Thursday, August 09, 2012

Amy Winehouse's Ex In Coma

Last year, Amy Winehouse died and now, her ex, Blake Fiedler Civil, the man who many allege is the one who got her hooked on drugs is now in a coma. Blake was found choking in bed by his girlfriend and he is now in a coma and has suffered multiple organ failure after a night out of drinking and drugging. Before taking him to the hospital, the paramedics said that Blake had swallowed his tongue, choked on his vomit and his left lung was not working. So, it has been about a year and two weeks since Amy died. Her dad said to pray for Blake. Do you think Amy came back? How long is it before a ghost can come back? Blake is the one who sent Amy down this path that led to her death.


  1. Yes, but there is such a thing as free will. Amy did it to herself.

  2. I have never been so happy. Hope he rots in Hell.

  3. Karma is a motha......

  4. Agree with Meg. No one forced Amy to drink or do drugs. She had choices, but made the wrong ones.

  5. Shocking and surprising news!

  6. I don't think Amy could control her addictions. From the interviews I read with her mother, she appeared to have some sort of ADHD that was never treated. Although the source of her creative genius, it probably caused her to self-medicate. What she needed was someone strong to help her control her demons. Her parents were too weak and Blake just
    too opportunistic.

  7. wow, karma is in a really bitchy mood i guess?

    i think id rather be dead than in a coma with multiple organ failure.

  8. It is physiologically impossible to swallow one's own tongue.

    1. Unless one were to cut it off first.

    2. I think they mean tongue kind of swells up and flops in front if airway.

  9. I think you summed it up perfectly, Taffy. While Blake is a scumbag and his current condition isn't surprising and I pity the taxpayers footing the bill for his care, Amy chose to be with him and chose to delve into crack , pills, drinking, etc. This is the 21st century and a grown woman of her upbringing surely understood the dangers of crack. He didn't love her enough to be a better person or to help take care of her or protect her from the evils of this world as best he could. He siphoned her money and partied on her dime and her name. His life will now come to a horrific end.

  10. i didn't really get into amy winehouse's discography until after her death (me and mr jones hooked me). i read an interview in rolling stone and the author brilliantly painted a disturbing scene with her and 'bla-aaake!' i couldn't/wouldn't support her trainwreck financially. but i guess now i'm supporting the estate, so which is better? i don't know:o(

  11. Blaaaaaaaaakeee!!!!!

  12. Apparently he was out on the booze with a friend, and there's speculation that he took heroin and methadone. His girlfriend (who he met in rehab...) stated that this friend had stayed over downstairs, and when she shouted that Blake was in trouble, he ran off. Pity the child they had...

  13. I have no pity for him, hope he rots in hell..

  14. Drug addiction is a terrible, terrible thing. :(

  15. You can't blame someone's addictions on another person. If it wasn't him, it would have been someone else. Amy was an adult and her own person when she went down that road. She had a loving and supportive family, tons of money, fame and talent and instead she couldn't beat her addictions.

    I have some pity for those with addictions and my own niece and nephew battle them. And while I appreciate that a heroin user or even an alocholic NEEDS to use or they will get very sick (alcoholics can die if they don't drink or go through proper detox.)

    But my problem with addicts is when they have detoxed, gone through programs, etc...and STILL make the CHOICE to use. At that point, your body is no longer physically addicted, but your own mind tells you to use. While I understand the compulsion to use, it does still require an active pursuit of the substance-you need to find the booze, find the drugs, etc...I am sure a call to their sponsor or supportive friend is much quicker and easier than going through the trouble to use.

    But you can't blame Blake for Amy. They were both very troubled souls.

  16. Karma is a bitch, and I like the bitches.

  17. That's NOT karma, its cause and effect.

    You take too much poison your body will respond accordingly.

    This was bound to happen sooner or later if he kept down this road.

  18. I hate to say this but Amy made her own decisions.

  19. I am only sad at this news if he has children.

  20. Dear Jeebus, what is with you and the false "facts" today. He didn't get her hooked on drugs. That happened before him, but he fed her addiction.

  21. I thought Ronson was the one that got her hooked.....

    This reminds of the end of Sid and Nancy where Nancy comes back in a cab and "takes" Sid with her.

  22. I'm sorry, did I miss the allegation that he put a gun to her head to do some drugs? And, they were only a year apart, so this wasn't an adult introducing a child to something.

    Adult addicts are responsible for themselves

    If we go that route, them someone had to introduce Blake to drugs, didn't they? And that person had to be introduced as well. And are we sure Amy didn't introduce anyone to it?

    Slippery slope, Enty. Very slippery.

  23. Amy was a grown woman. He may have introduced it to her but she chose to take it. I don't believe someone can make someone get addicted to drugs. You can only do that to yourself.

  24. Amy was an adult and responsible for her own actions. Just because you date an addict doesn't mean you have to be one too. I know this from my own experience. I miss her like hell...cried when I heard that she was gone but I don't blame Blake. I'm sure he blames himself enough for her demise.
    I watched Candy last night after reading the comments re: Heath Ledger. My heart hurt through the entire film. I fucking hate hard drugs.

  25. When you're deeply unconscious your tongue can fall back enough that it blocks your airway. Perhaps that's what they meant.

  26. seriously, I wish addicts brains could be studied to try to find out WHAT drives them to behave this way, Felder's included, when he dies. Imagine if humans could remap brain to avoid people becoming addicted to drugs! No petty crime, no cartels of drugs, less dui's, and the psychological damage that ISNT done to those around them wld be huge. No cops squads trying to find them~ so much of that energy cld be rechannelled into doing positive things for society!!

    1. Auntliddy - Check out James Balir and his neuropsychology studies. He has books and papers that are published.

  27. I don't think Amy was a vindictive person, and I'm pretty sure her ghost is busy hanging out with other jazz greats.

  28. I like the way you think @auntliddy! That would be a very nice place to live.

    Enty, no time limit on when ghosts can come back. Some never leave in the first place. I call them spirits. Don't like that G-word very much.

  29. Amy was abusing alcohol long before she met him. Addicts will use anything. Her father is very generous and forgiving to make that request. Blake was horrible choice for Amy.

  30. @auntliddy- this might be of interest to you and dia . "Brain Imaging"

  31. Thanks Agent. Don't have time to watch now, but I will. I knew people were doing this type of research. Just too lazy to look it up today.

  32. Couldn't happen to a more deserving junkie scumbag. Karma is one hell of a bitch.

  33. @auntliddy I agree, this would be very interesting and helpful. (Overshare alert) I am sad to say that my brother struggles with addiction and I have the hardest time sympathizing; I have never known what that is like. He has stolen tens of thousands from my parents (put them in the poor house), been in and out of jail constantly, and abandoned his child to be raised by my parents that he continually hurt....all in the name of drugs. I just can't understand, and I wish I did. I have children and I just fear them getting close to him because I honestly expect that he will one day die or go to prison forever. So I don't let them have a relationship with him to protect them. It would be very insightful to know some answers as to why he has made the choices he has.

    @Agent Thank you, I will watch this:)

  34. auntliddy - I love your proposal.

    Blaming other's for a grown-ass adult's drug use, especially one who is deceased, accomplishes nothing.

    I sympathize with addicts in that I don't even understand what takes you to that place to want to do the crazy hard shit. IMO, you have to be feeling really down and out to even want to go to heroin, crack, cocaine etc. I just don't get it. I really admire those who get on that path of doom and then kick the habit.

    There's nothing you can do about Amy and Blake. You just have to accept it. It's a damn shame they didn't get help.

  35. You can be guanteed that he's NOT in a private hospital. Oh fucking no! He draining more of the NON EXISTENT NHS funds!!!
    Fucking die already!

    There are people who are actually sick and need help!

    1. pilly - they don't have a limit of care for folks in a coma? I thought surely there would be some guidelines. They can keep people alive with all sorts of things these days. Alive and in vegetative states. I'm wondering about this now.

    2. Yeah. There is a limit. It's called The Postcode Lottery.

  36. Twas his own demons that took him, Amy is at peace.

  37. He's in a medically induced coma.

  38. And nothing of value was lost....

    @Pilly - the NHS guidelines for terminating life support are the determining factor throughout the whole of the UK. This isn't one of those areas where a local health authority can decide for themselves if the treatment is clinically valid.

  39. The whole saga is just a sad story. I hope he can pull through and turn his life around.

  40. Wow really guys?? Saying he deserves it and that this is karma is awful and disgusting. You don't know for sure what he did and regardless wishing this sort of thing on anyone is terrible and you should all be ashamed.

  41. And by all of you I mean the ones making nasty comments, such as the one near tge top about being 'happy'

  42. I think people sound mean too. I feel bad for Blake and his family. I don't even understand the hate. He's not a serial killer.

  43. ENTY, you can be a real judgemental bitch. And often with no evidence whatsoever. I don't wish illness or death upon anyone, and don't believe anyone else is responsible for a addiction other than an addict. Pointer fingers doesn't help anyone and hasn't helped Amy or Blake.
