Monday, August 27, 2012

Amish 16 Go On Trial Today

It is not that often you hear about Amish making headlines. These Amish are not your run of the mill Amish. This group of 16 Amish members known as The Amish 16 stand trial today for charges of hate crimes, obstruction of justice and evidence tampering. They will be tried in federal court. The group is being treated as a cult although they say they are practicing the Amish religion as it was intended. The leader, pictured above ordered beatings of Amish who did not follow the rules as they thought they should be followed. He also slept with all the married women to cleanse them. Let me stop right there. Anytime something involves the leader having to sleep with anyone, then you know it is a scam. The hate crimes the group has been charged with involve his members going to other Amish and cutting off their hair and beards which is considered very offensive. The group all turned down pleas which would have seen them spend about a year in jail. Instead they all face 20 years in jail.


  1. There are crazies everywhere.

  2. Why do religious cults (or for that matter some regular religions) always involve the head guy needing to sleep with a bunch of (often teenage) women for some bullshit reason or another?

    Honestly. One would think men originally came up with religion just to get laid.

  3. That's a strong beard!!!

  4. Lola--that's why polygamy bugs me. It's a system for any man wealthy enough to trade in his older wife for a brand-new fresh teenager every decade or so. Gross. I wonder what man thought that up?

  5. That beard looks fake.

  6. Polygamy might not be so bad if it worked both ways - I can think of many advantages to having 3-4 husbands - 1 to cook, 1 to do household chores, 1 for eye candy, etc.

  7. Agreed, SusanB. I would not go for teenage men, though; they're slim & potent, but fast.

    haha. gross.

  8. Come on guys, who WOULDN'T want to sleep with this guy.

  9. Libby...hahahaha. Truth.

  10. I've read that the Amish deliberately drive young men out of the sect so that they have more young women available to the elders. They sound just like CO$ minus the massive tithes.

    No, I am not confusing this with Big Love.

    Have you seen the outfits the girls wear?!

    I'm guessing the menfolk rule and are not especially supportive of equal rights for women.

    1. The amish do not do that. Culty mormons do. It is all wacky shit that has zero to do with god.

  11. They make a mean fireplace.

  12. The best thing is is that this guy is called Samuel Mullet and has been arrested for 'hair' crimes.

  13. I'm going to start a cult where each wife has 5 (hot) husbands.

    They will be required to do all of the chores and pamper me thoroughly; after which I'm going to have a headache and go to bed early.

  14. Lola! I want to join your cult! :)

  15. @smashbash: Me too!

  16. Oh wow Amish THUGS!!!! WOW!!!

  17. Amish people have SEX? Eww!

  18. Actually, polyandry has and does exist in various forms around the world. One example: In pre-Christian Mayan civilization it wasn't uncommon for a woman to have 2 "husbands." Any children she bore were considered the children of both men and both men were responsible for their protection and feeding. Anthropologists determined that children from these families were statistically more likely to survive into adulthood than women with only 1 husband. Example 2: In certain interpretations of Hinduism, polyandry is allowed. The woman, Draupadi, prayed 5 times for a husband and instead of getting 1, she got 5. She got 1 set of twins, 1 beefcake guy, 1 wise man, and 1 heroic archer. The husbands weren't required to be sexually faithful, but still, she did have 5 nice varieties of man at home. Example 3: In the country of Bhutan (and others), they still practice a form of polyandry where a woman will marry all the brothers in a family. Apparently there are inheritance benefits - farmland isn't split into smaller and smaller parcels with each generation - and benefits when a husband has to travel with goods to market. In that case, he might be gone for weeks, and the other brother(s) stay home to protect and run the farm. Lastly, some believe polyandry may end up making a comeback in certain parts of India because of the killing of unwanted girls. There is an increasingly gender imbalanced society such that in order for every man to get a wife, he may have to share his wife with a relative.

  19. @g strathmore - thanks for the info!

    @lola - please add my name to your cult. I'd also want a husband who's a good mechanic, one who can do home repair - the mind goes on and on....

  20. @ g. strathmore - thanks for that info. Interesting!

  21. Miss_P - That is hilarious. By the looks of it, there will be many charges.

    I started to wonder what his beard smelled like and then I started to make myself sick so I stopped.

  22. Yeah, I watched a documentary about a village in the Himalayas where several men usually brothers marry one woman. Reason is to not split the inheritance and financial benefit of 2 incomes. One man stays at home and works on the fields the other goes to the city and works there. The family they showed had one child and she considered both men her father. No jealousy there. The Budhist monks accept that since it's a very old tradition. It also keeps the population under control.

  23. The Amish run most of the puppy mills in the United States, I would like to see them brought up on those charges.

  24. Amish puppy mills?!¿!!????? I'll join your cult too Lola!!

  25. Lola, I'll join you cult but I won't have a headache. Nudge, nudge, wink, wink.

  26. Abraham "The Barn Raiser" Tattagliano.

  27. It's not religion at fault here, but merely demented men, once again.

  28. That man stole the Santa Claus beard costume, number one!

    And second, 'Hair Crime' sounds so hilarious. It's disrespectful to say, but oh my gosh, hahahahah!

    Also, Amish people make really good butter.
    Now that I'm on the East Coast my mission has been to get over to Pennsylvania and sneak into an Amish village. All those men churning butter in suspenders....YUMMMM!

  29. Why do I have Weird Al's Amish paradise in my head now lol

  30. Quote of the day: 'He slept with all married women to cleanse them'

    *face palm*




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