Monday, July 30, 2012

Your Turn

What is on your DVR? How much room do you have left on it?


  1. Nothing. I have achieved Nirvana.

  2. All Olympics. They have taken over my life.

  3. I don't have DVR. If I'm not home when it happens, I don't see it. When I did have it, I taped way too much stuff, way overboard.

  4. Agent - showoff.

    I watch everything I dvr the day after I record it. Otherwise it sits there. My husband, however, has 10 episodes of Psych. Why he doesn't watch them, I don't know.

  5. I don't have one and don't want one. Back in the day, I used to tape shows on actual tapes, VHS. And you know what? I never watched them. Just because the technology advanced doesn't mean I'll be any better and watching. If I don't see it during the broadcast, I don't see it. And someone, life goes on.

  6. Lesseeeee...I know we have at least one Nic Cage movie, a number of Olympics things, a bunch of basketball documentaries, all episodes of The Client List unwatched, Louie, that Ricky Gervais show, some episodes of Say Yes To The Dress...all kinds of randomness. We have 20% left.

  7. Nothing right now, there's nothing good on during the summer!

  8. I have 3 throughout the house because I travel so much that I usually full up the one in my bedroom rather quickly right now its got episodes of True Blood, some realty TV and a couple of movies I wanted to see in the theater but never got a chance to.

  9. A bunch of judge Judy!
    Pawn star(my bfs fav)
    Project runway
    Ru Pauls drag race when it's on
    Otherwise I have 56% available.

    If I had Stars I would have all the new and old weeds :( but I don't. And missed last season.

  10. Right now, I have some Turner's Classic Movies (42nd Street, Born Yesterday, Sullivan's Travels), the season finale of Gossip Girl, last night's Mob Wives Chicago, and the three new Ab Fab episodes

  11. Hell On Wheels, Walking Dead, Doctor Who w/David Tennant, Outlaw Josey Wales, and Hatfields and McCoys.

  12. Louie, Wilfred, project runway, 30 rock, and Alien

    Oh and an animal planet special called Kittens. I watch it when I need a pick me up.

  13. Its filled with old Threes's Company and Who's the Boss episodes currently. And Quantum Leap. Love me some Dr Sam Beckett!

  14. Anonymous10:19 AM

    On the DVR in my bedroom, I actually have very little. A few episodes of Storage Wars (don't judge me), last night's Secrets of a Manor House on PBS, one House Hunters International and an episode of Queen and Country.

    On the DVR in the family room, it's a whole other story. The entire last seasons of both White Collar and Hawaii 5-O my brother and I haven't watched yet. The Hangover II (we watched it, my brother wantd to keep it), a couple of episodes of The X-Files that are my favorites, and X-Men Origins and some episodes of Auction Kings we haven't watched yet.

    My mother records absolutely everything and watches it later so she doesn't have to sit through commercials. This includes stupid shit like multiple episodes of Sabrina the Teenage Witch that I know she's already seen 20 times, and what seems like 50 hours of The Gaither Gospel Hour along with our pastor's televised sermons (she's been very ill and hasn't been able to go to church). At any given time, she doesn't have more than 10% available on either of her DVRs. It's a sickness.

  15. Nothing! Don't have a DVR. Don't even have cable. I seem to have cable for a year and hate that there's nothing on. Then I go 3 years without cable and end up missing it. Then a year with, 3 without. It's a stupid cycle.

  16. hubby and I decided against one, no sense in being a slave to your TV

  17. At the moment, way too many hours of the Olympics. I need to get caught up.

    If I don't I'm going to need to delete the final week of OLTL that denial is forcing me to keep.

  18. No DVR - I got rid of cable 2 or 3 years ago, when I let my inner pirate loose. Arr, matey. But the funny thing is that I only watch 3, maybe 4 shows anymore. Getting rid of cable was one of the best decisions I ever made. Now my kids go outside to play twice as much and I get twice as much time to surf the internet ;)

  19. We have an homage to Virginia Tech, my husbands an alum. The King's Speech which we haven't watched yet.

    My husband works nights so we record everything he wants to see, and watch it the next day. Probably 80% left.

    I did save the episode of Glee with Lea Michelle singing with Idina Menzel, lovely.

  20. Burns and Allen from Antenna TV and Late, Late Show with Craig Ferg ... also Suze Orman. half full.

  21. I watch everything either on demand or dvr'd most stuff is watched and deleted however i've saved every ep of last seasons parks and rec & happy endings. The two shows when nothings on I can watch over and over again and still adore!

  22. I barely watch any tv, so no need for a DVR.

  23. Lots of kids movies & programing for my son. Those are life-savers. I stopped recording series because I never watched them & took up all the memory.

    For me I have A New Leaf with Walter Mathau, which is one of the funniest movies I've ever seen. I'm sad that I'm about to move and that movies is not on dvd for some crazy reason!

  24. "True Blood" and "Weeds" for the time being.

  25. I had a lot of old crap that I recently deleted; but I've got Bravo stuff, Project Runways, Selling New York.

    I wonder if the last ep of All My Children is still on there??

    I'm bad about recording and then not watching.

  26. Add me to the "no cable" list.

    If I DID have a DVR, it'd be full of Adult Swim. I go to bed too early.

  27. Nothing whatsoever. I've no idea how it works :). We do have some dvd's though, mainly series like Numbers and House, some other movies, and kid's stuff.

  28. Breaking Bad
    Knitty Gritty
    Knitting Daily
    Powerpuff Girls
    Aqua Teen Hunger Force
    Veronica Mars
    Mad Men
    The Walking Dead (yes, I hold onto old episodes as long as I can)
    Sherlock (PBS)
    Sherlock Holmes (RDJ's first)

    I have 78% space left. I think our new DVR must have a lot bigger hard drive than the last one...

  29. I think I'm at around 40% capacity. I have some oldish Boxing matches, Dateline, 20/20, 60 minutes, Real Housewives of New Jersey, True Blood, and Weeds.

  30. We got rid of cable a few years ago and now it's Netflix or just stream it through the computer we attached to the tv. Matter of fact tonight I will catch up on last nights breaking bad, trueblood, and falling skies. Then tomorrow night will be the closer. Can't wait till September when SOA comes back on.
    On another note, I just spent the past week watching the whole Lost series. Now I'm bummed cause I don't have any more to watch.

    1. I love LOST! Its the only tv show that I own every season on dvd. I understand, I got the sads majorly when it ended.

  31. I’ve got several hours of Peppa Pig, Tom and Jerry, Daffy Duck, Top Cat Pingu the Penguin and Tex Avery cartoons. Not for my own *cough* personal use.
    I always keep plenty of cartoons coz if I have my young relatives sleeping over, there’s always something availlable after they’ve exhausted themselves, me and hubby. Nothing like a rib-tickling child-like belly laugh! I don’t know how much space is left. That really is beyond my Tom and Jerry-style intellect!

  32. Project Runway season premiere
    "head" (the monkees movie)
    A Big Brother episode
    Dallas (which I would like to watch someday)
    An old Glee Project episode from 3 weeks ago

    1. Have you watched Head? I was obsessed with the monkees and that movie was seriously odd but I'd watch it all the time when I was younger.

  33. Breaking Bad
    Newsroom (my new fave show!!!)
    True Blood
    The rest are old westerns that my husband HAS to see lol

  34. nothing. i have it and it's pointless...never use it.

  35. Whale Wars, Deadliest Catch, Paula Deen, Pioneer Woman & a local show called Full Plate. Along with some Olympics and 1 or 2 movies taken from SyFy - my son is hooked on the movie monster flicks on that channel so I humor him and watch them with him. I think one of the latest was called Piranhaconda. Total wastes of time but hey, my son loves having "Mom" watch it with him :D

  36. Breaking bad, down to 30%

  37. All kinds of crap reality tv that I can't ge enough of. Big Brother, Housewives, Big Rich Texas, etc. American Pickers, Ghost Adventures, Ghost Hunters, Storage Wars, Intervention, Hoarders, Mysteries at the Museum, True Blood, Weeds, Dexter, Bill Maher, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Boardwalk Empire. And of course shows for our young daughter like Mickey, Max & Ruby, My Little Pony, Winx Club, Disney movies, Jake & the Neverland Pirates, Scooby Doo, The Amazing World of Gumball and too many others to list. We are always at capacity, but working on getting an external hard drive so we can have endless hours of tv. Yep, we are slaves to our tv. It's a nice escape from the sometimes rat race we find ourselves in.

  38. Tons of movies from TCM(Casablana, This Property is Condemned, etc.) and the last 2 episodes of Lost that I will never delete!

  39. I don't have a DVR. I like to be surprised, I guess.

    @AKM - My husband and I are HUGE Quantum Leap fans!

  40. Blues Clues - for the kid, obvi.

    A whole bunch of cooking programs: Nigella, some Barefoot Contessa, French Food at Home, Bitchin' Kitchen.

    I DVRd some of The Five last week, but truth be told, I only watch it live. I watch that a lot right now because I'm off from teaching and I'm actually free at 5 p.m.

    Also watching Thew Newsroom but that's on On Demand. I need to start on Project Runway. Is this season good?

    My husband kind of crams up the DVR with his coma-inducing shows: Ghost Hunters (This show could be grounds for filing for divorce, honestly), Deadliest Catch and a whole bunch of nonsense from MLB, ESPN and other sports-related networks.

  41. About 30 episodes of Roseanne for a rainy day.

  42. ALWAYS have on DVR= Season 4 (the Getaway), Season 5 episodes and some of season 6 of DEXTER

    Daily recordings: TMZ, TMZ LIVE, Tosh.0, The Soup, NY Med, 60 minutes, Big Bang Theory, Political Animals

    I am a total slave to tv, i love it! My DVR is 86% free by Sunday nights

  43. True blood
    Walking dead
    YO gabba gabba
    Clifford the big red dog

  44. I have 2 DVRs one in the living room and one in my bedroom.


    too much tv i'm being overtaken by tv it's pathetic, but I love it.

    Burn Notice,Suits,Project Runway,Dancemoms,Jeopardy,the view,
    bachelorpad,closer,housewives,kardashians,hells kitchen,masterchef,so u think u can dance,topchef masters/just to name a few haha

  45. I have all classics & the Bugs Bunny Cartoons from two years ago when they had a marathon on New Years Day! Also some crap that my family taped, but if it is still on there in say two weeks or so it is getting deleted! I like to have it at 50% full just in case I need to tape something:) I am very possesive of my DVR!

  46. Oh, I love and adore my DVR. Couldn't live w/o it.
    I think I have 36% right now.
    I have Three's Company episodes, a few movies from HBO to catch up on, movies I keep for hard times like Easy A. The new Fear Factor, SYTYCD and an epi of Big Brother to watch I missed while at the beach. My little dude records Pheneas and Ferb, Ninjago the NASA chanel and some others on the sly all the time and that eats up tons of memory. I know there's more, but can't think what right now.

  47. YnR(I'm usually behind at least 10 eps), Chopped, Globe Trekker, America's Test Kitchen, and lots of movies. I never have more than 10% available space.

  48. Mythbusters, Top Gear UK, Masterpiece Mystery, Restaurant Impossible, Nature ...

  49. Big Bang Theory, 30 Rock, Parks and Recreation, CSI (LV and NYC, not Miami), and SVU, Deadliest Catch, Kitchen Nightmares.
    All-American Muslims, of course. Don't have access to any Gypsy shows or Dance Moms.

    Oh, and AbFab.

  50. Filled with classic movies that aren't shown very often ('20's, 30's,'40's, some more recent) most of which I'm saving for a rainy day.

  51. Don't have a DVR because I use my PC as my entertainment center. Out of 7TB I have about 600GB left. The majority of it is anime, but I have Farscape, Battlestar Galactica, Twilight Zone, a smattering of movies and the Insanity workouts.

  52. True Blood (which for some reason sucks this season)
    The Newsroom (which has become a very good show)
    House Of Lies
    Real Time With Bill Maher
    Re-runs of Two Guys A Girl And A Pizza Place
    The Daily Show
    30 Rock
    Aqua Teen Hunger Force.
    Big Brother.

    1. Totally agree about trueblood. Seems like they are making it up as they go and it's just spinning out of control. Too many things going on and not enough time spent on each plot. Seems like its just spread too thin.

  53. Jason, yes! What is with it this season? Can we wrap up this Terry and the smoke monster business? Sorry that has lost my interest. But do give me more Vampire Tara.

  54. A lot of 3D stuff. The DVR is filling up this week with 3D Olympics events. Also some festival concerts off Palladia waiting to be burned to BluRay. Two series get recorded but I watch & delete them pretty fast: "Awkward" and "iCarly".

  55. 7% available...
    I have recorded all 165 eps of "I Love Lucy" (this is what I'm doing until hubby breaks down and buys me the boxed set - I refuse to delete them). Also: True Blood, Newsroom (new FAVE show), Girls, Chopped, MasterChef, Weeds, Chopped: Grill Masters, Deadliest Catch (hubby's obsession), Pawn Stars, The Virgin Diaries, and Toddlers and Tiaras.

    This bad, and Fall season hasn't even arrived...


  56. The Big Bang theory
    American Horror Story
    Pretty Little Liars (grandchild's)
    Docs from the Passionate Eye
    The 5th Estate
    various movies I'll get to sooner or later

  57. Never had one...I'm more of an on-demand kinda gal, just buy stuff on itunes and prime. Downton Abbey, Sherlock...Vampire kid's stuff. :)

  58. I cleared most of mine off yesterday, so currently it's 89% free. Only thing I have is The Real Housewives of NYC, No Reservations, Storage Wars and that's it until all my late night talk shows come on.

    My husband has every game from his university's 2011 football season, college football/sports shows, some business/financial shows. And Miami Vice. Sigh.

  59. 86% full. I have every Indy 500 recorded that has been shown on ESPN Classic over the past few years. That takes up a good amount of space. My must see shows are NJ & NY housewives.

  60. Texshan, your post made laugh. And I must have the worlds tiniest dvr, because I don't have even close to the room all of you have! Always have room for my Housewives, project runway, a few gossip girls, big brother (don't judge me), Saturday night lives, the new top chefs and a local PBS show called "check please", where locals recommend and review bay area restaurants.

  61. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Beyond fave movie, Point Break ("that's Bodazaffa, he's a real searcher") I have a menagerie of Lifetime movies and Snapped. I also lurve the ID channel. Yes I'm female LOL

  62. olympics! and some cupcake tv contests the kids watch.

  63. @ smashbash - thinks for reminding me that Project Runway is back on - I need to start watching this season!

    Judge Judy
    Bravo stuff - Real Housewives of NJ and NY
    Big Bang Theory
    Fashion Police

  64. @ Del Riser - that's the only Glee episode I've ever recorded & it's by far the best one.

    104 hrs left. I have True Blood, Louie (the funniest show on tv IMO), Tosh.0, Homeland, last season of RHOBH, Real Time w/ Bill Maher, Oprah's Next Chapters and her Life Classes.

  65. @ Agent**It - show off!

    Season 4 finale of SOA

    Dr. Oz (for my mom)

    Last night’s episode of The Closer, Warehouse 13

    The last few episodes of Falling Skies - It bores me, but I can't stop watching.

    Last week’s Suits, Jane By Design (one of my guilty pleasures), The Glades, Royal Pains

    This week’s episode of Political Animals (great show!), Dallas

    The 2 most current episodes of Breaking Bad, Franklin & Bash, Leverage

    I believe I am at 64% or something around there.

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