Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Blind Item #2 - 33% Chance Of Getting It Right

What female on Jersey Shore cheated on the guy she has been seeing sometime in the past 30 days. He has no clue. She does not feel all that bad and says he did it to her too. It is not as obvious as you might think it is.


  1. Snooki & pregnant doggy style. You're welcome everyone - I just made you all 10 lbs thinner because you vom'd everywhere.

    1. You've saved me from a trip to the gym...

    2. Well now I don't feel so guilty for that donut I had earlier, excuse me while I run to the bathroom o_O

  2. I feel JWoww or Snookie would be obvious but is Sammi seeing anyone? What about Deena?

  3. Thank you, Amber, for that lunchtime appetite suppressant.

  4. 33% means 1 out of 3. There's 4 chicks on the show, so he's leaving out one of them. Either Snooki b/c she's pregnant or someone is single. I have a strong stomach Amber, gonna take a lot more than that to make me vom!

  5. I don't think Snooki is in any condition to be cheating. I think the only thing Snooks is interested in, is a vat of icecream.

    I'm going with JWow and Roger. They just seemed too happy together. He seemed too loyal.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. spacecowboy - there's no way Deena has a boyfriend. No friggin way. lol

    1. Seriously!!! She's all kinds of gross.

  8. @amber, Deena does have a boyfriend. and i suspect it might be her that this blind is about. it would be too obvious if it was Sam.

  9. Thanks, Amber, for the visual. No vomit, but I will have that salad for lunch, dressing on the side.

    Sort of OT - had my annual physical this morning and the doctor asked if I was sad that my childbearing years are behind me. Am I the only person who did the dance of joy when the youngest of 4 turned 21?

  10. Deena FTW. J-Woww, Snookie, and Sammie would ALL be "obvious" guesses....

    But I think Sammy (ie?y?w/e) is single which leaves Snooks, JWoww, and Deena. Both of the first two are obvious - Snooki b/c snookie, JWoww b/c she and Roger have been featured heavily on the show and in some D level press tours. So that leaves the littlest Meatball...

  11. I'm gonna say Snooki. She may be pregnant, but that doesn't mean she can't have sex.

    1. I'm with you. Gross, but less obvious.

    2. I'm with you. Gross, but less obvious.

  12. I googled it and sammi and Robbie just moved in together, I'm going w her.

  13. @silveronyx holy bananas they did. Ok - well I still stand by Deena becuase after the utter clusterf**k of Sammi and Ronnie, one cheating on the other would not surprise me (or most people I'm guessing) that much.

    I think the "not that obvious" part just means Deena because...people barely remember she's part of the show.

  14. Snooki is engaged, so I wouldn't call her man 'the guy she has been seeing'. I'm guessing Sammi, if she got back with Ronnie after the last season. Otherwise J-Wow.

  15. Jenni and Roger... explains why they don't have sex

  16. i think its deena- i remember reading somewhere that she does have a boyfriend.


  17. Sammie is still with Ronnie? And they moved in together? I wouldn't want to be a fly on that wall. I wouldn't even want to be the wall actually. Lord knows what kinds of things they'll throw at each other from across the room. That apt/home will be destroyed by the time those two toxic people leave it.

  18. That relationship (Sammie) is the very definition of destructive. So sad to watch.

  19. Also, could it be 3 cause Enty doesn't count Deena?

  20. the headline says 33% chance, which means it's one of the original 3. it's Sammy because a) Ron has cheated on her before and b) she would have no problems with doing it herself because of the abuse she's gone through during the relationship.

  21. Snooks. She's not obvious bc she's preggers and if he said fiancee it would give it away. I'd be so happy if that baby came out looking like Vinny.

  22. Their 15 minutes not up yet?
