Sunday, August 05, 2012

Brigitte Nielsen Is A Drunken Mess

You know you have a drinking problem if you are getting hammered during the middle of the day and it is not a holiday or a birthday or the semi-annual bacon feast. If that still does not convince you that you have drinking problem, how about drinking straight from a vodka bottle in a public park during the middle of the day all by yourself. Well, now you have just entered Brigitte Nielsen's world. She spent all day yesterday doing just that. She also fell down a lot and kept saying Flava Flav in the house.


  1. Holy crap! That's just sad...hope she has someone who can try to get her to see she needs help

  2. Come help her Foofy Foofy!

    That is really sad though. I'm sorry for her and I hope she gets some help.

  3. She and Courtney Love should hang out! Drunken glamazons on the town. I'd pay for pap shots of that.

    Seriously though, if this isn't a one-off, I hope she gets some help.

  4. Oh Jeez, falling down drunk drinking out of a pint in the middle of the day, that's the bottom. So sad.

  5. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Good grief! A pint of Popov vodka in a public park. Falling down drunk. In the daytime. This is indeed what comes of screwing Flava Flav. "What time is it?" It's time to lay off the sauce, lady...

  6. she used to be really beautiful once.

    What a waste. Red Sonja was a favorite movie of mine.

  7. I hope she doesn't start hanging out with Verne Troyer. That would be a VH-1 reality alum drunken plane crash. Now a pap shot of the two of them on matching big and little scooters...

  8. She spent a lifetime doing nothing. This day was no diff. Can't stand her. (I'm Norwegian, though, so it's probably lingering racism from my grandmother warning me against Swedes.)

    1. Danish. Come on, if you're gonna be racist, at least get it right ;)

    2. Swedish and Danish are not races, they're nationalities.

  9. She's only 49?!?! I thought she was in her sixties. This will be Lindsay Lohan if she makes it that long.

  10. This is like those pix of Tara somebody. It is like watching people who are dying? Sad.

  11. This is one of those situations where observers could easily have out down their cameras and tried to help her. But $$ for pics like this must be good enough to abandon any sense of human connection I guess. Sad times.

    1. I was thinking the exact same thing.

  12. Horrible. She has some lovely children; I hope she eventually gets herself together for their sake if not her own.

    1. Everything was fun and hilarious until we remember she has kids. I'll totally cop to viewing her as somewhat of a cartoon character, but then I think of those kids and feel tragically sad for them. Hopefully their dad isn't a skid?

  13. Oh my god, she probably eats sandwiches without a top on them.

    No, seriously, I wish she were clean and sober, but my feelings for her were ground down by her reality t.v. persona. She seems somewhat willful, egotistical, ego-bound, "it's all about me," and then she ramps up the hysterical dynamic as soon as anyone touches on the issues. She's a victim, she can't help it, etc., the whole cycle of addiction excuses. I should be more sympathetic. It helps knowing she's Danish.

  14. Honestly speaking, everything good in the Scandinavian universe comes from Sweden. That's probably one reason my grandmother was so resentful.

  15. Saw her on celeb rehab. She was really very sweet and maternal and got clean. t. Feel sad for her, because this is the pits. Please get into rehab. Camera men or woman may have tried to help her- after the pics if course. Mb the pics will spur her to get clean. When i see stuff like this , i am always thankful-" there but for the grace of god goes I."

  16. Holy Shit! She looks like a terribly tan terribly blond version of Ted Danson in the first pick. I'm so glad she was not still in her birthing years when she was screwing Flava Flav...I cringe at the thought of what their kid would look like of he got her knocked up.... Yuk. I just ruined my lunch

  17. Lohan: Here's your future...

  18. @Timebob- I loved that movie too!! My mom got to the point where she would call the movie rental store before we left home and would ask them to take Red Sonja off the shelf so I would think it had already been rented. Ironically a few years later when it closed down the owner gave my mom that movie as a going away gift.

  19. I dont know how flava flav is getting the blame! Lol. She looks a mess and hopefully she will get clean soon! @Timebob i watched Red Sonja everyday when i was little! She has had substance abuse issues for a while.

  20. Barton Fink, hahahaha yeah there's still resentment over those Swedes from so long ago! Hey did you ever read Kristin Lavransdatter, god I loved that series.

  21. @Barton Fink
    Like Ikea?

    I was just thinking about Brigitte and her true love Flava Flav. Since Bret Michaels'is getting his show back, why not Flava Flav and this hot mess?

  22. Very sad. I hope she gets help. Addiction is a beast.

  23. Doncha have to be a drunk to sleep with flava flav????? IJS

  24. Sad. Her liver must have the Screaming Mimi's.

  25. So sad. I've been there, and it can take years, but it's possible to get better.

    Wouldn't she have known Sage Stallone?

  26. very very sad. she was on celebrity rehab and I actually came to like her as I watched that season. she has kids as well, which makes it exceptionally sad. addiction is a beast.

  27. OMG. She does look like Ted Danson in that first pic. Poor thing. No one deserves to end up like this. Time to harness your demons BN. I hope those pics freak her out enough to call Team Jedward. Damn!

  28. "Danish. Come on, if you're gonna be racist, at least get it right ;)"

    This isn't racist. It's more nationalist, or perhaps ethnocentric.

    Interestingly, this group is all about pointing out the racism, both seriously and in jest, but someone can use the word "retarded" and no one calls the person on it. Wow. I'm still reeling and pissed from that.

  29. Waiting to hear the newsy cast member of Celebrity Rehab announced in 5, 4, 3

  30. @N9NA: you have very compassionately stated what I was thinking. Yes, this woman has had opportunities that many of us will never have, but that doesn't take away just how sadly broken she appears to be, or how cold it is for others to profit from her obvious problems. Sad times, indeed.

  31. N9NA- ITA with you. Surely it’s basic humanity to aid someone who is lying in the gutter? How can anyone make money out of another human being’s suffering. I feel most uncomfortable.

  32. If she is in a park in Denmark, people are not even going to notice... LOL!

  33. Oh wow, I also really liked her on Celeb Rehab, I didn't realize she had relapsed, she seemed like a really lovely lady (when sober).

    This is a real shame.

  34. Wasn't she on with Chyna? I think they're both still a mess. Forget Dr. Drew. These ladies need Jedward !!!!

  35. Anonymous1:52 PM

    So sad. The pitfalls of alcohol and drugs in the entertainment world. It has happened to others and it will happen to more. Must be something about the personality of people who get into the business. Needy? Insecure?

  36. Honestly- I've seen my dad do this. Its terribly sad but if she doesn't want to get sober, she won't. IMO, Vodka drunks are the worst, it makes them very mean for some reason.

  37. and if all that doesn't convince you I have one word that will... Popov! Really? Popov?? Was the Skye too expensive? This is what I drank in my instant ice tea 30 years ago in college. Nuff said! LOL

  38. @carebear - I prefer vodka and am a happy drunk :-) I think alcohol brings out your true inner self for the world to see. Doesn't really matter what kind IMO. If you're mean inside, the mean is gonna shine through.

  39. If Sylvester Stallone truly wants to be the hero he portrays in movies he should step in and help an old friend.

  40. @Tuxedo Cat
    Probably only in passing. She was married to Sylvester when Sage was pretty young.

  41. @dia- I'm sure you are the happiest drunk! Maybe its the cheap, bottom shelf, more akin to rubbing alcohol variety (pictured with BN) my pops sticks with Nikolai 100 proof. Its awful! I don't drink anymore but vodka always turned me nasty. Wine made me cry. Tequila..I'd rather not divulge!!

  42. @carebear - I can't be the worlds only happy drunk. I get very silly and laugh and laugh! There must be others!

    Tequila and I have not been friends for a long time! Prob for similar reasons...

    I am allergic to wine and beer. Get horribly sick now - like when people have nut allergies. It's bad news. Vodka is my last alcoholic friend, although prob not for long. I fear I'm allergic to it too but in denial. What will I do in my old age?

  43. I shall use the phrase "narcissistic ego-bound ethnocentric xenophobia" from this day forward, I swear.

  44. @Henriette, thanks...I just wasn't sure how close they would have been either...

  45. Meanest drunks are Gin drunks. Hands down.

  46. Whenever I think of "drunks," I think of that great Kids Hall skit of Dave Foley getting drunk on "girly drinks."

  47. wow. I remember seeing her (all of her) in photo spreads and thinking, well that's superior genetics. Now I'm retracting that statement. And feeling sexier than my sarong. And sad.

  48. dia, with your beautiful soul you will shine without any help needed. I wanted to thank you for the kind comment you left me in the other thread, it moved me to the point of tears.
    I too am a happy drunk except for the couple of times I cried, but they were happy tears.

  49. Jesus...and worst of all it's wino vodka!!

    No seriously I hope she gets into rehab...

  50. Oh and watch out Barton coming for you...I'm Danish and I'm taller than Brigitte Neilsen...



  51. When I read this over on DM, the consensus there was that the paps should have helped her. I wonder how exactly they were expected to help.
    My guess is they hung around and made sure no one assaulted or robbed her but beyond that theres not much you can do at this point thats really of any help.

  52. @feraltart

    Now it's my turn to get teary. Wow! Thank you so much for your sweet words. I think in this day and age we have become so cynical that random acts of kindness are more often met with skepticism and distrust. Isn't that sad?

    I like being nice! I try to help out when I can, but I have the "helping gene" and have to make sure I don't drain my battery. Granted I can also be a raging b*tch (can't we all), but I try not to let her out very often. Yes it is true! No one believes me. My BF will tell you the truth :D

    Glad I'm not the only happy drunk! Sheesh, everyone's gonna think I'm a raging alcoholic after all these posts. I honestly only have cocktails like once a month. Seriously. Ask my BF!

  53. This is indeed awful, but should someone have helped her simply because of who she is? Do you assist every fall down drunk homeless person you come across in a park? Until such a time, I think we should withhold judgement of whomever took this picture. What could they have done anyway? She is on her path and until she finds a reason to live, she's going to keep killing herself. It's the way of the addict. So, so sad, but the way it is.

  54. Oh no! I just read about the shooting in Wisconsin. Thank God for that police officer. Frufra, please hug Mr. Frufra for us.

    My heart is breaking for all of them. I am completely at a loss for words. Why? Why? Not again. Why?

    America, we need to stop the hate and separatism. Love and compassion and kindness, now more than ever. Praying for them all.

  55. This is so sad. I know she was in recovery for a time and it seemed she was doing well. Pray she gets some help before she dies. Madness or death, that's what's left if she doesn't.

  56. @anotheramy I thought the same thing. Like, pap intervention in the park? I guess the could've helped her up, but that drunk? You're probzz better off on the ground.

    I did always like her and Foofy.

  57. i see celebrity rehab in her future...or has she already done that show? *shrug*

  58. We need mythbusters to find out who is the meanest drunk vodka or gin drinkers. Lol

  59. She looks like Ted Danson in the first pic
