Friday, August 31, 2012

Burning Man

In case you have nothing to do and really want the three day weekend to happen quickly, why not watch people doing nothing while being really really hot. Burning Man. Live.

Live video from your iPhone using Ustream


  1. Burning man was so 1996.

  2. My brother is there this year, let's see if I can spot him, wouldn't that be crazy!

  3. Ooohhhh kids. I would have loved this 5 years ago. Now I enjoy the once a year walk in the woods on mushrooms. You stay a lot cooler in the heat of 3pm.

  4. I'm so glad I'm not there. I would not be able to handle port-a-potties for a week and a shower only every other day for 5 minutes. I have friends who love Burning Man and I was tempted to go one year until they explained the hygiene situation. Of course, if you're a baller and you bring your own RV with a week's capacity water and septic system, then you're good to go.

  5. Is Burning Man still in the desert in NV on that flat playa? When it was first getting started we were camping out there. I got a really terrible sunburn that weekend. We saw various people arriving, not a ton, and along comes a guy driving...a couch. In the desert, he was driving a sofa he had managed to motorize.

  6. I would have loved to see that Elizabeth, sounds hilarious!

  7. Yea it still is in the NV playa. My dad and younger brother sometimes run into them when they go camping at Pyrmid Lake, them or the solstice ritual people. :/

  8. Growing up i always knew of someone going to burning man. When i was younger i wanted to go, but i didn't really know what it was all about. Now that i'm older, nothanks.

  9. I'm not a big camper but my husband's brother is. Loves it out there and we moved to Seattle many years ago but he still flies back to camp some years. Too hot and flesh burning for me. The sight of that motorized couch stayed with me because that is a huge flat area and you could see it coming for forever. I bet there was maybe a hundred people that year, it was just a quirky bunch but I know it's much bigger now and a real "thing". I think they buy tickets now which I can't picture since it's just a huge open area.

  10. My friends said that tickets are around $200 now.

  11. Holy crap. 200 bucks! Wasn't it free?

  12. @smashbash we used to go to Pyramid Lake every weekend in the summer when I lived in Reno. Ah, good times!

  13. Burning Man is as played out and corporate as Coachella, SXSW and Warp Tour.. Sigh.. I miss the 90's And early 00's

  14. I rarely watched the sitcom, Malcolm in the Middle. But there was a very funny episode about the family going to Burning Man. One thing the episode made fun of was all the lines to "get in" to the "events." My friends agreed with that part. They said you're issued a schedule of art performances or whatever and you have to make sure you get in line about an hour ahead of time. It sounded unfun.

  15. I spend 3 days in a field every year being extremely hot. At the Austin City Limits Music Festival. But I do get to see 40 or so bands in 3 days. Seems like a fair trade. Just convince yourself all the walking and sweating is a long cardio workout and it gets a lot more bearable.

  16. I remember when this first started a million years ago at Baker Beach in SF, now I am more in line with Smash's idea, I'm too old and fancy to want to be that dirty and hot

  17. I remember when this first started a million years ago at Baker Beach in SF, now I am more in line with Smash's idea, I'm too old and fancy to want to be that dirty and hot

  18. I still love SXSW!

  19. I think I'm going to go make a million dollars by opening up a camp near Burning Man made up completely of toilets and showers, and call it Raining Man. Something tells me it'd be a big hit.

    @Alicia - ITA! Just for a trip down memory lane, I looked up the lineup for the 1994 Lollapalooza tour, and the bands were listed by "main stage," "side stage." Then I looked at the lineup for the last couple years- "Bud Light Stage," "Playstation," "Google Play Stage," "Sony Stage."

    The 90s were plenty commercial already, and Lollapalooza got a lot of slag for commercializing the "alternative" rock scene. Not like now, though! Now, I think it's safe to say that there seems to be no alternative available at this concert.

  20. Enty - one of Julia Robert's twins is named Finn. Her other child has the unfortunate name of Hazel.

    Isn't Orlando Bloom's child named Finn as well?

    You're welcome.
