Thursday, August 09, 2012

Australian Television Star Arrested For Sex Assaults On Minors

Last year sometime or maybe in 2010, I wrote about Robert Hughes. He had been a huge television star in Australia as the star of a show called Hey Dad. At the time I wrote about him, his former daughter on the show had publicly accused him of molesting her through the entire seven year run on the show. Hughes hired a lawyer to sue her, but nothing ever happened, except the police decided to do a little investigating. Today in London, Hughes was arrested and charged with 11 counts of sexual indecency with a minor because apparently he molested five young girls in Sydney between 1985-1990. Hey, if there were five they know about, there are probably many more. I also worry what has happened in the 20 years since not only to the girls, but also all of the girls he has probably met. What was he doing in London? Once a creep, always a creep. (Thanks astrogirl)


  1. Yuck! Wonder if more will come forward now.

  2. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Can we just agree to get rid of all the child molesters? They never get enough time in jail and you can't convince me that they can be rehabilitated.

  3. Somehow this would never happen in Hollywood and that is a damn shame.

  4. Wanna know something F'd up about sentencing child molesters? MN (where I live) apparently has a very "harsh" program for them. They get institutionalized until they're deemed rehabbed enough to be back in general population (which could potentially be never).

    A friend of mine and two of her cousins were molested by a man they knew when they were 10-12 years old. The guy fled to Britain, and he pulled the same shit in Ireland where he was sentenced to 5 years in prison but they gave him time served (so he never did time). He even has children.

    So there are charges here for the guy, but London won't extradite him, because they think his punishment here will be inhumane.

    What kind of gorilla logic is that?! Inhumane = a child molester being punished/institutionalized until deemed fit for society. HUMANE = systematically raping and molesting many young girls????

  5. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Have to love a system that worries about what is humane for the criminal and completely forgets about the victims.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. @Amber to me the problem is society and the courts don't see children as people. They are treated as property and criminals get away with abusing them more than convicted for it.

  8. timebob - I agree. Which is a shame, because I've met a lot of kids that are brighter than a good portion of people I come in contact with.

    The monsters that do this don't deserve any courtesies. They're ruining the lives of lives that haven't had a chance to begin.

  9. I'm all for going Old Testament on child molesters. No mercy. Most of them get away with it, though, because the victims are too afraid to speak out. And if they do, there's usually some adult covering for the pedophile. It's rough out there for victims of rape and molestation, and they oftentimes become victims twice over if they speak out.

  10. Astrogirl, nice find !!

  11. They cannot be rehabbed. Won't happen--it's ingrained in their DNA.

    I say bury the fuckers under the jail and never, ever let them out. Plant their asses on a remote gulag/penal colony and let them kill each other.

    Harsh? YOU BET!

  12. I grew up in Australia. The handful of times I saw that show - even though I was a kid at the time - I thought there was always something 'off' about this jerk. I'm sad there are more victims, but delighted that this a$$hole has been arrested and hopefully will now be brought to justice.

  13. Hey Dad is right! Scum.

  14. Way to go, astrogirl!

  15. Keep this beast in a cold dark cell thank you very much. And props to the co-star/survivor. You did the the right thing girl. ALWAYS tell. Its never too late.

  16. you can feel sorry for these pervs, they cant resist their lust for perverting, but THEY HAVE TO BE REMOVED FROM SOCIETY!!!!!!!!!!!! the damage they do is immeasurable. Lock them up, and throw away the key!!!!!!!!!

  17. Agree auntliddy! Never let them out of confinement. Warehouse them all.

    As for Hey Dad, I guess he will have to HTFU now.

  18. It was very brave of her to come forward and her co-stars supported her and confirmed her claims. They all took turns being with her so she wouldn't be alone with him and told the producers, who did nothing.

  19. This is big news in Aus. I sent an article to Enty on Twitter. If someone in Hollywood would speak up maybe SOMETHING would happen. Even just offenders knowing their victims aren't scared to speak out.

  20. Thanks lovelies. I was hoping one of the Nickelodeon kiddies might see it and decide to speak up. Wouldn't it be grand if we could start a Mexican wave of busting child abusers all over the world.

  21. Good thinking astrogirl, yeah I use to watch hey dad too, hope justice is served and he gets no special treatment, leave that up to the other prisoners, if u know what I mean!

  22. In the MN case that Amber mentions, the British won't extradite the guy because: of all the people committed by the MN courts to go into MN's sex offender treatment program, only ONE has ever been released. If the offender were simply sentenced to prison, he'd serve a several-year sentence - not life - and then be released. But if the Brits sent him back to MN, he'd be committed to the program and essentially serve a life sentence instead of the sentence outlined in the laws for his offense. That's what the Brits think is unfair.

    It's a dilemma. These people need to be punished, and because they are so likely to re-offend, they either need to be locked up forever or only be released under close permanent supervision. MN keeps them in the 'treatment program' which nobody really believes will accomplish anything more than keeping them from being released. As the courts and civil liberties advocates argue, if we want a life sentence for sex offenders, we need to change our laws to mandate that. But the politicians and the public don't want to commit to that huge expense, so they use the civil commitment program because it leaves their sentence open-ended, so that theoretically they could end up being freed - and save the state from keeping them for life. In practice, that has only happened once.

  23. I used to watch this show. this freaks me the fuck out. i can't even joke about it.

  24. I think it was the pedo-glasses he wore on the show that gave it away for me. ((Shudders)) he creeped me out back then :/

  25. Does anyone remember the ABBA movie that was filmed in Australia? He played the reporter that chased them around the country.

  26. This makes me sick, glad he's been arrested. I hope these girls get lots of counseling so they understand it was not their fault! I hope he is convicted on every single count!

  27. @Squeezebox. Seems to me we should all follow their example. Pedophiles aren't generally able to be rehabilitated, studies have shown that, yet we keep letting them out.

  28. I saw some special on TV about a prison on an island made specifically for pedophiles. Banish em all there

  29. I live is Australia and I remember reading an article when she first accused him where a woman who worked in the industry more or less said that it was an open secret at the time. He is scum and totally deserves the treatment he'll get in jail, rock spiders are especially hated by the other prisoners

  30. I think when this first came out the media pointed outwho his wife is but it seems this time they have left that out. He is married to Robyn Gardnier she owns RGM she is CATE BLANCHETTES agent
