Thursday, August 23, 2012

British Media Banned From Posting Naked Prince Harry Photos

In case you were under the impression that the British media were showing some type of journalistic restraint by not publishing naked Prince Harry photos, you could not be more wrong. Every tabloid in the country wanted to publish the photos, and why not considering that almost 100 million people have Googled "Prince Harry naked," in the last 48 hours. That is one of the fastest ever searches to 100M. All of the media in Britain were threatened by Prince Charles, who threatened legal action against any British media outlet which showed the photos. Because of the way the British privacy laws work, the publishers had no choice but back down because they would have lost. Of course, all of the pictures are still available to anyone in Britain who wants to see them if they have an internet connection, but Prince Charles wanted to have the British media appear they were doing the right thing, when in fact they were effectively being blackmailed by the Royal Family. One newspaper in Northern Ireland, the Evening Herald broke the ban and put one on the cover of their newspaper because they said the ban made no sense and welcomed the fight.


  1. Ooops!!!

    He looks in pretty good shape for someone who been up all night drinking and shagging and stripping! That is some stamina! Bottle it up and start selling it.

    Harry, all the ladies loved your royal wand. No need to be shy! Just tell daddy and granny that that how we do it it the States. Nekkid Nevada!!!

  2. Charles, those days are over. WORLD-WIDE Web featured at the Olympics, perhaps that jars your memory?

    It's quaint that Charles wants to operate under the old system. Reminds me of my dad, refusing to even RECEIVE text messages on his phone. He ONLY ditched his home phone because cell was cheaper.

  3. His expression totally says, "I f*cked up." Deflated ego all the way. Feel bad for him. Let the guy have some fun! He's hot and single and hot. And we want to see him naked more often ;)

    OT - auntliddy I'm channeling your typing skills this week. Hope you are well :)

  4. Thank God it wasn't naked pics of Charles and Camilla.

    Congrats Harry! You got ALL the looks in that family. Go ginger!

  5. Poor Harry :-(. Next time, collect those cell phones at the door!

  6. I love how it's his handlers that are in hot water over his behavior and the photos leaking. Ummm hello he's like 27, a soldier in his country's military. How about some accountability for himself.

  7. He shouldn't be shamed for this from his family. Go head Harry..rock out with your royal cock out! I think Charles needs a little spice in his life.

  8. Right on Carebear! Where do you think he gets it from? His dad maybe??? I think Chuck was pretty wild in his days. Andrew sure was. It's genetic!

  9. Come on, in no way did he fuck up. He did what a LOT of young people do, i.e., get drunk and harmlessly stupid. Nothing wrong with that in my book. It's not like he was hitting someone or abusing children.

    Newspaper photos seem so quaint now.

  10. Who cares. He has a smokin body and I doubt he will be king someday. He's not stuffy and uptight like his dad

  11. I think the privacy laws apply to where the photos were taken, in his hotel room wasn't it? Prince Charles probably got direction from mummy lol

  12. @dia - when TMZ first posted the photos, a lot of the commenters there were talking about where he got his looks. I had never actually thought about whether Charles is really his biological father before, but he does look an awful lot like James Hewitt...

  13. You know Harry has a few more admirers out there. It's nice to see a royal having fun and caught with his pants down in a way that harms no one else.

  14. Harry was in the privacy of his own VIP suite.. Hanging out with buddies. The person who leaked these photos needs an ass whooping..If youre lucky enough to party with Prince Harry in the first place you should know better.

  15. oh who cares? He's a grown man, in the navy, not bothering anyone. Besides being mildly embarassing, the royals should just let die down on its own. They are drawing more attention to the situation by making such a big f deal.

  16. In case anyone is interested, here are some photos that show James Hewitt, Harry and Charles side by side.

  17. Harry is 'Mountbatten' all the way, not Hewitt. It's the close-set beady eyes & eyebrows, thin straight nose, thin lips, big ears.

    If you superimpose Philip's, Charles', and Harry's faces atop one another, the features align perfectly. Harry's coloring throws people off, but Diana had two ginger siblings.

    Plus, Diana didn't meet Hewitt for two years after Harry was born. Diana still believed in the marriage back when Harry was born, hoping she could save it.

  18. for a military man, having 6 bodyguards looking after him is funny.
    He gets advantages out of being a royalty, even if he's in his own suite, he has to be carefull. I don't blame him for having fun, i'll do the same thing at his age. But you can't have you cake and eat it.
    Anyway,this is not very important.

  19. Thanks for the detective skills @libby

  20. @libby - from what i've seen, the timetable of when they've met has been fudged a bit by the royals and Diana actually met Hewitt in 1981.

  21. I'm sorry, but it just seems so odd to me that while we question who Suri's real biological father is, we just take the royals' word on the fact that Charles is Harry's biological father. The palace sources say that Diana didn't begin seeing Hewitt until after Harry was born, so it must be true.

  22. I really don't care what this guy does, but at the same time he is 27 and a royal. 27 ain't 19. By 27, you're an adult. I owned a business at 27 and was a newspaper editor. If I was running around naked with a room full of people with cellies, who then decided to post that shit online, I would be horrified. I would totally have lost the respect of my customers and my co-workers. So, the whole, "he's young, let him be wild" rationale doesn't quite fly with me. 17 is young; 27 is not. Plus, he is in a family that is supposed to command the respect of the world. So, in my opinion he's a jackass.

  23. And also, fuck the royals for their photo ban. Can't stand those in power trying to hinder the freedom of the press.

  24. Cathy---look carefully at Harry's face as an adult. And then find one of Charles & Philip in their youth. You will have NO doubts.

    Just because it would be juicy, doesn't make it true. It's the stalest, most easily debunked royal conspiracy out there.
    Diana, naive as she was, was the ONLY member of that family whose kids are both from her husband.

    (I'm not counting Fergie, but both of her kids are probably Andy's. Bea is the image of a ginger Queen Victoria, and Eug looks like dad.)

    Look up Liz's lovers---Andy & Edward don't look very much at all like Charles & Anne. No Mountbatten in her two youngest.

  25. Leave Harry alone. ;-)

  26. libby, i have done that and i respectfully disagree with you. if you have some particular photos in mind where you think that philip and charles look especially like harry, then please share.

  27. Who did the Queen have an affair with?

    1. Horse trainer/manager. Rumoured to be Prince Andrew's daddy.
      Andrew is Betty's favourite. Not so much for foot in mouth Phil

  28. Anonymous7:56 AM

    I don't care who his father is.
    All I care about is that my poor ginger cheated on me and I have never seen his royal penis. -.- Those sluts need their faces plastered all over with their addresses and phone numbers too so that I can personally thank them and then yell at them for being so careless.

  29. I bet William has had a shit-ton of fun laughing at his bro.

  30. caralw---Andy and Edward look amazingly like two different gentlemen that Liz just happened to be spending LOADS of time with before she got knocked up those times.
    Supposedly she banned Philip from her bed after he cheated on her. I had an excellent link bookmarked, but that computer died & it's not right here handy. Back when Liz had affairs, no one DARED discuss that stuff in any circle, never mind a royal's.

    Cathy---the 'Diana cheating' rumor has its roots firmly in the palace, an attempt to bring her down a peg in the public's mind, and assuage Charles' awful treatment of her (in that he tricked an 18-year old into thinking he loved her, while NEVER planning on being faithful.)

    Just google image for pics of Charles & Philip in their youth. I'm not doing your research for you, you're on the internet already. The Hewitt conspiracy has been THOROUGHLY debunked, and is frankly well past its 'sell-by' date. As Harry got older and got the full Mountbatten face, even the biggest Di haters had to admit he's Charles'.

  31. Wow, Libby - I'm glad to hear that you really think I'm that lazy; did it occur to you (as I had also mentioned) that I did do the image search, but didn't see pictures that especially convinced me, so if there are particular pictures that you have in mind, I'd like to see them? Sorry to be snarky, but your last post was particularly condescending.


    There you go, Cathy. No one said YOU were lazy. I said I wasn't going to do it. But in trying to find my Liz link, I found this photo. Look at the EYES & BROWS, and ALL the noses---Harry is Charles'.

  33. I didn't used to think Harry looked like Charles but lately he is the spitting image of him. He's going to look more like him as he gets older. Charles is definitely his father.

  34. Thats ok. We'll just send the people over in England some of the US magazines.

  35. Andy's dad is supposedly a Lord Porchester....but I can't find that link I had with the good summary and comparison pics.
    Liz was gettin' horsey with Porchy for awhile before Andy was conceived. Plenty of pics of the two together.
    According to the rumors, Porchy was a great love of Liz's, and that's why Andy was her favorite son and never did any wrong in mummy's eyes, no matter the porn star gf or naked pics.

  36. LOL, gotta love those "fighting Irish!"

    @Libby - I totally agree with you (re: Harry being a Mountbatten). I came across a photo of a young Prince Phillip a few years back and thought to myself, "so THAT'S who Harry looks like!" Add to that Diana's brother's coloring, and you've got the legitimate second son of Charles and Diana.

  37. Thanks, Libby! Perhaps they should all go on Maury Povich and settle this once and for all. ;-)

    I found this link.

  38. Little Miss---Yes! I admit I used to love the Hewitt rumor, but then Harry got older and his face totally debunked that for me! It took awhile for his nose & brows to grow in, I think.
    Hewitt's features are more delicate than Charles' & Philip's, so when Harry was little and had ginger hair & delicate features, it seemed plausible.

    Diana DID make Harry better-looking than his dad & granddad though, and we can all be thankful for THAT!

  39. Yes, caralw---I'm mad though that I can't find the link with all the pics of Liz & Porchy riding together. There were also pics there of her companion around the time of Edward's conception--who looks surprisingly like Eddie.

    Some see it as unspeakable scandal--but Liz had her heir, and I like her a bit better if she kicked cheating P outta her bed, and had some fun in her life.

  40. I love Prince Harry's party antics. He's the kind of royal that I would want to hang out with because he's so laid back. He probably figures since he's 3rd in line to the throne it's going to be a loooooong time before he'd ever be king. And I am probably wrong, but I thought that back in the olden times, the second royal son had to become a priest? Harry's probably just happy it's not the 1600s!

    Party away Prince Hot Ginge!

  41. Yeah, back in the day second sons (of most rich families) were earmarked for the church!

    I don't know. I think there's a legit public interest in publishing these pics in the UK seeing as we're the ones paying for his security detail and for him to piss it up in Vegas having already been on an Olympics jolly (where the majority of British people couldn't get tickets or couldn't afford them).

    On the other hand, I don't really care about the royal family apart from what they cost me, so it's swings and roundabouts.

  42. @Susan - ITA. I know surgeons and attorneys who are 27 years old. I know 27 year old men who hold down full time jobs, are married and are responsible husbands and fathers. I like Harry but it's time to grow up and act like an adult, even if he doesn't feel like it. 27 is a little old to be acting like a frat boy.

  43. so when kmmie k or lindsey act stupid, get naked and let photos leak they are stupid whores, but harry (because he's hot and royal) should be left alone and feel proud? 27 is old enough not to be this careless.

    this is behavior from a man who has been groomed since birth to be the image of his country. he must not be very bright, so good thing he's pretty.

  44. As a scandal goes, it's pretty tame. The palace should be grateful that no one got hurt, no one got killed and (hopefully) no one got pregnant.

    @ Libby: If you Google "Lord Porchester and Prince Andrew" you will get some interesting comparison photos.

  45. Im not saying its good or bad. I just like looking at the pics!

  46. Prince Charles was partying like like 40 yrs ago. Prince William was partying like this 10 yrs ago. Harry will be getting the 'time to settle down' speech when he gets home.

  47. I say leave the chap alone. Who the fuck really cares about nudity? That is one of our major problems. The naked body is such a goddamn scandal. You only see his legs and butt, big deal. I think that's what's bothering me in all this. The fact that it's some nudity.

    I watched a BBC show called Bounced last night and saw a dick literally 3 times, boobs in every episode and they don't bleep any word other then the C word. For a country that doesn't seem to give a hoot about nudity on tv it's pretty funny them getting all in arms because he is the prince.

    By the by. Thank you for the photos PHG. My boyfriend has your body type and now I can fantasize much more easily. ;)

  48. One of the British papers set up their own photos with a couple of their journalists to mimic the PHG pics and then published those (since they couldn't publish the real ones). They're pretty damn funny.

  49. Who cares if it was a mature or immature decision! Its a pic of a naked young handsome man. So just enjoy! :)

  50. @Lola - that's hi-larious! Must look for those when I get home!

  51. Let's hear it for my lil country!! We don't get much right, but this ones a good one!!

  52. British laws are British laws. Maybe it seems silly to apply them in this instance but in other instances I am sure they have their place. The UK papers are horribly invasive, reference Rupert Murdoch. You can see WHY these laws were put in place.

    I am glad Harry had a good time but he should know better. Especially inviting random girls to the 'party'. I liked Lainey's take on it that the royals will be this way but the source of their guilt will be that their security team is going to lose their jobs , and Harry is probably pretty close to them.

    Have fun Harry, but use some better judgement and think about your position.

    Still I love my PHG!

  53. Of course the royals want to suppress this. Wouldn't British taxpayers be curious who is paying for Harry's suite or bankrolling him for a party weekend in Vegas.

  54. Here's a link:

    They aren't on the Sun's site...maybe they had to take them down? There are some funny cartoons in the British press.

  55. I have no idea who funds the royals. I imagine they have private money, so if that was used, big deal.

    If taxpayer money was used, I agree it should be an issue to the Brits who pay the taxes.

    I'm not one of them, though. ;-)

  56. I assume the royals or Harry himself are paying for Harry's personal trip. He's quite wealthy on his own.

    I believe (but could be wrong) that several years ago the royals stopped taking a direct income from the state. State expenditures are for "public"/official expenses and travel and for upkeep of the several properties which are not privately held by the royals (such as Buckingham Palace). All of the royals except the Queen and Charles are required to pay taxes (although I think Charles pays them anyway). The police and military do provide security at all times whether they are venturing out for official functions or traveling privately.

    The British on here can correct me but I believe Harry's private income is a result of his inheritance from Diana.

    This is not to say that the royals don't cost Britain a significant sum of money, just that the modern day royals fund most non-official things themselves.

  57. I just wanted to defend Harry from the comments about him not being a grown-up. He has been to war and seen active combat. That is about as grown-up as it gets. I wouldn't want to do it, so bravo to those who put their lives on the line for the rest of us.

  58. I thought Britain had a free press. Hmmmmm. Not a good sign.

  59. Harry is just unlucky that he is having his wild days when the society we live in shares everything. Personally, I'm more disappointed in his preference for blondes than I am about the photo.

  60. I agree with both Susans. After the Nazi uniform fiasco, you'd think Harry would be a little more careful. He's very immature for a man of 27. Although I admire his military service.

  61. No, Civil List payments are for the royal household but the breakdown of expenditure isn't made public, although most of the £8m is supposed to be spent on salaries. Upkeep of royal properties is paid for by a separate grant.

    Prince Charles bankrolls his sons with the income he gets from the Duchy of Cornwall - which is historically given to the heir to the throne so they can have an income independent of the monarch.

    Got to laugh, really.

  62. I don't think their press is "free" in the same sense Americans think of their press as free. I forget what the differentiation is though.

  63. I would have thought that naked pictures of anyone taken in a private hotel room would not be allowed to be published without permission.

    If that's not the case, it should be!

    I'd hate it if someone snapped a pic of me and printed it for all to see, and I'm a big fan of 'one rule for everyone', prince, celeb or, you know, normal person.

  64. This to shall blow over. No pun intended...

  65. Henry 'Porchey' Porchester, 7th Earl of Carnarvon, was a lifelong friend of Lilibet's and her closest adviser on horse breeding and racing. There were rumors that he was Andrew's father, for one reason, because Philip was at sea for extended periods visiting Commonwealth countries prior to Andrew's birth.

    The Earl had a fatal heart attack while watching live coverage of the 9/11 attack; while being taken to a hospital, he asked his wife to call and notify the Queen. She called and 'She' was devastated. [Normally i wouldn't know this, but i'm currently ready Sally Bedell Smith's biography of Elizabeth.]

    Also, a chime-in re Harry's father -- To me, he looks a lot like Philip when he was younger. If he continues to party, i think the Spencer and Mountbatten genes will kick in and blow his looks up.

  66. Anonymous4:47 PM

    obviously he is not very good at billiards

  67. Agree 100 percent with Susan, and also with Elspeth about Harry's hotness probably taking a nosedive at a certain point unless his eases up on the partying.

    Being young and hot is not a free pass, nor should it ever be, sorry.
