Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Blind Item #1

What B- list always now television actress from a very hit cable show tells her child to call all her dates daddy. If they don't freak out when she says that in front of the man then she goes on a second date with them. Of course she also talks about getting married to them too and has been known to bring out a Brides magazine during a first date, while at dinner.


  1. Jennifer Love Hewitt?

  2. JLH has no children, or this would scream her

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Oh dear... Hahahahahahahahahahaha!!

    Thats hilarious!!!

    Someone guess, please!!


  5. No kidding on the JLH, bless her heart.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Creeeeeeeeeeeeeeepy. That poor kid.

  8. Can January Jones' kid talk yet? I would love for this to be her.

  9. I don't think her kid is old enough to talk. Also, she met the baby daddy while working on a movie, so I would hardly call her always TV now.

  10. I don't know, but this actress is hysterical and probably does it as a joke to her dates. She just probably had a date that didn't have a sense of humor and decided to tell everyone.

  11. Single mom to a girl... Who?!?!?!?!

  12. I love this BI - love it!

  13. michelle williams?

  14. Replies
    1. Not on cable tv. She was my first thought too

  15. I read this as: this actress tells her daughter to call her dates daddy when she (the daughter) goes out on dates.

    Sometimes my reading comprehension is terrible, like when I misread "uniformed cop" as "uninformed cop."

  16. Bree, this is an actress who only does television now, on a hit cable show. MW is also higher than B-, and has never come off as desperate to date or re-marry, to boot!

    Thanks for your effort, though. I don't watch much fiction t.v, so unless they're A-list, I usually don't know them.

  17. Replies
    1. Oh nice guess! She has a girls old enought!

  18. I thought Teri Hatcher too.

  19. DJane--Teri is an interesting guess...How young is her youngest though?
    Remember, she was supposedly fooled into thinking Seascrest wasn't just using her for a quick 'I'm straight' photo-op...She could be just this stupid, if she really thought Seacrest was interested.

  20. I misspelled Seacrest the first time, I look like a dip-shit. Sorry!

  21. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Single Mother, hit show, the only one I can think of is January Jones, and having a child by a married director definitely sounds like someone who rushes things and has poor judgement.

  22. I was thinking Jenny McCarthy. Singled Out was a hit cable show back in the day, and Enty was recently talking about her always talking about her boyfriends like they're getting married. I could see her doing this as a joke with perhaps a little bit of honesty behind it.

  23. Speaking of Teri Hatcher (and somewhat OT, sorry), after Desperate Housewives ended there was all that talk about what a huge bitch she was and how all her castmates loathed her. I was hoping to hear some of the juicy details and stories, but didn't. Anyone know of any posts/web sites with those stories?

  24. January Jones doesn't exactly strike me as the clingy type.

  25. I went to high school with Teri Hatcher. She likes to say she studied Quantum Physics but really, not so much.

  26. Teri Hatcher's daughter is at least 13 or 14. Kind of old to be calling someone "daddy"...

  27. First thought was Terri Hatcher, but I'm thinking her child is too old for that crap.

  28. Teri's daughter is 14-15 and, erm, blossoming...so that would make it extra weird. For my peace of mind, let's say it's not her. (My girls are 12 and 16).

    Jenny McCarthy has only a boy, as does Mary Louise Parker.

    Btw, I like the take that this actress is hilarious and not desperate, that sits better with me!

  29. I'm just pointing out that the child doesn't necessarily have to be a girl. The phrase "when she says that in front of the man" could mean that this woman is telling her kid to say it while the man is present.

    With that said, how about Bridget Moynihan?

  30. @pippin - good guess! That totally sounds like Jenny McCarthy.

  31. LOL if she's doing this to mess with people, that's AWESOME.

  32. Actually, Mary Louise Parker adopted a little girl a couple years ago, so it could fit.

  33. The blind states "very hit CABLE show," so that would knock out Teri Hatcher and Courtney Cox.

  34. Mary Louise Parker seems to have a wicked sense of humor so I'm on the MLP train.

  35. I love the MLP guess, but is she really B- list? And she has a TON of movies in the works. Not that I can offer a better suggestion...

  36. Figgy, I'd like to hear the details too. The TV Guide article on the DH finale didn't provide the gory details, but made it clear that Teri wasn't in with the group.

  37. My first thought was perhaps the actress was Mormon or evangelical christian. Young Mormons start talking marriage very quickly because they remain chaste before marriage, and I'd imagine the same is true of evangelicals. If you're a single mom, you probably feel the same pressure.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. Just wait a few days. Enty will write a blurb about her (non blind) or post a random photo of her. :)

  40. Speaking of Mary Louise Parker, does anyone know why she and Jeffrey Dean Morgan broke up? They were engaged at one point, weren't they? In the pictures I saw of them, he seemed to be really affectionate with her. I was surprised when they split.

  41. Mary Louise has two kids.

    This is pretty funny, it takes a lot of confidence to pull off a move like this.

  42. This? Is hilarious!!!

  43. It's hilarious is it's done to be funny. If not, then scary.

  44. My son is a month older (12 months) than January Jones' son, and believe me, he's not saying "daddy" on command yet. He says "dada" when he feels like it, and in no particular direction. Not buying the JJ guess. No way her baby is saying "daddy" to a man when she tells him to.

  45. jenny mccarthy?...but her new show is network....I can see her doing this though.

  46. I'm on the MLP because she formerly did movies and on a hit cable show. Otherwise Teri was my first thought.

  47. I have no guesses, but I find this hilarious for some reason.

  48. I think it's MLP too, she seems to have a sense of humor

  49. What is this woman thinking, introducing her child to all her first dates?! Poor kid

  50. I have no guesses.

    What I will say is that without more contextual information I can't make any kind of value judgement.

    If it is done with humor as a way to filter out the guy looking only for a role in the hay and commitment phobic; it is cool and funny.

    If it is truly a reflection of her neediness she needs help.

  51. Isn't Jenny McCarthy's kid autistic? I'm guessing he's not up to performing for strangers too often. (And if it is her, that's fucked up!)

  52. If this is die to a wicked sense of humor and the kid is in in it then Busy Phillips (Love Her). Otherwise, if this is for real what a sick twisted mom.

  53. Oh god I love this woman. (If she's doing it as a joke.)

  54. AlexT, Jenny McCarthy "cured" her son's "autism" with diet, so he is fine now.
