Sunday, August 12, 2012

Bobbi Kristina & Her Brother/Lover

Everytime I see a photo of Bobbi Kristina with her brother/lover Nick Gordon I get the shivers. If you grow up wioth someone your entire life as a brother, then don't you think it is kind of strange to also want them as your boyfriend. Would you have sex with your brother? Step-brother? Is this any different from the movie Clueless? Did I actually drop a Clueless reference in my post? If I say I lost my remote control three or four times which is why I know what happens in Clueless a believable excuse? Doing research on Paul Rudd movies? Is it more strange that Bobbi took the ring set from her mother's jewelry?


  1. That was way harsh, Tai.

  2. So are they "engaged"? It's really skeevy; I have a brother, and this sitch gives me the willies. I can't even think about my brothers-in-law in a sexual way. Yuck.

    All that being said, this type of stuff has happened throughout history, so IDK. I don't get it, but apparently it's something that happens.

  3. So what makes this any different than Woody Allen dating and marrying his stepdaughter? Yet millions of people "just love" Woody Allen and dismiss his very public perversion. At least Bobbi isn't trying to sell me anything or get me to go to a movie of hers. Just saying. And yeah, it pretty much turns my stomach. Bye buy hash browns, hello Pepto Bismol.

    1. I hate Woody! His son was right for his tweet on Fathers Day. I was forced to watch midnight in Paris and it was AWEFUL. He is awful. I would never pay money to see anything with him in it or by him.

  4. Clueless is awesome! No excuses are needed.

    It's gross, but they aren't related. If the relationship stops her from spiraling out of control, is it better than the alternative?

  5. Love is love. The heart wants what the heart wants.

  6. Yuckity yuck. @Gladys - I haven't forgotten about Woody - I just can't watch any of his movies since that happened.

  7. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Her childhood was probably pretty f'ed up, and who knows (other than her mother being her best friend) how much genuine affection she's received. While it's creepy to people with a healthy outlook, maybe she's just looking for someone who is nice to her and cares about her.

  8. They aren't related. I don't want to be disrespectful to Whitney, but from all I've read, she wasn't mother of the year material. She pretty much started her own daughter on drugs. Maybe this guy was the only one who actually cared about Bobbi Kristina? Unfortunately, I think it maybe all about the money.

  9. this poor girl was doomed from the start with her parents. don't get me wrong ... love Whitney. but Whitney and Bobby ... disaster.

  10. lol @ strawberrygirl

    I wasn't creeped out by the Clueless Cher/Josh relationship. I mean, it is a little weird, but it depends on the level of bro/sis relationship that had been there. Maybe they never felt like siblings?? I don't know enough about Bobbi and Nick to know that. I hope she can find happiness, though.

  11. I think he's using her. Plain and simple.

  12. There's a Woody Allen joke in there somewhere, but I'll be damned if I can find it.

  13. Have you guys seen the self deprecating tweets from the Farrow clan re: Woody & Soon-Yi? Talk about a sense of humor, ha.

  14. Whole scene is creepy, weird and unhealthy. But hey, what does bobbi hv to base anything normal on?

  15. Anonymous11:57 AM

    I am totally with Ima Guillotine. She did probably have a messed up childhood, and with her Mom on crack constantly, her Dad constantly drinking.. it's natural for her to seek comfort right now from someone who's familiar and loves her, it seems like a natural next step in a life surrounded by the media, the houston family, and grieving for your dead addict famous Mom. It's creepy yes, but the heart wants what it wants. I married my best friend at the times ex fiance of nine years who's also the father of her child, needless to say her and I are no longer friends, but he and I are extremely happy and meant for each other. You just never know, and just because some would say that's messed up, ultimately we are the ones that have to live with ourselves and our choices. If the hearts of both people are in the right place and are feeling something special and real who am I to judge? In the case of an age difference and step family members all bets are off, family and age differences are not kosher at all, such as Woody and Asian Bride #1. Maybe they're in love, but I can't watch any movies of his without cringing. Christina is looking for some comfort and love, in a family and world where there isn't much of either. Give the kid a break. Sure it's weird but this is Whitney and Bobby's kid we're talking about.

  16. They aren't related by blood, and it's possible they didn't see each other until they were older if visitation days differed. Of course, I'm making an excuse because if Paul Rudd were the son of my dad's new wife, I'd totally not care and marry him.

  17. Enty, your parents weren't drug-addled, self-indulgent cray-crays.

    Walk a while in their shoes.

  18. The least creepy/strange thing is BK wearing her mom's ring. I don't find that to be weird at all. At least it hasn't been sold or stolen by the leeches in Whitney's "family".

  19. They are not all so people need to stop throwing stones. My mom has been dead for 13 years, all three of her daughters still wear her jewelry and have had many of the stones reset.

  20. It is different than Clueless. Those two were step siblings. Just because BK and Nick "grew up" together they aren't related in any way. I wish people would stop calling them siblings cuz they aren't. We never really even heard of him til WH died. She didn't talk about him. Didn't say I had to take the kids and leave so who knows how much he was in her custody. Hell BK wasn't always in her custody. And its been said Nick was around about 10 years, not BK's entire life.

  21. Since the term siblings keeps getting thrown around people believe they are blood relatives. They aren't. He isn't one of Bobby's kids. Whitney took him in when his mother coyldnt provide but they aren't related.

  22. If Whitney didn't adopt him legally then they aren't related. I know lots of young girls call their good guy friends their brother, but I always suspect that is to form a closer bond to hide a major crush, hoping that something may change in the dynamic along the way.

  23. Anonymous2:06 PM

    gross ass holes

  24. It depends on the family unit. In Clueless, Cher and Josh were never really brother and sister. He was just this annoying guy who had lived in her house and potentially if she'd had a crush on him the whole time then she never saw him as a brother...

  25. And Enty, Clueless is an iconic film and you think you should be embarrassed to have seen it? As if!

  26. She is an only child, of course she should have and wear the jewelry

  27. There's an ick factor regarding their romantic relationship, its just weird when you grow up with someone and then start dating them when you are older. But it happens and since they aren't blood relations, its not wrong. Just weird.
    I have a friend tho who has a very large family (6 brothers and 6 sisters) but half of the siblings are his step the brady bunch. Well one of his natural siblings married one of his step siblings. Weird right? But they aren't related, but their parents are married so not technically incest but its odd. His family totally accepts it tho.

  28. Clueless is awesome Ents!

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Disgusting. Seriously. I'm not going the incest route, but they did grow up ENOUGH together to form an ick factor about seeing each other's netheregions. Apparently not. GROCE

  31. I was more bothered by Cher being 15 and Josh being in college.

  32. It's not about the blood. It's about the relationship. If what they had was a brother/sister relationship, then yes, it's weird they would now be dating.

    A few of my relatives were adopted, i.e. an aunt, uncle, and cousin.. not to mention my mother, and while there may not be bloodlines there, the family bonds are strong and I could NEVER see doing anything like this. Personally, I find it gross but I'll try not to judge. Trying r-e-a-l-l-y hard!

  33. @lutefisk me too.

    I don't consider it incest - it's not conventional but it's not like their children are going to born with two heads.

    You're a virgin, who can't drive.

  34. People do strange things when they're mourning.

  35. That's a good point O'Really.

  36. This is not even slightly comparable to the Woody Allen situation. Woody Allen was in the father role. Woody also was accused of touching his daughter Dylan inappropriately on more than one occasion when she was 4 and I believe it is true. The fact that he still has no relationship w those children speaks volumes. There is just no resemblance to the situation here and I don't find this creepy.

  37. Cher and Josh were step siblings. His mom was one of Cher's many stepmoms. Still different situation than BK and Nick.
