Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Blind Item #1 - The Easiest Blind Item Ever

Honestly, everyone should get this. The only reason I am even making it a blind item is because it is more fun sometimes to break a story this way instead of writing it out. What A+ list actor who will never get married but loves having one or two year long relationships with a variety of women you have mostly never heard of has a current girlfriend who once starred on a very popular reality show. The current girlfriend called producers of the show and asked to be on the upcoming season. They said yes and were ecstatic to have her come on board and be on the show. Everything was all set up and she went to tell her A+ list actor boyfriend about it and he said no. He would not let her do it. It was a deal breaker if she did. Apparently he was still upset that the producers had given his former girlfriend a spot in the show and felt they did so to take advantage of the fact she had dated him. Noooooo. You think so? You mean she didn't get it because she was some well known celebrity on her own? So, the girlfriend had to break the news to the producers and then put on her happy face and do what the A+ list actor wanted.


  1. Clooney and Keebler!! Oh yeah!!

  2. Yup. Honestly, I don't blame him. He's too high profile, and that's kind of embarrassing.

    1. Anonymous7:26 AM

      Totally agree with Amber.

  3. I second that, Cryscee :)

  4. Not even that interesting.

  5. I missed the news clip last night about which one of George's ex's are now married to an actor. Anyone see that? Or know who it is? I think it's going to be obvious, but I am brain dead this morning.

  6. But why won't he ever get married? Other than the one time he already did I mean.

  7. So she's not entitled to a life outside os servicing his royal heiney?

  8. Oh George you dog, he was married young, doesn't want kids and may be bi....that's all I got.

  9. The thing is that Clooney has been married and divorced, and Keible has had a consistent career for about 13 years (mostly girl next door and guest roles). Dating Clooney hasn't been a career booster for her.

  10. Damn. Honey, you need to worry about putting your own money away and doing your own thing moreso than keeping around a guy that will dictate your choices based upon his image and will end dumping you in the next year or so making you effectively irrelevant in the process anyway.

  11. Wasn't she already on it and did well?? So why in the world can't she do it again?? I'm sorry, Clooney, but that is a douchey reaction on your part and I wish Stacy had told you to eat it and went on the show anyway.

    1. No doubt. Were they dating the first time she was on the show? She needs to step up to the plate and be the 1st to dump his over- rated ass. He is getting old.

    2. She was good on the show and probably has enough of her own $ to live comfortably.

  12. @Silly Girl, George Clooney's ex-wife, Talia Balsam is married to John Slattery from Mad Men. And Talia plays his ex-wife on the show.

    I don't know if that's who you're looking for, though. :)

  13. Seriously??? This is the world's easiest BV.

  14. Obvious blind is obvious but I like it anyway. I don't blame George, maybe she can return next season after they break up. Shell do a lot better than Canallis the wooden statue.

  15. If this is Stacy, I think she should do what she wants, unless she loves him so much that she doesn't want to upset him, which is her choice, I guess....

    I don't watch World Wrestling, but I remember seeing pictures of Stacy, and she seems to be a cut above the other women. She's a high-caliber athlete and has the right to pursue her own interests.

    If George really loved her, he would want her to be happy and fulfilled. She's in show business and she needs a show, just as he does....

    She's young enough, though, that when he gets tired of her, (as he tends to get tired of women, especially those with any ambition of their own) she will still be able to pursue her own interests.

  16. I have more respect for anyone who's appeared on Dancing With the Stars than any one of Clooney's side pieces who thought the relationship was going somewhere. At least Dancing With the Stars has a guaranteed winner.

    I hope she insisted on a revised contract with a raise

  17. Stacy Keibler was on the second season of "DWTS" - took third place. The show, enjoyable though it may be, is for C/D-list celebrities. That may have sufficed "Before Clooney"; but after? I can't blame him for putting the kibosh on her appearing again.

    If it really ruins her world to not be able to date someone of Clooney's stature *and* make a return for the "all-star" (cough cough) season of "DWTS," well, she shouldn't let the door slap her on the ass on the way out.

    1. Anonymous7:42 AM

      Yeah, maybe she's not gold digging, but going on that show is fame-digging. I'm sure George doesn't have a problem with Stacey working, but expects her to have a little more taste and self-respect, and respect for him. He's probably doing her a favor because DWTS is where faux-celebrities go to die in the twilight of their 15 minutes.

  18. I never fingered Clooney for the grudge-holding type but apparently...

  19. I love me some Clooney!!! He is a fellow Taurus and I read that two Taurus's together are like an atomic bomb in the bedroom!!! Too bad for him I am married:)

    Oh and Stacey, well she'll do what he says - she likes the lifestyle.....

  20. ha ha, when is that contract over?

  21. Isn't she supposed to host some upcoming show? I am too lazy to look up what it is. She probably shouldn't bite the hand that feeds if she's smart, girl has more acting gigs going for her now than pre-Clooney.

  22. George give me a call! I'm less trouble, I swear! (Fingers crossed behind my back)

  23. @bobbi - she's signed on to host Supermarket Wars for Lifetime. Seriously, there is nothing more sad than hosting a gamesow how about a grocery store for a female centric network.

    I call BS on this.

  24. Thanks for the easy blind Ent!

  25. Sorry George, that's what you get when you hook up with fame whores (reality stars.)

    Seriously. What about finding a normal woman with a life of her own who genuinely doesn't care about the fame stuff. They are out there. Oh yeah, that woman will have enough self-respect to not want to do the contractual relationship thing.

    George, since you don't want a serious relationship, you're not going to find many women who will want to be with you for anything but your fame. You may want to rethink this strategy as you age.

  26. I can totally see why he'd object to this. If she went on DWTS, they'd likely rig it so that she won or close to it, and there would then be an expectation that as her boyfriend he should show up there. And why would he want to do that? And if he didn't, there'd be blather about how mean and unsupportive he is, blah blah blah.

  27. Would YOU give up being a part of Clooney's life of Italian luxury for a repeat stint on Dancing with the Shits? No way. She needs to ride the Clooney train as long as it lasts. There'll be plenty of lame reality show opportunities for her when it's over.

  28. I'm torn on this - I totally get where Clooney's coming from, but Stacy was pretty good on that show. (And she and Tony D were a great looking couple! I think she may have been my favorite of all his partners.) Well, she's a big girl and capable of making her own decisions. Hope it works out for her! (Seriously, I just can't hate on her!)

  29. While she should be able to make her own decisions, isn't the common assumption that they have some sort of contract? If so, then it's her own damn fault if this is the type of relationship she chooses.

  30. I love me some george clooney, but if he's telling her which jobs she can and cannot take, F him. Dancing with the Stars will likely make her more famous than dating him ever did, and let's not pretend like she was dating him for any other reason.

  31. I don't get you George. Why persist with this rent-a-woman plan? We all know that's what you're doing. But why? The sociologist in me wants to know why? Because if seems like you've hired a sex servant (ala Jack N) but tried to make it classy. It sits not classy. It's weird.

    Or maybe you're gay. In that case, Rashida Jones say come out of the closet. Ok she said that to Johnny T, but still what gives?

  32. I predict these two will be over by the fall.

  33. I don't see what the big deal is here. It's Dancing With The Stars here, not Celebrity Big Brother. She's been on the show before. If George doesn't want to be seen in the audience supporting his girlfriend he should go make a movie for the duration and claim "scheduling conflicts". Well, it seems obvious that this isn't an equal partnership. He should be thrilled she wants to do this even if he has issues with production for hiring his ex girlfriend....emphasis on ex.

  34. @Basil,
    DWTS is definitely a fun show to watch as a viewer, but the participants aren't generally "A-list" or A-list-affiliated celebs (the former athletes are probably the closest). For the significant other of someone of Clooney's stature, DWTS is slumming and it does reflect on him. He's gone a long way towards climbing out of the television ghetto. I can see why he would not want the woman he's seeing to drag him back into the swamp.

  35. Now I hate Clooney even more. Stacy was awesome on WWE and on DWTS. I mean, really...have you ever seen legs like that???

    What makes pompous George think that he's the only reason they want her back...sure, he's a nice perk to have and would certainly be awesome to see in the audience (like that's going to happen) but don't you think they also want her because of her successful past performance on the show? She certainly was a fan favorite.

    So the arrangement is that she goes to his premiers, and plays the trophy girl, but can't get anything in return?

    She needs to find the exit door right now. Go ahead girl, be the first woman to actually DUMP HIM!!! It's totally not worth it!

  36. Stacy may have a career outside of her relationship with Clooney but I'd hardly call wrasslin' a "girl next door" thing. Also, wrasslin' doesn't afford one the luxuries that being Clooney's side piece do.

    I had heard recently that she was signed to a do a reality series but was under the impression that it would be Kuntrashian type, cameras following her around reality series. THAT I'm sure Clooney doesn't want. I think once she realizes he's doesn't want her to do ANY television, she'll cancel the contract. And that can't happen soon enough for me.

  37. @DewieTheBear
    Yeah, but that's where he found her! Clooney makes it a point of dating women who are looking for fame. I think Keebler should be thinking about the money she needs post-Clooney.

  38. Aw, George ought to pull the stick out of his ass!

  39. @DewieTheBear I see your point, but out of all of the Reality shows out there, DWTS is probably the most respectable for anyone to do. And also, while a few of the names they announce make me ask "Who?", there are quite a few that in their day were most definitley A list and probably NEVER go on The Surreal Life or something similar. I'm willing to be there might be a few A-listers out there right now who would love to do this show for the challenge.

    So I don't really see how Stacey going back on the show is going to affect Clooney's Q rating at all. Hell, it might even show what a good sport he is if he were in the audience a couple of times.

    But if Clooney is worried that Stacey doing on the show is somehow slumming, then he isn't the man I thought he was.

  40. ETA, sorry for the spelling mistakes.

  41. Too bad. She won her season, didn't she?

  42. Not bad for Talia. To go from Clooney to Roger Sterling, I mean, John Slattery, and who knows what other hotties in between. Well-done.

  43. He's gonna marry her, watch and see. It probably won't last, but I think he'll marry her.

  44. With a heavy-duty industrial sized pre-nup, of course

  45. Am I the only one who has noticed a change in Clooney? (not yesterdays photo) He still has that dazzling smile when he actually smiles, but the other candids of him. He looks haunched over and kinda morphed into 'grampa' mode.

    I know he is only 51, but he just doesn't look well.

  46. @JoElla, I think he has had back problems in the past. Maybe the ol' back is acting up again.

  47. Maybe.. chronic pain is no fun.

  48. Brenda - was thinking the same thing. He's not as young as he used to be. Having a new girl every year is probably wearing him out. All that time wasted training them for their "position". Maybe keep this one around for 3-5 yrs. Try out the long term thing again. Maybe it will just be a long engagement instead of actual wedding.

  49. Another hint that Enty may have connections in the reality-TV biz.

    I don't know how anyone could claim that she is a success outside of her reality work. Her acting career is extremely low-rent stuff. Another DWTS gig would be a big boost for her.

  50. Grow up George. She did quite well on her season and her talent for dancing is far more interesting than her relationship status.

  51. thanks for posting it this way. some of us never have a good guess, and this it a "YES!" moment for us.

  52. George is looking old as fuck lately with his Grampa dentures,receeding gumlines, stringy neck and gaunt face.

    But honestly I'd still fuck him over having to spend 5 minutes with Tom Burgeron.

  53. Wow..a blind so simple even a grandma can get it. these days I don't know who half the people Enty refers to..I don't watch reality shows, except for amazing race or listen to rap music, except when my grand-daughter changes the station in the car.

  54. Maybe he's Mr. Grey to her Ana.

  55. I think Clooney is a legit talent, but his relationship history is creepy and that is put as nicely as possible. Homo beard covers, controlling domme, low self esteem, wtf it is just uber weird. He doesnt appear to be physically abusive so I guess each to their own. I have always figured he stays in Italy so much because it is easier get his freak on there.

  56. Not allowing your girlfriend to work?!?! What year are we in? 1912? I know DWTS has some has-beens on it, but a real man would support his woman's decision. Her appearance on it would not lower his status. Not cool, Clooney.

  57. @Bowser
    Clooney is weird! I always thought he was in love with Cindy Crawford and her husband Rande Gerber. I think he just loves for Cindy to beat the mess out of him and Rande too.

  58. LOL, I was wondering why Stacy didn't get invited back for all stars.

    She was widely considered to have been cheated in her season of dancing with the stars - She was the best dancer, but couldn't get the votes to stay in, if I recall.

  59. If you have ever been married, you would never wonder for a second why Clooney has chosen not to marry again...

    It's like shooting yourself in the foot. The first time it can happen unexpectedly, by mistake, but if you are smart enough, you'll never make that mistake a second time.

  60. @Brian
    Bitter much?

    I think Clooney is looking like a sad Jack Nicholson clone.

  61. Why should Clooney feel under any obligation to get married because of his age? I'm a woman significantly younger than he is, with no interest in getting married, and I admire the way he lives his life. It's not about being sad or bitter, but in touch with what really is important to yourself.

    If Ms. Keibler really wants to dance once again on a cheesy television show, she's free to, but if I were her significant other, I'd kick her embarrassing ass out the door too and kick my feet up happily in my Italian villa with my next piece.

  62. Hmm, this is a tough one. ;) Finally, I actually get a blind item.

  63. God Almighty, Stacy could have ignited something of a career for herself with this. She stole the show the last time.

    This was DUMB.

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. Man - I had never heard of her until she was with George and I am sure that 99% of the people I know had never heard of her either. DWTS is complete trash and I agree with George. Seriously - how anyone thinks that type of programme is ok is just beyond me. Pure tack.
