Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Gillian Anderson & Mark Griffiths Split

After being supposedly being together for 6 years, Gillian Anderson and her partner and baby daddy to two of her children have officially called it quits. I say they have been finished for closer to two years. Probably about the time their youngest child turned one. Gillian finally broke the news publicly so she could get out and be seen and allow Mark Griffiths the same opportunity. Gillian has led an interesting life these past few years. I think it will be pretty interesting to see if she finally makes all those Gillian/David fans happy and comes out publicly with David. There is nothing that he is into that would shock her which was not the case with Tea. Plus, it is kind of like that Ashton Kutcher/Mila Kunis thing. Or for us regular folks, running into your high school or college friend a few years down the road and wondering how come nothing happened and it does pretty fast. Sometimes though, all of that is going on behind the scenes. Maybe now, it will come out for everyone to see.


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