Friday, August 10, 2012

Four For Friday - He Can Never Go Out Because Of His Boyfriend

So, it is Friday. It's time for me to turn on the Olympics for one last weekend of non-stop watching and drinking. Three hour closing ceremony filled with British music? Pretty damn cool. So, today is announcement day and I don't have a lot to say. Despite my Olympic watchingness I will be blogging all weekend. On Saturdays I do a reveal or two and last week was a pretty juicy one. Or did I have two, I can't even remember. Please follow me on Twitter @entylawyer or you can find the little bird thing over there ------> On Twitter I talk more about regular stuff and bizarre things I see. I also plan on doing a Honey Boo live Tweeting thing soon. Have to. Just need to be drunk.

So, this actor was about A list. He might still be. It depends on how you judge. Has he headlined a movie? Yep. And it was not a horror movie. It was an actual real honest to goodness premiered in a movie theatre movie. Other than that though he has just been a co-star or second banana. Hugely popular though. Everyone around the world knows his face. The thing is, he does not go out much. He hates going out. When he goes out he has to leave his boyfriend behind. His manager and agent have made it very clear. Do NOT go out in public with your boyfriend. No guys playing basketball. Nothing. The only time you are allowed to go out is if you are with your parents or a girl. The problem is most of the women he knows have boyfriends so then he is a third wheel. He loves going to premieres because then he gets to feel normal. It is also the one time his boyfriend is allowed to be in the same place at the same time. Our actor has tried the bearding but it just doesn't work. he doesn't know how to go about it and because he is so young, most of the women aren't interested. So, our actor stays at home and orders in. He works out at home and does everything at home with his boyfriend. He would love nothing more than to come out, but he is hanging on by a thread with his career at this point despite his status and will do whatever his agent and manager tell him to do.


  1. So the four are the boyfriend- agent- manager and out actor. What the F does second banana mean?

  2. Jake Gyllenhaal?

  3. I'm with the Taylor Lautner guess. He's very young and people suspect it so much that it's probably why he's not even allowed to play basketball with a dude.

  4. Agree, it's totally Taylor. How sad :(

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Taylor Lautner was first to come to my mind.

  7. yep, even I knew this was Taylor. And I usually suck at blinds.

  8. It is sad! I'm pretty sure his dad is his manager. If not actually his manager, he apparently has huge control over his career.

  9. Except is he almost A??? Really?

  10. i thought enty didn't out people.

    in any case, if this happen to be taylor, then that's just bullshit. He should be allowed to do whatever the hell he wants to do, people are so freaking judgemental these days

  11. Taylor. He had that one action movie flop, and the Twilight second banana gig.
    Taylor Swift should have held on longer to this one, she's dating that 18 year old now, I think she's trying to pick "safe" guys that won't threaten her virgin ice queen status.

  12. This screams Taylor. I feel so bad for the kid. He should be allowed to be who he is. Boyfriend & all. I REALLY hope after the Twilight movies are over he can come out.

    Being gay isn't the career killer it used to be. Heck after NPH came out his career exploded. After the silver fox came out a couple weeks ago ever went "Yeah... And?" Yes there will be a few people who will have their nasty comments but most of us are mature enough to realize sexuality doesn't come in a one size fits all type.

    1. There seems to be a different set of rules for movie vs. TV and/or stage actors like NPH. I don't know why.

    2. Y doesnt anyone say maybe this is fake? I mean where is ur evidence??? Really guys

  13. I just found this on Google:

    A young Taylor starring in a You Tube video called the Banana Killer. I can't determine if it is really him though.

  14. The only thing that has ever made me think that Lautner might be straight is that song Taylor Swift wrote about him - at that point, I thought maybe their relationship was real? Would a beard go so far as to write a fake song about a "break up?" That seems like it's too much for a fake relationship.

    1. Maybe she didn't know it was a fake relationship.

  15. I feel bad for the guy. Just come the hell out, enjoy your life! We will still like u!!!!!

  16. I like the Jakey guess but that's only because I made a ridiculous brokeback mountain joke in my head regarding the "second banana" reference. I am a child.

    But I think Jake's a little old for this blind. And would Taylor Lautner really be considered almost A list?

  17. I bet he has twilight pressure to stay closeted to remain a "heartthrob" for the twitards. But hell I pine over Matthew Bomer and he's super gay. He's still crazy pretty and I want to lick him all over.

  18. Anonymous10:30 AM

    I feel bad for whoever this is. It must be horrible having to live a lie and not be your true self in public.

  19. @Unknown, she might if SHE didn't know that she was a beard. :)

  20. My first thought was Zac(quisha) Efron... BUT face exposure wise - I may have to rethink and go with the popular pug nosed taylor

  21. I was think Zac Efron too-but Taylor is a good guess!

  22. I feel bad for him. Can you imagine being thisclose to super stardom but you are just not. quite. there. But almost! I think he can have a respectable career, but I don't think he has super stardom in his future. IMO

    Come on out sweetie. Get yourself a cool TV show and make a good decent living and enjoy being who you are. Life is extremely short.

  23. *karen*, you might be right, actually. I always assumed that she knew she was a beard, and it kinda bums me out for her if she doesn't know.

  24. Why are premieres the one time he is allowed to appear with his BF? His agent would be the natural person to be at all his premieres, but Taylor's agent, Thor Bradwell, is living with another man. They have a fabulous apartment!

  25. Jake has headlined one too many movies for this to be him. Considering he was the only highlight in Brothers, I'd say he's far from being the second banana in a film.

  26. Being gay is STILL a career killer IF you want to be in the movies. If you want a TV career then it's fine - see NPH. How many out gays do you see headlining movies? As a romantic or action movie lead? That's right, none. Movie studio heads are waaaaayyyyyyy more conservative than we are, and the actors know it.

    But if you want to be in a TV show, especially a comedy ensemble show, hey be out all you want (especially if said show has already been on for awhile and has established itself as a success).

    Just pointing out that both NPH and "Sheldon" outed themselves in a very calculated way in a very set of circumstances, and I don't blame other actors for wanting to stay in the closet.

  27. Poor Taylor. If the blinds are to be believed, he's been wanting to come out for years!

  28. Taylor Swift has built her career on writing songs about her breakups. I feel that was the trade off; he got a beard when desperately needed (think both SNL episodes) and she got a breakup. Win-win.

  29. FWIW: Bret Easton Ellis - who is gay, or bi, living with a man right now - got in hot water last week when he tweeted that Matt Bomer couldn't possibly be the lead for 50 Shades of Gray (whatever it's called) because he was gay and no one would buy it.

    I don't think anyone should have to live closeted. BEE pissed me off with that remark.

    (And I thought Taylor when I read the blind.)

  30. Who Ever it is they should say F*ck Hollywood. It;s your Happiness in Stake.

  31. Just saw a picture on celebuzz of Taylor with a chick, who has a boyfriend. Very suspicious.

  32. JAMES FRANCO. Taylor Lautner was never A list.

  33. Maybe Kristen Stewart can be his beard now.

  34. Totally Taylor. He should just come out. No one really cares anyway anymore. Poor kid.

  35. @Em I follow him on twitter and when I saw that it pissed me off too. Sometimes he can be quite informative with his remarks, however he just seemed so arrogant and high-handed with that tweet, abit of a know-it-all.

  36. Anonymous11:16 AM

    The blind says the dude "headlined" a movie and it wasn't a horror movie. Isn't Twilight considered a horror movie--with vampires and werewolves? Besides, Taylor Lautner wasn't the main star of Twilight as in "headlined" it. He was part of an ensemble cast. And about his only being a a costar or second banana in other movies, he was the star of Abduction. Don't know what else he's done.

    So, I don't think this blind is about him.

  37. Thought what everyone else did.

  38. whoever it is, I don't feel badly for him. he is making a choice - to keep his sexual orientation secret for his career. this isn't a country where you get killed if you come out (at least not usually, and not by the government).

    so, he's made the choice that countless other actors and actresses have made. because people choose to remain in the closet makes it that much more difficult for those who do come out, and it thwarts progress for the rest of society in accepting gay people.

    ellen could still be in the closet if she really wanted to, but she came out. it didn't help her career initially, it hurt it, but she did the brave thing.

    as did jane whatshername from glee and zachary quint, etc.

    if it is tl, he has enough money to last a few lifetimes. maybe his career is hanging by a thread because he's a lousy actor.

    so, I don't have sympathy. I say, do the brave thing, come out, and help move society forward. someday we may have a female president and a gay man or woman can play straight and be believed. but progress is not without pain.

  39. @Molls - I think you have it backwards. He was the star of abduction, which wasn't a horror movie (it was an action movie) and second banana in everything else (i.e. twilight).

  40. "Everyone around the world knows his face." I wouldn't know Taylor Lautner's face except with a caption.

    I think James Franco is definitely a much better guess, although he seems to have quite a few films in the oven.

  41. Anonymous11:19 AM

    He did the shark boy movie, as shark boy so technically this could very well be Taylor.

  42. I'm going with Elijah Wood. First name that popped into my head when Enty said he was young.

  43. Anonymous11:21 AM that I read the blind again, that makes sense.

  44. Elijah Wood, Jake Gyllenhaal, James Franco, and Zac Efron are not second banana though.

    All of them regularly play the lead role in all their movies.

    Taylor Lautner has had one lead role that bombed (Abduction)

    This is definitely 100 percent without a doubt him

  45. Hmmm. I totally thought Bradley Cooper?

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. Em - Matt Bomer would be the ONLY reason I'd go see a movie version of that tripe. That man is so freaking beautiful. Texas boys. Yum yum. White Collar is one of my favorite shows and I'd totally buy him playing straight because I wish so freaking badly that he were and that I actually had a chance.
    That is some disbelief I will suspend all night long.

    Bret Easton Ellis is a dickhole in general anyway, though.

  48. Sad. Hollywood is stupid.

  49. Bradley Cooper is a good guess, except for the "He's so young" part. Bradley is almost 40.

    I'm going with the Taylor Lautner guess.

  50. And, yes, the fact that Matt Bomer is gay is irrelevant. :)

  51. I think that Taylor Lautner is one of the people whose career would actually be better if he came out. His career doesn't seem to be going anywhere right now. If he came out, he'd be a gay icon.

    It would be risky if he were being cast in everything and in demand. Coming out might be the thing that saves him. Especially since he's young. He would be a role model to young gay kids. All the attention of coming out might make a producer take a chance on him because of the publicity. Straight/pro-gay people would support him too.

  52. Sad.

    Why aren't we yet to the point of not giving a fuck about what other people do with themselves behind closed doors?

    And why is it anyone's business?

    I mean, who in their right minds doesn't already assume that all actor-types (or any artistic person, whatsoever) is possibly/probably gay or at least bi?

    Sheesh. I hate this. It's just stupid. Poor little thing!

    Team Jacob! (sorry, had to say it:) )

  53. I'm with Discoflux regarding the delectable Matthew Bomer.

    It doesn't matter to me what his sexual orientation is, he's a good actor and has wonderful chemistry with women (and men) on White Collar. He can play anything he wants. Also, he's totally gorgeous.

    BEE is a fucking idiot.

  54. And ITA with jane3113 above.

  55. i read this as jeremy renner the whole way through

  56. At first I thought Zac Efron, but I like Taylor Lautner for this now. He's so hot though, I'm not sure if it would affect the roles he can play (see Matt Boner, I mean...) so he should be relatively safe. Actually, I think he would become a better actor with a little more freedom.

  57. i vote for zac efron

  58. First thought while reading was Zac Efron, remembered some "pap" photo of one young "star" playing basketball with some buddies, think it was Lautner, so going with him. Sad really. Adam Lambert turns my crank, all flaming hunk of him....who cares???

  59. Thanks Jamie2 for that link. What an inspirational website. I bookmarked it.

    Re: Taylor - His father has long planned for him to be a giant Hollywood lead. NO romantic or action hero in studio films can be out because MOST of America (not other countries) absolutely will not accept a gay man in such a role. TV is another story. All the people who are coming out are TV guys. Not one single "movie star".

    Its been that way for 80 years and is not likely to change until middle America comes to the shocking realization that they are "actors."

  60. It isn't Hollywood that is intolerant so much as it is average America. Look at how the Chick Fil A debacle is going. Maybe it is because I live and work in the *shudder* "bible belt" but conservative anti-gay forces are strong in this country. And they will not allow an outted actor to play heterosexual in the movies. It destroys the credibility of the plot/action/etc. if the male actor is known to be gay in real life, regardless of how talented an actor he might be. TV is much more acceptable, but not "cinema". And that is the unfortunate truth about our society today.

  61. @BobNYC - that's why if Matt Bomer gets cast in Fifty Shades of Grey, I would pay to see it in theaters - to show the studios that people can view straight men as romantic leads in movies, not just tv.

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. Is Taylor Lautner's career hanging by a string? I thought he was popular and much loved due to Twilight?

  64. Kellan Lutz for the BF?

  65. And without peeping at other replies, I believe it should be Zac Efron!

  66. An article from the Miami Herald where Lautner turned up at a party where Lutz was already in attendance, and Lautner was whisked away by his "people." You can read it the way it's written, or you can read it the way the blind is written (his management won't let them appear together except at premieres).

    I feel dirty just posting this. Leave the guy alone.

    @Missy GQ: Lots of people, including me, have never seen the Twilight series. Zero interest.

    Taylor's only headline role was in Abduction, which bombed. Twilight is about to be over. So yes, I would say his career is hanging on by a string.

  67. RE: BEE - what are you going to do? He's a jerk, yeah, pompous and arrogant, but I like his writing.

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who got miffed about it!

  68. Thank you BobNYC for saying what is obvious to me. There is just no way most of America would accept a young male lead who they know is gay. NPH etc were already extremely established and also older, but still kudos for them coming out. Not many roles for a kid like Taylor except as a hot young male who always gets the girl.

    Do I think it's ridiculous? Absolutely and it pisses me off.As does the Hollywood machine of always has to have "get the girl". I feel bad for whoever this is, since he does want to come out. But I always know it could be the kiss of death for anyone that young except a character actor.

  69. I will never understand why gayness a career killer. An actirs job is to pretend to be someone else. Who cares where it comes from, as long as character is portrayed?

  70. Isn't this a Ted-blind? About the young star with the secret bf? Showing up at an event with his bf early in his career, his reps told him to never do it again etc etc. Everyone thought it was Rpats, but the co-star thing in this one is wrong.
    Also on the Lautner train btw.

  71. Any chance Jesse McCartney is the secret bf?

    Just kinda random that he was in the random photos today...

    Though I cant find any pics of him at the Twilight premieres.

  72. I think is Jake Gyllenhaal

    it talks about someone that has been in the business for quite a while, that tried beard, opened movies, was A at some point….really really screams him. We all know he is gay anyways.

  73. @auntliddy: I feel the same way. But for some reason people are excited when a straight man plays an prominent and important gay man (Sean Penn- Milk) but when it's the other way around; gay man playing straight, people go crazy. Remember some story from a really long time ago that people were mad Jodie Foster was playing a straight woman in a lot of movies, since 'that is not possible or believable'. Blablablla, i was mad!

    Also really bothers me women can come out of the closet as bi, and it's all hot and sexy, they get more and more attention, but when a bi male comes out of the closet it is dirty. Girls shouldn't be with him because he had sex with men in the past etc etc. Or it is just one step closer to coming out of the closet as a complete gay man. People just don't take it serious when a man comes out as bi.

    Find it hilarious a lot of straight 'cool' kids like to call people fags and think homosexuality is wrong, and yet their hero is NPH's character on How I met your mother. They fail to see the actor is gay, the one thing they are against. Love it when they have Barney Stinson as their profile-pic and call homos wrong. Oh the irony! (well actually it is sad of course, people changing their mind about an actor because he is gay, pathetic.)

    But I am ranting, i'll shut up now xD

  74. This is definitely Lautner.

    The reference to him being young and his career hanging on by a thread? And hanging out with his parents?

    That's not zac Efron or Elijah Woods. They're both mid twenties and up and they both have careers that are enduring.

    Taylor's very very young. He had Abduction, which was a flop of the earth, and in about six months Twilight's going to be over - And everyone's focused on Kstew and RPats.

    Which means, this kid's career is about to be fucked unless he gets a life line.

  75. I was thinking Bradley Cooper until the young part, then I thought Taylor. Totally on board the Taylor train. Just come out honey! Break the mold, the twihards will follow you no matter what

  76. Anonymous1:14 PM

    For all the people saying you can't be a lead in a movie and be gay - isn't Chris Pine gay? Didn't he star in Star Trek?

  77. Chris Pine isn't gay he was in a LTR relationship with Beau Barrett (Tron) and has been dating a model named Dominique for the last year or more. He is a very private person, but the clues don't fit for him.

    I can't see this blind as being anything but Taylor. Hopefully he saved his money well and if his acting career fizzles which looks like it will. He can kick the closet door open and be loud, proud and gay.

  78. If this is Taylor, given his "acting" skills, coming out now would be the best thing for his career. Sure he probably never be the A++++ Action Hero his dad might want him to be, but he isn't likely to be that if he stays in the closet. Come out now while he has a fan base behind him and he may be actually able to change peoples perceptions.

  79. Jesse Mc Cartney. PERIOD.
    Jesse McCartney posted this funny video of him and a friend listening to an Elvis song in their cars before they went to the gym last month.

  80. Anonymous1:57 PM

    You guys are forgetting that Zach Quinto is out, and he's in the movies now. Sure, he started in TV, but after playing Spock I'm pretty sure he's a bona fide movie guy now. So it's not necessarily true that gay dudes can't be movie stars playing straights.

  81. Off topic, yet topical. Ted C's twitter had an interesting bit. Someone asked for his opinion on Reese Witherspoon starting in a movie called The Beard or Beard. Ted said she had plenty of practice!! Hello toothy tile's girlfriend!!

  82. Staying in the closet is such a Faustian bargain - you become famous, make lots of money then end up like Cruise or Travolting (who btw is beginning to look like George Michael or vice versa). Hardly seems worth it. Once you've made your pile of fuck you money it's best to come out, then you can get really creative with your choice of parts and projects.

  83. sad if this is him.

  84. I couldn't care less if an actor or actress were gay. Couldn't care less if they were playing a straight or bendy part. They're actors - sometimes they're not very good ones but this is what they do.

    I'm really tired of this. It's got to change. I don't want people to be outed against their will but it's getting fucking ridiculous.

    I don't want Taylor Lautner to end up like John Travolta, offering money for rub'n'tugs in hotel massage rooms.

  85. I don't know if this is OT or not but Enty mentioned it in his weekly post!!

    Did anyone see the honey boo boo episod? OMG! These people are the people that show up on the Jerry Springer show!! It's like a train wreck - you just can't look away!! But honey boo boo is kinda cute:)

  86. The only thing holding Taylor back right now is his lack of acting skills. He is very beautiful and lucked into a hit movie series...and his character in that movie doesn't speak much...but when you see interviews with Taylor he is a huge queen. He should get some acting lessons and keep taking interesting second banana parts...I agree that he would have a much more interesting career if he did come out.

    And wasn't he talking to Gus Van Sant about a movie?

  87. I just want to hug him, poor dude

  88. Elijah Wood is 31. I don't think that's the kind of young they're talking about here. Taylor Lautner just turned 20. I think it's that kind of young.

  89. @ Texshan. Taylor's father wants him to be a leading romantic man. Zach Quinto is no example of that - he's playing a non-romantic lead type role. (Spock's temporary love interest will not last, and its hardly the type of romantic seduction/acting that gets the ladies juices flowing.)

    Taylor's father pushed him too soon. He still has a boy face, not a man face, his acting is extremely limited and he swishes widely in interviews. He should have been kept out of sight until he was ready to act onscreen and off.

  90. @SCYB - Ted's blind was about RPatz. He really did introduce his friend as his boyfriend, but it was a Brit boy's type of humor. He didn't understand that that isn't something one jokes about in the States. And so it was turned into a huge BV.

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  92. This comment has been removed by the author.

  93. I'm going with Taylor Lautner due to all the rumors surrounding him. Enty says almost - Twilight has been a pretty huge success and if some of his side projects had been hits then yes I would say he'd be A-List. But they didn't so he's a solid B I'd say. Then there's the 'depending on who you ask' - well I'd say if you ask any Twihard fan they'd say he's a definite A.

    And for Taylor Swift not knowing? She knew. If some of the other blinds about her are true then I can see her being in on it. She gets some exposure for dating the current hottie, they break up, she writes a song about it that everyone wants to hear, and she cries with heartbreak all the way to the bank.

  94. Totally Parrish Maguire. I hate reading this type of stuff, makes me so sad.

  95. Whoever this is I feel really bad for them not being able to live their own life. I can not believe people still have such huge issues with homosexuality. It is bullshit. The industry is messed up on so many levels. :(

  96. Not a Twilight fan, not super familiar with Taylor, but I don't find him the least bit attractive. I would agree that "second banana" would be his role in the Twilight franchise, since he isn't a lead. And didn't he also do one of those rom coms about a holiday? Valentine's Day? New Year's Eve? "Young" to me would be under 25, so I suppose he fits this.

    Re: Zach Quinto being able to play a romantic lead...he was GREAT in American Horror Story, and even though his character in the show was gay, I will say that I found him totally hot in that "bad boy" way.

    Don't really care what a person's sexual orientation is...if they're a GOOD actor, you'll forget all about it (just like with NPH and again, with ZQ).

    I hope my future grandkids look back on this time in history and see how silly and ignorant our society was. Just like when we think about segregation and women earning the right to vote...seems silly we were so oppressed before, right? It has to change for the better at some point.

  97. "I wouldn't know Taylor Lautner's face except with a caption."

    I would. And I have not even seen one singly Twilight movie.

    He's on all the movie posters though, so you can't help but noticing him.

    So, I guess it's safe to say that most people do actually know his face.

  98. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Oh, come on guys ..
    Taylor is not gay, do not make me laugh ..
    He had sex with Nikki during the filming of New Moon, and with her best friend Sage ..
    Just a Pattinson PR team tries again to spread rumors about Taylor, and they likely do so, that many believe in it.
    It's only allows the team to cover up their Pattinson's dirty gay secrets that should appear soon, because the Robsten PR-love story no longer exists.
    They monitor this site, they are controlled by Ted Casablanca, until he sent them to hell ..
    Taylor can not playing so dirty.
    He is too mannered and decent guy ..

  99. Some people like to think that it is Taylor Lautner. But Taylor clearly told that he is a hetero. Why we should doubt? Because this young man is pleasant not only to women, but men? Because it is favorable to his competitors to call him publicly the gay? These are their problems. It is not necessary to do them by Taylor's problems.

  100. @verav... omg, thanks for the laugh! Taylor and Nikki having sex!? hahaha, your whole post was just laughable!!

  101. Yes Lautner is A - the failure of his first headlining action flick puts his lead status in doubt. With Twilight winding down and no other big franchise on his horizon he really does have to follow the rules. Once the final twilight is out he will be doing the big push again and doing all the pr and will probably land a lead in something.

  102. @Julie The Taylor and Nikki thing is not as unlikely as you think...there is pap video footage of the two of them in Canada (I think it's when they were shooting New Moon).
    They were VERY 'cosy' together, lot's of pda, hugging, rubbing against each other etc.
    I'm not implying that this means he is not gay, but he was around 17 yrs old at the time and who really knows who they are at that age? There was definitely something between Nikki and Taylor.
    I do think this might be Taylor, it's sad that he may have choose between his career and his private life.



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