Tuesday, August 28, 2012

16 Year Old Teen Predicted Her Death From Stalker On Twitter

Hannah Truelove was murdered last week. Her 16 year old body was discovered on Friday and yesterday police in Georgia declared her death to be a homicide. Over the past few weeks, Hannah had been Tweeting that she was scared and that she had a stalker and that she really needed to move from her parent's apartment quickly. On August 12th she told her followers she had a stalker. On August 18th she Tweeted how scared she was and on August 22nd how she needed to move. On August 23rd she disappeared. Her body was found on a trail behind the apartment complex. Her friends all said they didn't really talk to her about the stalker and were not sure if she was serious because she was so vague about everything. Did she talk to her parents?


IDoTheRobot said...

How sad. :/

Cryscee said...

That is sad. Did the parents not know?

auntliddy said...

this awful!! rest in peace, sweetie, we will find the maniac.

JJ said...

This is tragic.

I am in no way blaming the parents but this is what can happen when kids post those type of pictures for the world to see. There are too many crazies out there. My niece does the same and I really wish her mother would put her foot down.

Silly Girl said...

Completely agree, JJ, posting pics like that is irresponsible. I'm not a prude, but seriously.....so sad....

goheels83 said...

I agree JJ.

What an awful situation. RIP.

nolachickee said...

Her parents say that she told them nothing. Her friends are sick about it because they didn't take it seriously. I'm with @JJ - the way people hang out everything about themselves in cyberspace is a majorly fucked up phenomenon that has to stop.

Barton Fink said...

"She told her followers that she had a stalker." Parents, pay attention.

billybob said...

People don’t seem to grasp the difference between reality and fantasy on the internet. Several years ago my cousin’s friend was murdered by her boyfriend. Apparently he told all his friends on facebook that he was going to kill her, what he’d use and one of his friends even offered to buy him breakfast if he carried out the threat. Nobody told the girl or her parents or the police. Nobody believed he would do it. He did, and is now in prison. I don’t see any harm in reporting such concerns. Better to be safe than sorry. The world is changing and we have to raise our awareness of threats that might seem harmless. After all, if someone stood in front of us and said they were scared......we wouldn’t be ‘Awwwwww honey, it’s nothing to worry about’.

MBK said...

Her parents should have been monitoring her Twitter account on a regular basis...like, every day. And I agree, 16-year-olds should not be posting pics like this.

MM said...

How has it come to the point where we're tweeting our fears to strangers, but not talking about them with our closest friends and family?!

billybob said...

@JJ, yes I see what you are saying. Just last week I happened to go on facebook a few seconds after my nephew had posted his address and said he was having a party. I rang him and said please tak that message down now. His Dad was away. He did do as I asked. You seriously could come home and find the whole house trashed.

Cryscee said...

The fact that she didn't tell her dad makes me wonder how she came to know her stalker. They say it's someone she probably knew.

OneGirlRevolution said...

So sad.

a non a miss said...

That is very tragic and its horrible to hear about someone so young being murdered. But i also agree with @JJ- she is much too young to be taking pictures like that and then showing them.

smash said...

We are becoming so used to our Private details being known to the world but not to our friends and family.

I deleted all my accounts with private information. But I am older. I worry about my 16 year old brother and 19 year old sister though. They don't get what is not ok to post on their Facebook.

Rest in piece sweet girl. :(

MISCH said...

At 16 if I had been afraid of something like this my parents would have been informed and my friends would have closed ranks and been with me until I could have relocated.
Something is very wrong here.

jane3113 said...

Accounts like twitter and facebook should be mandatory to be private/locked for underage people. Once you put in your DOB, if you are a child, the privacy setting should be locked in and not be able to be changed. I know kids would lie about their DOB but it's a start.

Lisa said...

My son is a teenager and has lots of girls in his life and they are so dramatic. If this girl was anything like some of the others I know, it would be hard to take her seriously unless she went into detail with her friends and family and they ignored her. I've talked to some of my sons friends personally when I've read messages on FB that sound like they're in abusive situations or really depressed or whatever and 100% of the time they ended up being drama queens who were just looking for some attention. One actually dropped me when I asked her about it cuz she wanted to continue to be dramatic without anyone being onto her. So it's hard to blame anyone unless she sat down and talked with people about what was really going on and they blew her off...or if friends saw the Tweet and didn't ask her for more info. How could you NOT ask for more info? I'm not saying she's to blame... it's tragic. Also, you can't monitor everything your teen does on the computer or their phones cuz they don't always do things in their own name. They can have multiple accounts and accounts in multiple places. There are so many places online that kids share info that we have no idea of and I'm a parent who pays attention. Mine just happens to show me a lot and it shocks me what is out there and what they're aware of. And I'm sure with all that I DO know, there is much that I don't. I hope many people learn from this tragedy.

cc423 said...

This is so painfully sad. But why is a 16-year old girl posing like this in pictures that are so readily available to any perv out there? This needs to be a lesson in how much info you should tweet and post about yourself. I am NOT blaming the victim, we should live in a world where she should be safe to do anything she wants, but we do not.

timebob said...

We are just assuming he was stalking her through social media. It could of been someone in her building that was obsessed with her.

I am so sick of these animals stalking young women becuase no adult women would have anything to do with them. Kill yourself, don't hurt a woman becuase your repulsive and need to take it out on young girls.

DewieTheBear said...

I agree with everyone's comments about social media and not oversharing on those platforms (at any age). Reading her Twitter, I have to say I wouldn't have picked up that she was in imminent danger - all of the messages, from referring to "weiners" to having to move, are delivered with a cavalier attitude. I wouldn't be surprised if her killer was following her feed. Some of the tweets read almost like taunts to someone...

Honestly, if you are being stalked (or feel you are being stalked, or threatened in any way), don't bury it in your Twitter, report it to a parent, school authority or cop. Document it in a meaningful way, and before any harm can be done.

figgy said...

I agree with JJ and others that when girls post pics like this of themselves it can be very dangerous, and they just don't fully grasp that.

I remember being that age, and being thrilled with my newly adult body and the feeling of power I had because of it. But back then of course there was nothing like the social media we now have.

It seems like it must be a practically full-time job for parents to monitor their kids! Plus many might not even know about the latest forums. I don't have kids, but I really feel for parents trying to deal with this over-sexualized, over-exposed problem.

BerniniBellini said...

These laws need to be changed. If he was physically stalking her, what would the police have done? Probably talked to him and then released him so he could continue his stalking.

But parents shouldn't allow a 16-year-old girl to post pictures like that online. Girls, if a friend tells you she's being stalked, follow up.
I feel so sorry for all involved. Imagine the guilt. If you are being stalked, at least write your experiences down and tell your parents.

RIP, Hannah. It's a horrible word out there.

Salsa Lover said...

This makes me sick. First - she told no one of significance. Second - she tweeted photos that are suggestive and no one said anything to her. My niece unfollowed me on FB because I would tell her what she was posting was inappropriate. Her mom has no clue because "I don't like that FB thing." Stupid ass woman.

I regulate my daughter's usage of Instagram. There are grown men out there constantly "liking" photos of young girls on Instagram & their parents have no clue. My girl's friend posted a pic of herself in a bikini at age 11. I told her mom. It is gone. On Twitter the other day a man requested parents post photos of their girls in Catholic school uniforms.

Sigh. I am so sad for this girl. I am sad she didn't feel like she could talk to her parents. I'm sad that in today's world posting photos like this gets girls attention and, possibly in this case, killed. It angers me.

yawnathon said...

Heart wrenching. Frustrating. And despicable that we're so jaded by young women "just being dramatic" that we don't take so many of them seriously. My best friend was raped at knifepoint her freshmen year of college by a stalker, a person she begged campus police to arrest. Not much can be done about stalking until the person commits an act of violence. Threats mean nothing to authorities under our current laws. I was a typical dramatic teenage girl, and when my high school boyfriend beat the shit out of me and threw me down the stairs, my parents believed me. I guess I was lucky I had bruises to help prove my case. Shit like this really pisses me off.

Anonymous said...

I know my sister in law got completely bitchy with me when I told her her 14 year old was.being a hoe on her.Facebook page. Some parents dont want to know. The hoe comes from posting,pictures bent over, legs spread in super super super short skirt. You saw bits.and,pieces..lol

jane3113 said...

I just looked at her twitter and it didn't seem like she was really scared. Mostly annoyed. If I had been friends with her I don't know that it would have been a red flag.

Poor kid.

yawnathon said...

@Salsa Lover - if you don't already know, an instagram acct can be set to private. I will say that it's like a part time job keeping up with the ever changing privacy settings on social media.

JazzyLou79 said...

Stop blaming parents! I live with two teenage girls (who are not mines) and they create all kinds of accounts from twitter, facebook, etc.. without their mother's knowledge. And when she find out and make them shut it down they re-create profiles under alias. These teens are too smart with technology. The only reason she found out about the extra pages is cause they were to dumb to remove their email addresses from when she pull up the sites. she literally search the web for their names to find crap on them. I can't stand when people ask "where are the parents" nine times 9 times 10 they are busy working making a living for them and their children! My friend can barely have a life cause she has to chase what they are doing. Some of you fail to realize that there are some bad ass kids out there, that's going to do what they want to do.

StewMcG said...

This hits WAY too close to home for me. My 17 year old daughter has had a stalker since 7th grade (it's a fellow classmate.) We ended up having to get a restraining order to keep him away from her.

I am beyond thankful that my daughter felt comfortable enough to talk to us about it but, like yawnathon said, the police can't do anything until the stalker commits an act of violence. In our case, Stalker Boy physically assaulted my daughter on school property, in front of 40 other kids, and they STILL didn't do anything (which is why we ended up hiring a lawyer and getting the restraining order.)

Parents - read your kids' Facebook pages, follow them on Twitter, and for God's sake, TALK TO THEM. If you suspect anything like this is going on, DO SOMETHING! Call the police, hire a lawyer, whatever is necessary to protect your child.

ForSure said...

I read her twitter. She did not predict her own death in any way. She said she had an ugly ass stalker. She didn't say male or female and I know people who have used the word 'stalker' very lightly in the past.

I have annoyed many of my friends and family members because they refuse to believe me when I talk about social media putting their children in danger. Thankfully, both my niece and nephew have their twitter accounts on private and only accept requests from people they know. I recommend that for everyone under the age of 25 unless you are really good about being very vague with details about your location and such.

Parents can control their children's social media - take away their phones and their computers. If they 'need' a phone, then go to Best Buy and get a plain old pay as you go flip phone and put their sim card in that. They can still text and call from it. They can use their laptops in the kitchen under supervision and you can check their internet history. Or you can just talk to them like human beings and explain to them exactly why you are concerned.

Bluevelvet said...

Random acts of violence are not the victim or the internets fault. The person who killed her could have randomly seen her walking down the street and got obsessed. To say this girl brought it on herself because of her photos is like saying a girl in a skirt deserves to be raped.

ForSure said...

Bluevelvet, you are absolutely correct. Stalking existed before the internet and it can be as random as being seen on a street corner. But that doesn't diminish the fact that too many of our young people are putting themselves in danger with their online behaviors like public Facebook profiles and twitter pages with far too much personal information. They do not understand the value of their own privacy.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JJ said...

@bluevelvet and drusillaluna, that very well may be true but there's a reason people do not walk in bad parts of town with cash falling out of their pockets. There's also a reason people should not leave infants alone in a car, or more simply there's a reason people lock their doors at night.

Beth said...

Why was she still tweeting if she had a stalker? Wouldn't you try to not draw attention to yourself?

WitchHazel said...

I agree w/ JJ 100%. It was exactly my first thought when I saw that photo.. When you try to act like a grown woman (a stripper/porny type of woman at that) YOU SIMPLY ATTRACT THE WRONG KIND OF ATTENTION FROM WEIRDO DUDES ON THE INTERNET. The end!

Unknown said...

my instagram is my only nonprivate account, my facebook & twitter are extremly private just a few weeks ago some guy requested to be my friend on facebook & claimed he went to my high school & graduated the year i graduated...i'm pretty sure i would 1. remember that 2. recognize his name & 3. recognize him. i denied the friend request but some of my friends accepted him & i messaged them like "do yall even know this guy" they were all like "oh no" smfh even people in their early twenties are stupid when you would think they would know better. i have about 500+ followers on instagram & 700+ pictures & a few days ago i got on IG & some guy liked about 30 pictures i posted over 80 weeks ago 80!!!! if that's not creeper status i don't know what is & that is exactly why i am not updating to the new IG that has photomap & shows your location to the pictures you post, that's just asking for people to stalk you & idk why facebook is always putting our privacy at risk...i think they get some kind of sick pleasure from it

Anonymous said...

This looks like the 'sauciest' photo she had on twitter. Her FB was actually private too. Actually looks like she was showing off her Nikes hardly asking for a throat slashing or whatever caused her violent death. Hardly inviting someone to stalk her. Hardly "walking around a dark alley with cash falling out of her pockets". And she was not an inatimate object on a fishing lure. She was a 16 year old girl probably wondering about where she was going to go to college and why was this weirdo following her around.

Anonymous said...

Had she survived, or even when speaking of victims who survive rape and assault, the focus should be helping them and building them back up. Not finding what they did wrong. And pointing it out. And implanting that seed that they didn't do everything right to not get raped or attacked.

Anonymous said...

You can first start attacking violence against women, which we read so much about on CDAN in the first place, by attacking the apathy society has for it. I know its natural human survival instinct to think about how you can not have it happen to you. What can you control in life. Well you can't. You can put up precautions. But somewhere someone has put up more than you. That should never be used to dismiss you and anything that happens to you.

Salsa Lover said...

@yawnathon - Yup! I know. My daughter's is private. I actually look at the activity of the people I follow and it shows me what photos they have liked. It is a good way to find out who the creepers are (and then block them).

I don't think any girl should be blamed. It isn't her fault she got murdered. I would just like to see more communication between kids and parents and schools and kids. It isn't easy though. I happen to have very open communication with my girl. I work in Internet security and so I've been on her case from day one.

Alicia said...

I understand where everyone is coming from regarding the argument "she shouldn't be posting pics like that online", believe me I do. If my teenage sister posted "sexual" pics on her Facebook, my mother would have those pics down FAST. Even though my sister is 19, my mom STILL logs into her Facebook every few days to make sure she's using the site responsibly. Fact is, my sister is immature. I love her to death, but she's immature and irresponsible and can't be trusted when it comes to things like social media. My mother allows her to have a Facebook because all her friends have one, but you bet your a** my mother has access to it whenever she wants.

That being said, we need less blame on the victims and more blame on the criminals doing them harm. Is a woman who wears a short skirt at fault when she gets raped? NO! Just like its not this girls fault due to the pics she posted. I agree she was too young to be posting pics like that, but just because she did does not mean she deserved to be murdered, nor does any other teenager/woman who posts them. Its the fault of the person who does them harm and nobody else's, but we live in a very dangerous world and everyone, especially women and young girls, need to be extra cautious, both online and IRL.

urban chaos said...

As part of a larger conversation I cannot begin to describe how many times I have read dialogue that blamed women for their attire, flirtatious behaviour, ect..

Society needs to shift the focus toward raising respectful men so that instead of teaching our girls how to minimize being raped, harmed or otherwise targeted the greater message is spread that women are not second class.

Only then, can we tackle the issues about rape culture, womens' reproductive rights, ect..

Salsa Lover said...

@urban chaos - Agreed.

Salsa Lover said...

@urban chaos - Agreed.

Vkn said...

I hope they catch the person who did this before it happens again....

WitchHazel said...

Society needs to raise respectful men? YES! But what about raising respectful women who don't put themselves out there like this at sixteen years of age??

Bluevelvet said...

Witchhazel how exactly was she broadcasting herself? I dont know her you must have if you feel she doing things to get murdered.

feraltart said...

UrbanChaos, bravo and yes. This is the conversation we need to have.

Del Riser said...

There seems to be a huge disconnect in the young mind about what the appropriate response is to something like feeling stalked.
Call the police, make a report, tell your family.
Her Twitter friends did nothing for her.
RIP, so sad, too young.

Benita said...

Most stalkers are not formed through social media, they are usually people the victim had a relationship with. Stalkers are former friends, co-workers, ex-girlfriends and ex-boyfriends. A stalker who becomes obsessed with a total stranger is a rare thing and usually happens when someone fixates on a celebrity of sort. What happened to this young woman is tragic, I hope the person who killed her is tried and fried but I doubt her photos on Twitter had anything to do with it. Blaming her pictures is a form of victim blaming and it's wrong.

Lioness70 said...

This is so sad. Most likely the perp is someone she knew or a crazy ex.

Not putting provocative pictures out on social media isn't victim blaming. It's telling young women to protect themselves from sickos.

Mango said...

I don't find anything overtly sexual about her photo.

YourNameHere said...

My neighbors daughter is 11 (just turned it back in February) and has both a Facebook and Twitter. This girl told me her mother doesn't check the history on their computer & probably doesn't know how to.

Also, the mother had no idea who "Harry Styles" or who "One Direction" was when her daughter was talking about them recently. I used to watch this girl during the day on weekends and I knew about all of this including the One Direction stuff. Her mother is oblivious to the things she should be paying attention to. This girl has an ipad, ipod touch and laptop. She's not even my kid and I check her accounts for odd stuff. It's nice to know I'm being a mother to someone whose mother isn't paying attention to these things.

Her mom is kind of an odd duck, she acts like she's about 80 and she's 49. Claims to know nothing about computers or electronics. Better start learning lady or your kid is going to head down the wrong path.

/end of rant

Jessie said...

If she was vague about it then maybe she was embarrassed about who it was and that means she knew the person.

I agree that kids need to know how to use the Internet safely but the Internet isn't always the bad guy. I've seen Twitter used to spread the word about missing people and even helped to get an ambulance to a girl who had tried to commit suicide.

jax said...

she was being stalked IRL, not on twitter. She only talked about it on twitter.

I'd say for certain it was someone in the building.

jax said...

witch hazel what you are doing is called victim blaming/shaming.

if people acted the way you are speaking of there would be MASS rapes at every nude beach, think about it.

this girl had every right at 16 to post this picture, it is not an invitation to rape or kill her.

i can't believe in 2012 this has to be explained to a woman.

Anonymous said...

So tragic. Certainly this girl or her family or her friends did not cause this to happen. And from what I've read, we don't know whether her stalker found her online. But like these great comments reveal, youth do need to learn how to be safe in their online activies. I don't like curtains on my windows or locks on my doors, but know the value in having them for protection.

DewieTheBear said...

Did anyone else see a really weird, lengthy comment from someone named "BettorOffSingle"? I read it as an email notification and came back to my laptop to try to figure out what in blazin' the person was talking about, only to not find it at all.

I haven't had *that* much to drink this evening that I could have imagined it... :)

auntliddy said...

Yes!!!!! And it was freaken weird! It was in my email, but i now dont see it here. Anyone else?

DewieTheBear said...

Maybe the cross-Illuminati/hypnofetish-ist squad wiped the comment from the site, ha ha.

I'm glad I have the email though, because that was a masterpiece of lunacy. And I'm very thankful I wasn't the only person who saw it!!!

MadLyb said...

@Bluevelvet - I agree. The internet just makes it a little easier for those who want to stalk to keep tabs on their prey.

That, and we have a culture that encourages women to be sexual and desirable, disparages them if they aren't, and when they get raped or beaten, blames them for bringing it upon themselves. Little girls are impressionable, and they see this at a young age. That has to end. Men need to be diligently taught not to grab, assault, stalk, rape and kill us. How many of us women have been sexually assaulted and said nothing out of shame? Guess what? If men are taught from birth that women are shit, and their sole purpose is to sexually gratify them, look good on their arms and bear their seed, including in cases of rape and incest, even wearing burkas won't stop them from raping us or worse.

Agent**it said...

BOS is a certified nut job.

WUWT? said...

Anyone who got the email care to share parts of BOS's comments? Curious minds...

DewieTheBear said...

Well... It starts by going right off the Crazy Cliff:

Now here's an interesting circumstance. I've been accused of "stalking" women even over minor insults. I'll let my lack of a criminal record speak for itself. I'm also middle-aged, overweight, have ailments, and very poor eyesight, so if you can run 30 feet you're probably safe from me. Now try to put yourself in my position, ane I'm going to name the name to prove this is real.

We are then treated to a heretofore unknown malady called "hypnofetishism," which is, according to BOS, "being hypnotized by sexy women."

Such a painful affliction, one imagines.

He goes into this wild story involving the leading video-hypnofetish-ist, who made a youtube video (that BOS found courtesy your yawn-run-of-the-mill foot fetish enthusiast).

Out of concern for those involved, BOS contacted the video-hypnofetish-ish about the use of participants full names in the credits of the youtube upload. For some reason, BOS ended up the bad guy in this scenario when all he was trying to do was think of the hypnofetishist's right to privacy! All of this is intended as some sort of cautionary tale about internet privacy, doing the right thing, and being hyponotized by sexy women on youtube.

Or something like that.

Anonymous said...

People get sued for using terms like "certified nutjob."

Thanks for letting me know the comment wqas deleted. Now I'll just put it up on my own blog so it'll never come down. I'm sure Rachel will be happy with that.

Anonymous said...

Oh and EntyLawyer will lose his right to remain anonymous if he allows people to harass and defame me on his website.

For the record, I was protecting UNDERAGED GIRLS **FROM*** hypnofetishists, since a "stupidmodel" chose to put their names on a video that wound up linked to by a fetish site.

Now I have to post it to my own blog, and it's NEVER coming down. The article will state very clearly why.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how many ADVERTISERS on this site would stand behind speech like "certified nutjobh."

I'll be asking each one just to see where they stand.

DewieTheBear said...

Oh dear, I've really reeled in a live one, haven't I?

Cassiopeia said...

Good job Dewie.
Now you've gotten enty and the advertisers involved. ;)

DewieTheBear said...

My feeling of kinship with Larry David for his affinity to unintentionally splash smack into big puddles of insanity has never felt stronger :)

/pours glass of Stoli

Anonymous said...

Maybe you think it's worth $100k+ in legal bills to call someone a "nutjob" online, but that's you.

I'd rather not have to take this to court, but I will.

Time was if you slandered somneone, they had the legal right to challenge you to a duel. Libel lawsuits are considered a more "civil" alternative.

So if someone hynotized your tween daughters wearing shorts and barefoot (another fetish), named them, and the location where it occurred, put the video on youtube, where it was liniked to from a "fetish" website devoted to hypnosis, none of you would have a problem with this?

Silly me for thinking this might have led to unwanted attention for the girls.

See you guys in court.

Tatyana said...

@Silly Girl said...
"Completely agree, JJ, posting pics like that is irresponsible. I'm not a prude, but seriously.....so sad...."

You serious, posting a fucking fully clothed pic is irresponsible? What next, burqas for all women who can even conceivably tempt men?

Lioness70 said...

This poor girl IN NO WAY deserved her fate.

Women have the right to post whatever they want and dress however they want.

The problem is mentally ill, violent men who don't and won't respect those rights.

No one needs to wear a damn burqa (lord only knows how many women, sadly, are targeted when wearing those...sick), but it's a simple matter of protecting oneself. The less that's out there on the 'net, the risk of attracting some unknown online nutjob drops drastically.

Anonymous said...

First of all, how can someone defame you when nobody can identify you. You are anonymous hiding behind a screen name and bogus picture -- nothing wrong or unusual about this, since this is a safe, discreet way to participate in an online community. Secondly, you gave up your right to privacy by posting on a public forum, so defamation not a likely result since you made yourself a " limited public figure" by posting, and therefore are susceptible to public scrutiny. Finally, chill out - enjoy the banter.

zombiecrush said...

^^ THIS. As someone in the legal field, I can assure you that there are no grounds of defamation. LOL.

These comments are hilarious though, way to go off the deep end.

In regards to this situation-- this whole thing sounds a little weird, no? Her tweets are just typical dramatic teenage girl tweets. I wouldn't be surprised if the killer was one of her parents... or someone who lives in the same building.

AlexT said...

As a 9-11 office whore who feels unjustly maligned in a previous post, I will counter sue for $110k and legal fees.

Sunny said...

EVERYONE around me is asking what I'm laughing at. You're awesome

DewieTheBear said...

Has anyone ever had to read a legal document written by a certified nutjob? I did once, a proposed contract for services that was sent to my firm by my request as a last recourse to get the crazy person off the phone (she'd been tying up different staffers, none of whom could manage to bring the call to a dignified end).

It was nearly 100 pages, non sequitor after non sequitor, and what the hell the professional services she was providing were beyond all of us who read it. The document kept referring to her "invention." The invention itself was never specified.

The document closed with a page for signatures. The president of our firm's name was there, and the terms stipulated that, upon signing, our firm would hand this woman a check in the amount of $250,000,000 and upon delivery of her "idea" we would provide a second check for another $250,000,000. Seriously.

It's funny but also quite sad. BOS reminded me of this woman, so last night I googled the woman's name. She still maintains a website that purports to be for a company she owns, though what it does is impossible to divine; web publishes a newsletter of some kind; and even has a Twitter of garbled and impossible to comprehend thoughts.

auntliddy said...

Yeah, bos is a coupla quarts low. Sad.

Anonymous said...

Since I'm not anonymous (as proven by the comments alone, among other things), I most definitely have standing to sue for defamation. I also have grounds to sue for copyright infringement for those who posted my writing without authorization.

Regardless of what I wind up doing, I have the legal right to subpoena the identifies of anyone who hss defamed me, and they can then explain to a judge why they lied about me. Harassment based on perception of disability is a hate crime in my state, though again prosecutors are a bit selective. None of you even have the bravery to sign your names; small wonder.

Anonymous CYBERBULYING (which is what many of you are doing) happens to be a felony, though I'm not a very sympathetic target. Doubt you'd ever pick on a teenage girl that way.

Of course, if I simply KILLED MYSELF because I couldn't take this psychological abuse anyjmore, I bet peo0ple would backpedal fast, claim it wasn't their fault, etc. To those who say go ahead, I say you just made suicide acceptable for ANYONE, including your own loved ones.

Aside from pressing charges and filing lawsuits, all I can do at this point is just quote the postings in an article, list every sponsor on the site, and let the parents of any child who commits suicide know that they didn't seem to care about what people do to me, so why should I care about them?

I truly pity the husbands or boyfriends of such toxic women; so sad they are so deserpate for sex they have to overlook such toxic behavior. Any man who thinks these pathetic women won't one day abuse them the same way is delusional.

The first step is to tell the police which laws are being broken against me here. Maybe they'll realize there's no excuse for calling ANYONE names like that (if they were really that ill they could be prosecuted even worse), and put a stop to it. Then maybe the site sponsors will care; if not, I'll just continue the boycott and let the chips fall.

My creative work has been admired by millions, and plagiarized by the big boys in media. My influence on this planet is already eternal; most of you here will be forgotten, having done little more than engage in cyberbullying. Not exactly a proud legacy.

Anonymous said...

Oh and the young girl sounded like a skank who liked to taunt boys. Guess she ran into a REAL nutjob.

The world is better off without human shit like that girl.

Anonymous said...

Women ARE to blame for enranging men. They are social-climbing whores who act slutty to attract the men with money, and in the course of that they attract the attention of men they don't want.

Then the girl BULLIES the guy verbally, much like is being done to me here, and some men, unlike me, choose to act out a little more decisively than with lawsuits or crimninal charges.

I have no criminal record and have never hit a woman in my life I bet half the women possting here have covered up that type of abuse out of "love."

Women are just bullies; this comment therad proves it. Sex-addicted men just enable them by cherring them on, until they wind up targeted.

If the people here don't understand why it wasn't wise for that model to put a video of a bunch of hypnotized underaged girls on the internet, and name them, I really can't help them. Those girls had NO IDEA what was being dcone with their names, yet those who claim to look out for their interest go and attack me instead of the real dangers.

You people are truly pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Women who work in law offices are usually whores.

In Philadelphia, where I live, they have a cute system. They hire part-time help after school from all-girl catholic schools, then require "law office experience" for fulltime jobs. This excludes the males very nicely, and provides a nice concubine for the attorneys.

Women have no problem with this creepy system, since they tend to also have no problem whoring out for money. Just read this blog to see their true nature.

a non a miss said...

WOAH. On a whim i decided to look back at this thread because I just love it when people rant on the internet. Its almost like, why bother?

Any legitimate lawyers in the state of Pennsylvania that can attest to his claim that 'Harassment based on perception of disability' is a hate crime? I understood this to mean in the workplace.

I may have missed something, but what is this supposed disability?

Hopefully I did not break any laws by quoting this person. But if I did- I'm totally not sorry.

a non a miss said...

Also- could I be sued for reading the previous posts by this person aloud to coworkers? I certainly wont print them and I will be sure to cite you as the author.

Anonymous said...

I know a lot about communcations law. BOS has no legal standing. More than Legal Aide, Better Off would be better off visiting a shrink.

a non a miss said...

Thank you Michelle. I think Better Off is right- he is better off single. No one wants to deal with those mommy issues.

Anonymous said...

If the legal system allowed us to sue for every bit of social commentary, then all women on this site could sue BOS for accusing us,women, of enraging men or those who work in law offices of being whores- according to BOS's earlier rant.

AlexT said...

BettorOffSingle is obviously angry at being deprived of an equal opportunity to suck lawyer dick. Everyone has a dream, man. Keep on trying.

yawnathon said...

Head's up, Bros!

gladys kravitz said...

Does someone in this kink look familiar? Ray Gordon, Gordon Ray Parker, come sue me! I'm scared. Oh, but I'm not an underage gymnast. You probably have no interest in me. https://encyclopediadramatica.se/Ray_Gordon

Anonymous said...

Wow you just quoted a website with ties to the hacker group ANONYMOUS (actually a splinter group). The publisher of that site has threatened me by e-mnail.

How nice of you to align yourself with a hacker group, to repeat lies about me, and to do so while using my name so that any other idiot with a search engine finds the lies.

What do you think God will think of you if you are wrong? Does it even matter?

Come sue you? Federal felonies are handled by the FBI, not private lawsuits.

Oh and you linked to a site that misapproprriated my picture. That's a COPYRIGHT violation. Statutory damages for that run up to $150k per violation.

For more background, I was impersonated online by a REAL pedophile who was stalking gymnasts, and rewarded for attacking me by those trying to cover up child abuse in gymnastics. This was years ago but people still repeat the garbage.

This is why I'm glad LeAnn Rimes is taking action against that woman. The nobodies who surf the internet and believe the crap they read back their targets into a corner.

Oh and if anything ever happens to me, you'll be a suspect, and perhqaps liable yourself for incitement.

I'm going to do what I can to have you put you in prison, where you belong.

DewieTheBear said...

Dear BettorOffSingle,

I know it's wrong to play with you at this point; it ain't easy being a cray-cray, certified nut-caboose. So I'll just say it with a .gif.


Anonymous said...


What is being done to me is criminal harassment, defamation, and a copyright violation.

Since they're doing it as a group, it is also CONWSPIRACY. Now it is a conspiracy with one of the largest criminal hacking organizations in the world.

There is no reasoning with these folks any more than LeAnn Rimes could reason with her haters. All we can do is report everything to the authorities and file lawsuits. My hand is being forced.

Does anyone REALLY think I did what I was accused of? Does anyone even CARE if they are wrong? If not, they deserve every ounce of legal liability they bring upon themselves, and god forbid if anything serious happenss to me, everyone involved could easily face even worse liability.

The people doing this need to take a step back and see just how serious the consequences of their behavior might be. It's liike those school bullies who get caught up in the moment when bullying, then try to act like they aren't to blame when it's time to be held accountable.

Just remember, I didn't start this, and none of you have any proof whatsoever of the lies you are telling.

Anonymous said...

That you cowards don't sign your name to your postings says a lot.

When I file suit, your names will be attached to your hate speech, and the difference will be that what turns up about YOU in google will be true.

What's being done to me is not "playing." It's a FELONY.

It's very easy to bully someone anonymously from behind a monitor. I don't hide online; these cowards do.

If you're all so sure you are telling the truth and acting right, why not put your names behind what you say? That you're not willing to do this says you're just anonymous cowards for whom the system should have no sympathy.

Anonymous said...


Perception of mental illness is a protected class. People here used term tthat indicate bias, and they've been harassing me to the point of felony. There is no prior restraint, so anyone can say anything they want, and the justice system has to then react. I can't do anything preemptive.

The publisher of the hate website quoted here has ties to the ANONYMOUS hacking group, one of the FBI's most wanted criminals. They hide their servers in other countries and don't really caer if others dumb enough to quote them take the fall. You're playing into the hands of criminals and child abusers (the ones who impersonated me).

I guess no one here has any belief in God, because God knows all truths, and if God's judgment works the way it says in the Bible, I pity what's in store for some of the folks here.

This is pure harassment and CYBERBULLYING. What I first need to do is subpoena everyone's names here. We have a right to confront our accusers in this country. I've been accused of pedophilia, among other things.

Ever think that maybe the REAL peodphiles are the ones who set this up to fool people like you.

The real danger to children aer the ones who believe the lies, not me.

Anonymous said...

Wow, everyone is so brave when they are anonymous and it's twenty against one.

Let's see how they do in a court of law with their full names attached to their words.

I do know if I KILLED MYSELF over this harassment (believe me others would have by now), people would pretend they never meant anything they did.

The real problem here is ENTY. He should have deleted this thread. At least now I have legal standing to uncover his true identity. Let him put his name behind whathe's allowing.

I guess I'm in good company being called these names, because this type of harassment seems reserved for the A-list.

I went to school with Diane Lane (my cousin's ex-girlfriend), and Cynthia Nixon (grade school), and they know I'm not like that. Maybe one day they'll actually speak up against this. My guess is they don't eevn knwo. I wonder how they'd act if they did.

Anonymous said...

Okay, now I have to drop what I'm doing to deal with all the legal stuff I have to file now.

Courts award millions in damages in cases like this. These judgments can't be bankrupted, and the spouses of any married people are along for this ride.

As it's also a CONSPIRACY, all of you are now liable for the conduct of any one of you.

Anonymous said...

Well, the legal process has begun. Both civil and criminal.

It is out of my hands now.

Anonymous said...


Someone on this thread has linked to a hate website about me which contains a link to an alleged FANFIC" (FAN FICTION) essay that I am alleged to have authored.

I am stating, once, for the record, that I am NOT the author of this piece, which was written by a gymnastics fan in 1997 or thereabouts, for the purpose of attempting to destroy my reputation. The original post was made to USENET, from an ISP which I never use.

The author of the posting was a gymnsatics fan who was granted backstage access to the gymnasts at their meets in return for harassing and defaming me. This individual is now thirty years old, a clear threat to underaged girls, and searches of his name turn up nothing (anonymous cowards are google-proof).

Those who have chosen to believe these lies are enabling child abusers, qand are the true threat to children. they are also harming my reputation irreparably, forcing me to seek damages in court. NOt liking someone does not invalidate their rights, as the woman LeAnn Rimes is now suing had to learn the hard way. That woman was loud and brave too, until the process server gave her the legal papers. Her tone is a little different now.

If I had done even a fraction of what I have been accused of, such vile statements concerning me would be understandable, but for people to run with these malicious lies as if they were the truth is beyond credulity, and says much more about those who engage in this conduct than it ever possibly could about me.

I am now drafting a lawsuit against several individuals from this site, in qaddition to a criminal complaint for those who are harassing me based on the false imputation of mental illness. That is a hate crime in Pennsylvania, while anonymous "annoyance" or harassment is a federal felony under 47 USC 223 (h). That law was passed specifically to sanction those who hurl such abuse anonymously from behind their monitors.

People who do this cannot be reasoned with any more than the people who attacked LeAnn Rims could be. That poor woman was forced into psychiatric care because of what she's been enduring, and I'm glad she is standing up for herself.

It is now time to stand up for myself.

If anyone wants to talk to people who knew me long before the internet, they should talk to Cynthia Nixon and Diane Lane. They might sqay I'm a bit odd (all artists are), but I doublt either would ever call me a criminal in any way, shape or form.

My family treated Diane Lane as one of its own during her troubled teenage years. Cynthis Nixon and I shared a grade-school classroom for five years. Neither one ever expressed any horror at being in my presence, nor gave any indication that I was ever a threat to anyone. They sure didn't go running away screaming from me. Cynthia even stopped me on a Manhattan street in 1982 and we flirted for ten minutes.

I would imagine that they aren't thrilled with my dropping their names, but that doesn't mean either would ever vouch for the vile lies told about me here.

The coards on this site who hide behind their montiros may one day have their statements about me turn up whenever any employer, friend, etc. googles them, and for that they will have nothing to blame. In legal documents, I will give MY side of the story, with substantiating evidence.

I have had to stop my work to deal with this attack, at great cost to my work and my money. I will ask a court to allow me to recover every dime of this, plus hefty punitive damanges.

There was once a time when someone could challenge another to a duel to the death (a gunfight) to defend against slander. Libel and slander laws are the modern civil alternative.

Enty should be ashamed of himself for allowing this. To the extent I can hold him liable for what he has done, I will.

Good day.

Ray Gordon
too smart to fail dot com

Anonymous said...

Oh and the site linked to contains a copyright-infringing use of my picture. The picture is registered with the copyright office, so I can file suit for vicarious infringement as well.

Google is very cooperative when it comes to revealing the IP addresses in this situation, and they've logged all of yours. Each comment is also sent directly to my inbos, for further authentication.

Salsa Lover said...

This was all fun to wake up to! Lol.

Anonymous said...

@Salsa lover,

I hope God judges you properly for fidning my being targeted in this fashion amusing.

Salsa Lover said...

I didn't mention you at all. You have no clue what I was referencing. would you like to call me a name?

Anonymous said...

@salsa lover,

God knows what is in your heart. I canonly set a betting line.

To the others, I know it ges very expensive to violate someone's copyright. It's even a criminal offenwse in some cases.

I have such a slam dunk lawsuit over this it's not even funny.

It's like with that woman who recorded LeAnn Rimes. She was just as stubborn, which is why Rimes had to sue her. Funny how her tone changed after that.

Anonymous said...

Oh and the hate website people linked to has a claim that the "jews did WTC."

Anti-semitic? Tsk.

I'm surprised Enty would let something like that stand.

DewieTheBear said...

BOS, I'm curious - the picture on your website, is that a mugshot?

DewieTheBear said...

To amend my comment above, I would suggest something a little less scary looking to represent you visually on your website, BettorOffSingle:

You're welcome.

Anonymous said...


Oh so harass and defame me with one post then try to engage me with another?

Once I get people's names, something Ihave the right to do once they defame me (and they have), their "google history" will one day show that they linked to a webpage that included an allegation that the "jews did 9/11."

Since people are giving credibility to that hate page, we have to assume they are anti-semitic. I think anyone who links in that fashion should stand proudly with their full name behind such statements.

Wonder if anyone in Hollywood might take issue with Enty allowing a link to a site like that to stand. At least once I get his name he can stand proudly as well. I don't think the Jews did 9/11 myself, but that's just me.

See you guys in court.

Anonymous said...

Here's an example of this fine "news source" people call that stupid Encyc*****:


Enty has now allowed a link to a jew-hating website to stand.

Wonder if the sponsors of this site know they are sponsoring anti-smitism now. They will...

Silly Girl said...

OK, NOW would be a good time, Ironman!

auntliddy said...

Whats all this fussin' and a feudin'?

Eeekalicious said...


I think you just summed up your motives very well when you said,

"God knows what is in your heart. I canonly set a betting line".

Baiting people to "bully" you is a pastime and a business for you.

You enter yourself into a thread, especially such a thread where a person has died tragically and there are lots of emotional posts.

You make an outlandish statement to get peoples' attention. When people have been talking about a suicide or tragic death as a group, they will automatically defend the
injured person, and say things to you that they wouldn't otherwise say.

I would guess that you go back in and delete your posts to make it appear that you are the injured party.

Eventually, you threaten legal action.

What happens, though, is that you are taking advantage of people when they are at their most vulnerable. If you were nice, they would do the same for you. You are not trying to get along with people though.

This is all about "betting (your own words)" on the likelihood of your being able to provoke particular people into spewing hatred at you.

When this inevitably happens, you hijack the thread and post things about yourself. You eventually mention that people have told you that they wished that *you* would commit suicide. This comment has almost certainly come from someone trying to protect a fellow poster from hurt.

Your second agenda item is to sell your products, which are misogynist in nature.

I wish you would get yourself some help, because you are obviously a very bright person. With therapy and some medication you could have a more normal life, and you could likely meet a girl normally.

You need to stop threatening people or you are the one that is going to end up in jail.

DewieTheBear said...


Hear, hear!!!


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