You know that Good Morning America is going to make this interview they scored with Robert Pattinson dry as toast that your grandmother serves you because she does not believe in butter, jelly or any kind of liquid before 10 am to wash it down. GMA had to beat out Today to get the interview which means they probably had to promise more things. I will save you the hassle of waking up early next week and just go ahead and show you the interview questions and answers.
GMA - Thanks for getting up early to be here Robert
Rob -Thanks for having me. It's good to be here.
GMA - No, we really appreciate you being here. We know you have a choice when it comes to morning talk show appearances and we thank you for being on GMA and hope that when your next movie comes out you will keep us in mind for your morning talk show appearance.
Rob - Well I will do that.
GMA - So Cosmopolis. It sounds exciting. Tell us all about it.
Rob - Well..
GMA - I mean the name is so catchy. Do they ever let you get to pick the names? Wouldn't it be great if the actors or the audience could pick the names of the movies? I think that would be the greatest idea ever to get audience members really involved in the selecting of movies. I would name every movie Apple Pie because it's my favorite. Although Cosmopolis sounds great too.
Rob - Well..
GMA - Did I tell you we have a cooking segment coming up later. It's 10 past the hour and we are with Robert Pattinson the Twilight star who has a new movie coming out called Cosmopolis. Is it about the drink Robert?
Rob -No, it is actually about a businessman who is struggling with life and takes place in a car.
GMA - Ohhh. I like cars. I have two cars. One is this hybrid thing I drive when there will be fans so they think I am environmentally friendly and the other is this Porsche which is the car I really like. Have you ever driven a car?
Rob- Umm yeah.
GMA - So, this whole Twilight thing. How is that going for you?
Rob - Fine. We have a new installment, the last, coming out in November.
GMA - I love those vampires. Thanks so much for being here today and you can check out Cosmpolis at a theatre near you very soon. Its 15 past the hour and up next, I get to make flan. I love saying flan.
Nice interview with GMA. Poor Rob fans.
ReplyDeleteROFL @ "I love saying flan"
ReplyDeletehahahahha awesome!
ReplyDeleteHeehee. Funny!
ReplyDeleteI watched that You Tube parody of KS from yesterday again. So clever.
ReplyDeleteToo bad KS did not have creative, humorous people around her to offset all this constant nonsense.
If they end up saying flan, I will seriously think that Enty has a third job writing scripts for GMA:
ReplyDeleteAgent **It, what's the parody? Got a link?
ReplyDeleteSkinnerchick it is on Dlisted...
ReplyDeleteThe link is here on CDAN under "Kristen Stewart Explains Cheating".
oops, sorry Hunter, didn't see that. Wish I knew how to link but I have no patience to learn.
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ReplyDeleteI saw Bel Ami yesterday on a plane. OMG, what a terrible actor he is. One note only, and that's vampire.
ReplyDeleteSadly this is too close to what is actually said by interviewers these days.
ReplyDeletelmao, thanks Enty! I'll feel free to sleep in on Aug 15th.
ReplyDeleteHaven't all of his non-franchise movies bombed? He needs to hit the YA section of his local library and find his next project.
ReplyDeleteI honestly thought this was their script...
ReplyDeleteHe looks like he's talking about boobs with emphatic hand gestures to illustrate his point, lol.
ReplyDelete^^ or I've got to grow a pair this big! Lol
ReplyDeleteOK I'm just going off of the looks of the people I don't know here BUT
ReplyDeleteRob is totally into her, kissing her ass, and the othe guy is kinda homely but married with kids slightly unatainable so unless ROB is actually gay and this is a beard PR gone wrong I would guess that he is BAD in bed not for lack of trying just not naturally good at it and that is wht KSTEW is straying. Any other theorys people???