I think the truth is probably more complicated. As per usual.

  150. @Mary
    Remember when the X-File fans were the ONLY ones on the Internet? Oh those were the days.

    10-13 is Chris Carter's birthday and Mulder's too.

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