Sunday, August 12, 2012

Blind Item #1

What C+ list celebrity/reality star with A list name recognition recently asked if it was possible for her to test drive a baby. She wanted to see if she could try it out being a mother for a few months and if she didn't like it, then give the baby back or give it to someone else.


  1. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Hmmm Kim K?

  2. Kim Kardashian

    So stupid...

  3. i'll go with KK, too.

    she is a sick, sick, individual. the even more sad part is someone will probably find a way to make it happen for her.

  4. I thought maybe Holly Madison

  5. Anonymous10:09 AM

    It got to be Paris (I CAN'T with that name, it's so freakin pretentious) Paris/London/Gucci/Lexus Hilton fits because she's always collecting cute animals and not taking care of them, and also Kim K would be considered an A List/celebrity/reality star unfortunately.

  6. Honestly, I'm glad she asked. I would rather this person not undertake parenting if she's not in it for the long haul. As we know, some people are not cut out for the job. I'm pretty, sure whoever this is, is one that should NOT be a parent.

    *see puppy post, as example of good parenting*

  7. Only way this would be less blind is if the mother was mentioned.

  8. I actually approve of this idea...

    What will happen is that this shallow person will realize a baby will get in the way of her partying and glamorous life, and give up the idea. There will be one less neglected kid in the world.

  9. Replies
    1. Ha! She doesn't even take care of the ones she already has.

  10. I laughed when I read it.....but that was because nobody is that stupid and nasty? And then I thought of Kartrashian and the Hilton cum-bucket(sorry if anyone’s offended-I even disgust myself on times!). They really believe that every single thing in the world can be bought. And sadly, it’s almost true!

  11. Let me reword that for you, Enty:

    Which waste-of-space ego-maniac c-word who recently asked if she could ruin a baby's first pivotal months is appalling enough to think she can "test-drive" an infant?

  12. KK is A list reality star.
    I say Paris for this one.

  13. unfortunately kim is not a C+ rality star. she is an A. she's the highest paid most well known. its not her. think more like a Jwoww.

  14. @Jamie2- that’s what I call an articulate response. Well said.

  15. Paris Hilton or Kim K, both are Sperm Burping Gutter Sluts.

    Starting to lean toward paris
    As for Kim wanting to test drive a baby cant she just borrow here sister's fort he weekend.

    1. "Sperm burping gutter sluts". I gotta remember that one. That's a good one!

  16. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Kim is not C list unfortunately. it's Paris or Holly Madison

  17. This screams Paris Hilton. They make things for exactly this purpose, right? In high school we had one of those little baby dolls that cry if you didnt take care of it. and I think it recorded how many times you "fed" it, chances it, shook it, etc. That's what this person needs, not a real baby.

    And as certain I am this is Paris, it pains me to say I appericate what she's going for her. I obviously don't agree with a real baby, but I like the concept.

  18. Paris Hilton. She didn't do so well with her dogs, if that horrible rumor is to be believed...

  19. This screams Paris Hilton. They make things for exactly this purpose, right? In high school we had one of those little baby dolls that cry if you didnt take care of it. and I think it recorded how many times you "fed" it, chances it, shook it, etc. That's what this person needs, not a real baby.

    And as certain I am this is Paris, it pains me to say I appericate what she's going for her. I obviously don't agree with a real baby, but I like the concept.

  20. This screams Paris Hilton. They make things for exactly this purpose, right? In high school we had one of those little baby dolls that cry if you didnt take care of it. and I think it recorded how many times you "fed" it, chances it, shook it, etc. That's what this person needs, not a real baby.

    And as certain I am this is Paris, it pains me to say I appericate what she's going for her. I obviously don't agree with a real baby, but I like the concept.

  21. This screams Paris Hilton. They make things for exactly this purpose, right? In high school we had one of those little baby dolls that cry if you didnt take care of it. and I think it recorded how many times you "fed" it, chances it, shook it, etc. That's what this person needs, not a real baby.

    And as certain I am this is Paris, it pains me to say I appericate what she's going for her. I obviously don't agree with a real baby, but I like the concept.

  22. Couldn't be kim anyway as her sister has a baby/babies so would already know.
    I saw Paris as she is prob desperate to get a new show/front page.

  23. The dog who saved her puppies from the house fire has better parenting skills.

  24. The eloquence of some of you is simply breathtaking. The ladies are lucky, they get the really vulgar, hateful insults.. Men just get uncreative insults like "disgusting man whore".

  25. Thank you, billybob and dia.

  26. I say, let the infants get together and test drive this idiot!! Poop and spit up on her, cry at night- she will gv that baby back so fast!!! Goes without saying that anyone who wld even consider this is sub standard human.

  27. I concur with the holly madison guess

  28. Replies
    1. Good guess! Way more likely than Paris. And she's dumb enough to fit the bill.

  29. This is obviously Honey Boo Boo.

  30. I was thinking Heidi Montag!

  31. Courtney Stodden (Although I would classify her as way below C+ list)

  32. Paris Hilton: no one likes you, no one likes you. Please go make yourself something useful and commit your body to the CDC for research.

  33. This reeks of Paris. She tried to convince everyone she was pregnant not long ago (a failed publicity stunt for her reality show). And then there's all those animals she has paraded around, before getting sick of them and abusing/ abandoning them.

  34. Don't think it is Kim K, just because she has been around Kourtney's kids. I will vote for Paris as well.

  35. Probably Paris, Kim is around her sister's kids enough I imagine.

  36. Olivia - Sarah Palin? Palin is raising a special-needs child, in case you haven't heard.

  37. "Sperm Burping Gutter Sluts" is my new favorite phrase. I'm totally stealing it and predict it will show up in dialog in one of my books. And Gary, you owe me a new keyboard.

  38. I have to ask. Has anyone ever seen a sperm-burping gutter slut IRL? Please do not post pics or videos.

  39. Men just get uncreative insults like "disgusting man whore".

    Or they're just called a woman's name (Tammy springs easily to mind.) The ultimate insult to so, so many.

  40. This is obviously Tara Reid. She has done a few movies so she gets the "celebrity / reality star" label because most of her stuff is reality tv. Everyone knows who she is though. A+ name recognition
