Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Dating Story - Best Missed Connection Ever

This is from Craiglist in Toronto and is a letter from a person who really wants a second date with that someone special. Here is the link in case you cannot see the screencap well enough. (Thanks Kristina)


cheesegrater15 said...

She needs to find this guy and marry him.

smash said...

That made me smile. It's cute.

crila16 said...

Is it a she or a he who wrote the letter?

I'm thinking that this is a joke letter. If this person had a date with this other person...all they would have to do would be call or txt them. I'm sure they have their number if they met up in the first place...or even email address.

Jolene Jolene said...

This is hilarious. And strangely endearing.

Basil said...

I think this is a joke letter too, but it is funny.

mikey said...

I hate when I sit at my desk and start laughing out loud. One of these days I'll be hauled away. This story - true or not - is funny.

VIPblonde said...

The best part is the P.S. Touché, indeed!

Sherry said...

I did this on the second date with my now husband...I had to get that out of the way. It really can be a big deal breaker. Now, however, I am very sorry..It's become an ugly two way street of dutch ovens.

(Not really)

Jamie 2 said...

@Sherry, she didn't fart...

Robert said...

Yeah, she sharted!

ash said...

I can't see it or the link - can someone paste the link in the comments if you can see it? thx!!

Bloggertobenamedlater said...

This has been around for a while in different versions. Still funny.

VIPblonde said...

@ash Here's the hyperlink: To The Woman That Crapped in my Car

Anonymous said...

If this were real, she should should marry him immediately.

Sydney21221 said...

That's a very understanding date. So it's probably fake. What a shame.

katsm0711 said...

I can't decide if I want to share this on FB or not lol

msgirl said...

Poopy fluffy!

lostathome said...

Lolololol "gambling"

Anonymous said...

My husband told me a infamous story of a girl he dated. They went hiking and turns out his date started not feeling very good in the middle of their hike. So they started back down, and she started trailing behind him. He noticed she kept "falling", he asked if she was alright, she said yes. After the 4th fall, she said she needed to wash her hands in the stream. Thats when he noticed the smell and saw what looked like mud on her shorts. He never asked, she never fessed up. But he did put a plastic bag down for her to sit on for the ride home.

Fairmaiden327 said...


Anonymous said...


Selock said...

Yup, I remember reading this one years ago. Fake, but people always enjoy it!

Lauren said...

This shit is completely my wheelhouse. So far, I haven't lost a bet yet. But, I really have honed my craft.

JenX said...

My boob fell out of my shirt once on a first date. He married me.

Jeff said...

QFS, Questionable Fart Syndrome. Everybody suffers from it but no one admits to it.

Unknown said...

I saw one that was like "you farted at Trader joes and I asked you if it was you and I waved the french bread to get rid of the smell" hhhahahaha this shit cracks me up so hard

supapimp said...

Deal breaker.

Sherry said...

Obviously I needed a higher resolution on this. Totally didn't get the shart part.

Anonymous said...


WUWT? said...

Um, 95% success? That's a lot of poopsie-oopies.

But if this were real, she should call him. If someone has in theory seen the worst and is still there, hang on to them! BUT they should make a pact to NEVER NEVER NEVER tell their friends or family or children the story, because that's mortifying.

KSam said...

LOL, Jen! Reminds me of the Friends episode when Jen Aniston was with her date at his parents house and they came home unexpectedly when she was wearing a nightie - she told the other friends that her boob fell out, but "that's okay, I've got good boobs..."

Beta said...

lovely :D
yes, she needs to call him asap!!!

Jen14221 said...

A high school friend of mine went on a date with a Senior when we were either Freshman or Sophmores. She didn't have a ton of drinking experience, being only about 15, and when took her to the drive-in and brought out the homemade hard cider (this is in the 80's - before Ciderjack and Woodchuck and all that) she drank it all up.

Flash to about about 90 minutes later when he hauls her out of his car, passed out and shitty, and hosed her off in his backyard before dumping her back at home.

It's a legendary story in Williamsville, New York.

Jen14221 said...

I've had a few 'shartcidents' in my life, but never enough that anyone else would notice.


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