Thursday, August 23, 2012

Blind Item #1

This actor is really close to A+ list and in his own country probably is. Here he is a solid A lister who only does movies and has been in this space lots of times before. Over the weekend, our foreign born actor with A++ list name recognition was in a bar in Edinburgh where he met two women. After a while he became bored with small talk and drinking and decided to take one of them back to his place to have sex. How did they leave the bar? He grabbed her by her breast and led her out of the bar. Yes, let me clarify. He grabbed her breast with his hand and got a firm hold and then dragged her out of the bar just like that and she went willingly. Oh, and this will be revealed for sure. Have to call this guy out.


  1. Gerard Butler - sounds like something he'd do!

  2. I was thinking Russell Crowe.

  3. Sad to say but i'm pretty excited that this will be revealed

  4. Sad to say but i'm pretty excited that this will be revealed

  5. Sad to say but i'm pretty excited that this will be revealed

  6. Sad to say but i'm pretty excited that this will be revealed

  7. Sad to say but i'm pretty excited that this will be revealed

  8. Talha what are your feelings on whether or not this will be revealed?

    1. I literally just LOL'ed

    2. I did too! Just cackled in my office. People are staring...

    3. Ahhhhhhhhh funny

    4. Quality laugh right there!

    5. Quality laugh right there!

    6. Omg, blogger must be crazy today! Oh, and lol!!!

  9. I've been dragged by a handful of boob or butt to the bedroom---I guess I'm now 'calling out' a few ex-boyfriends.

    It's only shocking if she was unwilling, which it sounds like she wasn't.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. How is Gerard Butler A+ list in any country? He's one more shitty Jennifer Aniston movie away from being a judge on America's Got Talent.

    Is it Ewan McGregor?

  12. @Tahla
    lol...are you excited? :)

    Is Gerard Butler A list?
    Maybe Colin F?

  13. goheels--LOLOLOLOLOLOL

  14. Led out by the boob by a boob. Ah, standards.

  15. @goheels83 - LOL. and I really did laughed out loud.

  16. Led out by the boob by a boob. Ah, standards.

  17. LOL goheels - I'm with everyone else. I legit laughed.

  18. hahaha goheels..i chortled at that!!

    I HOPE this isn't Ewan..he may have an open marriage but i don't think he would just grab someones bewb like that.

  19. Another haha to goheels

  20. I guess I'm just bummed that THIS dude NEEDS to be called out but not all the dudes who allegedly sexually prey on underaged girls in the industry.

    Agree w/ Gerard Butler.

  21. Maximus - ITA. Though there are probably bigger legal issues at hand in those cases, which make it very tricky to out someone as being a child sexual predator.

  22. I wonder if it's Butler I haven't seen anything on him for most of the summer...
    It's not like him to stay out of the public eye...

  23. I wouldn't call Gerard Butler A++. If my parents wouldn't know their name, they are not A++.

  24. My husband is English. He once told me that a common pickup phrase in a pub is either "Get your tits out for the lads" or "Grab your coat -- you've been pulled".

    Maybe this actor was drunk and merged the phrases into 1: Get your tits out; you've been pulled.

    And then proceeded to do it literally.

  25. just to mix it up.. what about Javier Bardem?

    anyway.. besides the will to mix it up, I am on the Ewan McGregor train.. hell I would follow him even if he pulled me by the nose! LOL

  26. Agree with you Maximus.

    And I like the Colin F guess.

  27. I'm just thinking ow!

  28. Thank you @goheels, that was brilliant.

  29. Who attended that Fringe festival? Same town this blind is in.

  30. I'm going with Fassbender for this

  31. Another ha! at goheels83's comment. I see this (double or quadruple posting) quite often here. Obviously accidental. What causes it?

  32. Oh.. as for the Ewan bit, he was sighted in East Lothian

  33. ... 4 days ago [sorry got so excited i found out how to include a hyperlink, i pressed enter too soon!! LOL]

  34. janele--the 'grab your coat, you've been pulled'---I heard that one back when I was engaged to a Brit, in the 90's. I love learning new slang, and the British have some of the best.

  35. I'd probably go for calling the stupid ass broad out for putting up with that shit more than HIM out for doing it. I mean, what's shocking about a drunk man in a pub acting like a douche? If I was rich and famous I'd probably get bored eventually and start getting my rocks off trying to see how far I could go until some idiot actually tells me to fuck off.

  36. If Gerard Butler is almost A+ list, then I'm at least almost B- list. I don't get a Colin F vibe for this, and isn't he doing press for Total Recall? What about Daniel Craig? He fits the ranking better, and "has been in this place before."

  37. I like the Russell Crowe guess.

  38. Colin F. FTW.

    Farrell. FARRELL. Let us not confuse the Colin F's.

    Defender of Colin Firth ;-)

  39. I have to say...I don't think Gerard Butler is an A list at all. He's not a hot item...though this does sound like something he would do. He's an ahole prick.

  40. The blind says the actor was drinking though. Isn't Colin FARRELL supposedly sober?

  41. Butler close to A+ list?????!

  42. @Janele "Maybe this actor was drunk and merged the phrases into 1: Get your tits out; you've been pulled."

    That's hilarious!

    Colin Farrell popped into my head, but is he close to A+?? I can't imagine Gerard Butler being close to A+ here or anywhere. Ewan McGregor is probably closer to A+ than those two, or was a few years ago. Has he been in any big movies lately? I can't think of any.

  43. Russell Crowe. Butler doesn't have A++ name recognition. Would your parents know who he is? (Yes, this is my standard for determination!)

  44. Hugh Grant?

    And if the man was an A in his cups, what cup size was the woman?

    argh I just mixed my metaphors and i'm dizzy

  45. +1 for goheels.....

  46. @snapdragon - but wouldn't it be great if this was indeed Colin Firth? *L*

    @goheels83 - thanks for the chuckle.

  47. Let me be the Nth person to say "clearly Gerard Butler" only because I'm so excited to have gotten a blind finally. :-)

  48. goheels, you just cracked me up!

  49. Maja, only if it were me at the bar! HAHA. :-D

  50. @Jamie 2: I think it's posting by phone, it's happened to me before. The comments are different when you're on your phone. You have the option to reply directly to someone, but if you read those comments on your laptop, you have no idea who the person was replying to.

  51. Amanda, can't wait for this reveal! Fringe Fest gets freaky!!! Thanks for all the posts :)

  52. Is it wrong that I would allow Ewan to drag me out by the boob? That is if he could grab on to anything, I'm pretty flat chested.

    With that... I like the Russell Crowe guess.

  53. Hugh Grant. Plays golf up there quite a bit.

  54. Jessi, I would let Anthony Hopkins drag me out by the boob--and I think he's at least 30 years older than me. Charm & talent go a LONG way with me.
    So, no judgment here about Ewan. DEFINITELY a yes to him from me, too. I would even unbutton my coat for easy access for Ewan.

  55. Don't think Gerry is the fringe type!

  56. I thought Colin Farrell was sober too... ho hum. Wouldn't class him or Gerard Alist.

    Some brits would still class Hugh Grant as A list...

  57. In Scotland, that's what passes as foreplay.

  58. I forgot Colin F...arrell was doing press right now. idea.
    I don't get the feeling he is married tho, so not Russel Crowe.

  59. I would be shocked if it were Gerard Butler cause he is not A list. R-Patz??

  60. Colin Farrell has been in the photos repeatedly this week and never in Edinburgh.

    I would guess Fassbender or Gerry.

    I don't think it's Ewan. He's married, and that would have merited a mention.

  61. see, depending on the man, this is not a total creep move. take away the bar setting and this is mr. eggs version of foreplay.

  62. Maybe Russell Brand. What.A.Pig. Whoever he is.

  63. Some research shows that Sean Connery is from Edinburgh.

    Original Recipe Bond for the win!

  64. More interested in calling out the vile, nasty perverts that's seem to infest Hollywood than some famous drunk douche who pulled a very easy lay! Also if anyone tried that with me they'd find their wine glass in their arse...when they woke up! Oh and I'm Scottish so it can be safely said that kinda "foreplay" don't play well with me :)

  65. This is probably Gerry B, but for some reason Fassbender comes to mind as being capable of this behavior.

    @goheels, I had to pretend I was caughing instead of laughing by myself in my cubicle!

  66. Gerry for the win. Only he or Ewan would have a place in Edinburgh and EM isn't as stupid as that.

    A++ is the only thing throwing me but it's GB.

  67. This is most likely Gerard although the guess of A++ is good for R Patz. Yes, Colin Ferrel is sober and on a press tour for "Total Recall".

  68. R Patz in a desperate attempt to seem alpha male and not a cuckhold.

  69. They are filming "The Butler" in Scotland right now.
    Liev Schreiber, Alex Pettyfer, Alan Rickman and others (IMDB), perhaps one of them? Gerard Butler is never ever ever A++. Didn't Enty made him A- or a B?

  70. Whoever it is, I am anxiously waiting for Reveal Day...

  71. goheels - too funny! I read and post on iPhone. I can't delete posts ever. Sux.

  72. Colin Farrell quit drinking years ago and quit smoking recently so he's not behaving badly anymore and smells better. And as much as I love him, he's not A list.

    I'm on the Gerry B or Hugh Grant boat for this one. Leaning more towards Gerry. His disrespect for woman is legendary.

  73. I hope she wasn't an A cup

  74. Ewan McGregor is from Scotland so it would make sense if he were in Edinburgh for the festival.

  75. If it was Mel, I hope he grabbed her and said
    "Let's go, Sugartits, you've been pulled"

  76. NOT Colin Farrell! But as an aside, he can drag me out by the boob anytime!

  77. Gerry is filming "Olympus Has Fallen" in Shreveport, La.

  78. How humiliating.

    I don't normally approve of theft, but I hope the young lady in question left his hotel room/flat with his wallet.

  79. I agree with Grey - Fassbender.
    My second choice guess would be Tom Hardy.

  80. I guess some women still like cavemen. Gross!

  81. Fassbender is a nice guess

  82. Isn't GB supposed to be sober?

  83. @goheels, I too laughed out loud, thank you.

    I think this is Ewan McGregor, he pulled women in bars in Australia when he was filming Moulin Rouge, and we know it is true because it got reported in the papers, not the magazines.

  84. The Russell Brand guess is excellent.

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who read Colin F as Firth. Whew- forgot about Farrell. I suck.

  85. Russell Brand would get away with this IMO, he would just wink and give you one of his silly faces

  86. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Either the old and pervy hugh grant, the known-for-this and in edinburgh josh harnett or some idiot like jack whitehall but hes not A list at all.

  87. What about Christian Bale?

  88. Sorry, Long time lurker, and apparently blogger does not like me so if you see the same comment a million times it's because of that -_-

  89. Saddest part is the gal probably thought this was fabulous and couldn't wait to *brag* to all her friends.

  90. Sean Connery with "your motha, Alex Trebek."

  91. I don't think Gerald Butler has that much name recognition.

  92. Just a tiny correction, it's "Grab your coat, you've pulled" not "been pulled". Gerard Butler isn't A list here in the UK. I don't think many of us really know or like him.

  93. Agree with S. Butler I'd say is better known in the states. I still think it's Hugh Grant. Or Betty White
