Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Your Turn

The first move you watched which you were not allowed to watch. You know what I mean. You spent the night at a friend's house and their parents didn't really care what was watched. If you had been home you would never have been allowed to see that movie. What movie was it and when? And I know everyone has one.


  1. Jerry Springer's Ringmaster... And it was worth every raunchy minute! lol

  2. The Exorcist, back in 1975/76
    Arranged to babysit at a house that had premium cable back in the day when it was a rarity.
    Scared the living crap out of me.

  3. There were several...first one that comes to mind is Porky's.

  4. I was the house whose parents didn't care what they watched! Hah.

  5. Pretty Woman, in the theater...my parents would have freaked out at the time if they had known.

  6. Rawhead Rex. A horror movie that as an adult is more sadly funny than scary, but when it has been FORBIDDEN it must be seen...

  7. Poltergist! The part where he peels his fce off in the beathroom kept me up for weeks! :shudder:

  8. I was going to say Porky's too! and Bachelor Party with Tom Hanks...One of his riskier movies - ha!

  9. Night of the Living Dead

  10. The Shining & I think I was in the 1st grade - I was terrified for YEARS afterwards.

  11. Exorcist here too - skeered the pooters out of me!

  12. It was a double feature The Fury and Suspiria, OMG those films scared the crap out of me.

  13. I can't even remember.

    I do remember my first non-G movie was Batman.

  14. Scream. I am a big pussy when it comes to scary movies and left the room after the phone call when the chick goes outside.

    You know a killer just called you and you fuckinf go outside!!! What the hell! I would be locked in a room with a large knife until the cops showed up. Hahaha.

  15. Making Love with Harry Hamlin and Kate Jackson at a friend's sleepover when I was 10. Really beyond my world view at the time.

  16. Flashdance! All that sex and skin!

    Aliens, Poltergeist, Dirty Harry... Those were totally fine!

  17. I don't know who, my dad or my brother left a home VHS recording of this movie called "Love Line" or "Lovelines"? I was about 5. It was soft porn and I watched it over and over until my mom caught me and I remember her yelling at someone. I had no idea I wasn't supposed to watch it lol

  18. My mom said no way when I asked to see Jaws. So my grandmother took me. Never looked at the ocean the same way again.

  19. Nightmare on Elm Street - I was in 2nd grade. Who honestly rents that for a 2nd grade sleep over?!?! Nightmares for months!

    Probably around that same time I did sneak into my parents bedroom to watch Purple Rain, which I was forbidden to see even though Prince was my very first Love! At the time I still didn't get why it was such a big deal. It was just him singing and being all Prince like. Years later I understood what he was singing.

  20. Steven King's Cat's Eye. Saw it when I was 6 at my cousin's house after all the parents left one afternoon. Scared the crap out of me for years!

  21. I was that house growing up, I was the youngest of 4 and my parents could care less what I watched as long as I was home. But I remember watching Gia when I was young and it was too advanced for my young brain.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Poltergeist III! I still jump over puddles in parking garages.

  24. We couldn't watch ANYTHING that wasn't G. One night at a hotel with HBO, my siblings and I sat through Fade to Black. Creeeeepy.

  25. Psycho -- the shower scene scared the shit out of me, so for a few years after that I showered with the curtain open.

  26. The Blue Lagoon. Love this your turn!

  27. Friday the 13th. @Nolachickee I absolutely get where you are coming from in re: Jaws. Doesn't help that I live practically on top of the beach.

    Completely off-topic, but for those of you interested in the Womens' Team Gymnastics finals in London, a complete list of results/scores can be seen at this link.


    Not going to say who won; going to assume other CDANers want to check it out on tape-delayed prime time.

  28. I can't remember -- my parents weren't that restrictive when it came to movies. But I recall clearly reading the forbidden book Forever by Judy Blume, and mom finding it in my room.

  29. Beverly Hills Cop, when I was five. My sis and I went with our friends (who were also siblings) and their mom. We were originally going to see some family-friendly movie but it was sold out, so we went to BHC instead. My sister made me promise not to tell my folks that we had seen it.

  30. My parents were really lenient on what I was aloud to watch too so what really sticks out is that I wasn't allowed to watch Eddie Murphy's RAW when they rented it.

    I remember thinking that I already knew everything (at age 9 or 10, mind you) so I couldn't fathom what was in that stand-up routine. I don't think I actually saw it until I was in HS.

  31. The summer 9th grade found my dad's porn collection. Invited all my friends over while my mom was out shopping and dad at work. We watched John Holmes, I was in shock, one of my best friends was enamored!!!lol

    "badass kids!!!!"

  32. Porn. Was staying at my Aunt's house and found their porn stash. I was very confused about semen.

    Otherwise, I was pretty much allowed to watch whatever I wanted minus sex stuff. I remember watching the Exorcist, NIghtmare on Elm St, Alien, Jaws, etc

  33. aloud? Shame on me! *allowed*

  34. @Amber My house was that way too.

    The porn was hidden, I found that accidentally..lol

  35. Body Double with Melanie Griffith. My cousin and I were babysitting and saw it on cable. Yowza! Hopefully, the babysittees were asleep. Can't remember that part! Maybe they were true babies.

    My best friend when I was younger had the coolest parents - they'd watch whatever we wanted with us and just made us go out of the room when anything questionable happened. I remember watching Conan with them. Very cool stuff!

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  37. When I was 9, I went to see Star Trek with the day care I was attending. A few of us sneaked into a different theater to see Gilda Live. We got into a ton of trouble.

  38. I was allowed to watch whatever I wanted! But when I had a kid I had all the cousins over for a sleepover there were about ten of them and all between the ages of 9 and 12 well I let them watch videos and I didnt' realize one of them brought over Booty Call and I went in the room and there was major sex on the screen and I freaked out and made them give me the tape so they couldn't watch the rest of it! They were all like "aw aunty this isn't dirty" It was hilarious the way I freaked out because usually I was the cool mom! I had to draw the line somewhere:)

  39. sleep away camp movies at sleepover parties, so scary! also my friend and i rented faces of death when we were younger, while watching the previews, a sex scene came on while her dad was there!???! so embarrassing too what the heck? we fast forwarded it, (vhs tape) and they were bouncing up and down so fast aahh noo!!!

  40. Oh yeah, and thank you Enty for "your turn" I love it!!!

  41. The Lifeguard with Sam Elliot- I got to see him humping on a lady!!!


    Coming Home- the scene where Jon Voight eats Jane Fonda- another life changing moment!

    I am not sure why all my movies have to do with nudity or sex....hmmmmm.

  42. During the 15th anniversary of The Rocky Horror Picture Show, my older siblings rented the VHS cassette and let my sister and I know in no uncertain terms that we weren't allowed to watch it. They went out somewhere and the first thing we did was pop it in the VCR. We were underwhelmed and didn't get it at all. The movie is a bit bleh to me, but my love for the soundtrack has endured.

  43. Children of the Corn. I was 11, at a friend's sleepover.

  44. "Magnum Force" and "Hollywood Knights" on HBO at my aunt and uncle's house when I was around ten.

    When I first saw the nudity I looked at my aunt who shrugged, "Oh well, you'll see boobs eventually anyway".

    Some of the best advice I've ever received.

    First boobs in the theater was "Back to School" with Rodney Dangerfield. Not his boobs, though.

  45. The first 2 or 3 Nightmare on Elm Street movies. My mom was out of town and my dad rented the first one to watch. After he saw me watching through the banister rails he made me promise not to tell my mom and I could watch it with him. I loved it so much he went straight to the store and rented all of them that we're out at the time. I was in maybe 2nd grade. To this day that is one of the best memories I have of my dad.

  46. Porky's II for me...at 13!

  47. "Apocalypse Now" on HBO at a friend's house. My mom wouldn't let us watch anything PG and above. We weren't allowed to watch "Dallas" or "Barney Miller", either, and we were in high school at the time.

    For some reason, she was okay with my seeing "Jaws" when I was 13, probably because our cousin's took my sister and I, and she may not have known. That scared the ever living crap out of me for months afterwards. I was afraid a shark would come up the bathtub drain or toilet. I was not the brightest kid.

  48. Saturday Night Fever. I was 15. My first R. My parents were NOT happy!

  49. Poltergiest. A grade school friend and I watched it (though our parents advised against) and it scared the pants off both of us. Between the clown, evil tree, TV, ghost slime...it still gives me the creeps thinking about it.

  50. This is how old I am...Bonnie and Clyde. Not only did I lie to sneak to the movie, but got caught! My mom always knew when I was lying, it really sucked.

  51. Dirty Dancing. I was raised in a Southern Baptist household and my mom was appalled by that movie. "THAT'S NOT DANCING! THAT'S SEX WITH YOUR CLOTHES ON"! Funny thing, my aunt and uncle were extras in that movie. They are two tables over for the "No one sticks Baby in a corner" scene.

  52. Anonymous11:26 AM

    I guess I grew up with some really strict parents around, because I don't remember ever seeing anything at slumber parties that my parents would have objected to. And my parents weren't permissive, either, so there was nothing cool going on at my house.

    I do remember going to see The Breakfast Club at the theater with my boyfriend when I was 15 and he was 17. It was R-rated, and my parents would NOT have approved, had they known.

  53. Blue Lagoon. Snuck in the theater.

  54. FREDDY i was maybe 10, he scared me

  55. Bonnie and Clyde. My mom hated anything with guns and violence. Now that I am old, I do,too.

  56. @Redheat. Have a Werther's Original with me. We are both old!

  57. Midnight Cowboy. It had an X rating when it first was realeased. My folks were very lenient with movies for the most part and took me to almost everything. I saw it years later. I'm not a youngster. ;)

  58. Hotel New Hampshire! Started an obsession with me & John Irving.

  59. I was babysitting next door and watched the VHS tape of Devil in Miss Jones. 14 year old girls should NOT watch this movie.

  60. Snuck in to see Carnal Knowledge, my first R rated film.

  61. Clueless. I was 8.

  62. I really don't know! It's kind of a non-issue for me though; my parents wouldn't let me watch scary movies because they knew how scared I'd be, and I knew too so I didn't really want to watch them. Still don't, really. And, well, since I grew up in Sweden, nudity and sex in movies wasn't really a big deal, I'd never be banned from watching a movie because it had sexuality in it.

  63. You're old? How about 13 Ghosts (the super-lame 1960 original) that my dad said was "too scary for you!" It came on TV one night, I watched it, and was terrified; years later I saw it again and laughed at how ludicrous the "special" effects were.
    The Owl and the Pussycat was an R-rated movie I snuck into when I was about 13, thought it was kinds racy but w/out nudity or sex.

  64. Officer and a Gentleman - oh I feel old

  65. Fast Times at Ridgemont High! The sex scene. I felt soooooo grown-up.

  66. Police Academy.

    I'm so ashamed. :(

  67. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Well I saw Alfred Hitchcock's "Frenzy" and that was not a good thing for me and I saw "The Graduate" in the theatre when I was underage.

  68. Mine was Zapped, with scott baio and willie aames.

    Hanging my head in 80's shame.

  69. Mine was Zapped, with scott baio and willie aames.

    Hanging my head in 80's shame.

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. Love Story. I stayed over at a friend's and the older teenagers took us all to see it at the movies. I was about 12. The cursing and sex scenes were quite verboten, and of course made me feel so grown up.

  72. Looking back, I think I was more like 10 or 11. It was 1970. Have no idea how I got in!

  73. The Exorcist and I'd wished I'd listened to my mother.

  74. Keep away! The sow is mine!

  75. @ BigMama... I forgot about an "Officer And A Gentlemen"! That was definitely my first.

    I have no recollection of this because I was very young but my parents actually took me with them to see that in the theater. (Suspect parenting choice maybe, but as I mentioned earlier...they were very lenient parents in most regards.)

    Anyhow, apparently during a sex scene I loudly asked, "Daddy what are they doing!?!" His response was that they were "wrestling" which is joke in my family to this day.

  76. I grew up watching scary movies, so I saw the Freddie's, Chucky's, and Halloween's all before I was 10. I remember seeing most of the big ones. But the movie I wasn't supposed to see that I don't even remember how I saw it, was Showgirls. And that extremely exaggerated sex scene.

  77. Ooo! Mine was the house where we did things we weren't supposed to. 9 1/2 weeks and Basic Instinct for a double feature.

  78. Purple Rain. I remember watching watching it like, why is this forbide.... Oh.

    My mum never did find out!

  79. This is really an entertaining 'your turn', I like reading everyone's responses :)

    We had a satellite dish when I was about 15, and my parents used the parental controls to disallow R movies...but that didn't block out anything that was unrated, or rated XC-17. So I watched Wide Sargasso Sea. It wasn't nearly as worth it as I had hoped, even though there was a full-frontal shot of Nathaniel Parker. I remember my mom letting me watch a TV version of Fatal Attraction when I was home sick from school one day, and I couldn't have been older than 9 or 10. It was a bit much, since the content is decidedly adult, even without the sex scenes.

  80. My cousin and I snuck out of my grandma's 75th birthday party to watch Summer Lovers on HBO.

  81. Butterfly with Pia Zadora. I was like 8, 10? Thank god I couldn't wrap my little brain around it. I just thought it didn't make sense, but ooh she showed her boobies.

  82. My childhood predates VCR's and cable. All TV came from local TV stations. So the only way to see R rated movies was to sneak into a theater. My sister hid me in her trunk to go to a drive in theater to see The Exorcist in 1973 when I was 14. My parents had taken me to see the R rated The Godfather and Blazing Saddles prior to this but there's no way they were going to let me see The Exorcist.

  83. Hard to say what was Taboo...I saw Bonnie and Clyde when it came out too and when the woman got her eye shot out that really got to me. I will say I think it was "The Exorcist" and it scared the shit out of me for the longest time. I was a very good Southern Baptist girl and believed very strongly in the debil!!

  84. Pet Cemetery and Ghost. Lol.

  85. That would be Purple Rain and The Blue Lagoon for me.

  86. I didn't have to sneak out to watch it. I crept down the hall and watched from the bathroom at the top of the stairs. It was that Lizzie Borden movie with Elizabeth Montgomery. Even though it wasn't gory (that I can remember), I had nightmares. I could not get that stupid rhyme out of my head: Lizzie Borden took an axe and gave her mother 40 whacks ...

    Ugh. I don't know why it bothered me so much.

  87. Porky's
    The Van

    The Movie Channel=hedonistic fun for the tweeners

  88. Omg! Zapped! Summer Lovers! Yes! I snuck these and more when my parents got HBO in the 80s.

  89. The Exorcist! It was banned by the Catholic Church.

  90. At six: Flashdance. My older cousins convinced my mom "it's only dancing" which is hilarious. My parents were really strict. Really.Strict. I wasn't allowed to read Sweet Valley High in high school or watch anything except Nick at night on tv. Ever.

    At 8: "Purple Rain" at a friend's house.

    At 14: The original "I Spit On Your Grave". I was at a friend's house and her dad was like wtf are you guys WATCHING, this is awful, but he didn't stop us. I wish he would have. That movie was terrible.

  91. @winnyfranfran I LOVE that movie! =)

    I won't count the porn my cousins and I happened upon when I was 10--'twas merely an afternoon that took an odd turn.

    My first premeditated movie rebellion was when I was 12 or 13, for Endless Love. I was supposed to see Superman II with a friend. Our moms dropped us off at the mall, we found an older kid to buy our tickets because someone was actually checking IDs at the box office. We slunk into our seats and spent the rest of the time MORTIFIED by the awfulness.

  92. 3rd grade? Dirty Dancing at a friend's house. I kind of busted myself. My mom was PISSED.

    I'll never forget when I was living in NY one summer, my grandma was visiting. I was watching Overboard and Grandma walked in on the scene where Goldie Hawn had a thong on an went running into the kitchen to tell my mom I was watching porn. ;) Oh, Grandma!

  93. At 16, "Saturday Night Fever"...snuck in with my best friend. The music and dancing made me swoon--but it was the first time I had heard the "C-word". It made my stomach hurt. I didn't even know what it meant, really, but I thought it was so ugly.

    See You Next Tuesday!! xx

  94. Poltergeist. My dad took me and my brother to visit his parents, and we convinced him to take us to see it, even though we knew my mom would NEVER have allowed it.

  95. Oh, and my brother's friend's father took us to see Excalibur when I was 10 and the boys were 7. I don't know what the fuck he was thinking.

  96. I was at a friend's house who had HBO and 16 Candles was on. I knew I was not allowed to watch it and told her; she said it was her favorite movie and I wouldn't get in trouble if I never told anybody I'd watched it. That wouldn't work for me; I was aware of my rules and very worried about breaking them. I told her that wrong is wrong even if nobody finds out, and I rode my bike home. We weren't friends after that, sadly. My parents trained me very well. My sister, on the other hand, found a way to see everything my parents told her she shouldn't, just to find out why.

    In ninth grade, I wanted to see Breakfast Club and my mom called my Sunday School teacher who had seen it to find out why it was rated R, and to get advice on whether I should see it. Half a year later, she'd completely forgotten the big discussion we'd had before she let me see it, and "just found out" it had been rated R, so I was in trouble even though at the time we'd gone through a lot of effort to get permission BECAUSE it was rated R. So unfair.

  97. Dirty Dancing. I was 11 or 12 and stayed the night at a girlfriends house. I never got caught, but if I had, it would have been worth it. I still love that movie!!!

  98. I am tripping balls and recalling how when I watch Rocky Horror that first time, I just thought that Frank-N-Furter was just a really weird guy.

    My and my sister both loved Tim Curry from Clue(we were/are big fans), and less so from Annie so this role coming from him kind of took us off guard.

  99. Clan of the Cave Bear. lol

  100. IN the Realm of the Senses; mid-teens and no idea how we got into the theater. Whoa.
