Saturday, August 18, 2012

Blind Items Revealed

November 29, 2006

DEVELOPING -- BLIND ITEM OF THE YEAR -- I keep trying to type this and I just cannot believe what the caller said. They definitely would know, but it is still unbelievable. When this female celebrity (#1) is arguing with another female celebrity or two it has always been assumed that the argument pertained to boyfriends or some trivial matter. As one of the female celebrities (#2) continues to go through personal problems, she is reaching out to friends with the story that she is involved in an on again and off again relationship with the other female celebrity (#1) and that what started out as a laugh became love for celeb #2 while celeb #1 preys on those emotions and treats #2 as a plaything when she needs someone which is causing #2 to spiral out of control. -- STAY TUNED --

Paris Hilton & Lindsay Lohan


  1. wow. explains the drama and hate from #2 doesn't it.

  2. Wait - Shouldn't #1 & #2 be the other way around? Oh and WHOA.

  3. Is LiLo Celeb #1 and Paris Celeb #2?

    And while I know Lindsay swings both ways, did not know that about Parisite. Go figure.

  4. I remember hearing about Paris swinging, but wow...she fell for LiLo?? As Tru Leigh said, 'go figure'...

  5. I really had a misconception that parasite was somehow a step about LILO. I was way the hell wrong.

  6. Ok, So who is 1 and who is 2?

  7. I think it should be the other way around: Lohan is #2 and Paris #1. Lohan's problems were way bigger than Paris' in 2006 and around that time Lohan started going a bit crazy.

  8. Nastiest..reveal..ever. I am going to go douse myself in Valtrex.

  9. Yuck! You could not pay me enough to make physical contact with either of those nasty skanks! Double yuck!!

  10. And Paris likes to hang out with trainwrecks, as soon as Britney hit rock bottom Paris was there to go out with her and get her drunk. later on they were never seen together again. When Nicole Richie cleaned up their friendship was suddenly over too.
    #1 Paris, #2 Lindsay

  11. Was this around the whole "fire crotch" incident?

  12. I can see Paris as the user (since she can't/won't keep a relationship), and LiLo is definitely out of control.

    I don't think Paris would know what love is if it bit her.

    @gee-gee me too.

  13. What ever happened to Paris anyway? for such a fame whore attention seaker shes not been seen much lately.

  14. @ktheletter i think you are right!

  15. I always assumed Paris was #1. If she is #2, I dunno, I know she takes alot of drugs and stuff, but was she ever going out of control. And I think both girls are probably sociopaths, but it seems that Paris woulf be more cruel towards someone. Like didnt she give drugs to other girls, then watch guys fool around with them when they were passed out?

    Whateves Paris and Lindsay should get back together, and take Kim K with them, and move to a deserted island

  16. Paris has never liked anyone using her name in no matter what context in an interview, by those that she considers her friends. Lindsay mentioned her name in an ET interview and was dropped like a hot potato. Nicole wasn't spared either, and because she talked about her friendship with Wonkey during an interview about The Simple Life she was cut loose too. So you would think after that KK would have learned a lesson right? Nope....there she was in an interview telling everyone what a sweet person her best buddy is...and they haven't spoken since. It is sad I know this....but there was no escaping the train wreck that is Wonkey McValtrex at the height of her popularity.

  17. What ktheletter said.

  18. I think it's meant to be that Lindsay Lohan started to fall in love with Paris Hilton and that Paris Hilton viewed her as a plaything.

    I remember a few years back commenting with one of my friends that every time Paris HIlton befriended someone, that person got sucked into drugs and madness (Britney Spears at the time). It seems to be Paris's MO.

  19. This reveal makes me wanna shower. Its just too disgusting. I wonder if their mutual STDs formed some new herpes virus.

  20. Parisite is a sociopath and a sadist so this does not surprise me at all.

  21. Paris must be the Andy Warhol of her generation. Who knew?!?!

  22. Well, that explains the whole fire crotch thing which seemed to have come out of nowhere. I'm actually feelling a little bit sorry for LL.

  23. I think Lindsay has some serious addiction issues and separately, some sexual identity issues. Neither which are being dealt with.
    Be gay, be confident, lose your family and the drugs.

  24. Where are all those people who get so upset when anyone is "outed" now?

    Is it OK to "out" Paris Hilton just because she's generally disliked?

    Personally, I'm part of the pro-outing crowd, or at least the crowd that believes that gay sex - like straight sex - is a natural part of human behavior and should be celebrated, not hidden.

    What a great unauthorized biography Paris Hilton will make some day.

  25. This almost makes me feel a bit sorry for Lindsay. Almost.

  26. @Nutty - There are plenty of pictures on the internet of Paris making out with other girls, and has been stated on plenty of other sites. In fact, I'd say this blind indicates that Paris is NOT gay, since she was just doing it for a laugh, while Lindsay was actually in love with her.

    Plenty of my girl friends in university fooled around with other girls at various points, just for fun or to see what it was like. But none of them ended up in lesbian relationships. From this blind, I don't see anything that says Paris is gay. (I've seen that in other blinds, but not this one)

  27. Evidence:

  28. @Char Got it. I'm thinking that in my daughter's generation, all this who's straight/who's gay stuff will seem laughably old-fashioned. People will love who they love, for a short time, for a long time, whatever.

    My daughter's godmother is a lifelong lesbian who met some guy at work and...they've been living together for 4 years now. You just never know.

  29. They are actually both #2s.

  30. I tweeted entry that he had the order wrong...he didn't realize.

    Paris is 1 and Lilo is 2. Obvs.

    1. Thx for getting the deets, @jax!

  31. I tweeted entry that he had the order wrong...he didn't realize.

    Paris is 1 and Lilo is 2. Obvs.

  32. Paris will lead a lonely old life won't she...and Lilo won't.

  33. How nasty can you get? Apparently (?) not nasty enough for these two.

  34. @__-__=__ - Paris Hilton should be so lucky as to be as talented as Andy Warhol!

  35. Lindsay is def #2. She's def borderline personality which causes her to cling onto anyone that gives her the time of day.

  36. My God, that's a pair to draw to.

  37. As of today, cocaine-fueled celebutard lesbian sex is officially no longer cool.

  38. Which one ended up in jail first? I think it was Parpiss, wasn't it?

  39. Wow! This makes SO much sense. I think Lindsey would be in a very different place right now if she could have avoided the Poison Parasite. LiLo was still likeable then (IMO) and had an actual career. Paris sent her down the path of tabloid fodder and ridicule.

    It may still have happened, bc LiLi is genetically drawn to the crazy, but maybe so dramatically or tragically.

    If this is really true, I feel bad for LiLo. Get hooked up with the wrong crowd and bad shit happens. Paris sux! She's not a good person. I hope she ends up broke and fat at Texshan's reunion too!!!!

    1. **NOT so dramatically.

      I'm am not typing well today.

  40. For the first time in a really, really long time, I actually feel bad for LiLo. Paris seems like one of those types who gets off on toying with people. If she really drops people just because they say her name in an interview, that is really ridiculous. I wonder if in a few years from now (or even now) she'll feel much different about that since the public sure doesn't give a crap about her any more. Weren't there a bunch of blinds about Paris sleeping with people's boyfriends just for the fun of it? Now I'm kind of hoping for a LiLo comeback just so she can have the opportunity to look down on Paris.

  41. heard this long time, Lilo was in love with Paris, Britney, lilo Paris, it was one big orgy

  42. Would this not be the appropriate time to use the new CDAN term? "They dined together at the vageteria."

  43. This doesn't surprise me at all. I've always thought Paris was/is a sociapath. And, Lindsay just makes me sad, sad, sad. It's almost as if she never had a fucking chance, but she did and still does. My God, she's so young and I hope she pulls her shit together and ends up getting the last laugh against Paris.

  44. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Whoa. I hadn't even thought of that. These poor people. Looking anywhere for love and finding a mean girl instead. Sick. I cannot imagine how Linds must have felt kissing Paris Hilton and looking for emotional reciprocation. Ugh. I feel nauseous. Gotta go.

  45. Great article today in Time - Understanding the Psychopathic Mind

    Sharing again in this post, as it seems to apply to the Parasite.

  46. Gross. I had heard awhile back that they were lovers though.
    Ted's BV on Paris is about her getting serviced by another girl in a restroom stall whilst snorting coke. God, the visual! Eeeekk!

  47. That leaves the rest of the population safe.

  48. Enty has confirmed on his twitter that Lilo is 2 and Paris is #1

  49. Oh, I knew Lilo was in love with Paris way back then. And that Paris was torturing her with it.

    Paris is a fucking cunt.

    1. I saw your comment on the original page- you called it!

  50. I have a family member who has borderline personality disorder. Until Yodelay said it, I didnt see it. The similarities are glaring now.

  51. This has me feeling sorry for Lilo and detesting Paris all the more.

  52. Clicking on the link for the original blind and reading both the column and the comments is quite entertaining.

  53. I feel bad for the LiLo she was at the time of this blind. Shitty parents, shitty friends. The monster she is now may be the result of those factors, but it didn't have to be. Look at Kim Kardashian. She hung with Paris and has a pimp for a mother just like Lindsay; I'm not Kim fan and I think she's a complete fame whore but she never pitied herself enough to take the same path as Lindsay. LiLo at one point had people who wanted to help her (Lorne Michaels & Tina Fey) and has had chances to clean her act up. It's such a shame how she ended up.

  54. Yeah, all you have to do is watch Tina Fey's interview on Howard Stern where she talks abt how much she detested working w Paris Hilton to confirm that Paris would def be #1. It's easy to find w google...I'd link it but I can't paste in blogger's comment interface from my iPhone. Someone asked the other day if anyone else has trouble W blogger and the iPhone..and yes, I do. I've learned how to get around it but it's annoying. The main issue is that you can't correct mistakes if you need to place the cursor somewhere else from where it's currently active. The workaround is to press the blue "Done" button on the keyboard and THEN tap the location where you want to edit. You may have to repeat that sequence multiple times if you don't quite get the cursor in the right location. It's a pain but I hardly even think abt it any's second nature now.

    1. lmao. For some idiotic reason I thought my phone was the only one that did that! Wow, I really do turn off my grey matter when I come here....

  55. Paris #1
    Lindsay #2
    And gross. What an asshole.

  56. @Anotheramy, the comments were hilarious. There's been a lot of talk lately of how the blog used to be and how it was great, etc. but reading those comments shows it's always been like this. I can't remember when I started visiting this site regularly but I know I didn't comment for a long time because the then-regulars were bullies who attacked anyone who was new and/or didn't agree with them.

  57. About those who were surprised Enty outed PH as a lez; didn't she do a sextape with a girl? I remember that was gonna come out but it was stopped. Or there were just pictures. It was found in the same storagelocker they found her Valtrex-prescription/history of abortions in.

  58. yep, some Latina MTV VJ.....Egglantina somebody. Paris was topless, and they were making out.....everyone knows Paris goes both ways.

  59. Oh, I remember all the drama back in the day. LL screaming and crying to the photos that Paris just slapped her, back and forth drama. It was obviously friends with benefits/hooking up when high- stuff going on.

    Also- Enty had a pretty horrible blind some years back that everyone believed to be about the Parasite. If I remember it correctly Enty actually witnessed some of this himself in the strip club where it took place. Does anyone else remember this? Something about her paying a stripper to go down on her, but it couldn't be an African-American girl, she kept saying derogatory things. I wish could find that blind...

  60. Also, there were leaked myspace-conversations between Lohan and Parasite, they were fighting, that is all i remember :/ can't find them back :(

  61. Some timeline of the LL and PH friendship/relationship. Writer is wondering why they started fighting. Guess we know why it ended now; LL was in love, PH wasn't and used her.

  62. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Paris is such a kunt....SMDH :-(

  63. I would say Lindsay was the one who went ape shit.

  64. LL still needs to get her shit together!

  65. Not surprised about Paris, she looks like such a bitchy, spoiled girl.

  66. Here is an old clip of Paris at her finest.

    "We're like 2 N**gers"

    "He's a f**got! He wants to fuck my boyfriend!"

    Hoodlum, public school slut! She's probably from Compton!"

  67. I DO have borderline personality disorder, and while I've never heard anyone say LiLo has it, I can't say I'm surprised. Unfortunately, she is batshit insane and has no one in her life to take her to task but also love her unconditionally. (Literally, that's the key. You know, the stuff parents are generally supposed to do.) It has to do a lot with emotional and physical insecurity and loss when you're a child. Exhibit A: White Oprah and Daddy Blohan.

  68. Just history of Lilo's insanity. She really, really needs to be hospitalized for MONTHS away from her family and public in order to get treatment for her mental and substance abuse problems.

  69. Paris is a Sociopath, isn't she?

  70. Thanks for the advice on how to use the site via phone... It really annoyed me too!

    This makes me feel so bad for Linds. Poor, poor girl. Paris has never done anything to make me think she is anything but a horrible human being.

  71. I agree with WhoCaresNow. Lindsay needs to be taken away for a very long time to get her act together. Too bad she doesn't seem to think she needs help.

  72. I have always said Paris is the downfall of everyone she hangs out with!

  73. Paris even has harmed the reputation of the herpes virus.

  74. @Barton Fink that is hilarious:-)you made me smile!! Thank you

  75. Lindsay is a sad mess, so much talent and ability, stifled by her addictions. Paris is a parasite, no surprise there. Hope Lindsay can find her way to peace.

  76. Wow it really is true, Lindsay, Britney, Nicole - Paris really does annihilate anyone she associates with. No wonder Lainey refers to as the Ebola virus, she is quite deadly. What a nasty, vicious bitch.

  77. litenotsobrite, that video is AWFUL! although I do like how pretty much nobody except for Ponyboy is even so much as looking at them, even while they're screaming and yelling and obviously trying to get everyone's attention.

  78. Makes sense. What bothers me is that anyone would feel any kind of desire Paris. She's beyond disgusting. But then again, this is Lindsay we're talking about.

  79. Anonymous11:31 PM

    Dia, LOL!
