Thursday, August 16, 2012

Blind Item #1

What A+ list comedian should maybe be home a little more than he has been lately. His celebrity wife has been seeing a married executive. Hey, she has cheated before as our comedian knows very well, so you know she has no qualms about doing it again.


  1. Jessica Seinfeld? Is she celebrity enough?

  2. Seinfeld. He met his wife when she was on her honeymoon with her first husband!

  3. Karma has a nasty rate of return, Jerry.

  4. Weren't they switching with Kelly Ripa and Mark or was it just Mark and Jessica?

  5. Comma, your kitteh!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Yeah, too easy. The Seinfelds.

  7. I have trouble believing its the Seinfelds. Not because I think she is all nice and moral - just the opposite.

    I would think te position and money of being Mrs. Seinfeld would just be too big a risk to give up for her.

  8. Jer-ry, Jer-ry, Jer-ry.


  9. No No No, Jerry met her at the gym in New York after she came back from her honeymoon.
    equally bad, she smelled money and went for it...

    1. Well, her ex, niederlander turned out to be psycho , stalking, abusive maniac, so i think she did well to shed him. I just dont want to believe its her. Maybe conan and his wife?

  10. is Jessica Seinfeld a celeb? I only know her from being Mrs. Seinfeld.

  11. @Vicki. Yep, Alice's mega-cute closeup while at the vet. The little white blob at right is Delilah, our other permanent rescue cat.

    1. @ Comma - they are just perfect.

  12. Mrs. Seinfeld is a "cookbook author," so I guess that counts as a celebrity. Didn't she get sued for plagiarizing the recipes? So yeah, definitely think this is her. Dumps her new husband for Jerry, steals recipes for a children's cookbook. She seems like a real cold-blooded opportunistic See-You-Next-Tuesday.

    1. She got sued; the lady lost her case.

  13. LOL! We must all be on the same wavelength. Jessica Seinfeld is a celebrity golddigger. As far as I'm concerned, she wrote the book (or plagiarized it, like she did her cookbook).

  14. No, Jerry met her at the gym BEFORE she got married. But just a few weeks before. She went ahead and got married (to that guy whose family is huge owners of Broadway theaters), but apparently reconsidered and left him soon after.

    This is the first couple I thought of too.

  15. My first thought: Jerry
    Plus the fact that wife is cheating w/ an exec makes me think NYC based.

  16. The story that I remember is that they walked past each other on the street, she had just gotten married and then it all went down....

  17. I find Jessica Seinfeld incredibly annoying. I don't think she cares, but I do. *L*

  18. If it is Jessica Seinfeld, I don't think she is necessarily full on gold digger- her first husband has been in and out of NY courts on constant alleged physical and verbal assault on more than one romantic partner.

  19. Wow Figgy,
    I just don't like her but not to worry she's a friend of The Goop..

  20. My first thought was Jerry simply because I don't know who I would consider A+ list with a celebrity wife..
    What other A+ are there? Chris Rock? Don't know his wife. Tyler Perry? You might be a redneck guy? Bob Saget, Craig Ferguson, Carrot Top!!! I finally got one. yay for me.

  21. What about Ben Stiller and Christine Taylor?

  22. I hope it's Seinfeld. She left her husband of I think one month for him.

    Karma is a bitch.

  23. If's Jerry S. I am glad it's him since he is an asshole. His wife I do not like that she stole the recipe idea from another author. Also Jerry was on TV making fun of the author and was such an asshole.

  24. Wow she's dumb. Really wrong time to break up her marriage, if it comes to that (it might not -- the way they got together left a bad taste in people's mouths and hurt Jerry's rep.) Their neighbor Helen Gurley Brown just died and her spectacular apartment upstairs from the Seinfelds will be up for sale soon. It needs a lot of work, so they might actually get a good deal.

  25. Jessica Seinfeld appears to be beyond obnoxious. If you watch the video of her, Jerry and Goop talking about GOOP's cookbook, you'll see it, CLEARLY. It's actually hard to watch - the whole time I was just imagining her as that loud, whiny girl in school who always had to be the centre of attention. Gross.

  26. If Jerry, or whoever it is, knows that his wife has cheated before, why hasn't he left her? Maybe Enty saying he should be home a little more implies that he's doing some cheating, too.

  27. Eh, Jerry shoulda stuck with Shoshanna Whatsherstein anyway.

  28. CarolMR, they met at the Reebok Gym on Columbus Ave. in Manhattan three weeks after her wedding, just days after she returned from her Italian honeymoon with Eric Nederlander. It's true that Nederlander turned out to have some serious problems, but word here is that his family wasn't rich enough for her. They own a lot of theatres and the attached real estate, but live on earned income to a certain extent. Seinfeld lives on royalties/residuals (and will for the rest of his life)plus has a fortune besides that. So she traded up.

  29. the Seinfelds are going to need the Marriage Ref.

  30. AndrewBW, very funy!
    Very funny!

  31. IN fairness to Jessica Seinfeld, the lawsuit against her (for plagiarism) was tossed out, and her ex sounds like a psycho, so she likely dodged a bullet there.

  32. @B.Profane, Shoshana was gorgeous but way too young for him.

  33. I can't imagine Jerry divorcing her while those girls are still so young.

  34. "@B.Profane, Shoshana was gorgeous but way too young for him."

    Yes, but she had huge, huge...talents as a handbag designer.


  35. I am gong with the Stillers. They have been shedding real estate lately.

  36. Jerry and Jessica have one girl and two boys.

  37. Weezy, I never said anything that disagrees with your post. Maybe you meant to address someone else. I was just wondering, if this comedian knows his wife has cheated before, why doesn't he divorce her? Maybe he's not home enough because he has extracurricular activities, too.

  38. hey CarolMR, the blind suggests the comedian knows his wife cheated before because it was with him, not with anyone else. That's how I read it.
    Yes, Jessica and Jerry seem really obnoxious and snobby in all appearances.

  39. @B.Profane, sigh, I wish I had such huge handbag design.

  40. Since we're randomly smearing people and causing trouble in people's marriages on no basis whatsover other than vague rumor, let's throw in Adam Sandler. His wife is pretty. And what about Will Ferrell? He's been awfully busy of late, and he seemed quite moved by the Twilight breakup. Maybe he can relate.

  41. I always felt she was a gold digger, the way she dumped her first super successful husband for even more successful (and far more famous) Jerry...on her honeymoon.

    Hate women like that on principle.

  42. Will married his high school sweetheart. Can't believe it's him, or her.

  43. I have it on good authority, not personal knowledge, but next best thing, that Jesica S has a raging case of herpes.

  44. Shoshanna is actually a reputable designer who puts out nice clothes ( She always seemed likable to me.
