Thursday, August 23, 2012

Before She Was Famous - Kim Kardashian Was Still Trashy

Hey, of you are the kind of person who enjoys a threesome, or having you partner watch while you have a threesome, then more power to you. I think everyone should do what they want. That does not mean I would do the same thing, but you might not think that eating a pound of bacon and a box of Krispy Kremes is your thing and I respect that you respect that I like it and you don't. A porn star has told Star that back when Kim was married to her first husband (pictured above) she showed up at a swingers club and took a liking to a female porn star named Emily Ann. The next thing you know, Kim and Emily Ann are getting it on and then another porn star, Julian St. Jox, who is the one who sold the story to Star says he joined in and said that Kim loved it. Kim of course is denying the story but Star has two sources who claim it happened so I'm guessing it did. When you hear Kim saying the whole Ray-J thing was just a one time accident and that she would never do anything like that and then you hear stories about what she used to do as a matter of course and you realize how full of crap she is. What amazes me though is that for someone who is as freaky as she is, how she can be so boring and emotionless in bed.


  1. Enty, so how do you know she's boring and emotionless in bed?

  2. Dia, have you seen her porn? The parts I saw were less than thrilling, but I didn't make it all the way through.

    1. goheels83 - I meant to say...

      Enty, so how do you KNOW? Wink wink. Ahem. Wink wink? Maybe he knows bc he KNOWS!

      Could you imagine a bed full of delicious crispy bacon instead of rose petals? Them rolling around together in it. Sorry. That was wrong. Just threw up a bit in my mouth.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I didn't know her first husband was black? She definitely has a type then...he looks a leetle bit like Reggie Bush.

    Maybe she was just boring and emotionless on that tape and isn't otherwise?

    But ugh, am not loving all the Kuntrashian coverage here recently. I know, I know, just skip over it then. But it's like a car wreck...can't...not...look...

  5. She's probably only denying the story because she didn't make any money off it.

  6. I loathe her, but this story kinda pings my bullshit radar. It seems like it would be too easy for these two porn stars to concoct a story together for a fast payday.

  7. What amazes me is that someone who can't even "act" well enough to make a sex-video look convincing was actually given a reality show on the basis of said sex-video having been supposedly "leaked" to the public. If you don't believe me, check the video out for yourself. It's still available for viewing on several sites. If you do, you'll see that the best she can manage is simply to lie there like a beached whale.

  8. One day she will have her own line of STD's. Your junk will have bumps that look like little "KK's" all over it. Nice.

    1. Omfg. If you've ever watched Conan O'Brien I just gave you my shocked and appalled face which slowly turned into gut busting laughter. Your name is true bc now I don't need to make my morning coffee!

  9. I believe this story because it seems like something she would do and yes her tape was boring but I do believe she didn't care she only wanted to show her body.

  10. I dont know if this is true, simply because I'm suspisioous of stories like this that surface like 12 yrs later. Maybe she was wild; who knows, but cant ANYONE KEEP their big mouths shut?

  11. She's desperate, but I think this story is BS. I think it's someone just looking to make a buck off her name. Notice it came out of the woodworks after the story about the dentist who wants her to pay him for Damon Thomas' dental work from forever ago. This guy is probably just trying to get his name out again.

  12. The only good thing about this thread is that i can say this............K is a filthy-dirrrrty bitch of hell! There, better now.

  13. K-trash will soon enough be living the life of her mother---a middle-aged has-been in LA. We can only hope Kim never has any kids to pimp out.

    Anybody else notice how much prettier Kourtney & Khloe are, with their more natural faces? Kim's obvious surgery has ruined any natural good looks she had.

  14. If people want to get all freaky in sex clubs in their private lives, that's their journey, as long as they keep that shit to themselves.

    But I think that one's pretensions towards classiness are pretty much ruined forever once one goes the sex tape route to fame. Kim Kardashian has never once acted classy in her public life. Her whole family seems to have an aversion to the concept.

  15. She barely has a nose anymore.

  16. I bet she only has sex for the attention it gives her, she just doesn't seem like she enjoys sex. She doesn't seem very sexual, like she tries to look hot and poses naked, but there is no energy or passion behind that. Gross. eww do you think she and paris were boinking when they were friends? nasty

  17. I also think its funny how she tries to act all pure and demure, like she's a princess when she's just a bad pornstar

  18. You would be boring and emotionless in bed, too if your mom kept demanding a reshoot.

  19. Talentless turds like KK need to f*ck their way into the headlines..she's had no talent to speak of to make her a relevant person. Ugh...sorry for my bitchy attitude. It's my birthday, and I'm not feeling like celebrating being 29 (for the 5th

  20. Happy Birthday Shauniebear!!!!

    29 is the BEST age ;)

    1. Thank you! I don't like birthdays anymore..I'm a grump butt. And 29 does seem to be the best age...I agree. Maybe it's because I've been 29 for several years now :)

  21. I did finally watch Kim and Ray J's tape and it was interesting for a minute or so, because they're both good-looking people, but pretty soon I was just wondering where Kim bought her bra and panty set and how much it would cost and where could I get one.

    That had to be the most scripted, uninspired boring sex I've ever seen. If you ever think your sex life is boring, watch this and you won't feel so bad. Even when I had a sex life, my normal sex was better than these two. Neither of them breaks a sweat. Well, Kim doesn't anyway.

  22. No more Kardashians. Here, or anywhere. Danke.

  23. Happy birthday shauniebear!

    You know, I loathe (said with a faux British accent) the KKlan, but I'll say two things in their favor - when they get behind the wheel of a car, the public doesn't need to be warned to get off the road, and if one wanders into your house, when they leave all your valuables will still be there (except for your soul, maybe). I'm looking at YOU, Lindsay!

  24. Happy Birthday Shauniebear!!

    OT but another story about a sex tape that involves no one famous. My friend worked doing indistrial videos as a camera man for big companies. He was in with this one and they got a tape from a girl looking to be hired. Unbeknownst to her she put her professional reel on a tape that had been previously used to video her and her boyfriend so at the end it pops up with them having sex. You wanna talk boring?
    At one point she actually fell asleep and he had to poke her to wake up and move because she was on top.
    Hmm..I wonder if she got the job.

  25. Happy birthday shauniebear! I held at 27 for awhile. Much better age for me. Have fun!! You're still too young for a birthday month.

  26. Trash will always be Trash...

  27. Thanks, all!! Just cracked open a $5 bottle of wine to start the birthday celebration...lol1

    1. Happy happy birthday from all of us to you! Happy happy birthday hope you have a good day tooo!

  28. I believe it because KK hasn't given me a reason not to believe it.

    Happy birthday, Shauniebear!

  29. Happy Birthday Shauniebear! Didn't you know? 30 is the new 20! So technically you're still 24!

  30. After the BI from Ted C about what this woman did for a pair of shoes, I do not doubt this happened at all. However, someone coming forward with it is just not necessary.

  31. I kind of agree with Maggie Casey - though she tries really hard to be sexy, I think she's pretty asexual. I used to watch the show a long time ago (yes, I'm ashamed of that now) and I always got the vibe that she was not really ever into sex.

  32. I've never understood it but many women view sex as a vehicle to get them ahead in their career. Those women seem to be desensitized sexually. Halle Berry, Jennifer Aniston, KK, Katie Perry, Heidi Klum and other come to mind. It's a shame because all of these women are physically very attractive on the outside but oh so screwed up inside.
