Thursday, August 09, 2012

Cannibal Victim Speaks

The original cannibal victim has spoken. I know there have been a hundred since then, but this is the first one. The one where the guy was eating off the other man's face. Yes, I know there have been a few of those too. The one in Miami. The one that started it all. Yes, the one caught on film. The victim speaks. If the video does not show up below, then the link to CBS Miami is here.


  1. Ugh, thanks for the picture! (Not!)

  2. I can't watch this video after seeing that picture, poor man.

  3. Ugh, poor guy.

    He has a mustache? That seems weird to me.

  4. Wow I dont' think I can watch this. The picture was enough.

  5. enty, you should never post that horrible picture w/o a warning.

  6. Huh. I didn't think the picture was too bad. Don't want to watch the video, but I've seen far more gruesome facial injuries.

    Hope this poor man is recovering as best possible.

  7. If it's the same video I've seen, it shows the same footage from the attack with VO from the victim.


    I never clicked on the original photo from after the attacks because some things do not need to be in my brain as I heard it was horrifying.

    I also did not need to see this photo though I imagine it is much better than the aforementioned.

  9. Oh, goodie. This is the last post of the 15-minute interval updates. This will be at the top for about a half-hour now :D


  10. Well, a half hour from "7:00"

  11. If you click on the link you can just read the story (not really worth it, IMO). The comment section is offensive (meaning stupid, IMO) but remember- that is from Miami-Dade.

  12. Seriously Enty?!!? You had to show that picture? YUCK!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thank you for saying that. As much as the image made me cringe for him it also made me think "wow that guy has stood up after such a horrific event." He is very brave and I hope he makes a recovery enough for him to live his life.

    2. My thoughts exactly, I feel awful for him and what happened and he has to live his life with the scars and memories of that terrible event

  14. I'm amazed he survived and can talk about it. What strength he must have. The picture isn't that bad, I've seen worse crime scene photos (like jack the rippers last victim..beyond awful and its in black and white)

  15. @rejected - thank God I'm not the only one :-)!

  16. Anonymous8:15 AM

    You all are complaining about having to see that?

    One time, my friend and I were at the grocery store with my mom and there was a mexican newspaper (from mexico, not from here) and we saw a picture of a woman with an axe in her skill. it was almost split in half. there was also a small child with half his body missing.None of it was censored.

    Anyways, I hope he recovers and his medical bills are paid for.

    1. Latino newspapers are notorious for their gruesome pictures

  17. Anonymous8:15 AM


  18. That poor man. And then the interviewer was kind of an asshole.

  19. Maybe I'm just a sensitive bitch, but please put those kind of photos in a link.

  20. I love how quickly such negative judgment is heaped on everyone not wanting to see disturbing pictures like this. I don't want to see it, either. It doesn't mean I don't have sympathy for this man or anyone else having to live in this world with such a burden as physical disfigurement. It also doesn't mean I would shun this person in real life or make fun of him in any way. I don't like these kinds of pics because they upset me and disturb me (thus the self-explanatory "disturbing picture" description), and I try to avoid that feeling if possible. Life can suck and be horribly unfair. I know that well enough and don't need illustrations.

  21. My best to him. It seems like Mr Poppo has had a bit of a tragic life before his assault. 30 years living on the streets of thought he committed suicide years ago...I dunno but many long term homeless also have mental health issues. I hope he gets the care, physically/mentally/emotionally he needs.

    Also I didn't think the header pic was that bad. Anyone see The Black Dahlia crime seen pics? WOWZER!

  22. That poor man! Agree with Karrots and Smash - that poor guy was just minding his own business and some crazy, drugged out dumbass ate his face off. I hope he can recovery from his physical and emotional wounds. God bless you, Ronald!

    If he has the courage to come out in public, we should have the courage to look and know what monsters can do. Brave man indeed! *ahem - lack of mental health care, USA*

    And Enty, this man has a name. His name is Ronald Poppo! Don't call him Cannibal Victim. WTF?

  23. Thanks karrots, smash, and dia.
    I came to comment much the same.
    But this sort if thing doesn't bother me. I, too, have seen much worse.

  24. It's a large scab over a healing wound. What's the big freaking deal? Is this was a puppy you'd all be going nuts right now. But for a human, "ewww!".

  25. This poor soul -- talk about being in the wrong place at the wrong time....
