Thursday, August 30, 2012

Courtney Stodden Looks At Porn Offers While Her Parents Divorce

I had no idea Courtney Stodden's mom was married. You never see her dad anywhere. I thought this was the reason she had decided to marry the 50 year old guy when she was 16. Either that or she wanted to get as famous as she could as quickly as she could and since she was not 18 at the time could not make a sex tape with someone famous so she got married to a guy who loves to share the same clothes as her. Well, on the day Courtney turned 18 and began to sift through all of the million dollar offers to do porn, her parents announced they were splitting after 20 years of marriage. The dad probably figured out he was not going to get a cut of mom's percentage as manager or maybe has his eye on his own teenager to marry. I don't know. How can anyone understand a couple that lets their 16 year old marry some guy in his 50's and then encourage her to do porn.


  1. This whole situation is sickening and has been since day #1. No longer paying any attention to her at all.

  2. Does anybody else thinks she looks really old for her age? I'm 18 as well but I could pass off for being a really bitchy 15 year old when I shave. I'll admit though, I'm totally jealous of her abs - one summer vacationing in Mexico and suddenly you're 10 pounds heavier.

    1. yes, i'm 23 and she looks older than me, then again i don't put pounds of makeup on my face

  3. Dad was probably hiding in shame. Seriously, what little girl grows up thinking "I wanna be a porn star when I grow up!". The whole thing was sickening just watching her play Lolita, my guess is she'll be strung out on drugs or dead by 25.

  4. I blame reality TV. On everything.

  5. I'm sorry I have no idea who she is. Why is she 'famous'?

  6. I'm trying really hard to wash the surprised look off my face but it just...won't...budge.

  7. This will not end well.

  8. who is this and why does her mom look younger than she does?

  9. and people think honey boo boo is f*cked up! Of course none of us normal humans can possibly understand these people's mindsets! and this girl!! She was probably sexually abused somewhere down
    the line. sad and pathetic. But what about the people who are dying to see her in pornos? I dont get that whole deal.

  10. Agree with cc423 and SusanB. Seems that TV is celebrating and promoting stupid people so the rest of us will think things aren't so bad for the world. Why don't some real men give her PePaw the beat down he deserves and instead let him make money off this mess!?!??!!

  11. yeah @auntliddy. It's like she was sexually abused and completely brainwashed so instead of thinking it's abuse she thinks it's totally normal and makes her a real woman. Like, she was so brainwashed that she didn't even cry the first time. So fucked up.

  12. Saw she turned 18 on DListed a few days ago, was waiting for this, only took a couple days!! Color me shocked. :P

  13. This comment is admittedly in poor taste, but she's probably a lousy lay. Cheap-looking whores are dime-a-dozen; on internet pron, anyway. Her only claim to fame would (maybe) be that she just turned 18. Other than that, fake tits + fake everything else = real chance of being a dud on film.


  14. Wow! I never saw that coming... No wait, I totally did.

  15. This is a pageant girl gone WRONG big time. Put some clothes on and go to college.

    I blame reality tv too..

  16. Maybe the mom pitched the marriage to dad like it was all "twoo wuv" and then went hard at pimping the daughter after the media attention.
    I'm pretty sure the dad got sold into this by her mom, and wants no more of it. There's a big difference between saying your underage daughter can marry, than saying she can marry, put fap photos online, and await the legal porn age.

  17. Every time I see an article about her, all I can remember is that YouTube video of her pretending to be a cat, and playing in a litterbox. She just seemed...slow. Like she could be a special needs child, but instead of getting the loving, nurturing care she needed, her parents (or maybe just her mom) realized they had an easily manipulated plaything they could probably make a few dollars off of. So very sad.

    One day she'll do porn, but I bet dollars to donuts she'll venture into Skinemax late-night adult programming first. Assuming she doesn't get a Penthouse spread before that.

  18. While we're on the topic of porn stars and the like, I just read that Kim you-know-who wants a star of the walk of fame. LMAO

  19. Moms not dumb-she saw the money made by Kim K and wants a piece of that action. She knows her daughter has no talent, but managed to make her famous my allowing her to marry at 16. THAT was the claim to fame.

    I mean seriously...have you heard her sing??? Hysterical!!!

    I really don't get how it's legal to allow your child to marry underage. It should be the same as allowing your child to be molested...I just don't get it. (Not that I actually think anything ever happened with her and that creep guy anyway.) They were just using it to get into the tabloids, IMO.

  20. She makes me so sad. :/ I want to put a flannel shirt around her and give her one of my kitties to cuddle with as I make her some comfort food...after scrubbing the make-up off. The parents should be ashamed of themselves.

  21. FYI..Daddy was the photographer in all these photo ops..She makes me stabby but then everything is today.

  22. Sherry, love your avatar and hope you're doing okay. . . :)

    PeePaw is always covered from head to toe. I've never understood that.

    He showed such promise in The Green Mile.

  23. Advance apologies for the tidal wave of nausea I'm about to unleash:

    This wholesome young girl was pimped out by her mother for years. And I do not mean just "showbiz" pimped - but literally pimped. BY HER OWN MOM. As in "If you hire my teen daughter for a role in your movie Mr. Producer? She'll come over and work lines with you any night you'd like. Oh, and I can come too if you like? What about YOU Mr. Movie Star? Would YOU like do give her some acting lessons?"

    Yeah, seriously.

    It is said that she already has many videos already created, with differing "themes". S&M, odd fetishes, roleplay, cosplay, ageplay, barnyard banging, threesomes, fivesomes, kinky midget porta-potty, donkey-punched nut-jugglers, etc. Sort of like 31 flavors for the porn companies to choose from. (And yes, most were made BEFORE her sweet 18).

    Her mom is more than her manager. As in occasional co-participant. Yes, I threw up a little when I heard it too.

    I have not seen any of this first hand. It all comes to me from a few friends whom I trust, and who sadly have known these creatures for years.

    And please, Doug, just drop the charade already. No one is buying your sugar daddy hetero-Hercules meets aging stud routine.

    Well - it is off to bleach the brain now. Think good thoughts...Find a happy place - find a happy place! ;-)

  24. Wow...I'd say that's unbelievable, except I DO believe it! Ick, nast, etc.

    Wonder why Dad picked now to split? Did he develop a conscience, or was Mommy Dearest hoarding cash this whole time and he wants his cut?

  25. Good lord, if what Himmmm says is true, the girl is to be pitied. And her mom should be jailed. Maybe all that twitching she does is from medication. I'd have to be medicated if I went through all that.

  26. Has anyone actually seen a birth certificate for this chick? Seriously, I have my doubts that she's actually as young as she says she is, and think everything about her is as made up as her face usually is...

  27. Not Now, Iron Man ! (courtesy of Alex T)

    Enty has a race baiting Blind Item going on:)

    Her parents belong in jail. IMHO.

  28. Not now Iron Man! We have to watch some porn :D

    PS: Alex T - that was the funniest thing I've read in a long time.

  29. Ugh, staying away from that thread. . .what a mess! The Happy Place is much nicer.

  30. does anyone else remember that the dad got popped for a DUI right after their marriage?

    I think that says it all.

  31. Hi Himmmm,
    Felt sorry for her before you wrote the horrific truth of her upbringing. Some people should be neutered.

  32. This situation is eat up with wholesome family values. Is Enty joking about the porn? What I mean is, is he speculating wrily (wryly? sp) or is this a news item I missed? Because its just a matter of time, surely.

  33. Himmmm: Ah, yes...I remember the story you told some time ago about Courtney's mother bringing her in to audition for your producer friend when she was only 13, and the, um, hilarity that ensued. (As I recall, you damn near pissed yourself laughing at the time, in addition to being appalled...) I don't see how she'll be able to do anything w/all those videos, though; IIRC, you need notarized documents showing that you're 18+ in order to actually release porn videos on the open market...unless they're her portfolio (as it were). *shudder*

    On a hopefully happier note, how is your leg coming along? Did you manage to find some good Italian food in the heart of North Carolina? And did the brownies someone so kindly baked for you aid your convalescence materially? :-) Enquiring minds (well, mine at any rate) have been wondering how you're doing...

  34. I thought this girl was a twit, but if what you write is true Himmmm, that poor girl need a serious intervention from her family.
    Does she not also have younger sisters? Is there anyone looking out for them as well?
    It's pretty amazing when someone can make Dina Lohan seem...decent?!

  35. *tap, tap*...Is this thing on?

    Right, then...

    For the benefit of those who happened to miss this when it was posted yesterday in the "Blind Item--What To Do" thread, and who are so far ignorant as to why "Not now, Iron Man" has become the catchphrase du jour around these parts, or for those who just need to laugh themselves sick and silly all over again, I present to you all: Alex T.'s masterful take on last Friday's clusterfuck thread in which B. Profane claimed s/he knew who Enty was:

    Enty Outing, a short re-enacting:

    B.P.: zomg, everyone, I know who Enty is! I can't believe it, it was RIGHT THERE FOR ANYONE TO FIND.

    Everyone: zomg, where?!

    B.P.: Well, I can't SAY where, then the site would shut down and Enty would disappear forever. But if you think real hard and click your heels and type in [mysterious combination of words, redacted] in [location, also redacted] it's, like, SO OBVIOUS. But you may guess.

    User #1: Is it bigger than a breadbox?

    B.P.: I can't say. That would be too obvious.

    User # 2: Does this person have anything to do with Lindsay Lohan?

    B.P.: YES. I have found that by clicking a secret combination of search terms and then comparing them to my personal algorithm of post subjects, I have definitely found that there is a certain connection between Enty and his subjects, usually a 4th degree of separation or less! But I can't be more specific.

    *Much turmoil ensues as everyone attempts B.P's secret combination*

    Himmmmmmm: Hi Everyone, I'm here! Not that I'm RDJ or anything, wink nudge!

    Everyone: Not now, Iron Man.

    Users #3,4,5,6-14: I've tried everything and nothing even remotely relevant is coming up.

    B.P. That's because you're not doing it right! You have to do it while facing east and whistling the theme to Andy Griffith! BECAUSE HE DIED. THAT IS A CLUE.

    Users #15-42: What the fuck are you even talking about?!

    A few users: I...think I have something...

    B.P: Here, let me give you a hint! It's <...comment deleted....>
    There, I had to delete it to remove any traces.

    Everyone: That was not helpful.

    B.P. Well, it's not like I can leave it up there for people to SEE!

    Everyone, eventually: Fuck this. Someone email me. My email address is

    And that was the Mystery of Enty.
    THE END.


    Stand up and take a bow, Alex! You deserve a standing O! ;-)

  36. Thanks for illuminating that, Robin! I was there, but left the thread when B. Profane started dropping those cryptic 'clues.'

    I don't want to know who Enty is! I've been here too long (though I rarely post) and can't we all just remain anonymous? I like the idealized images of everyone here that I have in my head, lol.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. LetLoveRule: That wasn't my bit of writing--it was Alex T's. I was just reposting it for the benefit of, well, everybody. :-) Just wanted to make sure she gets the credit she deserves...

  39. I credited her, Robin !

  40. She's old enough now to make her own choices. She wants the fame, no matter what the price is. I wish Howard Stern still had the old show on E. She would have been perfect for it.

  41. If this girl is indeed 18 and married at 16, wouldn't her REAL birth certificate be on file at some office in LV? It's possible she is much older than 18, and this whole waiting for her to turn 18 so she can get higher fees for taking her clothes off is just some elaborate publicity stunt.

    I would rather believe that than the story they are selling us - that she IS still a teenager and her mother/hubby have been grooming her for the XXX flicks she can now legally do. I have no problem with people in the sex trade, but this girl doesn't really seem to have had much choice in the matter.

  42. Sorry I'm late today! Yes, Robin - I too loved Alex's replay. But for the record I NEVER said: "Hey guys I'm heeeere!" (ha-ha). In fact, in hindsight, I'd prefer to never have appeared in that thread at all! Still not sure if Profane went off his meds or what exactly, but...well, he seemed a bit high strung to begin with. A hypercritical one-upsman with an inferiority complex and love of conspiracy theories is always confusing. Funny thing is - he was sadly mistaken the entire time he was gesticulating and gyrating about his secret decoder ring theories. I will not reignite that fuse, but Enty is just Enty. NOT a dude, playing a dude, pretending to play another dude (wink-wink nudge-nudge AlexT! ;-)

    Yes, I love AlexT's sense of hilarity - and I've already called my personal silk-screener for a new line of "NOT NOW IRONMAN!" shirts. (By the way, my attorneys trademarked it today - and I have to give 50% to Marvel. So sorry Alex, no royalties for you!). I figured I'd do a whole line of CDAN in-joke shirts, since I apparently have to model them to appease others ;-)

    Yes, Robin dearest, I'm much better now, thank you. I personally think it was the brownies, but Herrrr says it was a combination of the good vibes/prayers/wishes from the CDAN Fam - and her own radical "Bitch Therapy (where she bitches at me every 15 mins. to remind me that I'm contributing to unemployment of a zillion crew members!).

    (NOTE: That was a joke. The crew is still being paid regardless - and she is not bitching at me. I believe she calls it "The Power of Forceful Suggestion").

    But yes, the Chinese cures are working well and soon I too shall be working well once more. If not? I'm flying Dia to NC to puncture me stat! I have staked out some wicked pasta joints in the NC capital region and look forward to immediate gluttony.

    As for the poor Miss Stodden? I only wish I were bluffing. To imply she's a trainwreck would be to imply she was ever ON track to begin with. Meanwhile I'm avoiding the entire racial blind item thread at all costs. Somedays I'm up for sparring, some days I prefer to mellow. Meanwhile, I hear Friday's upcoming blind should be a real kicker. We shall see!

    1. Himmmm your the greatest and your commentary on that horrible debacle is so true.

  43. Hi Himmmm. Thanx for your comments - you made my smile. AlexT's recap was hilarious. Glad you posted here and not in the BI. All the hate there makes my heart hurt.

  44. Can't wait to see that shirt himmmm, I think you should ask herrr to wear it. :)

  45. 'Dapper Dan'
    "I apparently have to model them to appease others ;-)"
    A wink and a nod does it for me these days. Oh wait, That's what I tell my hubbie. Ok, how about a coffee mug "Where's Shelly"? (unless you are Co$ friendly).

    Would I be correct that you cannot film any scenes in China ?
    Did you watch CE last night? That's a man with a life well lived.Hope I'm right.

    That is all:)

  46. @himmmm:

    I will be there stat! NC is so humid, I mean, beautiful this time of year! Send word through Enty. I will fly out pronto and heal everyone with the magic of acupuncture!

    You know I had a little dream about you and thought you'd be showing up again! You're secret is safe with me!!!!

    Very glad you are feeling better! Happy Friday to ya :)

  47. Agent**It: You know, there are plenty of those paint-your-own-pottery joints around (one about a mile from me, in fact) where one could have a "Where's Shelly?" mug made up...hell, if it comes to that, I'll personally go make one up & ship it to NC for shits and giggles. Maybe put it in the blooper reel?... ;-)

    Himmmm: Glad to hear you're feeling better these days! I'm guessing cabin fever is driving you nuts (been there & done that after major surgery), so I'm glad we can provide at least some entertainment for your convalescence. (I don't suppose you're going to be selling those t-shirts, are you? I'll take an XL if you are... :-)

    BTW, should you ever decide to take me up on my offer of dinner in Boston, I'll need to find a better restaurant, as I hear Durgin Park just isn't what it used to be, so any particular dietary preference? Italian? BBQ? Tibetan? Ethiopian? (If anyone reading this hasn't tried Ethiopian food yet, and can handle a fair degree of spice, you really need to check it out--using spongy bread in lieu of utensils and eating w/your fingers is actually a lot of fun, and a great icebreaker!)

  48. @Robin, I'm getting homesick for Boston these days...

  49. @Himmmm, I would love a maternity "Not Now IronMan!" shirt please! :D

  50. @Robot
    Hi dollface. When is your doc appt to find out if you've got 2 buns baking? I felt like you said the first week of Sept

  51. Don't worry, Himmmm, I've got a million of 'em where that one came from.

    Enjoy your new t-shirt business. You should probably look into direct-to-garment printing so you can make sure the likeness is represented to your satisfaction. You wouldn't want it to look like some cheap knock-off of the real thing.

    Sometime I'll get around to writing more than one line about Himmmm, but not today. I think I'll let this one ride for a while.

  52. Well, this is sad the way this girl is apparently treated.

    It is hard to believe she is only 18, she looks older than that.

  53. One thing I don't understand is why people wear skullcaps and leather jackets in the summer in L.A. Do you stuff dry ice in your pockets? I live in a state where people break out the shorts when it gets above freezing. Heatstroke kind of ruins the look, you'd think.

    I'd feel sad for Courtney if it turned out her mom groomed her for porn like some fucked up version of Toddlers and Tiaras. I'm not sure how that career path is expedited by early marriage to Green Mile Guy, but whatever.

    I admit, though, that it's not all that much farther out there than Scary Joe Simpson. Or, frankly, any garden variety parent who's way overly invested in their child's physical appearance and popularity.

  54. I am so totally addicted to this site and all the regulars now. Love it.

  55. @Sunny,

    Hi love! I find out Sept. 10 if there's 2 babies or one. I'm due 4/19 and my bday is 4/22- so I'm having at least one birthday baby for sure! thanks for asking!! :D How are you?

  56. @Robot
    Sep 10 - make sure you let us all know that day! First your hub, then us, then family. Okay? :)
    I'm good! My little guy's been giving me hell, so my plan of attack has been the following: wear his 2 year old butt out at the park and gym. It's been hard for me to keep up around here, but you guys aren't rid of me yet. Have a great Labor Day weekend preggo !!

  57. So glad I got all caught up on the last couple of days, best comments yet, and a way nicer set to read before bed

  58. This whole thing is gross. I'd ask what cosplay is (see Himmmm's first post on this thread) but I'm afraid of the answer. Some bells cannot be unsung--just saying'.

  59. Non-brain-bleach answer: Cos stands for costume.

    I also call bullshit on the idea that she's already got videos in the tank of donkey-punching, etc. For one thing, everyone knows how old she is, there's no way any distributor would touch that with a 20-foot pole.

    For another thing, she's got unintentionally hilarious, self-produced Youtube videos of herself trying to be Howard-Stern-level sexy with crap like onions. She comes off as sexually sophisticated like Ryan Lochte comes off as educated. She's obviously an extremely sheltered person who thinks the way to fake it is to act like she fell out of an issue of Playboy magazine.

  60. @Himmmm and @AlexT: I want a T-shirt. I really do! With a V-neck.

  61. @sunny I promise I will share the news in that order! :D Thanks for being interested, I appreciate that. I had no idea you had a 2 year old. Piper is nearly 15 months old, would you like to arrange their marriage? :P I'm sorry he's been wearing you out! Too bad we don't live around each other, playdates would be a blast! You have a wonderful Labor Day too! <3

    @auntliddy thanks so much! I appreciate it!

  62. @Newborn: I think you'll be waiting a long time. I'll be sure to ask about how Himmmm's trademark is coming if we can't find it in the TESS database, which, by the way Himmmm, is public and searchable.

  63. @AlexT If Blogger is anything like Facebook, they own the rights to anything that is posted here. It's one of those fine prints on the terms and agreements we all click on to join. That is not to say that should someone use a phrase one of us made as a trademark they wouldn't share credit or profits.

    But I wouldn't worry about this. Does anyone really think RDJ would publicly wear a shirt that said "your phrase"? If he was RDJ, or even Conor Cruise (lol) he could be in for a heap of trouble.

    Though I do have to say, "Your phrase" would be a great secret password CDANers could use to identify each other. Sort of like "a friend of Dorothy" was used back in the 50's and 60's.

  64. Dammit, all the good stuff happens on my day off!
