Monday, August 06, 2012

Elton John Says Madonna Is A Fairground Stripper

Elton John did not hold any words or thoughts back in an interview last night on Australian television. Ever since Academy Award nominations were announced earlier this year, the pair have taken one jab after the other at each other and Elton looked for a knockout blow last night. He said that Madonna's career is over and that she has turned into a circus performer. In fact, he said that "Madonna looks like a f**king fairground stripper." First of all I don't know where Elton finds these fairgrounds that have strippers, but I think there should be some type of guide that announces where they are. The LA County fair is already fun with all the fried food, booze and horse racing, but if you throw in some strippers that look like Madonna, then you have full on family entertainment. Elton was pretty funny. He must have tried out these jokes with Neil Patrick Harris this week on the yacht. Madonna, if and when she responds won't be as funny. She just isn't that funny. She takes herself way too seriously now. back in the day when she would show up on SNL she could be self deprecating. I'm not sure she could do it now.


  1. He should send her 2 dozen bouquets of hydrangeas as an apology.

  2. Well said from someone who looks like a creepy carnie.

  3. Hahaha...fairground stripper.

  4. Someone should give Elton John and Karl Lagerfeld a show where they try to out bitch each other. I'd watch!

  5. Hahaha. Anyone who takes a shot at Madonna can't be all that bad.

  6. I absolutely appreciate that Sir Elton John is willing to publicly call out Madonna. HE'S the biggest bitch and he's going to make damn sure she knows it. Hah.

  7. @Vicki, someone should be doing that on a weekly basis, period. If I had the dough...

  8. Hahahahahahaha! God, I love that man.

  9. Haha. That's the best summary of her latest shenanigans.

    I imagine her response will be some variation of "I know you are, but what am I?"

  10. The best part of this is that this is no up-and-coming diva saying these things to make a name for themselves. Elton is as successful and established as her, if not more so.

    This feud is beautiful. LOL

  11. Is this what has become of Elton, bitchin about other celebrities?

  12. I love it when someone finally reaches the age where they say what they really think and don't give a shit for any consequences.

  13. Elton John's inexplicable rage!

  14. Cecilia, I'd say more so. How many Oscars and Grammys does she have? Elton's earned the right to be a cunty queen.

  15. Elton is the male version of Madonna. I also love it when someone gets to the age when they say what they really think:-)

  16. The things he says are all true about her being passée, etc., but the British newspapers are also noting that he called her a c*nt during this exchange, which is kinda beyond the necessary level of insult.

  17. No way is he the male version of Madonna! He was putting on wild shows from the very start and has the talent (voice without electronic assistance and songwriting) to show for it. She is excellent at PR and self promotion and knows how to get what she needs out of people. Musically he is way ahead of her regardless of whether you like his music or not. And they are both bitches.

  18. I want to see these two old queens in a cage match, wigs flying!

    Vicki, that was hilarious! Lol.

  19. @Barton - she kind of is a c*nt though.

  20. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Fairground stripper! Love it! I would love love love to hang with Elton,David and Nph on a yacht. The bitchery would be hilariously entertaining.

  21. Me too, Carmelite! I'd have loved to be on that yacht! All those cute babies would have been a bonus, too!

  22. Love him, but he needs to let it go...

  23. I can remember as a very small child seeing a "stripper type" place at the fair that the men could go to. I'm sure it was very very lite porn and you could only be there for 5 minutes or buy another ticket.

  24. It's not that all this back-and-forth isn't entertaining (in a toxic and negative way)... but they're both pretty insufferable. She's a control freak, he's got rage issues. I would NOT want to be stuck in an elevator with either one of them. Although with Elton, at least you might get him to call up NPH and put him on speaker phone.

  25. @Barton - I hope any English readers will correct me, but I was under the impression that "the C word" is used more frequently in G.B., it doesn't seem to be as much of an insult as it is here. (This is all coming from films tho, so I could be horribly wrong.)

  26. Anonymous8:20 AM

    I would love to hang out with Elton...all the stuff he knows about other celebrities, all the stuff he would be willing to say...

  27. The "C" word still offends me. Sexist and not terribly creative .

  28. The Bitch is back!!

  29. He's such a tired old queen. Stop it Elton, it's not dignified.

    His music was good back in the day but from the 80s on, it has sucked ass. He may have Oscars but those songs are awful, truly awful.

  30. Sir Elton John is the original goat-footed, wheezy old queen, but I love him! He's been in the biz long enough to know. I can't fault him for calling out this narcissistic trick.

  31. Best cat fight ever! NEVER liked her.

  32. About 26,000,000 results / Google

    stripper fairground

  33. Anita, "Can You Feel the Love Tonight" killed it for me.

  34. Vicki, my husband kills me with an over-the-top rendition of "I Guess That's Why They Call It The Blues."

  35. They may both be bitchy old drama queens but see... Sir Elton's actually got musical talent. All Madonna's got going for her is autotune and good PR. If she doesn't reinvent herself every few years to match what the young people are doing, what's left? It's not like she actually writes her own music or anything.

  36. @mynerva - I would pay good money for that show to exist.

  37. why do they hate each other?

  38. If Madonna is a fairground stripper, what is Lady Gaga?

  39. Say what you will about his post-80's music, but the Lion King was pure gold! Pure, schmaltzy, gold! I CAN feel the love tonight, Simba :-).

  40. "You are a trashy pirate hooker!!!"

    --Elton John to Madonna.

    Oh wait a minute, that was from Anchorman. Never mind.

  41. Elton, hands down. She's just a performance 'artist'. He's a talented musician and songwriter.

  42. Fru, I HATE the Lion King. I don't know why, but I loathe that fucking movie.

  43. At least she doesn't do private performances for Rush Limbaugh. She has the #1 selling tour of the year, how is that having a career that is "over"?

  44. Fairground stripper was the funniest thing I've heard in a while.

  45. @Comma, that never fails to make me laugh!

  46. @carrowsboy, exactly! I cannot believe he was low enough to do a concert for Rush "Big Fat Idiot" Limbaugh. I lost a lot of respect for him when he did that.

  47. I saw an interview with Elton long ago, and he said he's had his fifteen minutes & he knows he's not going to be a pop star forever so it's time to let the younger generation shine. If only Madonna could do the same - but the ego is just too beg.

    Also, I've seen Elton John in concert twice, and each time was AMAZED at how pure and just fantastic his voice is live. Just unbelievable!

  48. Come on, these days the best way to see Madonna is from 200 feet away in a dimly lit arena. That broad make the Crypt Keeper look like a sex piece of ass.

  49. 'Life is about building bridges,and he saw the performance as a chance to open minds among the right-wingers present at the ceremony.' Sir Elton.
    He rec'd 1M to benefit his Aids foundation.

  50. He can sing. He can play piano. He performs with younger superstars like Gaga and Eminem but doesn't thrust his crotch in our face and date 23 year olds. He may sound like a bitter old queen, but I think of him more as someone who had his day and doesn't give a shit about calling someone out. She deserves it - she can't sing or write and still acts like people are interested in her boobs and private parts. No, we are not!

  51. @EnEmKay - it's very offensive in Europe also.

  52. Elton is sometimes a little too bitchy for my taste but I am thrilled with his Madonna comments. And let's face it, this is nothing that Joan Rivers wouldn't say too. Hope his feud with Madonna continues. It really amuses me.

  53. I guess if Madonna drops dead, he won't be singing a tribute song for her!

  54. I love Elton and he has certainly earned his diva-ness. He is talented, original, and has had a long ass career. I don't he could take Madonna's fake ass British act any longer. And his comments were spot on!

  55. @EmEyeKay - thanks. Ron Burgundy was the first thing I thought of when I read this. Elton is an amazing writer and piano player, don't know why he invests so much in what Madaonna does.

    Kudos to your cute cat av.

  56. thank you @Comma. And also, thank you @mynerva. I hear it in movies a lot, guys saying it to each other, that's where my assumption came from.

  57. @EmEyeKay - it IS generally an offensive word in the UK, but that can vary depending on the circumstances. I have a colleague who addresses men as "cuntybollocks", with the greatest affection. There is a character in a comedy show (Vince in Mongrels) who calls everyone "Oy, you cunt" in a broad South London accent. Time and place is they key.

  58. @Munch, and the accent:)

  59. @Vicki - aww, let a little Disney love melt your cold heart a little. :-). I'm a grade A sucker for that stuff. Plus, took the kids to see the stage show, and they loved it so much! It was a spectacle of the highest order, and in the best way possible.

  60. Team Elton!!!!!!

  61. Coming late to the party but please tell me someone has already worked "the bitch is back" into a comment.
    These two old shit-stirring queens probably get together and pre-plan their publicity "rows," cackling away in the night whilst counting up their money.

  62. Off topic, but very interesting. DLISTED has pics of both Elton and Jack Osbourne on the same page, and they have THE EXACT SAME face. Jack has to Elton's son

  63. I'm just gonna say it. I could never stand this man, and i dont find his comments terribly pithy.

  64. lol Fru, don't get me wrong, I LOOOOOOOOOOVE The Little Mermaid, Cinderella, and Mickey's Christmas Carol. I like a lot of other Disney movies, but for some reason I absolutely despise The Lion King.

  65. Well, if I had to get stuck in a locked room with either of them, I think I'd pick Elton. I could be wrong, but he seems to have a streak of kindness under all the bitchiness. All I see under Madonna's bitchiness is more bitchiness.

  66. Heh. Don't hold back ever, Elton. I think Madonna now looks like the long lost Del Rubio Quadruplet.

  67. @Barton, and could some Brits please weigh in on this- I was under the impression that the C-word is actually used by the British to refer to a different part of the anatomy than we do in the US, that is, around back. It would explain why they use it so often to refer to men as well.

  68. @mwynn13 - that made me laugh so much! If guys had one round the back then every guy in the world would spend all his time in a daisy-chain... a cunt is a cunt wherever you are. I think you're getting confused with 'bum' - in US, a vagrant, in UK the derriere (or arse). In UK, tramp = vagrant, not floozy - who was it that said we were 2 nations divided by a common language?

  69. Shaw? Wilde? Monty Python?

  70. I really love this old queen, although if there was a physical fight I believe that Madonna would kick his ass. David would have to have Elton's back.

  71. @French Girl

    It's because Madonna despises Lady Gaga and has said really nasty things about her. Elton and Gaga are very close; she is his kid's godmother (I guess that Catholic education will come in handy)

    Anyway, Madonna is a pretentious bitch who is desperately trying to hang onto whatever youth she has left (MDNA, anyone?) and can't keep a friend around to save her life. Elton has always been over the top fun who seems to make and keep close friends. Team Elton.

  72. @mwynn13 Think the word you're thinking of that gets confused is "Fanny". In the US it means a persons butt whereas in the UK it refers to a woman's lady garden. Which itself can be used as a daft insult to someone.


    First time poster - Not been here long but liking the blog already. It's nice to see some friendly people online for once. :)

  73. I think something personal went down between Vadge and Elton. Remember, Vadge doesn't keep her friends. Look at the list: Jellybean Benitez, Sandra Bernard, the Goopster, and many more. Vadge is known for using people and throwing them away. Elton is just the opposite. He even mentioned how the interviewer had stuck by him through his drug years.

  74. The Lion King was copied from a popular Japanese cartoon called Kimba the white lion. The friends, the enemies, the death of his father, everything copied.. Even the friggin name Simba.

    I watched the interview, he did call her a c**t and specifically mentioned her meanness to Gaga as one of the reasons he still hates her.

    Someone above got the fanny thing wrong. We used to call bumbags fanny bags here till we heard that in the US it was another lady part.

    Also the C word in GB is never the backside, but it can be used as a term of endearment amongst men.

  75. and yet, he continues to talk about her. obviously she matters to him or he wouldn't bother. like donald trump and rosie. when they say "yeah, no thoughs at all on them", w/ a shrug is the one that no longer cares.

  76. The c word, I've never been offended over it but I am from a country that calls it's friends that ;) just this morn I heard that this part was spose to be off the record, according to sirs PR, Molly, the interviewer is in Thailand atm and yes they have been friends a very long time, Molly has been around for ages and has some great interviews under his belt, he also is very respected so I doubt that if this was spose to be off the record then Molly didn't know that or producers have royally stuffed up, oh yeah she is a c*nt, I love Elton even more for this :)

  77. Welcome to Jennifer McDonagh

  78. Elton gets into a lot of fights with his friends, such as George Michael, Princess Diana that spring to mind and he has to make it so public, it's distasteful. He and Madonna are too alike.

  79. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Omg elton is so catty

  80. I love Elton! At least he had the balls to tell Madonna, what everyone thinks. She is a Mother of 4, who could easily sell tickets to her shows without flashing her audience. She is a beautiful woman, no doubt, but what kind of Mother does that with a 14 yr old daughter? Feel badly for her, that she is so desperate to appear desirable.
    Elton is a true musician, Madonna, I am afraid is turning into a caricuture.. Real shades of late Joan Crawford, in Whaterver happened to Baby Jane. Scary.
    Fairground Stripper, lol. If the tent fits, Madonna!

  81. Kevin,

    A fairground stripper was a dancer in what was once called a hoochie coochie show in traveling fairs and carnivals. They danced in a tent, and it's likely this was a way to sell the wares of hookers who had private business on the side. Much like modern strip clubs today, except these shows were in tents, and if there were poles, it was a tent pole. I was too young to be allowed into them, so cannot say for certain.

  82. I thought Molly was a woman.

  83. Lol that's his nickname :)

  84. I think that Madonna is bitter because she feels that Lady Gaga has become wealthy faster than she did, while building on her (Madonna's) ideas.

    A person would have had to have been kept in a soundproof room with no television for the past 25 years not to have been influenced by Madonna, because she was everywhere.

    There's also the fact that Lady Gaga can sing really really well. I believe that Madonna started out as a dancer, and has likely had dozens of vocal lessons and coaches over the years, especially when she was doing Evita.

    Despite all her pushing, she has never been able to produce any vibrato in her voice, other than some tight, forced wobbling.

    In the past, Madonna would have reinvented herself brilliantly. This time she seems to be having a prolonged tantrum. She has children now, so she can't use her sexuality so overtly as she has in the past. She is only able to flash bits here and there.

    1. Elton is a living legend. Madonna is a legend in her own nasty-sad mind..

    2. Elton is a living legend. Madonna is a legend in her own nasty-sad mind..

  85. Anonymous5:16 AM

    I love both of these queen bees, but really,
    WHEN did Madonna EVER have a sense of humor ???? She doesn't have one !

    I love this bitchfest !
