Sunday, August 26, 2012

Dev Has A Sex Tape

On Twitter I asked the question that if you have to ask who someone is, then will their sex tape be a big seller. Someone then made a very good reply when they said that no one knew who Kim Kardashian was when she made her video and it was a big seller. It was viewed a lot, but how big of a seller was it? It had a huge marketing push behind it courtesy of mom, who also probably had final cut in editing. Anyway, Dev has a sex tape that is being shopped. For those of you who have no idea, who Dev is, she is the singer of one of the most annoying songs of all time. "Like A G6." Yeah, I hate it too. She also sings "Dancing In The Dark." No, not the good Dancing In The Dark.


  1. Anonymous10:08 AM

    The female in a sextape also should be attractive.

  2. Am I really the only one who likes that song? I crank it up when it comes on in the car. It's so stupid, but catchy. The Short One always asks me what they're talking about.

    Sex tape, blah, blah, boring, blah. Sorry, kids, it's 2012. Gonna have to do better.

  3. Sex tapes are so 2000s it's 2012 no one cares...she's a few years late...

  4. I randomly bust out into song at times. G6 has been one of them, and I'm not ashamed to admit it! I don't like it that much, but it is so catchy.

  5. It's catchy. But atleast kimmie had a face full of makeup on, for the most part. I would not watch this.

  6. So, I'm the only one who thought you were talking about the guy Dev Patel from Slumdog Millionaire...

  7. I must confess I also like the G6 song. But that's as far as it goes.

  8. Was she acting like she drunk? :)


  9. My now 6 year old loves the G6 song. Only she sings it "Like a cheese stick".

  10. I lol'ed at o_0 !

  11. Read it wrong and thought it said Dov (as in Charney) and wondered why anyone would care.

  12. I saw enough of her body in the "in the dark" video. I wonder if in this one, she lets her hands "do what they want"..

  13. I like Like a G6. That 808 bump makes you put your hands up.

  14. @Bobbi - ROFL - "like a cheese stick"! Oh, gawd!

  15. I also thought this was Dev Patel and I got interested..then I read the article. Boo.

  16. The person in the photo looks like a guy. Is that her?

  17. Kim does have a sick pornstar body, which Dev lacks.

    However, I think at this point, EVERY celebrity under the age of let's say 30 has a sex tape.

    I'd be much less interested in seeing a sex tape of Dev than of say Vanessa Hudgens, Amanda Bynes or Scarlett Johansen, all of whom have had adventures in nude photography.

  18. I still have no idea who she is.....

  19. @Bobbi, @EmEyeKay - I was at the gym listening to this annoying song, and I finally said to my friend, "Why would they be singing about cheese sticks?" She laughed her head off at me. I still think it sounds like cheese sticks, though.

  20. Yeah, I thought Dev Patel too. I'd rather see him.

  21. These sex tapes make sex unsexy.

  22. Not the good "Dancing in the Dark"?

    Which good one? The Springsteen one or the one with Fred Astaire and Cyd Charisse from The Band Wagon?

  23. "If you wanna get with me there's one thing you gotta know. I like my beats fast and my bass down low." <--- I like Bass Down Low!

  24. Like a G6 is on my running playlist. LOl Great running song!

  25. I read that as Devo first. Whoooops.

    I quite enjoy G6 as a song.

  26. Shes from my town, went to my highschool, and dated one of my friends for a while. shes a HUGE slut, always has been. she first got in with The Cataracts after she slept w/ all of them. She did a backup vocals for a lot of their songs.
    Doesn't she have a baby too?
    And no she's not pretty, I thought her 15 minutes expired a looooong time ago

  27. I also like the song

  28. Enty though KK was not famous the catch of the tape was Ray J, Brandy's brother so someone in the tape should have some level of fame

  29. As lostathome said, the 'In the Dark' video was verging on being a sex tape, so this isn't much of a step up from that. And she isn't exactly the type where most men are dying to see her naked.

  30. Actually KK was known as Paris Hilton's best friend, so she did have some notoriety. More than this chick who warbles that God awful song.

  31. WTF is a G6 supposed to be, anyway? Pontiac makes a G6, which is perfect for this poseur.

    If she's talking about Gulfstream, they don't make a G6. They have a G500 (comonnly referred to as a G5), a G550 and a G650. I'll be this hoe has never set foot on a non-commercial plane in her pathetic life.
