Monday, August 20, 2012

Blind Item #2

What celebrity wife of a former A list celebrity told him she would divorce him unless he got them a reality show. She also made it clear that until he got her a reality show there would be no sex. Well, he got her the reality show, but she is still holding off on that sex. She is also holding off on being nice to the guy unless there are cameras present. Probably the most miserable celebrity marriage at the moment.


  1. Anonymous9:42 AM

    That Jonas brother that has a reality show and his wife.

  2. Mrs. Eastwood? Is she considered a celebrity now? I hope this isn't them, Clint seems like a good guy. Or maybe he just plays one on tv.

  3. In no way is Clint Eastwood a "former" A-lister.

    He's a permanent A++++.

  4. @Molls, I thought that too except for the sex thing; there's no way Kevin Jonas wants to have sex with his wife.

  5. Poor Clint. He deserves so much better than this.

  6. Shouldn't somebody called a celebrity be celebrated for their accomplishments? Can we just call reality TV stars "Attention Whores" instead? Leave the celebrations for those who can sing or act or make people laugh.

  7. In what reality would Clint Eastwood be considered a "former A-list Celebrity"??? No way it is him.

  8. If it's Clint I can't imagine why he allowed them to do a reality show, it brings his status down a good few notches.
    Personally I find all these shows embarrassing ..

  9. Cannot be the Eastwoods. He was only on the show once in front of the camera and once on the phone.

    My guess is that it is another new couple. I would guess Kevin Jonas and his wife, but since he is gay, I would think the withholding of sex by his wife would not make an impact on him. Well, unless she tops him...

  10. I also can't imagine why a heterosexual actor would be afraid to ditch his wife on the grounds that he was "over it." I mean, does our culture truly carry a stigma against men or women who divorce partners that they no longer care about?

  11. Definitely Joe Jonas. Eek!

  12. I wish it was Eastwood pulling a "Frasier" move- setting her up to go!

  13. It sounds like Vanessa Bryant. Does she have a show?

  14. it says celebrity wife though, which makes me think she'd have to have been some sort of celebrity prior to the show (unless the show has been on for a while and she's a celebrity now due to the show).

    is Joe Jonas's wife a celebrity? Was Joe Jonas actually A list?

  15. Kevin Jonas' wife is not a celebrity.

    What about Courtney Stodden? I guess that guy was probably never A list, but we know the rating system can be kind of generous around here.

  16. Going out on a limb here with recently fired Chad Ochocinco Johnson and his celeb-whore of a wife.

    Nowhere does it say actor or singer.

  17. Stodden's grandpa was and will never be A list.

  18. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Joe Jonas is not married. Kevin Jonas is gay, so the no sex part would not make sense, plus, she is not a celebrity. I don't even know her name.
    Does Kobe have a reality show coming out soon?

    Fiddy and his fiance. lol jk

  19. The horse and the Jonas brother.

  20. the braxton sister. I think its tamara. In the commercial for the show her body language and attitude towards him made it obvious their is tension in their marriage.

  21. tamar and vince

    They just got their own show too

  22. Clint Eastwood is permanently A list forever in my book, too but
    the "list" criteria is unclear from person to person. It often depends on subjective variables like whether or not the person describing the blind likes the celebrity. If they don't and there's some slip like no Academy Award this decade or something, then they demote down so it's hard to say. Hope it's not Clint.

  23. Hate to say it's the Eastwoods but what other reason is there for that show?

  24. Was Tamar the Braxton that was on that Starting Over show? Does anybody else remember? Man, I ate that garbage UP daily. I kind of miss it.

  25. i don't think Tamar was on Starting Over--I think it was Towanda. I watched it back then too.

    I don't think there are A List Braxtons are there?

  26. Who says it's the wife giving the hubby the sex? It may be in her contract that she approves when and who. I vote Jonas.

  27. Tawanda! You're right. Who was the Life Coach? Brenda? Oh man, I could really use a SO marathon on my day off tomorrow. That show was so ridiculous.

  28. hahaha I don't know, but he is one sad sack. hahaha

  29. I CANNOT believe you said, Starting Over. I thought I hallucinated that show. I am not a daytime tv person, but I somehow manage to catch that AND become addicted. Not the one when they moved it to CA....that blew it for me.

    I had no idea Towanda Braxton was on that show. But DO remember thinking that when they took it to CA that the white therapist or whatever she was, must have had a boatload of botox in her forehead.

  30. In what world would this ever be Clint Eastwood? Someone already stated the obvious; permanent A++++ lister. And, he is 82, I doubt he is asking for sex all that regularly.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. courtney stodden and doug hutchison

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Eastwood will always be A List. Former indicates either a fall from grace, or too much time has past since prominent work. I'd say Kevin Jonas fits.

  35. Eastwoods is a good guess. I also think it might be Coco and Tbag.

  36. Not Clint. Heck he's like 82 years old. I doubt there's a lot of sex going on.

    This is someone much younger.

  37. In what world was Tamar Braxton every married to someone A-list? Her husband might be a household name in Lady Gaga's house, but he's not A list.

  38. This one has me stumped. I immediately thought of the Eastwoods, but a) as many have noted, Clint Eastwood is an American institution. He will never be anything but A+ list. b) I know Dina Eastwood used to be a local news anchor, or something, but she wasn't famous enough in her own right to be referred to as a "celebrity wife".

    Tamar Braxton is not married to a former A-list celebrity so she's out. And while Kevin Jonas qualifies as "former A-list", he's always been thought to be secretly gay. Maybe a detail in the blind has been deliberately changed to make it difficult to figure out? This doesn't seem to match anyone perfectly.
